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Speak to My Finger
Books I have completed reading since January 2021:

1. The Enchanted - Rene Denfield
Forgotten generation
Saturday. 11.29.14 10:24 am
I like Morning Musume but only the older generations and felt sad that the older generations were still best. I think that's because the agency was smart in having several segments to feature the members own personality.

In this video, I find it sad.. or actually.. feeling don't members feel embarrass to keep singing those songs after their graduation for like over 10 years ago? And the way they dressed... wow... don't really reflect their age... it's like depicting a bunch of ladies that cannot forget their golden moments...

And then seeing the present generations... they are actually quite good with their energetic dance. The standard for this group has indeed gone up. And the director of morning musume did mention before that their strategy is to brand the group with their dance.

I watched other videos of the younger generations. They all can sing...

That's great news. I shall watch them closely. =)

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Academia nuts
Sunday. 11.23.14 8:48 am
Right, someone must have eaten lots macadamia nuts.

I wrote a research proposal after graduated 10 years ago. And.. I approached an associate professor about the proposal after he suggested me to look into the Social Exchange Theory.

I read it and I found 'what the hell' that someone could come up with such theory. It was interesting yet confusing to comprehend fully in-depth and to apply.

So anyways, I wrote it and sent to two lecturers. One of them is the associate professor. He asked for a meet up and I appeared.

He has a lot of feedback but throughout he kept on apologising if he was too blunt. The feedback was not really blunt but luckily it was constructive. And he said... oh well let me summarise:

Your proposal is laughable so please don't share it with others.

Ok. I cried for a few seconds. And then I went to another lecturer who I wished she would supervise me but she has resigned. What a pity. I went over to her office and sought solace in the hot choc and cake. And she came up with a framework for me to consider.

And she said it was not that bad. I have written a framework of my idea and so it just needed some tweaking. It didn't deserve his comment. And the proposal has to be one page not some 3000 words he kept repeating that I didn't do so.

And he wished me luck in getting it right in one month.


And then he commented that I am bringing an industrial problem to the academic world hence it's a no-no. I got to speak the 'academic' language so bringing an earthly problem is a no-no. And then he said he was from the commercial world and now speaking the language.

If that's the case, why do people go to university for study when it is not applicable in the real world when the real world does not speak the academic language?

Right, he must have eaten too much of macadamia nuts. Or I not enough to reach his standard.

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Manga ended
Saturday. 11.15.14 6:45 am

Naruto has ended after more than years. I finished reading it today. And I didn't cry... but I feel the few chapters before chapter 700 were done in a rushed. The sequence of actions were not clear and leave a lot to the readers imagination to comprehend. I am very happy with the pairing though I don't vote for anyone to be with anyone in particular but it was truly happy ending. There will be a sequel to fill in the gap of the millions of readers. Neji died. I am sad for him.

The next manga I decided to complete is Gakuen Alice. My other favourite which was equivalently exciting. For this, I CRIED. Sad and not very happy ending but good. And I hope there's a sequel because it looks in that direction...

What's next?

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Lottery no
Friday, November 14, 2014
Well, recently, a potential client asked me if I could give lottery numbers with my tarot cards and I said no. I said if he wanna be rich, it's better start doing some investment or do some business as those area. If not, just train his own intuition to get rich. And then he said he and I are not psychic so it's impossible. And then the next day, he asked if I were psychic.

And now I don't know if I am just being nice in attending to his query.

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Monday. 11.10.14 3:35 am
A few months back, I hit my invisible ceiling that I almost went nuts because I was suffocated with life affairs. All I wanted to do was nothing. I just wanna have a break from life but I have just returned from a short trip during my birthday. Should not that be sufficient? Unfortunately, no. And my thirst for escapade came hit back stronger. I just wanna go somewhere I can be isolated from others like by the beach and at the same time I can meditate - to be in touch with nature.

I tried googling for such places and found them to be luxurious services. There is one in Nepal that you need to reach there by helicopter and they charge USD 1000 per night. Quite ridiculous right?

I talked to my friend from the US and she suggested monastery in countries like Japan, Thailand and India and even China. Sounds so cool!

Yes, shukubo sounds good! It means monastery stay in Japanese. I heavily considered Japan despite of the radiation leak there but it seems to be my most viable choice given the safety and cleanliness. I know I am a freak but I can't help it when I am traveling alone.

Perhaps I shall try going to Japan. I know my holistic dr will go ballistic if he found out I go there. But we shall see.

I am in need of serene peace. Isolation amongst the trees or sea breeze is what my soul needs.

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Silence discomfort
Sunday. 10.26.14 9:39 am
My Korean collegemate came to the city for the past few days to do his research. I agreed to help him out in looking for some guinea pigs for him to interview. I didn't know it was a lot of work but this entry is not about the hard work. It's about an unmarried woman who happens to be my collegemate too.

On the first night the Korean friend arrived, I took him to meet the unmarried woman for dinner. A night before it, she asked if we could have dinner earlier and I replied it's not my decision but it was not a problem. I didn't realise my other collegemate who could not make it didn't inform the others when I have already told her many nights ago. So when this woman replied I asked if she could inform another friend, she said why so last minute. Geez. It's just a courtesy. It does not matter if she could not make it. I don't want to be branded as a bitch for keeping a friend to herself.

Anyways, on that date, I texted her earlier that we could have dinner earlier as she requested and she replied she will only come the time we promised.

Fine. On the way to the dinner venue, I have already informed the Korean friend that don't mind her she makes lots of noise, which she is famous for. Don't know why... some unmarried women seem to have some psychotic problem. They will complain about everything and want everything to be in their convenience. One of my friends said they need a good sex...

Oh well, when we met, I was, being myself, happy to meet her and said "Hey, let's take selfie to upload!"

Her reply? "Why need to take selfie?" like a teacher telling a student why are you stupid?

So condescending man. But we are talking about unmarried woman. Ok. Fine. They continue talking... but somehow as they talked... I was not included in the conversation.... the whole night for 2.5 hours. She only said two things:

1) Renaye, can you finish this?

Like hell I could. I am allergic to prawns.

2) Oh so yo are going to take him back to the hotel?

Like hell I am going to dump him at the shopping mall and let him go back on his own. And yes... she went home on her own... What? Am I being too nice? That's what my friends said.

And yes... I played tour guide for him for the past three days and he was telling me... can we go elsewhere anywhere but here?


Never mind... he paid for my dinner and transportation and I get to meet some friends I have never met for ages or for the first time!!! Yes, I got people from my FB to be guinea pigs...

And he bought me facial masks. Can la! I am grateful for the experience and the gifts!

And the unmarried woman paid for my dinner. BWAHAHA... because half way in their conversation, I walked out from the restaurant to charge my phone. Haha.

Thank you God!

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