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Age. 37
Gender. Female
Ethnicity. Caucasion/White
Location , FL
School. Other
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I Don't Care Anymore.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Well, I told my parents last night I was applying at Starbucks at the Florida Mall. They say the mall is too far away, but I really don't care. I wanna work at the mall, and actually have a life! And somebody told me that Starbuck's usually pays pretty well for entry-level positions. I doubt that Starbucks is the only good-pay place at the Florida Mall, so anywhere inside there is probably a good bet. And it's someplace that I actually want to work--not just convenient because it's a mile or two from home. I'm sick of having to find someplace closer to my house; I'm either not happy at those places, or not making enough money. I'm still going to apply at the mall, I don't care if the rest of my family thinks it's too far. Lynx exists for a reason, you know? I looked online this morning and it appears that taking the 26 from my house to Osceola Square Mall, and then transferring to the number 4 bus will get me up to the Florida Mall, which is my destination. Still going to take a day to figure out the length of time it'll actually take to get there. Also, I'm going to look into getting a bus pass when I get a job up there.

7 days left until my 20th birthday!! Yay! My parents asked what I wanted and where I wanted to go next week, but I haven't decided. I know I want the two seasons of Friends that I'm missing (Seasons 7 and 8.), along with Beverly Mitchell's new CD, Beverley Mitchell. Other than that, I'm really game for whatever. A laptop would be cool!! I also asked for a webcam, since Ed asks about every other week if I've gotten one yet. As for where to go, I have no idea. My usual favorite is Fazoli's, but it's so inexpensive and my birthday is the one day I can say whatever restaurant, and regardless of the expense, we go there. I was thinking Olive Garden, but I like Macaroni Grill too. I just don't want anybody singing to me, and I'm pretty sure they do that at both of those places. (MG for sure; heard them singing to someone else just last week! OG seems like a place that would do the same..) I wanna go somewhere different though, someplace new, and I have no idea. I'll probably think more about it this afternoon during my walk.

Yeah. I'm going to start walking, and eating a little healthier from now on. I haven't had soda in a couple days! Also bought Shape magazine at Walden's while we were out last night for Joe's birthday; it's probably my favorite of the health/fitness magazines because it's got the health/fitness articles, but it's also got a little bit of the fashion side as well.

I think that's all I've got to say for now, so I'll end with that. Pray that I get a job at the Florida Mall, that Ed is kept safe from harm and does well on his next PT test, and that I get accepted in to Trinity College for the fall! (Somebody remind me on Sunday to turn in my Pastoral/Spiritual Reference form to Pastor Karl or his wife, please!)

Love, Laura

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One Really Long Entry...
Friday, October 27, 2006
I wish I were employed. I really do. Or in school full-time instead of Part-time. That will change next semester, but for now, that leaves me a lot of free time to sit here and think about Ed. Which also means, I have plenty of time to sit here and worry about whether or not he's okay, and if he will call today. Last I heard from the troops over there, they were in the middle of a blackout period. I don't know exactly what that means, but it sounds as though they are cutoff from calling and emailing their loved ones back home. Well, if they're in the middle of a blackout, how come his friend can log in to her MySpace everyday? I'm just frustrated by that. Couldn't she just leave a quick comment to tell me he's okay? I know it might seem like a lot to ask of her, and maybe it is. She's busy too, and has to let her own family and friends know she's ok. But still. I'm a worrier, I come up with the worst possible scenarios and actually convince myself, sometimes, that they're going to come true in the next few days. You know how they say bad things come in threes? I've kinda already had two, I really hope that saying isn't true. He hasn't logged in since the 21st, and his sister didn't log in between the 22nd and the 26th. I noticed this and immediately played out a horrible fantasy that they'd gotten word of his death and the news had yet to reach me. I was planning on going over there yesterday, but I got no answer when I phoned them. I emailed his sister to let her know I wanted to come over, and since I wasn't able to yesterday, I'm going to try and visit tomorrow. She logged on to read that email..so maybe there is hope?
I made a promise before he left that I would move on if anything should happen to him. I don't know if I can keep it. He is my whole world; I can't imagine my future without him. But you know, I have these two voices in my head. One keeps telling me that all hope is gone, and that he's not going to come home. While thee other voice tells me to keep praying, and just to have faith. (I know whose voices they are too--Satan and Jesus.) I'm clinging to Him more now than I ever have.
Speaking of which, my church is having some sort of Unhalloween event on Sunday afternoon. I'm really looking forward to it, for the simple fact of having something to do. Well, besides schoolwork, which is getting really behind. I've only been going the church for a few months, and their previous 'events' have been a lot of fun, so I'm hoping this will just be another fun activity I can participate in. I know my the time Ed returns, I'll have or be in the process of leaving the Student Service and attending the Adult Service. You know what though? I really wish there was College Student Service. We're not really in our teens anymore, but we're not really adults either. We're close to being adults, yes, but we're still inbetween the two and there is no church service for those of us that are inbetween those age groups. I guess I'm lucky because my church doesn't really kick us out at any particular age, but they do encourage us to explore the more adult side of things. (Not that I'm complaining too much, but wouldn't this be a big reason why Christians stop going to church when they get to be college-age?)
Ed, to me, is a man. He takes responsibility for everything he does, good or bad, and accepts that life isn't always going to give you what you want. I don't know of anybody else our age that does that. I know who guys will take responsibility for something that's going to give them some sort of priveledge, like a promotion at work. But those same guys will blame others for their actions when they feel they're going to be in big trouble with their girlfriends, parents, teachers, whoever. And I can't believe that this man is mine. He makes me happier than almost anything else in my life (I say almost, cause I gotta give that #1 spot to God..), and I don't know if I'll ever be able to tell him just how happy he makes me, and how proud I am of him because there are no words to describe how happy and proud of him I am.
Maybe I am bragging about him a lot right now in here, but I don't care. I feel like I bragging about sweet he is. You know, the very first time I saw him, I knew there was something different. At the time, I guess I didn't really connect it with love, but looking back on it, I'd have to say that's what it was. I knew he was going to be in my life for a long while, hopefully forever. (And a day.--Inside joke of ours.) I remember the day after we first became girlfriend and boyfriend, officially. He brought me a rose just because he could. All of the other girls in my class were so jealous. And I loved it! I still love when he does things like that, which I guess is more often than most other boyfriends. He's bought me a couple of Teddy Bears, a ring, and a blanket in the time that we've been together, which is close to three years. Yes, we have had our ups and downs, but what couple hasn't? God, I can't wait to be close to him again. I can't to hold him in my arms and comfort him and just watch him sleep. I miss watching him sleep. And I miss cuddling with him, and sort of playing house when I visited him in Texas. I can't wait to do that again, except next time it'll be the real thing.
I'm going to end this entry here, cause I can't think of what else I had planned on writing...

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I'm in a Mellow Kind of Mood..
Monday, November 20, 2006
So..my dearest fiance has woken me up the past two mornings by calling me at 5 AM. Considering he's in Iraq, and I can't always be with him yet, I think it's the perfect way to wake up in the morning. I uploaded new pictures to MySpace for him to view, hopefully he's had time to do so. He also got Yahoo IM, finally! Pray that he can get on tomorrow so we can chat. Can you save the conversations on there? I know you can on MSN/Hotmail, and I would LOVE to save the convos we have over the next few months. Also, he may be coming home for leave earlier than planned. Not sure how early, but he's still going to try and make it as close to our anticipated leave time as he can. (We planned on him being home for my birthday, he may be coming home a week or two before instead. He's also been offered the option of coming home for Christmas instead of waiting 'til the New Year.) I'm hoping it works out the way we want it to, 6 months in Iraq-15 Day leave-6 months in Iraq-HOME. That's why we picked the leave when we did. But you know, it's the military. They don't really get to pick and choose everything all the time.
Heather's coming home this week! Yay! We're going to have to go to lunch or a movie or something while she's here. I haven't seen her since August; we've gotta catch up. Esther also coming home next month, in December. Esther is my best friend in the whole world, and I can't wait for her to return! I haven't seen her since June! We gotta catch up on what she's been doing in Argentina, and what I've been doing while she was there. (We email constantly, but it's not the same.) Plus, she has to keep me busy so I don't worry too much about Edward. The Youth Christmas party is in two weeks, too. I don't know what I'm going to bring, but apparently we're supposed to bring something. Could be a good excuse to have some baked ziti...(my favorite meal).

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Monday, October 2, 2006
I want to scream. I'm having major cramps, I miss my fiance terribly, and I'm having the most difficult time getting my assignments done for class. I just don't want to do them. (It's really only one half-finished assignment and discussion postings...and the postings are what I'm really trying to avoid for as long as possible.) The time monitor/plan? Forget the plan--I was too inconsistent with whatever I was doing once Ed left. Though I would like to see if I could actually follow a schedule, even for a day. I don't know if I should turn the assignment in for partial credit or try and email my professor and explain the situation or what. Aye. At least I have a little over twelve hours to decide still. Though she'll probably mention it in the mandatory chat tonight..

Jay wanted to see my left hand at church yesterday..to find out if I was lying about being engaged? I dunno, but my ring is not actually an engagement ring...even though I AM engaged. The ring I'm wearing right now is a promise ring Ed gave me when he first left for bootcamp. I'm not sure how badly I really want or need an engagement ring. Doesn't a wedding band mean something more? I'd rather a wedding band than an engagement ring to only be worn for a few months..

During service, Pastor Karl mention the Army and the war in Iraq. Nothing specifically about it, but about the training the Army provides you before sending you off to war. I just got a day off from my incessant worrying, and he brought it back. Thanx, Karl. Anyway, something he said got me to thinking. About a really big decision I've been struggling with for years..I want to talk to Ed about it when he comes back though before I say what it is. I've been able to push the issue under the surface for quite awhile, but Karl said something (don't remember exactly what) that brought it right back to surface. I was so happy just avoiding it! Wow. Karl brought up two issues for me. Thanx again, Karl..grr.

Emily has decided to have me come over to her house every Thursday. (I agreed, so I can't really complain, but she's not my favorite person in the world.) I'm hoping it gets us a better relationship before I marry Ed. (For those that don't know, Emily is Ed's mom. I'm not comfortable calling her my mom though. Even if she is going to be my mother in law..) I love his sister's though; Elisa is soo cute! And Erica's cool. I dunno about Elexis though, she's kinda quiet really. At least, it seems that way around me. I don't really know Eric and Xiomara though, and they don't live here (at least, I don't think they do) so I can't say anything about them. I met them only twice before...

Everyone, please keep praying for Ed and everyone else in his unit that's over in Kuwait right now. Please. I need him to come home; I don't know if I could handle him not coming home and I really don't want to find out for sure. Just pray for him, ok? That's all I want from you guys right now. Just to pray for him and all of the soldiers fighting for our freedom overseas.

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What a Productive Weekend!
Monday, February 5, 2007
Well, we went up to the Florida Mall on Saturday so Kaiti could get Kevin's Valentine's Day gift. I tried to get a job while that was being done, but my sister wasn't having it. I got a ton of applications, but I was only able to fill out one in person. . And that's only because they don't let applicants out the door with a blank application. The person from Human Resources, or the hiring manager wasn't in the store that day to look over the application, so I've got to call them back on Tuesday at 2:00 or 2:30. I also have applications from Starbucks (I haven't returned that one yet because I still have to answer the three open-ended questions.), The Body Shop, bebe, Charlotte Russe, Papaya, and Claire's (Haven't returned that one yet either, cause I got lost and couldn't find the store while we were there, lol.) Please pray that I get one of the job opportunities!

On Saturday night, I was able to go over to Esther's and participate in The Truth Project that Josiah is leading. And hang out with Esther. The Truth Project is really interesting, I missed the first video last week though. We're trying to set up some time this week so that I (and the few others who also missed the video) can go over and make that up, but we're pretty much hitting dead ends. I think Weds was good for everyone, until I remembered I'm going out to dinner for my birthday. How I forgot that is beyond me! Please pray that we can get that worked out in our small group, and that it continues to be amazing and allow each one of us to grow spiritually in Christ.

Also, I got all my references turned in for the application to Trinity College. Esther has said she returned hers to that admissions office, and I handed off the Church Reference Form to Pastor Karl. No doubt he'll get that done in a timely manner. As for the second Personal Reference, I had Sydney fill out that form; it's just got to be sent in to the right people. I found most of my outline for the testimony I have to write for the application; it's just missing one section, but I think I may be able to outline it again. Pray that I am able to do so!

Oh, and one last note: I had a tiny bit of Pepsi with dinner last night. I didn't drink much of it though, about 4 or 5 sips. I think I've gone without soda long enough to not crave it as much as I do water. That's kind of cool! I think it was mostly the caffeine shock that I didn't particularly care for in the Pepsi, but I can't be sure. I know for my birthday, I was planning have a soda with dinner, but after last night, I'm not sure now. I may just go with water, who knows?

Ok, so that's not the last and final thing I've got to say..sorry! I decided where I'm going for my birthday: Olive Garden! Xiomara says they sing for birthdays, but I'm going to tell them not to sing. I kind of feel that singing for anybody's birthday is really only appropriate in a large party setting with all of your friends and family, not just a family dinner out to a nice restaraunt. Pary for that as well!

Now, that really is all I've got to say for now so..God Bless! Love, Laura

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My Testimony
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
I didn't grow up going to church, though I was jealous of those I knew who did. My mother took us to a few churches growing up, but we never went on a regular basis, but I wish we would have. I loved every second of Sunday School that I attended as a child, even if it was far and few between. In high school, I began attending a bible study held by my friend, Esther. After a few months, Esther invited me to attend church with her. I did--a year or two later. I wish I'd have accepted the invitation earlier, but what's done is done. I accepted Jesus in April/May of 2006, though I do not remember the exact date. Since accepting Jesus, I have stopped wearing more revealing fashions, such as low-cut tops and short skirts. I have also started attending bible study at church, along with many various church activities like SuperWow 2006.

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