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Robert Zimmerman: Spreading obvious misinformation since 1935!

Au Sujet De Moi (Vraiment!)

Robert Zimmerman

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Location: Are you a stalker?... Wait.      Don't answer that... I'd rather not      know.

Optimistic Pessimism: The glass is half      full of emptiness.

 � Find out more like the stalker you are.

Also, if you think I'm a stalker my IP is: Figure out if I am on your own.


Last Submissons:
Poetry - 23.01.05
Writing - 10.12.05

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Psycho Babble

Welcome to Not Getting Run Over By A Forklift 101. For our first lesson we'll... ack! No. NO! What a terrible way to start the class!

But aren't solar-powered vampires a bit impractical?

Did you know I have somewhere around one hundred forty entires?

The primary function of the United States Coast Guard (besides protecting the borders and patroling national waters) is to travel back in time and battle pirates!

If wishes were squids, then beggars would write. With the ink, you see. The ink of SO MANY SQUIDS.

"It doesn't get any more serious than a Rhinocerus about to charge your ass."
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Die or Dance
Tuesday 8.23.05 8:55 pm

H'okay, so. School is seriously cutting into my attempts at having a social life... It's not all bad, though, since I've still been able to do passably well. A little hanging out, screwing around at home, and finishing my homework at school... That's actually pretty good when you consider my AP load, I guess. I shouldn't've taken that many. They'll kill me.

But what else is up? During the summer, I had a little revelation and I figure I might as well start getting over her so I've been doing just that. Now, it's not to say that if she ever walks up to me randomly and, for some crazy reason, wants to get back together that I'd flat out refuse her... I'd just figure out her motives and quit being a pansy about shit. So as it stands, I've been on about six, maybe seven dates since then and I'm, doing pretty well. Three friends offered to set me up with their friends, too, so I have plenty of options... assuming they aren't all bitches or whiney. But, whatever, I imagine people would get the idea that I'm some sort of love-starved kid of about twelve from reading this so, to set that idea straight, I'm not. I used to be, I suppose... but, as previously stated, I'm working past it.
You should be most inclined to read things past this point.

Ahem. Anyway. I'm heading over to Electric Circus in Monteray on the tenth next month. I'd really love it if someone I knew came with me, but it's all good if no one even reads this. My friends' band kicks ass and I can hang out with them and quite possibly steal the stage if no one else comes with me. :]
Seriously though, if you like electronica or hip-hop, you should hit EC up if you're in the area.

If you've wandered here for an update on my artistry, which would probably mean my writing, I'll start the engines some time soon. I just have to get used to my schedule and figure out how much I can procrastinate... And it doesn't help that my history teacher isn't really going to start book work for a few weeks.

Oh yes, the Yosemite trip was great fun! Inquire about the details if you wish or check out my Flickr for about half the pictures. The rest'll be up in the beginning of next month.

Later, DS
~ I stand on the front line, I have everything to fight for.

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The Spirit of Christmas
Friday 12.24.04 1:43 pm

I'm going to go out and basically carol with this group I found for two days straight in a bit. I might as well make a difference to someone, right? Well, anyway, I wrote my first poem in three months and a story to empty myself of negative feelings and the like, which I think was a good idea. I actually feel pretty decent at the moment - besides being a little sick. So here's my poem because I'm too lazy to update my module.

Clairvoyant Elegy
Robert Zimmerman

I should have left it all behind me
But there some things that people
Just seem drawn to - like I am with you.

Nothing’s stopping me
From reaching toward
The highest peak
From reaching towards you.

Now I see
That there are so many things
That you incite in me.
Like the sun
In a growing flower
I’m connected to your light.

Why can’t I move on?
I does me no good
To sit and write to mourn.
But some things
Simply aren’t worth giving up
Like the way you make me feel.

I should have left it all behind me
But there some things that people
Just seem drawn to - like I am with you.

I should have gone
When you ceased to sing your song
But I have hope,
That you will sing again –
If not so loud or strong –
Deep inside.

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