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Robert Zimmerman: Spreading obvious misinformation since 1935!

Au Sujet De Moi (Vraiment!)

Robert Zimmerman

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Location: Are you a stalker?... Wait.      Don't answer that... I'd rather not      know.

Optimistic Pessimism: The glass is half      full of emptiness.

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Welcome to Not Getting Run Over By A Forklift 101. For our first lesson we'll... ack! No. NO! What a terrible way to start the class!

But aren't solar-powered vampires a bit impractical?

Did you know I have somewhere around one hundred forty entires?

The primary function of the United States Coast Guard (besides protecting the borders and patroling national waters) is to travel back in time and battle pirates!

If wishes were squids, then beggars would write. With the ink, you see. The ink of SO MANY SQUIDS.

"It doesn't get any more serious than a Rhinocerus about to charge your ass."
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Realms of Boredom
Saturday 12.10.05 10:51 pm

Yup. I haven't been here in a long time, have I? Well, I'm not dead but there's definitely nothing to write about. For example, the only reason that I'm here is probably because I got sixteen hours of sleep or so and got bored enough to check my little site stats thingy. Since I seem to have a couple people that don't just stumble onto this site with searches for "drunken monkey racing," "he (or she) really needed to pee," or, my favorite, "the function of tea," I figured it'd be nice to update them on stuff... whoever they are.

Lessee. Before y'all get bored with a mini-rant on my life, I'll list and link to a couple highlights: I went to homecoming - here's a picture if you care (Link), then I wrote two new stories: Radical Dreamer and Mystery in Red. And that's the super-condensed story of my life.

What else have I been doing, you ask? Oh... you didn't? Well, too bad - you get to read it. (Assuming you keep reading, because I've given you fair warning at this point.) I've hit up a few concerts, namely Dandy Warhols at the Fillmore, and Nine Inch Nails... somewhere... a while back. They were pretty good, but I got a second-hand high at the Fillmore. Speaking of which, Halloween at Castro was pretty interesting. I was there with a few friends and when we got to the center of the event, we found ourselves in a hotbox... with a two block radius. My eyes were bloodshot for about half a day afterwards. 'Twas cool.

As for school, still not getting any sleep. Yada yada yada. Nada, nada, nada. Harper has begun to despise my writing, McDonnell has started grading me, specifically (according to Bob, the T.A.), harder than the rest of the class... including the people in their final year of French *grumbles*... oh yeah, McDonnell actually grading is news, too. Keller is trying to kill me with his silly history assignments and those tests that I never score over 40/70 on, PreCalc is a bitch - we're learning stuff that my brother never had to, nor does he understand, and he's already done Calc and whatever's beyond that in college... And AP Chemistry is the easiest class in the world. Ah, yes, school sucks.

In other news, I had the skin on my middle right knuckle savagely torn off with a bamboo stick, sloppily cleaned with peroxide or iodine or something, bandaged with some toilet paper and duct tape, and then, when the bamboo hit me again, my thumb refused to move or feel anything for about half an hour. If you want the details on that one, I'll clue you in personally.

I don't really know what else to say... There's some stuff I want, some stuff I don't, but there's really no point in trying to go into depth about it.

Later, DS
~ It is clear now, I've reached the highest summit of my dreams. In this peace found, I lay down...

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It All Comes Back
Sunday 10.2.05 1:48 pm

Wow. It's been a while, hasn't it? School is taking up way too much of my time this year. I sort of settled into a "three to four hours of sleep a night" routine and I seriously think it's going to kill me some time soon. The funny part about all of this is that none of my classes are really that difficult. Sure, AP US History notes take a long time and so does the Chemistry homework, but it's all busy work. Very rarely do I get stuff wrong, unless it's made into analytical thinking, which Keller loves to do to me. But other than that, this year is going to be damn easy.

I've been doing a lot more with my friends these days, helping them with homework and chilling and the like. Not too much that would interest whoever reads this, except maybe having some little kids watch my friend and I kick around a soccer ball. I accidentally kicked too hard, and the ball flew over towards them, at which point all three of them looked at it, then at us, then at the ball again. One picked it up and ran like hell, so we chased him. He kept looking back over his shoulder and everything, but did it one time too many because, unfortunately, he ended up running into a stop sign and falling on his ass, dropping the ball into the street. It was rather amusing, but we were still pretty pissed. We took him back to the park though, since he seemed sulky and we didn't want him getting lost and dying on our part. But that's about it. Nothing else of great interest.

*Sighs* I really have to get back to reading and writing and drawing...

Later, DS

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Die or Dance
Tuesday 8.23.05 8:55 pm

H'okay, so. School is seriously cutting into my attempts at having a social life... It's not all bad, though, since I've still been able to do passably well. A little hanging out, screwing around at home, and finishing my homework at school... That's actually pretty good when you consider my AP load, I guess. I shouldn't've taken that many. They'll kill me.

But what else is up? During the summer, I had a little revelation and I figure I might as well start getting over her so I've been doing just that. Now, it's not to say that if she ever walks up to me randomly and, for some crazy reason, wants to get back together that I'd flat out refuse her... I'd just figure out her motives and quit being a pansy about shit. So as it stands, I've been on about six, maybe seven dates since then and I'm, doing pretty well. Three friends offered to set me up with their friends, too, so I have plenty of options... assuming they aren't all bitches or whiney. But, whatever, I imagine people would get the idea that I'm some sort of love-starved kid of about twelve from reading this so, to set that idea straight, I'm not. I used to be, I suppose... but, as previously stated, I'm working past it.
You should be most inclined to read things past this point.

Ahem. Anyway. I'm heading over to Electric Circus in Monteray on the tenth next month. I'd really love it if someone I knew came with me, but it's all good if no one even reads this. My friends' band kicks ass and I can hang out with them and quite possibly steal the stage if no one else comes with me. :]
Seriously though, if you like electronica or hip-hop, you should hit EC up if you're in the area.

If you've wandered here for an update on my artistry, which would probably mean my writing, I'll start the engines some time soon. I just have to get used to my schedule and figure out how much I can procrastinate... And it doesn't help that my history teacher isn't really going to start book work for a few weeks.

Oh yes, the Yosemite trip was great fun! Inquire about the details if you wish or check out my Flickr for about half the pictures. The rest'll be up in the beginning of next month.

Later, DS
~ I stand on the front line, I have everything to fight for.

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Never Stop Holding On
Wednesday 7.27.05 7:20 am

Woohoo! If you read the shoutbox, you know communication happened! That put me on a high for all yesterday.

So... what has been going on in the life of Robert? Considerably more than I thought there would be. I'm used to really boring summers during which I do nothing but possibly camp - one fun week out of... a month and a half? That's not very fun. But, I digress, I've been doing a lot of crap this summer.

For instance, I was supposed to go down to see Melanie at work, which... didn't work out because I would've had to walk all the way down (to Foster City) since my ride bailed on me. That probably won't sit too well with her. Anyway, I went to see Alda's dog a while ago and, sadly, he doesn't know how to play fetch. What makes it worse is that Kitty, who is younger and, in general, much stupider, plays fetch incredibly well. So, "Ha," to anyone that says you can't teach cats anything.

Oh. My cousin Gen(evieve) got me two Harem Scarem tickets (and transportation and reservations to some fancy hotel)! Apparently Johan is coming too. It's a long story about the second ticket, but you'll pick it up somewhere if you're resourceful enough... I guess...

Uh... I have no idea what else to say. There's a lot more I could say about stuff I've been doing with Alda, but none I'd like to disclose... Went on another date with Jamie... I keep waking up with Kitty grappled to my face... And, beyond that, the usual.

Later, DS
~ If I had a dollar for every time I've been bitten in the face by a porcupine, I'd have... about $3.50.

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Monday 7.18.05 11:42 pm

Phew. Summer. There's way too much going on now and I'm not going to bother blogging all of it. But a couple highlights are always nice to toss out there, eh?

Probably the most interesting thing to happen so far is the loss of my old companions, my shoes. I was with a couple friends, having a bonfire on the beach, and the most unfortunate thing happened - the sole of my right shoe stuck to a rock. Now, it's kinda interesting since I didn't actually realize it until my foot got cold and felt really sandy, at which point I pulled on my shoe to readjust it and it went about halfway up my leg.
Next on the list is staying up until about two watching... Hero? My friends and I saw it in English with English subtitles and... they don't match, which we found incredibly funny because we were so tired. The dialogue we came up with for the movie was much more interesting... or at least the dialogue I came up with. But, anyway, on the way home, I spied a hubcab on the side of the road and more or less jumped out of the car to steal it. It's now hanging on my wall.
Georgio and I pulled an all-nighter watching, you guessed it, French hiphop music videos. Enough said.

Some other random things? I've been on two dates avec Jamie, somehow managed to scrape together enough money for a decent camera with $300 left over for the rest of the summer AND pay the bills - can't beat that, Kitty's still evil and likes the taste of human flesh, Emerald and I have still not spoken and I fear things will remain that way :[, I found a shirt I bought for said person a long time ago..., I finally made my rose shirt, (I love run-on sentences,) etcetera, etcetera.

Oh yeah, it's all about music and drawing in my downtime now. My writing ability slammed into a curb and obliterated itself. That's what I get for hanging on like I do, but, hey, I'm not insane yet, no matter what everyone says. It's worth it, vous putains!

Later, DS
~ Emerald Rain - No Saviour

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Secondhand Light
Saturday 6.25.05 3:22 am

Triumphant? No. That's not a word I could use to describe myself. Something deep within me apparently took it upon itself to make my life a living hell, and leave me none the wiser. I've asked everyone that could've possibly been involved with it if they had been... but everyone said no. It was me, and I've no recollection of the action that formed two more scars. One on the skin, another on my heart.

What will come of this? I couldn't tell you if I knew. I have a feeling the consequences are going to haunt me for all the span my memory can encompass. The vibrant joy I felt all year, being able to be so close to her even with all the distance between us, is fading like the sunset... it's warmth and hospitality slowly drifting below the horizon... So, too, goes my hope.

What support I do have is greatly appreciated, considering all the things I've put those people through... Beating the crap out of Todd for bad-mouthing her was a highlight. There's a lot more to be thankful for than sorry... I may have forever lost the dearest one to my heart, but I have friends who are willing to stand by, people that are willing to listen, even when I paid no heed to them. I don't deserve such luxury.

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