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What IS love, exactly?
Wednesday. 10.8.08 9:36 pm
Before I say anything, I'd like to point out that I'm not driving at any specific point or answer, I'm really just trying to get some wondering down. It's distracting from these wonderful literature logs my teacher assigned to me. So.

First, I'd like to kind of define love. Love, as I see it, is putting somebody else before yourself. Investing time and energy to do somebody a favor that will possibly not be returned. When ever you go out of your way to be nice to someone, you're loving somebody. The smaller the favor, the smaller the love, but it's still love, technically.

There are forms of love, like in a parent-child relationship, or between friends, that can make us "be more loving" to a person, even to the point of discipline. (Yes, I deem discipline a loving action, as long as it is just and useful.) Let's call that Brotherly Love, because, except for parents/children, it makes us as brothers and sisters. You watch out for them. You enjoy their presence. When you exclaim, "I love you guys!" you really mean you would do anything for them.

And that's what friendship is, at its heart. Brotherly (sisterly) love on a small to large scale.

Now, being "in love" with someone is a whole other creature. I'll call it Romantic Love. (Original, I know!) I kind of want to say that it's an outgrowth of Brotherly Love (INCEST!), but stronger. But that's not really true. Marriage, the real pinnacle of Romance (I heartily maintain that, sorry) is a bonding of two people. Mind, soul, body. It's not just MORE than friendship, it's also DIFFERENT. I wonder how many failed marriages would have been great friendships.


And what's with romantic relationships these days? Why is there this...system to work through? Especially in high school. Are we trying to imitate marriage or something? That's a scary idea, looking at all the failed relationships in high school. Why does the word "dating" no longer mean "going on dates with"? A date is two people going out alone and enjoying each other, whether it be out to eat, a movie, or just a walk in the park. That's all. Whatever feelings of infatuation or attraction are there, great. Act on them. Love each other. But there's no need for all these rules. Just be happy with each other. When I "ask a girl out", I ask her if she wants to go somewhere with me, not ask her to sign a freaking contract.

Now, don't get me wrong. Cheating, juggling, whatever, is always bad, "social contract" or not. If someone is sharing their self with you, then you need to respect it. Not based on whether you're "dating" someone, but based on basic morals. Unless, of course, you're "dating" for sex, in which case you're already in a barrel of eight kinds of crap.

Now, when two people are "dating" pretty seriously, and want it to be known, then the whole boyfriend/girlfriend factor comes into play. But it should be a product of spending time with each other. Letting the romance grow. Not something that comes BEFORE.

OK, rant over. Bed time.

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The Subway
Thursday. 10.4.07 10:08 pm

I love the Blue Man Group. Their music is great, and they're witty. Plus I just like the way they act. Heh.

Things could be better. But if they were, it'd be wrong. So...

They could be a lot worse. :D

Not much else to say. Except that I'm terribly behind on homework tonight.

I'll get over it.

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Typical Friday
Saturday. 10.6.07 12:41 am
I have to say, this has been the best "typical Friday" I can recall. Not that it was a GREAT day, but it was certainly nice. Here's the breakdown.

Block 1: Intro to Engineering. Normally, we're driven hard all period, working on the computers. This entails me doing about 2 minutes of work, and then getting up to help someone else. One person in particular is, well, particularly pissing me off. He needs help almost literally EVERY step of the way, even though there's a tutorial. I mean, I've never even heard of this before. If I can figure it out from a step-by-step tutorial, then you can too. Especially since I skipped a ton of the steps. Heh.

Today's Schedule: We had a sub. I think that explains it all. The class is mostly smart ass freshmen. There was chaos, and...that's about it. ONE good quote, though...the annoying one, who can't get his pants on? Well, I'm not the only one he annoys. There's a junior who sits next to him and basically makes fun of him.

"Hey, Steve-o! Why is this guy so mean to me? What's his problem?"
"He doesn't like freshmen."
"What's his name?"
"Three and a Half."

Block 2: Physical Science. Actually, we never do a lot in this class. The teacher plans a ton of free time, or something. We do a few activities, and then are let loose. As long as we don’t cause too much havoc. Actually, we spent one day “studying digestion” with McDonald’s, Duncan Donuts, and Bojangles. He’s pretty cool.

Today’s Schedule: We went over a test. That took about 15 minutes. Then we had the rest of our 1 hour 30 minute period to do whatever we want. We made:
A paper penis
A paper vagina, colored red to honor Angela Williams. Please don’t ask.
I wrote on my hands. The left hand says “Cracka, please.” The right says “This is my dominant hand, cracka.”

Third Block: English. This is the class with the crazy teacher. It’s hard.

Today’s Schedule: We finished a movie after taking a vocabulary quiz. Not much else to report.

Fourth Block: Geometry. This is the same case as in English, but replacing the crazy teacher with a ditzy version.

Today’s Schedule: We took a test. And THAT IS ALL! I slept the rest of the period.

To top it all off, our week of hard practice was finished with a picture day/lazy practice. So it truly was a Friday.

Does nobody see the irony that I’m blogging this late on my beloved Friday? It’s not even Friday any more. It’s Saturday. Yeesh.

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Hey, cool
Tuesday. 11.27.07 6:55 pm
Yeah, I'm definitely still hyper. wOOt.

I took this picture a while ago, and sent it to Muse Magazine. Basically it was because I wanted to make sure they didn't leave my mail in the garbage. Hey, and I used middaymoon as my name, too. Ahahaha.

I met this kid at Clemson this year named Patrick. He was freakishly tall and had large feet. Other than that, he was a really cool guy, and he hung out some.

How are these stories related? Observe the comment on my myspace page, where the above picture was posted. It is from my good friend Patrick.

"DUDE!!!! I cant believe that was you!!!! I get muse and I remember seeing that pic in the magazine and then trying to do what your doing... i think i fell?!? Anyway isnt it tweird that I would meet you later? It sure is a small world!"

He didn't recognize me because my face was covered in the picture. How cool is it that he found it again, though? I would have pissed myself if I was in his position.

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