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About Art4TheHomeless
Imagine... a movement inspired by the arts to open the eyes of Americans to the plight of their own people. Imagine, through art, music and poetry, we are shining a much needed light on our own crisis: HOMELESSNESS

Art4TheHomeless was once a blog called Colors of Ink with Blogcharm, which closed down. Nutang, became the new home of Colors of Ink and was renamed Art4TheHomeless, by a really good friend, Samantha Medd. She is now the Co-Founder of Art4TH.

Now Art4TH is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization that unites artists of all venues to promote homeless awareness in the US.

Art4TH does this through the Art4TH Webzine, a monthly online magazine that features a musician whose music plays throughout the website, a feature artist, and a feature writer while also featuring a homeless relief organization. All artists featured retain their copyrights and all of it is free. If you would like to be a featured artist, musician, or writer contact me at [email protected]

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White America v. Black America
Wednesday. 3.25.09 6:35 pm
I was just watching the news about how White America is affected differently than Black America.

I am white, I can't help the color I am born with, but what is the point of being divided? It's as if Black America and White America are two different countries!

BET, Black Entertainment Television, was promoting The Black Vote for Obama. I voted for Obama, but they made it seem like every black person HAD to vote for Obama. I have some black friends who didn't vote for Obama.

Do you see my point here? My point is that we are racially divided and we are going to stay that way unless "Black Leaders" and "White Leaders" come together and help one another.

I am not sure of the exact percentages but there are more black Americans in jail, dropping out of school, in poverty, etc.

IF you look at the stats, yes, there are more black people experiencing the hardships, but what people forget is that black people are PEOPLE. They are HUMANS no better than whites, Hispanics, etc. We are ALL human and no one is better than anyone because of skin color.

There is enough to worry about like RUSSIA hanging out with CUBA and IRAN..

There will be NO PEOPLE if we let petty things like SKIN COLOR and THE WHITE MAN ENSLAVED THE BLACK MAN 200 years ago!

What people forget is that Africans enslaved their own people and THERE ARE WHITE SLAVES out there.

White America v. Black America needs to quit and unite along with Hispanic America, and everyone else who are citizens!

Do you hear things about Black Germany v. White Germany or Black England v. White England?

It's only in America and if we continue as a people to conquer one another then we will fall. If the stomach digested the intestines you would die.

So let's stand up and help one another. It's not a black thing. It's not a white thing. It's an American problem and we have to eliminate it.

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Shakespeare was kinda hot
Wednesday. 3.25.09 1:08 am
Seriously.. According to the article this was a live portrait, of course, it's a few hundred years old, but still, sexy is sexy. I just want to pull his hair...well...I mean if he was living today LOL.


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Tuesday. 3.24.09 11:56 am
I am going to be on the news! Not sure when, but I was interviewed by CBS Atlanta about Art4TheHomeless and it went well. I was interviewed in the studio which was way cool.

I am so happy that nutang is back up and fine! I missed blogging here. I had 14 members join my Art4TH community in the span of one day taking it up to around 84 members which is awesome and I have over 700 followers on twitter.

People around the world have been showing support for Art4TH and this has humbled me and shown me that I am on the right path for my life. Only God could move like this.

Yesterday after the interview, I went down to Little 5 to hang with my friends there. I was flipping through the gem book--Denise and Darryl have tons of gems because Darryl wraps them--and I stumbled across a neat one: Moldivite. This is a rare one. It was the result of a meteorite hitting earth and the gasses exploded or something leaving the residue called moldivite.

The book said it would take you to another world because of the extraterrestial properties and I do believe that crystals and stones have something in them, but come on..aliens?

Denise told me about how Darryl had an injury. He had cut his finger while cutting wire and they went to the store to get him some meds and gauze. Darryl put the moldivite onto his wound and just kinda relaxed in the sun while Denise ran in to the store to get some meds. She was gone for about 10 minutes but when she got back, the wound was gone.

Denise and Darryl are not the types to exaggerate or make up things so I was like, Okay I will check it out. So I went down to Crystal Blue and they let me see the moldivite. It was in a case with light on it.

The moment I touched the stone, I felt as if I were hit by electricity. It was so amazing. It literally pulsed with life in my hand. I had connected with the stone and I just kinda played with them. I held around 5 in my hand and one of the guys who worked there told me, "You should be feeling a buzz or something" and I was. It was amazing.

Usually I have an asthma attack when I walk back from Little 5 to the train station because of the hills, but I only got out of breath and I have yet to have an attack today. It's usually pretty controlled, but Atlanta has a zillion hills that my lungs can't seem to get along with.

Moldivite, because of it's rarity, is kinda high. I held probably over $500 worth. I am going to get one piece when I get my income tax refund. That stone had an amazing affect on me.

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Tuesday. 3.17.09 8:48 pm
Nutang.com is down, but you are obviously reading my feeds :) The site being down has not affected the feeds at all and that's great.

So lately I have been just working on my sites and putting the word out about homelessness all the while taking care of my mom, working, and I am so hungry right now!

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Something weird
Thursday. 3.12.09 1:58 pm
My browser won' t let me go to my blog. It says fatal error at line 0...Can anyone see the blog at all?

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Ok, I spent too much on myself
Saturday. 3.7.09 11:04 pm
But if I don't then who will? Anyways I splurged. I bought a set of oil paints for the first time. I never had the privilege of using them since they are so expensive, but I caught a sale! Anyways, here is the result of my playing around. I call it,

The Fire Within

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FREE art!
Wednesday. 3.4.09 6:40 pm
I am giving away prints of my art to anyone who joins the all new Art4TH online community at http://art4thehomeless.ning.com between March 5th (today) and March 10th!

The benefits of joining are getting your art out there, creating a profile, networking and marketing, making friends, and being a part of Art4TheHomeless. Membership is 100% FREE!

Here are the pieces to be given:
Cherry Tree� 2006 Johnna Crider
Cherry Tree sold
Fallen Flower� 2006 Johnna Crider
Fallen Flower ©2006-Present Art4TH Original SOLD

Dancing Beneath the Moon� 2006 Johnna Crider
Dancing Beneath The Moon ©2006-Present Art4Th Original SOLD

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Moments of Madness
Monday. 3.2.09 8:28 pm
You walk past me
I am invisible to you even though
I stink of feces
I blend in with the night and
You don�t see the demons I see
You don�t hear what I hear everyday
I used to be a daughter who was cherished
But I succumbed to the my masters
Who have taken my mind and body against my will
I sought help and was laughed at
Legion wants to speak through me
No one listens to the wailing of a mad woman
Sad thing is I am not the only one
We are the victims of our minds
When our thoughts seek to demonize our existence
The cure is many different psychological drugs
We cannot afford so we suffer here
The broken recording of history
Repeats with the volume maxed out
And the song falls deaf on the ears of the
Normal individuals like yourself

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