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Flight Of The Dark => invisibleinkling@NuTang

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May 2024

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La Lune
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free makeup and then some
Sunday. 9.17.06 9:41 pm
Today's shoot went really well I think. I'll find out for sure when I pick up a few of the rolls tomorrow. I can't afford all 8 (yes...8) so I'll have to pick and choose. Chris helped me finish up my last roll by gettin all rockstar for me. Heh. Hot.

After 4 hours of shooting I was expected to be at the mall for a 3 hour meeting where I'd learn how to sell the new Very Sexy makeup line. Now, I'm not really a girly girl, although in the last couple years I've gotten slightly more so in some aspects than I used to be. It takes me a long time to do my makeup on the special ocassion that I actually wear it, because if I'm going to do it, it might as well be worth it. I do admit though that I have my girly moments, and I like to get creative! I really like some of the colours we have. I'm a big eye makeup fan (because I happen to think thats the only part of me worth looking at) but we got free lipgloss and lipstick, so I actually got some new colours. I don't really know why that all took 3 hours, but whatever. Free is good, and it's pretty nice stuff.

So afterbeing around hot model, then staring at pictures of models in hot makeup...Jenn feels rather ugly and fat...but oh well. At least someone thinks I'm beautiful (or at least told me so once upon a time).

On that note...I'm gonna go relax!

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mleh...and other stories
Tuesday. 9.19.06 1:58 pm
Today was really slow at work. The highlight of my day was hearing two 3yr olds calling eachother "scurvey pirate"! Against my wallet's better judgment, I picked up the rest of my pictures fromt he other day. They're not bad...but my lighting is terrible. I really need to invest in some real lights. *sigh* but I've got so many bills to pay first...anyone wanna buy some framed prints? unframed? belly button lint? I feel so frustrated that my work could be of such higher calibur if I could afford it.

So thar's been my day. Waitin for Chris to get home. Apparently he's had a crappy day too, so maybe he'll let me cuddle for a little while before he jumps into his work. Maybe. I could really use it right now...

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love and serendipity
Wednesday. 9.20.06 5:08 pm
Today was apparently baby day at the mall. All my sittings before 1pm were i nfants. Man, my back hurts. Our studio is awash in chaos at the moment. They started installing the new digital equipment last week, but until we get rid of the film printer it's been moved into a camera room we don't use...so now we have new equipment in one room and a second room full of old equipment plus boxes of stuff we either don't have room for yet or equipment we haven't has installed yet. I feel like I'm camping when I'm printing in there. We've had to be creative with making table space out of boxes. So thing's have been chaotic, but today I look up from the counter after a sitting, and Chris is waiting for me! He made his way over on his break to see me. My boss let me break a few minutes early so we could have lunch together. I really needed something like that today. It was really nice. :) I felt extremely loved.

In less exciting news...the model from my shoot last weekend hated the images I sent her. *sigh* I guess you can't win em all. I was pretty happy with most of em. Ya, they took a lot of work, and they could've been 10 times better if my lighting had been better...but still...I didn't think they were "terrible". Blah. What did you guys think?

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not another day!
Friday. 9.22.06 8:34 am
So I woke up this morning feeling slightly on the sick side. A few moments later I was thrust violently beyond the "sick" border. I'm pretty sure it's ebola. No bleeding yet, but it's only a matter of time. No one with flu symptoms ever really has the flu. They always die of weird rare shit. "Sources tell us she complained of flue symptoms just moments before she burst into flames. Back to you, Tom."

I still attempted to make it to work. I actually got most of the way to the bus before I called Chris almost in tears and learned he's on his way home for the same thing. I have deep moral dilemas when I call out of work. 1) we really need the money. 2) i hate feeling like I'm letting people down, especially when I know we REALLY need staff right now. Tonights our first digital training class, and I really hope I don't miss it.

*sigh* as soon as he gets home I'm goin back to sleep...
this shoebox officaly quarantined...

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Friday. 9.22.06 10:02 pm
So I had to go to the mall for 2 hours of training...as much as I tried to stay alert, it wasn't happening. Luckily I've already used that system and those cameras. Nothing really new to absorb..but it did cut a hole in my recovering. Meh. The bus ride home was the only one I've ever wished to end in a fiery crash. It was full of fuckin mallrats. Nothing makes me want to slit my wrists like being trapped in a tiny short bus with 20 teenagers. Had the ride not been short several of them would've either caught my ebola or my fist flying in fury. Eventually though, I did get home.

Tomorrows gonna be a fun day. We're goin to a Philles game! First one we've been to since we moved.

Anywho...for now I'm gonna relax a bit more then go to bed.

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you stupid cow!
Saturday. 9.23.06 8:48 am
So I call out of work this morning from "insert expensive underwear store here" and I explain the usual...throwing up, dizzy, sick in general...and she goes "oh, you've got a hangover?" No, you stupid whore! I'm sick! So after she puts me on hold she tells me I need to find someone from the phone list to cover my shift or I'll be written up. Fine, write me up. I just got two more reasons to quit. Everyone told me how much of a retail challenge it was to work there. I can handle ther etail challenge, but I can't handle managers and sales leaders who make me feel like I'm inconveniencing them for even being there. Fuck it.

So on toip of this, there's another health issue and well...the game might possibly be rained out today...grah!

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