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~*Alisha's Blog*~
We all know the day now!

May 2024

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I Couldn't Resist.
Thaaaat's Ma Name!!
About me...well sorta : )
wow...i get it!! ok so, about me huh? well, my name is alisha, i love nutang, its wayyy better than xanga, and i love to dance. DANCE IS MY LIFE. correction, i love somebody very dearly, they mean everything to me and i love them a world and back and they can't really compete with dancing but if i had to choose, id say they were just as equal! But yea, about me right? hm...brown eyes sometimes green when wearing contacts, brown hair, short, medium skin, sexy, sexy , and umm...sexy...lol...thats just about it..want to know more? ask silly billy!
for rick
Day in the Life of Richie
Tuesday. 10.26.04 6:28 pm
Hey guys, below is a story that i had to write as an assignment at my new school. I thought it was pretty funny. I know there are a looot of grammar mistakes but I just wrote it as a rough rough draft to get my ideas on paper. Tell me what you think. I know its corny but its all I could think to write about, since im not very good at story writing. Love alisha

Rough Draft
So, there he is, fat Richie. You know, Richie wasn’t always so fat and lazy, in his young days, he would frolic through the grass, play with string, do the usual cat things. But now, he just sits around all day as if he had nothing better to really do. Cats have an unusual life you know? They eat, sleep, drink, go outside, all in the norm, but I’ve always wondered what really goes on inside that little pea sized brain of theirs. What do they really think about all day, and when they dream, do they see like we do? What about sound? I guess we’ll never know…
“Ha! Little does she know that I happen to be one of the smartest cats around. Sure I may look lazy and fat, but really, I am fierce, like a tiger! ROAR! Ok, maybe I exaggerate a little, but what can I say? I’m a cat. Alright so, let me introduce myself. Hello, I am Richie, that lazy cat that that chick was talking about. And she? She is my owner; I like to think of her as my human mother. Anyways, back to me. Let me tell you a little bit about myself, I like to sleep, especially in the sun, with the warm beams shining on my gray and black silky soft fur, ah yes, I love it. Oh, and what is up with cat food these days? They act like us cats love to stare at kibbles and eat the same flavor every time we get hungry. Geez, no respect. But, I eat it and I can’t complain. So, I admit, when I was younger, I was a lot more playful, but I’m getting old, ten years for a cat is a long life ya know. But, I’ll always love to play with those birds. They think they are so cheerful and cute. But I think they look like a great dessert. And they are always stupid enough to come flying right next to me, so then I pounce up, chase after ‘em, and kabaam!! They’re dead. HAH!...I’ll tell you what, if you really are that interested in what us cats have to say, then follow me around for a day, I’ll show you how to live the high life, stupid humans think they really have it all…”
The next morning, Richie wakes up, opens his big green eyes, and sees that mom is getting ready.
“What is up with those humans? Always putting on different furs? Why can’t they just stay content with the one they have on to begin with. I mean, I’m doing fine, all you really have to do is give it a good lick and you’re all cleaned up, no sense in changing it all the time, whatever. Oh no, there she goes, ok, now follow me. So, every morning, mom gets up, gets ready, then walks out the front door with a large round type thing on her back, never understood what it was for, but oh well. So, she leaves, gives me a kiss goodbye and a lovely pat on the back and then walks up the street. C’mon let’s follow her!” Richie trots slowly up the street behind mom as the sun begins to come out. There are little beads of dew on the grass still, and the air smells fresh and clean, almost as if it had just rained. “Eh, well, this is usually where I drop her off to go on her way. Goodbye mom, I’ll see you later today! Ah, what a lovely girl isn’t she? Well, now I’ll show you what my day is like. Let me just run down the street really quick, grab a bite to eat, and, dangit! They locked me out, aw shucks, ok, let me go look in the window. Man, no one’s home, I guess they all left. What a bunch of punks. All I wanted to do was walk mom up the street and now I’m locked out of my own home. Well, I’ll just go lay on the grass for a while.” Richie sprawls out on the grass, rolling around and finding the perfect place to lay, he is content with the morning sun shining on his little furry face and thinking of what he will do for the day.
“Chirp” “chirp chirp” “ Hey kitty! Look at me! I’m up here in this tree and you are too fat to jump up and get me!! C’mon kitty, that’s it, look up, over here!”
“What? What’s going on” He looks up in the tree while squinting because the sun is so bright, “What do you think you’re doing? I was trying to take my morning snooze! I’ll get you for this, you think I’m old, but I can get you!” Suddenly, the bird is seen standing on the edge of its nest, flapping its little yellow wings and laughing tauntingly. He throws his head back to tease Richie and begins to lose his balance. The bird falls from the tree and is soaring toward the ground to young to fly. Richie springs up, runs over, and waits anxiously for the bird to land. “hahahah. You thought you could fool me, look who’s in trouble now Mr. Tweeters.”
“Please don’t hurt me, I think I broke my wing. I didn’t mean to wake you up, I just wanted to play.” The bird looks at Richie and has a sad look of remorse on his face. He is so young and delicate that Richie can’t help but to feel bad.
”Alright fine! I won’t hurt you, but please do tell me, why do you birds always think you can get away with flapping your wings in my face?”
“I, I, I, just wanted to play. I thought you would want to play with me too? Maybe we could be friends, you know, hang out sometime, but what should I do, my wing is broken and I’m too young to fly, my mother is gone and…oh…I don’t know what to do!!” The bird starts sobbing in his young little voice.
“Don’t worry, I’ll show you around. This is my neck of the woods. Oh, and by the way, what is your name?”
“I’m Jack, who are you?
“Richie, I live here, this is my tree, I used to climb in it all the time when I was a young boy, those were the days you know.”
Richie and Jack begin walking down the steep hill. As they are walking by one of the houses a dog begins to bark. Richie says “Hah. That’s fluffy, his owners thought he was a girl when he was born, and now he’s a vicious beast, yet his name is fluffy, ironic isn’t it?”
“Yea, my mom said she named me jack because that was my daddy’s name, and she said I look just like him. I wonder what my dad is like, I’ve never met him, and I probably never will.”
“Well, this is my street, I’ve never been past it, but I don’t think it really goes very far, so let’s just keep walking.” Richie and Jack continue to walk through the neighborhood. As time begins to pass, they get to caught up in conversation that they don’t realize how far they’ve gone. They see a park up ahead and decide to stop and sit on a bench. Richie walks over to the sand box, rolls around, and tries to get comfortable. Jack walks up the playground stairs and perches on top of the bars. They look around and realize how big the world really is. They are both in their separate worlds of thinking when a little boy named Tom comes flying through the sand, kicking sand in Richie’s face while running towards the swings. “I love thwings!” he says playfully loud. Richie wakes up from his day dream and sees the blue eyed boy sitting on the swing kicking his feet back and forth. “Hi kitty kitty! Whath’s youw name? Aw, you awe thoooo cute.” The boy hops off the swing and wanders over towards Richie petting him on the head. Richie thinks “Ah, yes, humans always love me, oh, that’s the spot, right next to my ears, man this feels good.” Richie closes his eyes in deep content while Jack hops over to the boy chirping to get the boys attention.
“Huh? A little biwdy? You look like you bwoke youw wing? Maybe I cud take you home and fix it fo you.” Tom picks up Jack gently stroking his wing, and cuddling him close to his warm freckled face. He nuzzles his nose against Jacks head making him feel comforted. “How about I take you home to my house, and I will twy to fix youw wing, then me and kitty cat can set you fwee.” Richie and Jack both look at each other happily and Jack decides he will go with the boy so his broken wing can heal. Richie says goodbye to Jack and walks slowly back to his house.
On his way back, he notices things he never really noticed before. The white puffy clouds were rolling through the sky as a light breeze ran through his whiskers. He could hear the light wind blowing through the trees and the warm sun shining on his back. He noticed the different smells of flowers as he would pass by, and the sounds of all the pets in people homes. For once, Richie felt like he really did something good, like he had a purpose and that helped someone out. He liked Jack, Jack was just like him, they talked about how they loved to lay in the sun, and how humans think that all bird and cat food should taste the same. They laughed and spent almost the whole day together and until now, Richie always thought that birds were just annoying little creatures that would chirp because they were annoying and wanted attention. But now, he was making friends with an enemy. “What a good day today, I think I’ll go look for Jack tomorrow in the park” Richie thought to himself as he was dozing off for bed, “Then I’ll have a big bowl of salmon flavored gourmet cat food for breakfast so I can be big and strong..zzzzzz” Richie dozed off for the night just as mom crawled into bed petting him on the head and falling asleep herself.
The next morning, Richie woke up as mom was getting ready, leapt off the bed, got a good stretch in, and walked into the kitchen for his breakfast. “You know, maybe humans don’t realize this, but we cats eat the same thing for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and every time we want to eat. How inconsiderate. I wonder if other cats feel the same way. Oh well, this salmon tastes better every time. Oh, I hear mom walking down the hallway, I think she’s about to leave. I better get going.” Richie slums over to the doorway and walks out and feels the crisp cold air on his pink wet nose. He stumbles down the stairs and yawns and sits at the bottom, wondering if he should walk mom up the street or get going to the park so he can discover more things.
“Goodbye Richie my love, I’ll see you after school!” Mom gives Richie a kiss on the head and walks up the street like she always does and Richie decides he is going to head out for the day.
“You know,” Richie says to himself, “I never really thought that I would have any bird friends. I hope that Jack and I will become really close, because then maybe he can live in our tree, and we can explore more things together. Maybe mom can even meet Jack and we can all hang out for the day.
When Richie arrived at the park, he saw the little boy sitting on the swing and Jack was perched on top of the swing just like the day before. Jack saw Richie and screamed with excitement, “Hey Rich! Look at me, Tom put a bandage on my arm so now it is healing and I will be able to fly really soon. I can almost already fly, See!” Jack jumped from the bar and his little wings flapped so fast you could barely see them. He fell straight towards the ground, then lifted up a little bit, and landed gently on the bench in the sand.
“Oh my gosh, I thought you were going to die, don’t scare me like that Jack. So does this mean that when you can fly again you will have to leave?” This was something Jack hadn’t thought about.
“Well, I guess. I mean, I’m so young, and I have to learn how to fly, and to be with other birds, I can’t stay here forever Richie, I have to raise my own family, but thank you for all of the help you’ve given me, I will make sure to come back and visit. Maybe I can even find my family one day and bring them all back and we can hang out together in your front yard.” Richie was sad, but knew that this is what birds do. They aren’t like cats; they have a life of their own. They have to fly and they have their own families too. Richie was disappointed but knew that he could know make more friends, and help out animals in need. So, Richie, Tom, and Jack all sat at the park on that warm sunny afternoon playing in the sand and chasing each other on the playground. Tom heard his mother calling and gave Richie a pat on the head and said he had to go, and Jack decided it was time for him to go to. “Well Rich, it’s time for me to go, I want to get a head start on flying before it gets dark so I have a place to stay. It was nice meeting you, and I will come back to visit.”
“Yea, it was nice meeting you too, you taught me a lot you know that Jack? I will really miss you, but I can’t wait for you to come back and visit. Richie jumped up on to the bench and his tail sat still as he watched Jack climb up to the top of the swing set where he would fly away from. Jack turned around, winked at Richie and took off towards the sun. Richie watched in amazement as Jack flew away and got smaller and smaller until all he could see was a speck in the enormous sky above him, and then decided it was time to go home.
“You know, humans always wonder what cats really think, but sometimes they make me wonder, what are they thinking? I know it may sound strange, but through Jack, I learned that we are all so similar that it would be a waste to have enemies. Making friends with others that are different than you really opens up your eyes to a whole new world, and you learn so many great things. I hope Jack comes back to visit soon, and as for me, I’ll still be one lazy, fat cat, the only thing that will be different, is how I look at others.”
Richie walked back up the steep hill and waited at the front door for mom to come home from school. When she opened up the front door, he walked into her bedroom, laid down, and curled up in a ball on the carpet underneath her window, and dozed off for another lazy afternoon in the life of Richie.
The End

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Another day in the life of alisha...
Monday. 10.25.04 11:09 pm
So, today was, eh, well, not exciting. Well, not much at least. Woke up, couldn't sleep at all last night because I didn't get to talk to mi amor. Um, did some more homework, picked up my sister from school early cause it was a half day. Helped her with homework. Had phone session therapy, which went rather well. OH, so then i got all cuddly in my blankees, made a mini popcorn bag, got a soda, and watched a movie, i watched uh coyote ugly. I like that movie. So then, my mom came home, left 20 minutes later to go get dinner with a friend, and me and Kay carved our pumpkins from the patch. They turned out soo cute, so we have them glowing on the table with a bowl of roasted pumpkin seeds that we cooked. They are delish. ANyways, thats about it. And in not too long from now, i will be back in the Bay area. Toodles.

Days till alishas 17th: 9

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The Pumpkin Patch
Sunday. 10.24.04 11:46 pm
Ok, so remember how i said we were supposed to go to the pumpkin patch?? Well, we ended up going and it was fabulous darling!

So, first, it takes like forever, or should i say what seemed like an eternity to get there, but we make, its not raining, thank god, and not too cold. Double score. So, it's like this little halloween land with rides and the pumpkin patch, ponies to ride on, a haunted house, a pumpkin shooter thing, and a corn maze. So, we buy the everything pakage so we can do everything without buying all seperate tickets.

Ok, so first, the corn maze. Now, when you read a sign that says caution corn maze is muddy from rain, you think, eh, couldn't be that bad, it only rained one day, and it was nice today, right? WRONG. So, were losing ourselves in this massive corn maze, and when i mean massive, i mean like three Mills football fields massive of this giant pumpkin, if you understood how large that is, you will understand why it took an hour to get thru. There were sooo many turns, and dead ends, but they help you get thru it by putting numbered signs up every once in a while to let you know you are on the right path. Little did we know, some people decided they were going to create their own paths that were not on the map, so we got lost in a swamp of raised dirt rows and corns poking out everywhere, while a kid is chasing after us with a corn husk saying "Are there really people who hide in this thing with chainsaws that pop out and scare you????" My lord i was about to pop a corn up his butt so hard it would have come out his mouth. Ahem, so yes, anyways, we finally get towards the end, and nobody has fallen victim to the sloshes of mud, and when we get there, we come to realize that we skipped about 3 of the numbers and ended up in the middle of the maze, where you aren't supposed to be and it was so swamped with mud that we had no choice but to walk thru. IT. Was. Hilarious! Just imagine, Alisha, her two sisters, step dad, and clumsy ol mom, slushing thru mud in nice clothes and nice white shoes, while screaming and sliding around everywhere. It was so great, so i slip, grab my mom, who slips, twirls around, gets really close to totally biffing in the mud, and then we recover, no mud on the pants. yes. Then, Cassie, the youngest in the front gets her shoe swallowed by the mud puddle, and is screaming because she is about to do the splits from sliding in the mud while laughing and saying "im gonna peeee!" , and knees it into the dirt, covering her hand, in poo looking stuff, and goign EWW. Lol. ok so, we make it out, all laughing and saying, wow that was fun, and ended with only one casualty of falling. Ah, if you could have seen it, i almost peed i was laughing so freakin hard.

Next, food. I never knew that there would be a pumpkin patch that was serving filipino and mexican food at the food stands. So, we get lumpia and adobo with rice, sodas, and uh. yea, pizza. Food was delish.

Then comes the haunted house. My mom, kayla and I go in with the 3D glasses because everything had that glow paint, which was really cool, and scream our whole way thru because it was so freakin dark. Then this freaky lookin guys comes hacking at us with a machetti and has a "patient" on his table all bloody and cut up, really disturbing, and there are mummies and crap all over moaning and just ew, it was quite a relief to get out. Not my favorite haunted house id have to say.

Next, pumpkinS!! so, we pick out pumpkins, got some really cool ones, mine looks like it has a toupe, and put them in the car, after having to talk my mom out of not stealing the pumpkins that only ended up being 7 dollars, because she thought it would be a rip off. LOL

Then, we do the pumpkin shooting war. We bought three baskets of mini pumpkins, load them into what looks like a tank, and shoot them off of hay barrels at a giant pumpkin and bat and ghost, trying to get them thru the holes and scoring points. It was so awesome, i felt like i should have been in Iraq, although, there were no bombs or serious deaths, but you get what i mean, I think...

So yes, my day was quite fun, Shot pumpkins and completely smashed them to itty bitty pieces, got super muddy, scared the crap out of myself in a house thing, got lost for an hour in a maze of corn and thought i was in the movie signs. Ate filipino food, then came home and watched trading spaces. Yes, halloween is a comin. Next , gotta get out the costume, dress up, and rake in the candy. NITe. HOpe you enjoyed reading my day as much as i had spending it!

Days Till my bday: 10

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SUN day
298th day of 2004
SO, its sunday, and its sunny, ironically. Since yesterday it was pouring all day long i find it kinda funny how its sunny today. Anyways my grandma and grandpa came up today just to say hi. Im showing them my room and my sister was showing them her new computer, which is what i am typing on right now. What a spoiled brat huh? she has her own computer at age 12. Gah. So, nothing really to do today, i guess i will update more later. And, so far, i have not received any return mail or email from my sojourn letters that were sent out. Im still waiting hopefully. Its only been 3 days, i think im just impatient. So, i better get going now. I will talk to you later, hopefully well be able to go to the pumpkin patch later today, that will be fun, shooting pumpkins out of a canon and getting lost in a maze of corn fields. Lol. K im outtie'

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Lazy Day
Saturday. 10.23.04 6:43 pm
listening to: Usher and Alicia Keys: My Boo
mood: lazy yet satisfied, oh and in deep thought. : )

so, today has been pretty lazy for myself. I got up around 11, got ready for nothing. Went downstairs, got cozy, lit the gas fireplace with cement logs and fake cracklies, lol. Then ate halloween candy, hot tea, and watched like 3 movies all in a row. Yes, and now it is almost 5 and the day is almost over. We were supposed to go to the corn maze today but of course it is raining, it hasnt rained since the beginning of the week but now it is raining again. I wonder what everyone else is doing today? It's weird that when i used to have nothing to do, i would just go out with my friends, but now i cant, so it makes me wonder, what are they doing? Still goign out i assume, but i just wonder. Hm. SO i found out that the school that i go to doesn't have a yearbook or senior portraits, or anything really for that matter, beside classes. Oh well, ill still get my mills stuff, and who knows, these next 7 months are very unplanned, i have no idea where my life will take me or where ill be living throughout the next year or two. So, ill be changing around a lot. Even if i do end up staying here for the rest of the school year, i will be leaving after that to go to oh god, i really dont want to say it, but yes, college. That is seriously coming up faster than i ever imagined. I am getting closer and closer to being on my own and making pretty much my own decisions, geez, whoever decided that. See what rainy days do to me? they make me sit around and think about my life and wonder where ill be 2 months from now. Well, i just wanted to say that im thinking about my lovely back home. And i miss everyone mucho. Hope you are all having a fantabulous weekend. Ill see you soon. Happy Autumn!

Days till My 17th BDay: 11

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Another Friday has come...and gone
Saturday. 10.23.04 12:14 am
hi again. so i re modeled the backround of my nutang, and added a picture of tinkerbell, cause i liked it. Altho, earlier when i had my backround all my stuff was centered in the page and now its not...harumph, and i dont know what i did to change it like that, i think i accidentally deleted a line that makes it like that. oh well. ill figure it out sooner or later. so, its another friday for alisha. now its the weekend, altho almots everyday seems like a weekend for me. It hasnt really rained much up here lately, i wonder why, i love the rain, i want it to come back...gr(in the words of tay). So, i dont really know what im doing this weekend, i know tomorrow im going to safeway to apply for a job and um my sister has to sell chocolate. Then later i think we are supposed to go to some cornmaze thing, but not the one where that girl got raped. Had pizza tonight, it was ok, service was terrible though. Annnnd, what else, i think thats about it, did some more homework today, and uh yea, not too interesting. I guess everyone else is at Ciara's house having a "party". Sounds exciting, too bad i live far away...anywho, ill see you guys soon, probably around halloween or my birthday

Days till Alisha's BDay: 12

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