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..so i went on down to k-mart...
um. hi. my name is bianca. *waves* i live in california with my two movie star parents, where i spend most of my free time either attending big fancy parties or horseback riding with shirtless men.

*wakes up from dream*

so, okay, really? my parents are average joes (BESIDES THE FACT THAT THEY ARE STIFLING ME), i avoid fancy parties at all costs, and i don't think i could handle a horse and a shirtless guy at the same time. welcome to my life, a teeming cesspool of teenage angst, incessant complaining, social indiscretions, and lots of sarcasm.

bianca fever is everywhere. CATCH IT.
my mom says chatting is the root of all evil.
i've decided to educate the public.
look at your own calendar! *greedy*

May 2024

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i feel so special.
(this is composed mainly of xanga hits....rip, xanga)
got til' it's GONE.
88th day of 2004
Be it extremely emotional, controversial, messed up, or whatever, this entry has been password protected.

If you know it, enter it; or, ask me for it.

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mmmm bop.
86th day of 2004
i KNEW hanson was gonna make a comeback! i just KNEW it. anyhoo, for lack of anything better to do, i filled out one of those lame arse quizzies. please humor me. read it. comment. YAY.

name: bizonca, homie! or...just bianca, i dunno...
birthdate: november 8

birthplace: my dad likes to scare me and tell me i was adopted, but i THINK san francisco.
current: ...current....?
eye color: dark brown
hair color: um. black.
height: i am 5' 7". gnah.
righty or lefty: righty wooooo. left handed people are hella scary.
zodiac sign: scorpio. represent.
your heritage: i am half african-american (struggling to be politically correct) and half spanish.
the shoes you wore today: my chunky black boots
your weakness: chocolate, even though i'm allergic. ooh! and puppies.
your fears: heights, the dark, bugs, diseases, death, ciara...i could go on forever.
your perfect pizza: all crust. yuuuuuummy!
goal you'd like to achieve: uhhhh. now? getting some kick ass grades. as it stands, i am a delinquent. *shifty grin*
your most over-used phrase on aim: "*crestfalllen*"
your thoughts first waking up: "where the hell am i?"
your best physical feature: i really really like my lips. i take extra good care of them.
your bedtime: *snort* what am i, five?
your best missed memory: see, i don't remember things. what was the question?
pepsi or coke: PEPSI! coke is too flat.
mcdonald's or burger king: mcd's! i'd get shot if i said anything else. or..wait, in-n-out. was that even an option?
single or group dates: both.
addidas or nike: you spelled adidas wrong. *twitch*
lipton ice tea or nestea: lipton
chocolate or vanilla: both. yaaay facial swelling!
cappuccino or coffee: neither. they give me headaches.
smoke: i am allergic to cigarette smoke..it makes my throat swell and close up and whatnot...so no smokage for me. *sad*
cuss: all the damn time.
sing: oh yeaaaaah, i'm a natural! *eye roll* i sound like a doped up donkey when i sing.
take a shower: EVERYDAY. i think it's gross to do any less.
have a crush: yanno what? i don't think so, not right this second.
do you think you've been in love: i'm still trying to sort oot the difference between infatuation and love.
want to go to university?: HELL yeah! what else am i supposed to do with myself?
like(d) high school: s'okay.
want to get married: uh huuuuuh.
believe in yourself: nope. i have zero self confidence. Z-E-R-O.
get motion sickness: what, when i walk around?
think you're attractive: sure, why not.
think you're a health freak: yeah, and i also think it bothers people. does it?
like thunderstorms: as long as i'm not, you know, outside.

in the past month...

drank alcohol: methinks you are asking the wrong person. i don't do shit like that.
smoked: deja vu...
done a drug: let's see. i don't smoke, i don't drink...so logically, that would mean i snort cocaine all the time.
had sex: lmao.
made out: nope
gone on a date: nope
gone to the mall: every sunday! huzzah.
eaten an entire box of oreos: i am allergic to chocolate, damn you. it makes my face swell. *resentful*
eaten sushi: i WISH. sushi rawks.
been on stage: yeah. i have drama third period.
been dumped: nope. wait, by who?
gone skating: uhhh...no.
made homemade cookies: i put chips ahoy in the microwave to make 'em chewy. does that count?
gone skinny-dipping: ...maybe next week.
stolen anything: i recall jacking a sharpee from ms. small, but that was like, last year.

played a game that required removal of clothing: nah, but i want to. *sly grin*
if so, was it mixed company: i love it when quizzes do this to you. what the hell do you want me to say?
been trashed or extremely intoxicated: NO NO NO. *virginal saintly child*
been caught "doing something" with someone? or by yourself?: no. i am very careful.
been called a tease: ummm...jeebus, i don't know.
shoplifted: why? my parents spoil me rotten.
changed who you were to fit in: all the time. i go through weekly changes. it's quite entertaining...i especially liked my asian phase.

in a boy...
best eye color: greeeeeen.
best hair color: greeeeeeen...er, black or brown.
short or long hair: kind of in the middle.
height: taller than me!
best weight: just...not tim whitehorn.
articles of clothing: depends on the weather, the season, my mood, my hairstyle, my makeup, and whether or not it's been a month since the last time i wore something. i can't rewear stuff within the same month. that's just ugly.
best first date location: paris. and i don't mean hilton.
best first kiss location: the moooon. i don't know.

# of drugs taken illegally: what the hell!? was this test designed especially for potheads?
# of people i could trust with my life: ...4
# of cds that i own: lots, but most of them i made myself. don't you copy me, though...illegal downloading is BAD.
# of piercings: one on each ear, but they closed up around the time i was in...seventh grade.
# of tattoos: oooh! i want! i want!
# of scars on my body: gee, i don't know.
# of things in my past that i regret: lots of stuff. LOTS of stuff. lots lots lots.

...that wasn't even a good quiz. *pissed* someone e-mail me a better one.

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donde esta mi gato, DONDE ESTA!?
84th day of 2004
no worries, i am well informed on the location of my cat. she is not in the freezer. thank jeebus.

um, so liiiike. today or whatever. it was liiiiike...windy. and liiiiike, cold as hell. i dunno. i hate san francisco weather, but i think i hate the wind more than anything else. wind spreads lice. i know these things. i have two younger sisters. *shudder*

och, so i just realized i hate the damn beach layout and i wanna overhaul the whole thing again. make it more...pre-made...jez. pre-made layouts RAWK! woooooo. so i pickie this basketball one. nice and conformist-y.

um, so liiiiike. gonna go now. maybe wash my hurr, i dunno. i feel all icky and unclean. damn wind. *shakes fist like an old man on a hot summer day at some kids who were throwing rocks at the dog*

--> so i reread my entry, and like. i sound all...sarcastic. and i say the world "hate" a hell of a lot. and i need more exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to sound more enthusiastic. okay hot dog. overcritical? yeah, me thinks so. YEA VERILY! och, what a mess.

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ice ice baby!
82nd day of 2004
i am determined to make this weekend much much better than the last. yes. DETERMINED. look at me persevere! mi plans include making a cameo at the school dance, which i am very afraid of. dances and i...we just don't get along. i don't know how to do the sexy freaky stuff, i always overdress, and i never have any fun at all. damn peer pressure. i don't waaaanna go, but i am going to! anyway. then saturday is charlie brown themed, cuzzo the fact that i need to go to the work day for like, six hours to make up for missing last week's, and because we're going to see les miserables for cast/crew bonding. sunday'll be the most horrid, i'm sure, because my dad is taking us shopping to get beachy stuff for the florida trip. *the pissed frown* i HATE going shopping with my dad. he never lets me get what i want, and he always buys...crap. like size 11 purple-and-green tennis shoes. gro-oooss.

i'll tell you how it goes. hopefully nothing depressing will happen, but you never know what kind of things life will throw at you. just like with monkeys!

day 1 of the bestest weekend ever--friday:

okay, so maybe i chickened out and didn't go to the dance. maybe i missed out on a hell of a lot of fun because i am afraid of group settings. maybe it wasn't wise to purchase a ticket when i knew i wasn't going to go. and maybe noel and angelica and amanda and rick and ciara won't make fun of me....*paranoid*

day 2 of the bestest weekend ever--saturday:

um. yeah. i think this weekend is jinxed or something. my mom let me go to the work day, which was hellllllla tiring (fun!) but then decided last minute that i wasn't allowed to go to bonding night. stupid succubus. my dad was like, "okay, so we know who's taking you, where you'll be, and when you'll be home. what's the problem?" and mrs. biatch goes, "i don't like the idea of bianca being out so late at night." fheodhwfwoihetfwihtg <--that was me banging my head against the keyboard. it's 10:21 in the p.m. right now, and the whole freaking family is awake watching a movie. this is not LATE. so now i am missing out on a happy fun drama experience because my mom does not like the dark. auuuuuggggh! sunday better be the best damn day of my life, because this is turning out to be even worse than last week. *constipated face*

day 3 of the bestest weekend ever--sunday:

*pissed* this was the most terrible, horrible, no good very bad weekend ever. i think the only good thing that happened to me today was that i got a new coach bag. most people might find that enough to brighten their whole year, but i am a spoiled brat and therefore am even more angry than i was prior to the purchase. gwaaaaar. my parents lied to me. on thursday, i says to my mom, i says, "madre. this weekend i have lots o' things planned. i am going to tell you what those things are, and you are going to tell me if they are doable. and then you will shake my hand and we will be all set, okay?" and my mom, she goes okay, and then i lay out my whole schedule (pronounced SHEH-joole) for her and she shakes my damn hand.

and THEN, despite the whole hand-shaky arrangement, nothing that i planned happened. NOTHING. not the dance, or the bonding business, or going to potato's house, or the movies, or grocery shopping...usefhqeiofgeuqgfu! so sad.

one thing's fo sho. next week, i'm just not even going to expect squat. that way i won't be disappointed. *crestfallen* i dunno, mebbe some comments'll make me feel a wee bit better...

edit, yo--> changed the layout to make it more...happy. yeah. joo tell me what joo are thinking, yes?

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only you, just you..nobody but you...
78th day of 2004
i have decided to update as often as i want to. yes. call me obsessed, tell me i have no life, blaaaahhh blah blah, i don kare.

i lurve ms. leung. she has to be the rockinest teacher ever--and not because of her teaching methods (which are frighteningly unorthodox), or her sexy wardrobe (yeah baby. those sundresses..hoo boy) it is because she introduced me to my new favorite movie (knocking "dickie roberts'' down to number two)..."some like it hot." gaaaaar. i love old timey movies. i love the black and gray and white...the fuzzy ethereal picture...the muffled sound...and the beautiful, beautiful actors and actresses. judy garland and audrey hepburn make angelina jolie look like a fricking bag lady. mostly i just love the romantical feeling they give off--i cry everytime i watch anything like that, and it takes me away from my mainstream teeny bopper existence into a happy black-and-white haven...

screw 2004. i was born at the wrong time, i swear.

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it was the son of a preacher man.
77th day of 2004
i think i update entirely too much. uh huh. no one else does the daily nutang thing...in fact, the vast majority opts to only write once a week. but since i think sleep is superficial, and i have no life, AND i am a firm believer in sharing all of my business with america, then here is another ab fan groovy rockin' righteous update just for you. *the frown* i think that was enough.

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