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One by one they fall...
Currently Reading:

Lirael - Garth Nix
Golden Compass - Philip Pullman

On Hiatus:

Deception Point - Dan Brown
Interview with the Vampire - Anne Rice
The Silmarillian - J.R.R. Tolkien

To Read:

Grimm's Grimmest - The brothers Grimm
Secrets of the Enchanted Unkown - Raylene Van Worth
The Compleat Gentleman - Brad Miner
Lost Scriptures - Bart D. Ehrman
Lost Christianities - Bart D. Ehrman
The Complete World of The Dead Sea Scrolls - Davies, Brooke, and Callaway
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy - J.R.R. Tolkien
The Book of Lost Tales - J.R.R. Tolkien
The Book of Unfinished Tales - J.R.R. Tolkien
Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger

Finished Reading:

The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien
The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
Angels & Demons - Dan Brown
Digital Fortress - Dan Brown
Signs, Symbols, and Omens - Raymond Buckland
Prophecies - Tony Allan
The Art of Deception- Kevin Mitnick
The Complete Book of Witchcraft - Raymond Buckland
Blankets - Craig Thompson
Sabriel - Garth Nix
-You are talented in many ways.
-The only certainty is that nothing is certain.
-You will soon discover how truly fortunate you really are.
-You have a friendly heart and are well admired.
-Your dreams are never silly; depend on them to guide you.
-The smart thing to do is to begin trusting your intuitions.
-You are more likely to give than give in.
-Your path is arduous but will be amply rewarding.
-Love truth but pardon error.
-You are a man of righteousness and integrity.
Tattoo the Earth '00:

World Tourbulence '02:
Dream Theater

One night in NYC '03:
Yellow Matter Custard

Reroute to Remain '03:
In Flames

Summer Tour '03:
Fate's Warning
Dream Theater

Fall Tour '03:
Dave Matthews Band

Fall Tour '03:
String Cheese Incident

SU Fall Concert '03:
The Pat McGee Band
Michelle Branch

Guest Artist Concert '04:
Bela Fleck and Edgar Meyer

SU Spring Concert '04:
Breaking Benjamin

Summer Tour '04:
Ben Folds
Rufus Wainright

Summer Tour '04:
Breaking Benjamin
Three Days Grace
Let's try this again...
Thursday. 7.22.04 9:37 am
Well, what I had posted in two separate updates within the past 24 hours was as follows:

The doctor called my mom yesterday and told her that her second mammogram confirmed a "possibly benign" growth a little larger than a marble in her chest. Lovely.

I'm really looking forward to getting away this weekend. Cara's coming up tonight to take me down to Carlisle for her grandfather's memorial tomorrow morning. I didn't know him that well, but he was a good man and, understandably, this past week has been very rough for Cara. Later on we'll meet up with Todd to head down to the concert in Philly. Man, I love concerts. I wish I lived in an area like Philly, where I would be able to see concerts all the time, even the local shows and whatnot. I wish we could see Three Days Grace as well, but we're gonna see Seether, Breaking Benjamin, and of course Evanescence anyway. Then I'll meet up with the rents to come home in the early afternoon. Then, I just confirmed last night that I'm goin up to Dave's cabin for Grant's party Saturday night. Should be a good time; it's always fun time hanging out with Damy. Also, it's a guarantee that I will imbibe alcohol. Now, it's not one of those "I'm gonna go drink all my problems away" because that's ridiculous, but rather I'm gonna go do so because I haven't had a drink since the end of the semester and I think as shitty as this summer has been it would be nice to have a night to just get retarded. Then I'll come back home on Sunday and better see myself scheduled at the hotel since my manager said she was scheduling me (since I finally tracked her down). I really need a break from this area, from the jobs, everything. Hopefully this weekend turns out as well as I'm planning.

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Thursday. 7.22.04 9:30 am
Thank you for somehow deleting my last two entries NuTang, since I wanted that and all. Cockmaster.

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Told you Jesus is my homeboy...
Tuesday. 7.20.04 7:15 pm
Work today was fun in the sense that Corey, Steve, Shawn, Jamie, and I made sure we didn't work too hard, kinda fucked around, and made fun of Karen...A LOT. I'm still amused that she's calling me in for all these hours nows, despite the fact that she has to know that I walked out 3 hours early on Saturday. Ho well. All we did today was, like usual, "rush" to clean up the stock room in preparation for the truck coming tomorrow. Like always, I get to work early (around 7:50). Steve's sittin there waiting, I'm sitting there waiting, and Corey shows up and he waits too since Karen doesn't show up until about 10 after (when she said 8am). As soon as we get back into the stock room, Karen gets all serious and says how we have a lot of work that needs to get done today and she doesn't want us talking or wasting time. As she left the room for whatever she pretends to do, I gave the first finger of the day. So, Corey, Steve, and I basically are fuckin around anyway, getting boxes organized and taking them in the far back to put on the shelves. She had us mark each box with a sharpie so for future reference people would know what each box is ahead of time. Man, did we have fun with that. Corey wrote stuff like "Shoes Karen can't wear" (which I said he should have put "eat" instead of "wear"), and for one of the Christmas boxes of stuff he drew Jesus on the box. I started off just writing the usual ("Underwears", "CHRISTmas shiite", "T-shits"), then progressed to writing in ebonics ("Baff Towels", etc.). Ha, and at one point when Karen was "working" hard in the back room with us, I belted out "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" in a nice, low voice. Then, as the day went on, the bullshit started flying out of Karen's mouth more frequently. Corey asked how long we were there today, and she told us until 2, so then Corey asked when our break would be (this was around 11am), and Karen says some crap about the district manager told her that we don't get the half-hour break unless we're scheduled/working over 6 hours. Immediately I turn to Corey and say that's bullshit. She then proceeds to say "oh, well take a 5 minute break though, and tell the other guys to take one too". Now, anyone that works (which should be all of you reading this) should know that the breaks system is the same 99% of the time--one 15 minute break withing the first 4 hours (usually after the second hour), 30 min.-1 hour lunch/dinner break after 4 hours, then another 15 minute break within the last 4 of the shift. So, obviously Karen's full of shit if she believes we're to work for 6 hours before getting a 30 minute break (and she never gives us 15 minute breaks, because we always have so much to do, thanks to her). But, whatever, I came home and checked with Larry (since he has a government job, he would know exactly what the break system is), so I'll be ready to take my breaks and let Karen know how retarded she is. Anyway, as the day goes on, Corey and I are primarily the two in the back room doing the work, and naturally without any breaks or having had anything to eat, our pace (which was lackadaisical to begin with since we're not busting our ass for that place) slowed down slightly. Every time Karen came back she made some comment about us slowing down and how we needed to pick up the pace and how everything needed to get done. Finally, at some point within the last hour of our shift, she comes back and says the same bullshit again, so I respond back with "it should have been done a long time ago". Man, I love seeing people's reactions to things like that. I forget exactly how I said it, but I followed that up with something about her having not done her job, so don't expect us to do all of her work in one day. She definitely didn't like hearing that. I know she heard me, and she got a bit peeved when she walked up to the office and said something along the lines of "don't say anything, I can hear you" followed by some retarded left-field comment about "don't even think anything, I can read your thoughts". I just kinda thought to myself, "wow...".

Oh man, then aside from Karen, the new keyholder ("head clerk" or whatever) seriously has something wrong with her logic/thought process. We're working in the back room, cleaning and moving the mounds of boxes that were in the way, and this woman comes back and brings in the large boxes of paper towels and napkins. We stop what were doing since we don't understand why she's putting more boxes in our way, then she says "the shelves are already full, so these won't fit out there". I just stood there and looked at her with a "are you retarded?" look on my face. Then, Karen speaks up and tells her to leave it out in the store, on one of the carts since we're trying to clean up the back and move all of the boxes out of the way. Then, later on, I see her walk back in struggling to hold a box and she asks me to help her, so I walk over and grab the box from her. As I do, she says "I put some of these out but the shelf is full and these won't fit out there". Once again, I just stood there and gave her a "bitch, are you really that fucking retarded?" look, then put the box right on the floor by her feet and walked back to where I was without saying a word. This woman is easily in her late 30's/early 40's, and she's essentially a supervisor? Oh well.

In the midst of clearing out all the boxes, I found some loose stuff sitting around, and found a really old car air freshener that looks straight out of the 70's. It's yellow and has "I <3 Jesus" on it in big green letters with a four color rainbow underneath Jesus. Heh, you can't let something that awesome pass by, and since I know the thing is not gonna be sold (it would just sit in a box in the back room for another however many years), I decided to take it home with me. I KNOW you're jealous.

Much to my surprise, my other manager had called earlier today while I was at work. She had originally called to see if I could come in, but since I was already at work it was then just to set up my schedule. Thank you for not being worthless. However, she said to call back before 5, or tomorrow morning. I called her back aorund 3, but she wasn't in her office, so I left her voicemail saying I'm calling her back to schedule hours, but she didn't return that call, so I'll be calling again tomorrow morning before I go back to DG for truck day (heh, where the fun begins all over again). This weekend will hopefully be a very nice break from this area. Is it time to go back to school yet?

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Jesus is my homeboy...
Monday. 7.19.04 10:09 pm
This absolutely made my night. I think this is self-explanatory:

*random IM*
JChrstKingOfJews: hey man
limber fingers53: ha, nice sn
JChrstKingOfJews: you never talk to me anymore
JChrstKingOfJews: i gotta know what's up
limber fingers53: sup with what
JChrstKingOfJews: it's like i'm no longer your personal lord and savior
limber fingers53: Well, JC, it's like this
limber fingers53: you're an awesome guy
limber fingers53: you know your shit
limber fingers53: and you're all about helpin people
limber fingers53: but, the fate of your legacy has rested in the hands, and biased opinions, of people ranging from fanatics to politicians
limber fingers53: and they've no doubt re-told your story as they saw fit
limber fingers53: even calling a council to decided whether or not you were/are divine
JChrstKingOfJews: that's no way to talk to the son of god
limber fingers53: aren't we all God's children?
JChrstKingOfJews: i'm special
limber fingers53: true, but since God created everything, everything in some manner reflects God, so I'm special too
JChrstKingOfJews signed off at 10:06:45 PM.

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Stupidity is infinite...
Monday. 7.19.04 4:05 pm
Definitely a highlight of the day, Karen just called the house and asked me first if I would come in tonight to work (and it's already 4), then if I'd come in tomorrow morning. So, obviously she/they are either too stupid to realize I walked out on saturday, or just don't care. Since I haven't heard anything (surprise, surprise) from the Radisson yet, I might as well go fuck off and get paid for it at DG until something happens. I'm so amused. It'll be fun to do whatever the hell I want and get away with it, since I already quit, and maybe now I can satisfy the other life experience--getting fired. We'll see...

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Fuck this, I'm out...
Saturday. 7.17.04 11:37 pm
I walked out of work today. I busted my ass for 5.5 hours today at DG. The gist of the situation is that I was in the back of the store, cleaning/rearranging/reorganizing all of the stock to prep for inventory tomorrow. Basically, I had to bust my ass to make up for the weeks(/months) of negligence on the behalf of the manager. Now, generally, I don't mind busting my ass, because that's what you should do for a job, but I have a problem with it when I'm doing it to cover someone else's ass who should be responsible for it. Not only that, but making $5.35/hr and getting between 8-17 hours a week sure as hell doesn't cut it. You can't squeeze blood from a stone. After working the 5.5 hours straight, I didn't even say anything, I just walked to the front of the store and waiting for the line to die down so I could clock out on the register. All I said to my manager was "I'm clocking out for my break". I walked up the street to OIP to sit and relax and think out what I was doing. I ended up being there for a little over an hour because I kept debating actually walking out/quitting or sucking it up and discarding my principles by going back to work til 8:30. It's a good thing I have a strong work ethic, but it makes quitting rather difficult (which is probably a good thing anyway). I ended up taking the non-confrontational route and just decided to not go back. I'm really not losing out on anything by not working there, as opposed to the store that is losing a good worker. Karen probably doesn't care a whole lot anyway, since she put in her two weeks notice yesterday. I wouldn't be surprised if they just end up shutting that store down. The part that sucks now is that I have to go back to my other worthless manager and ask for hours at the hotel. Just can't win.

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