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..so i went on down to k-mart...
um. hi. my name is bianca. *waves* i live in california with my two movie star parents, where i spend most of my free time either attending big fancy parties or horseback riding with shirtless men.

*wakes up from dream*

so, okay, really? my parents are average joes (BESIDES THE FACT THAT THEY ARE STIFLING ME), i avoid fancy parties at all costs, and i don't think i could handle a horse and a shirtless guy at the same time. welcome to my life, a teeming cesspool of teenage angst, incessant complaining, social indiscretions, and lots of sarcasm.

bianca fever is everywhere. CATCH IT.
my mom says chatting is the root of all evil.
i've decided to educate the public.
look at your own calendar! *greedy*

May 2024

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i feel so special.
(this is composed mainly of xanga hits....rip, xanga)
i started looking for a warning sign.
117th day of 2004
currently: jammin' out to mah coldplay cd und waiting for the laundry to finish drying to i can fold it.
also: wondering why i just put the above there. i don't usually do that. hm.

i am dry. yes. i told you all that i was dry. i mean it in a figurative sense, though, not in literal terms. it refers to my brain. it is...dry. i have no knowledge, or wisdom, or rants for you today. i can't even tell you what i did, because i barely remember. oh! i vaguely recall going to mimi's cafe for lunch and meeting this FABULOUS waiter named, like, justin. drooooool, he was so hot. but that's all i remember. OH! that, and i wore shorts in public for the first time since last year. (florida doesn't count, because, like, pfff. when i am i ever gonna see those people again?) but that is all i remember. i have no more truth to impart. exceeeepppttt...

for another quiz! huzzah. thanks is due, in large part, to my little sister for believing so strongly in chain letters that contain these fun happy quiz doo dads. yes. let us all clap for my sister lauren.

[ Screen name? ] mochabinkie
[ Astrological sign? ] scorpio, yaaaay.
[ Chinese zodiac sign? ] oh, i know this! monkey. no, wait...snake? rat? i change my mind, i have no idea.
[ Location? ] earth. usa. california. san francisco. my bedroom. in a...chair.
[ Eye color? ] brown--but only until i get my spooting color contacts.
[ Height? ] 5' 7"
[ Siblings? ] 2 younger sisters, lauren and sophie
[ Pets? ] a cat, who is too fat and self centered and smart for her own good.
[ Nationality? ] spanish (nicaraguense!) and...african american. *bursts into laughter*
[ Kids of your own? ] um, no. in order to have kids, first you'd have to...never mind.


[ Color? ] white. i look the best when i wear white.
[ Number? ] 15
[ Drinks? ] water! i am on a hardcore diet. h-a-r-d-c-o-r-e.
[ Soda? ] no!!!!!! no soda. see above.
[ Book? ] oh! either "youth in revolt" or..."the secret garden". or the harry potter books. i just...i really like reading.
[ Band? ] coldplay.
[ Song? ] "human nature" by michael jackson. heck, i lurve all his music.
[ Magazine? ] i won't lie to you. either seventeen or ym. *sigh*
[ Fast food? ] quit trying to tempt me! i said DIET. no fast food. none.
[ Restaurant ] pasta pomodoro, il fornaio, and any kind of sushi place.
[ Candy? ] ahhhhh! this is so frustrating. no candy either. what kind of world do we live in? what is wrong with fruit, nature's candy?
[ Color to wear? ] white, but my dad tells me i look good in purple. notice that i NEVER wear it.
[ Hairstyle? ] i like wearing mah hurr down when it's straight. i hate it curly.
[ Movie character? ] movie...character? oh, crud. maybe jack black as dewey finn in SCHOOL OF ROCK! hella pimp.
[ TV shows? ] are you ready for a list? i have a list: degrassi, daria, my so-called life, radio free roscoe, extreme makeover, american idol, malcolm in the middle, the simpsons, bernie mac, sesame street, family guy, futurama, dexter's laboratory, kids next door, mad tv, even stevens, that's so raven....*pant pant* believe me, there's more...
[ Childhood TV show? ] aaaah. barney. who didn't grow up with barney? hecks yeah. kids today, they've got either the teletubbies or like, south park. we need to bring back that purple dinosaur, biotch.
[ Sleeping position? ] on my side. i used to sleep on my tummy, but now i have two big problems that make it kinda uncomfortable.
[ Animal? ] tortugas...or. um. turtles for the espanol challenged.
[ Lyric ? ] pshaw. how should i know?
[ Room in your house? ] the living room, since it's forbidden (everyone has a forbidden room in their house. i happen to have two, but the dining room isn't nearly as comfy).
[ Favorite object in your room? ] my window. i love looking outside.


[ Color your hair? ] nah. why bother?
[ Have tattoos? ] no, but lordy do i ever want one.
[ Piercings? ] *sigh* i want one on my belly button, my cartilage pierced, double ear piercing, and possibly a tongue ring...
[ Cheat on tests/homework? ] sadly.
[ Drink/Smoke? ] NOPE! i am clean as a whistle. check every crevice.
[ Like roller coasters? ] in moderation.
[ Want more piercings? ] i...have none. actually, i did at one point, but they closed.
[ Like cleaning? ] omg, who does?
[ Write in cursive or print? ] print. who does cursive? wasn't that a requirement in, like, fourth grade?
[ Swear a lot? ] i hope not. do i? please tell me.
[ Diet ? ] lmao. YES. i am on one right now. hardcore.


[ Kicked someone in the nuts? ] i have come very, very close.
[Stolen anything? ] oh, lots of stuff. just...not recently.
[ Smoked? ] nope.
[ Crack? ] wait. it's asking "have i ever...crack?" wtf?
[ Drink? ] "have i ever drink?" ahhh. no.
[ Cheated on someone? ] i'd need to have had a boyfriend at some point to cheat on.
[ Cried over a Girl? ] oh boy, have i ever. chicks are so mean.
[ Lied to someone? ] all the time. don't trust me. i could be lying right now! no, just kidding.
[ Been in love? ] i don't know. i guess so.
[ Fallen for your best friend? ] my mommy's my best friend. *snort* i dunno.
[ Made out with JUST a friend? ] nah. nbk.
[ Been rejected? ] yep!
[ Been in lust? ] oh, summer of 2003. good times.
[ Used someone? ] regretfully. i am manipulative, and good at it too.
[ Been used? ] yeah. i have a hard time saying no to people.
[ Been cheated on? ] NO! aaah hah. first no in a while.
[ Been kissed? ] uhhhh. no?
[ Experimented with homosexuality? ] not intentionally. actually, let's make that a no.


[ Slept in your bed? ] the cat. i was so pissed, cuz i hella just washed all my blankets.
[ Saw you cry? ] my dad. usually he's the one that makes me cry.
[ Made you cry? ] ...
[ You shared a drink with? ] i HATE sharing drinks with people. like, ew! meningitis much? wait, is that what the question was asking?
[ You went to the movies with? ] omg, it's been forever! i think rick and christine...and my little sisters, too. *eye roll*
[ Yelled at you? ] mi madre. she won't let me wear shorts to school tomorrow.
[ Sent you an email? ] mrs. villafane. she was just letting all the charlie brown publicity reps know about some kind of rehearsal thingie thing.


[ Said "I love you" and meant it? ] yeah.
[ Been to New York? ] my mom has.
[ Been to Florida? ] yes! three times now.
[ California? ] i...live..in..california...
[ Hawaii? ] this summer.
[ Mexico? ] yep. but only, like, tijuana.
[ China? ] san francisco IS china. oh, did i say that out loud?
[ Canada? ] i wish i wish i wish. possibly going after hawaii in the summer.
[ Danced naked? ] no, because my cat always watches me when i do it. then i start thinking she's possesed by the manifestation of some long dead teenage boy, and i get all freaked out. *shudder*
[ Red or blue? ] i am not going to say. if i do, then i'll be shot.
[ Math or English? ] english. math is the devil's playtime. ^-^ that made no sense.
[ Radio or CD?] radio. cds get irritating after a while. except for michael jackson and coldplay!
[ What was the last food you ate? ] a granola bar. yay hardcore diet.
[ Are you bored? ] naaaah...mostly tired.
[ Last movie you saw? ] "the fighting temptations".
[ Last noise you heard? ] a song. "yellow". good stuff.


[ Have you been hospitalized? ] not for a long time.
[ Have you had a broken bone? ] i cracked my skull when i was about five.
[ Do you have any serious physical health problems? ] my knees are crooked, my thumbs are different, and i think i have type a diabetes.
[ Are you on medication? ] i take advil a lot, cuz i have really bad recurring headaches.
[ Do you have any mental health issues?] omg, see yesterday's entry.
[ Do you see a psychologist or take anti-depressants, or seek professional help? ] i really ought to see a shrink. remind me to ask my mom to take me some day.


[ Rap? ] that depends on the nature of the rap.
[ Pop? ] i like it. *sob* i like it a lot. michael jackson is the king of pop! so i guess that means i love it.
[ DDR? ] omg, LOVE.
[ Skateboards? ] i hate them. sophie went through an avril lavigne phase (right now she's totally ghetto punk) and there were skateboards all over our house. i almost broke my neck on one of them.
[ The internet? ] like. obviously.
[ School? ] haaaaate.


[ Happy? ] yeah.
[ Sad? ] um. wouldn't that nullify my happiness?
[ Bored? ] repeat question! but i don't recollect what i said before. hmmm. anyway, i'm not bored.
[ Confused? ] not right this second.
[ Tired? ] yeah. it is...10:44 and i have school in the morning.
[ Mad? ] nope.
[ Pissed? ] isn't this the same as mad? unless "mad" is referring to insanity. in which case, yes to the above, and no to this.


[ Last time you went out of the state? ] um. two weeks ago.
[ Last time you were outside? ] five hours ago.
[ You had a snowball fight? ] never! it doesn't snow here, and even when i went to tahoe last year, i was too bundled up to do anything but waddle.
[ Last time you were listening to music? ] i'm listening right now. yay coldplay!
[ Last time you were on the internet? ] you have got to be kidding me.
[ Last time you ate? ] four hours ago.
[ Last time you drank? ] a gallon of water, also four hours ago.
[ Last time you jump in front of a moving car? ] um. never?
[ Last time you watch tv? ] this morning. i was watching, like, access hollywood or something.
[ Last public place you were? ] blockbuster. in SHORTS. auuugggh.
[ Last things you bought? ] two ginormous bottles of water.
[ Last person you hugged? ] oh dear. um. my little sister?
[ Last person that told you they love you? ] uhhhh...uhhhh...i think...ali. on friday. my goodness, that's terrible. my family doesn't love me?
[ Last person you told you love them? ] i love all of you.
[ Last person you IMed? ] rick.
[ Called? ] angelia.
[ Lucky number? ] 15
[ Number of pillows you sleep with? ] 7
[ Object you can not live with out? ] omg, do NOT make me choose.
[ Things you like in a girl/guy? ] pretty eyes, personality, their voice, their laugh, their smile... *daydreaming*
[ Worst feeling in the world? ] rejection. either that, or feeling stupid.
[ What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning? ] what the..hell. why did my loser dad wake me up at this ungodly hour? uggghh..
[ Future daughter's name? ] oh. um. megan, sheeni, shannon, chanelle..something unusual, but pretty.
[ Future son's name? ] parker, adrian, leigh...also something nice, but unusual.
[ Did you have fun doing this? ] yeah. i got to rediscover myself. yay!

okay, all done. yanno what would really be nice? is if my computer were to freeze. *laughs bitterly* that'd be just PEACHY.

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i wanna be sedated.
116th day of 2004
Borderline:Very High
Histrionic:Very High
Narcissistic:Very High

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

i knew it! i knew it! none of you listened to me when i said so, but i TOLD you all that i was screwed up! maaahaaaa! *naked dance*

yesterday was so much fun. i haven't had that good a time since...uhhh...since spring break, i guess. anyway, it was just me hanging around the charlie brown rehearsals when i wasn't supposed to, and camping out backstage when i REALLY wasn't supposed to. i think i caused poor matt to develop an aneurysm...either that, or i took ten years off his life. maaahaa. yeah. then after that, dan drove me to spring valley so i could watch my little sister break dance in her talent show. right before her group ("tha flames") was due to perform, poor little sophie freaked out and made my parents take us all home. oh well. not everyone is meant for the biz.

plus side-- this lessens my competition by a LOT. freaking...everyone in my family wants to get into performance art. my other sister lauren wants to be an actress too ("just like you, binkie! i am going to beat-your-bottom!"). if i can figure out how to bump her off, then my way will be clear and unobstructed. YAY stardom and singular only-focused-on-me glory! woooo.

i wish i could have more fridays like the one i had this week. *satisfied belch* goood times. and just for the record, i really do like charlie brown. in fact..i think i love it. yes. i love charlie brown. and not the-the person. not the kid. the musical. the musical...charlie brown.

shoot me now.

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shake whatcha got in..them...jeans.
114th day of 2004
Bubbles4581 [9:30 PM]: i love you.
Lilangelsuprjock [9:31 PM]: i know
Lilangelsuprjock [9:31 PM]: gtg
Lilangelsuprjock [9:31 PM]: bye

my heart is broken. *choked sob*

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whatever lola wants, lola gets...
109th day of 2004
i, for the record, hate cleaning. i hate it with the white hot intensity of a thousand burning suns. i hate the fact that it is spring, and therefore every nook and cranny in our whole house needs to be sterilized. i also hate laundry. if i have to fold one more silk shirt (those-things-won't-stay-put) or color-code one more pair of undies i WILL GO INSANE. crazy. i will lose my sanity. i will no longer be stable.

although i think that train has already left the station. woo wooooo! *drool*

so yeah, today was saturday. it was an ugly sort of saturday, with scattered clouds and temperatures in the mid to upper-fifties. there was a chance of rainfall in the afternoon, and some patchy fog in the early morning. precipitation was...

oh dear GOD, what am i saying!?

anyway. it was mainly ugly because, as one of the publicity reps for charlie brown, my group and i had to go put posters up all over the bay spooting area. i gotta be 100% with you--it was like, the 7th worst day of my life. i did not have a fun happy spectacular time. in fact, it was the polar opposite, only exacerbated by the spring cleaning i had to undertake the MINUTE I GOT HOME.

wouldn't it be lovely if we could formulate our own perfect saturday? mine would have nothing to do with scattered clouds or charlie brown. it'd involve...sunshine. and grassy fields in the alps, with wildflowers and classical music and happiness, and...a....person...that would be keeping me...company...*clears throat*
but yanno, that's just me. *grin* perhaps one day, when the reincarnation of albert einstein rolls around, he'll create a wishing machine or something nifty like that so that i can have my perfect saturday.

*the sigh* until then, bring your umbrellas to school on monday. temperatures will be in the low to mid-sixties, with chances of light rainfall in the morning and a wee bit of sun around noon.

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i forgot to go to school because i got high.
107th day of 2004
things learned while on vacation:

1. never joke with a police officer.
the night before we left miami to go to orlando, we were driving down the interstate when a cop pulled us over. i was sitting in the backseat, and the whole thing was really thrilling because...gawd, to this day i don't even know. anyway, it turned out my dad was driving with our flood lights on and in florida, that constitutes a hefty fine. dad was busy trying to produce his id when i unbuckled my seatbeat, leaned forward and said, "oooh, this is so exciting! our first miami stickup!"

why did i say that? WHY did i say that? oh my LORD, the cop must've thought we'd just gotten back from a bank robbery. but anyway.

he stared at me and said, "excuse me?" and my parents looked all scandalized and i just wanted to vanish on the spot. it turns out that policemen don't carry a sense of humor in their holster...only a gun.

2. when ride signs tell you you are going to get wet, THEY MEAN IT.
we were waiting in line at universal studios to go ride this odd twister movie re-creation thing when i spotted one of those "you WILL get wet!" posts at the entrance. i did not heed the warning, because the ride wasn't even a ride at all. it was a tornado simulation. how wet can one get during a tornado simulation?

my hair was RUINED.

3. nothing is worth waiting 160 minutes for. nothing.
shrek 4-D was the most popular thing at universal, even beating out the men in black alien ride thingie. i was skeptical. no way would anyone make us wait over two hours, not when it was 11 o'clock at night and we had a plane to catch at 5 the next morning. noooo, because us saldanas are invincible! what is a mere LINE to the proud and few!?
after about thirty minutes, my mom started complaining that her ankles hurt, my dad started griping about missing our flight, and i fell asleep standing up. i don't even like shrek anyway.

4.pay attention in spanish class. dammit.
no one speaks english in miami. if you don't know how to speak spanish, you are muerte with a capital-d. my grandparents, who we were there to visit, laughed at my crude and broken dialect. all of my cousins were hella talking smack...but i can't be sure, since they were careful to do it in spanish. and my dad...ugggh, we made him look like such an ass. i think my one proud moment was when we were over at my aunt olga's house, and without really thinking i said, "donde esta la vasura?" ("where is the trash?") it was groovy, and i scared the shizzit out of my cousins because they knew i knew about their smack talking. yeah yuh.

5. when on vacation, do not go online.
the internet is stupid, but nothing is more stupid than sneaking away from your uncle's birthday party to borrow his internet access. what can i say? i was DYING without my aim. in retrospect, it was probably a lame thing to be caught doing. like, i was sitting in the dark, giggling like a maniac, and talking to (of all people!) rick. how embarassing.

6. it is probably not best to abandon your luggage in another state.
that's right, folks. my backpack is still at the marriot in florida. *sigh* it's all my dad's fault. he left me and my mom in the hotel room while he went to go check out, and he knows good and damn well how incompetent women are. i didn't notice i was missing something until we were halfway to orlando, and even then it was only because i was taking a nap and had a dream that..i forgot my backpack. and it came TRUE. auughghgpegegkvdev.

7. piggy back rides are the grooviest kind of exercise.
i don't mean getting 'em, i mean GIVING 'em. gawd. it sucks being the "fun" cousin, i swear. all the other kids my age were busy sitting around trying to look older than they really were and discussing politics, but IIIII was too busy playing simon says and toting a bunch o' little people on my back.

8. if you are from california and visiting another state, it is best not to assert your california-ness every five seconds.
the entire trip consisted of exchanges like this:
"oooh, we didn't know you had p-diddy in florida!"
"yeah, well. the seafood's better in cali."
"d'you watch american idol? really? no, REALLY? that's so weird."
"ohmigosh, there's a starbucks! HERE! who knew!?"
"liiiike, in california, like, people, like, sound a lot smarter when they, like, talk."
either that, or you drive down the street with your noses pressed against the car window and you take pictures of everything.

9. ponchos are ugly.
there is no getting around it. you cannot accessorize a freaking clear plastic mickey mouse poncho. it's just not done. we were at disney world when one of florida's famous five-minute tropical monsoons rolled in, and my dad had to run to one of the gift shops and buy us some rain gear. he got...ponchos. i was so embarassed. so there we stood, waiting in line for the "it's a small world" ride, wearing those damn plastic shields and looking 100% like the tourists we were.

yanno, it really is the happiest freaking place on earth.

10. THINK before you SPEAK.
when we were leaving our hotel in orlando, one of the security guards was like, "bye, have a nice flight!" and then i opened my big dumb mouth and said, "you too!"

11. boys in yellow swim trunks are often extremely hot. no, make that hott.
'nuff said.

12. when you first get home from vacation, update your nutang.
it's the polite thing to do. plus, i've been home for a whole week now. sorry.

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in the days of kings and queens i was a jester.
94th day of 2004
YAY spring break! wooooo. party hardy.

so tomorrow's the day i leave for florida. i can't say i'm excited about it--it's not really gonna be a happy trip. see, my grandma's kinda dying of cancer and stuff...sooo maybe disney world isn't appropriate, i dunno. *melancholy* to be frank, i'd much rather stay in crappy old millbrae and go to school. yesm. at least that way i can see mis amigos and whatnot.

yes, so. i'll write more when i get back. lurve you all--and have a kickass break! unless you're in school...in which case, i laugh at you. hah.

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