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Name: Emily
Age: 24
Locaton: Auburn, Ala.
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*1 year, what???*
Tuesday, July 4, 2006
HAPPY 4TH OF JULY. Here's a direct quote from my mom:

Have a good Independence Day, we'll be home
watching fireworks from the front
porch celebrating our right to burn the flag and curse the president.

Love Mom

That's why she's better.

Yes, it's true, Friday will mark one year for sir Edward and I. We win!

We're going to a fancy restaurant in Opelika and giving gifts! Would you like to
see what Edward is going to get?

2 of these:

They will go in this:

Oh, and he's getting this as well.

He already has Playboy Brunettes. He'll get, of course, Blondes after this.

And that's that. Tomorrow I find out how I did on my super scary Newspaper Fundamentals final.

Enjoy these pictures.

Crotchface says what?

White girl dancing. More like white girl disaster.

We will melt you with our shiny skin. Effing Alabama humidity, fuck off.

Now, go download Galvinize by the Chemical Brothers and have a great damn day.

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Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Time to update! I've been super busy with school. I'm finally finished with my mini-mister, thank... whoever.

Sadly... I made a 79 on my last Newspaper Fundamentals test. 79 = F! I'm not kiding, and I'm not trying to be whiney and say, "Aw, I can't made below a B, that's bad! I'm an A student!" I'd be pretty goddamn happy with a C. That class... It kills me. I felt like I had FAILURE stamped on my forehead for days after getting that test back. I have one more chance though so I'm going to study my ass off. The final for that class is tomorrow, it's going to be pretty tough. I just need to get an 83 and I'll be fine.

I got a pair of skinny jeans for 12 bucks at Target And a pretty sweet pair of flip flops for 7 dollars. I love Target. I'm such a cheapskate. Oh yeah... I found a dog during a big thunder storm. She was an old blue tick mix with a nice yellow collar. She raced into the house when I got home and she was all wet and terrified. I would have called the vet then but it was Sunday so they were closed. I bought her some milkbones, named her Rooney, and let her stay the night. Then I called the vet who gave me the number of her real owner. Her name is actually Dell (lame) and her owner came and got her. She was pretty excited. I really enjoyed having a dog for a day but I think they're too high maintenence for me to actually own one.

I'm going to go ahead and make this update a short one because I've got studying to do. Wish me luck on my final, it's gonna be a son of a bitch.



Oh, and you guys know I can't resist posting pictures so... enjoy my new jeans and shoes. And my feet. And, of course, Rooney, my dog for a day.

Check it!

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*big 'ol teeth*
Wednesday. 6.7.06 1:36 pm
I'd like to start off by thanking Dave for adding the new function that annihilates those pesky spam comments. It's the tits. Next I'd like to ask all you guys who visit my page to check out my new renter TheSunKingpoet over at his blog Across the Sands. Oh, and thank you to the other bidders. I had to pick Across the Sands because I've been a reader of his blog for a while now.

Moving on... I had a pretty fun weekend. On Friday I went to my friend Kali's birthday/going away party. It was bittersweet. The theme was mod but... I don't own anything very mod-ish and I certainly can't afford to buy myself new clothes. But everyone else looked great!!! If you check out the photos, you'll see my toothiest picture yet and a wonderful picture of Edward looking like a Cranky McCrankypants (as usual).


On Saturday night Danni and I threw our own little party. It was lots of fun. There was a fight between some hippies and my friends (...and me). One of the angry girl hippies told me she was going to hit me in my glasses face. She also said to me, "Why don't you eat something you fucking bitch." I took it as a compliment. It was interesting. See, I always thought that hippies were peaceful, docile things. Like... well, like sheep. Apparently not. It turns out, hippies don't like... flashlights. That's right. Flashlights remind them of the police and that triggers something that makes them CUH-RAZY! Like, attack dog crazy. Fortunately we were able to get them to leave. Only after Ted the Hippie called Edward, "The rudest motherfucker ever born!" He took it as a compliment. That's why we make such a good couple. So, here are 2 pictures from that. Daniel took them, I haven't resized the pictures I took. And I really don't feel like it. MAYBE I'll add them later. Ah, I'd like to mention that the SWEET BRAID I have in my hair took me forever. I can't do hair to save my life. So... I'm really proud of that damn braid.


OH! And before I wrap this all up, I got a 95 on my spelling test! Ninety five out of one hundred. Now, I know you're probably thinking that a spelling test wouldn't really be that bad but... you're wrong. I had to study like crazy. There were a hundred words, yes, but they were taken from a list of 960 of the most commonly misspelled words. And, if I had made a 93 it would have been a B. An 83 a C, and anything below that... F. The lowest grade was a 20. Yeah, somebody missed 80 words. Ridiculous.

The play I'm in opens tomorrow. I'm a little nervous but I think I'll do just fine. I'll be sure to update you all on that. For now, I'm going to take a nap and then study like a crazy person. I have two test tomorrow, and I need to make above an 83 on one of them. Wish me luck.

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*it's been decided*
Thursday. 5.25.06 3:52 pm
I went ahead and decided that middle aged men that drive Mazda Miatas are very sad. Actually... Miata's are just basically really sad cars for really sad people.

No offense to you if you drive one.

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*war eagle and all that...*
Thursday, May 18, 2006

Update, May 21st:
1. I have a new renter. You will look upon his blog and laugh. I did. It's very clever and lots of fun. Check it out.
2. I got a part in that play! I call it a pity part. A thank you part for showing up. If you don't know what I'm talking about... read on.

What you'll be reading about today:

1. My first day of classes
2. An unexpected audition
3. A nut
4. Some questions I have about my blog

I started my classes today. I'm only taking 2 but both should be kind of challenging. On Monday through Friday I have Foundations of Mass Communication from 8:00-9:30, and Tuesday through Thursday from 11:30-12:45 I have Newpaper Fundamentals. The latter is going to be extremely difficult. There are 4 tests and I have to make an 83 or above on each test or I fail the course. An 82.9 or below is an automatic F. If you make below an 83 on any of the tests, you have ONE CHANCE to make it up. However, if you make an 83 or higher on all of the tests you're finished by June 28th, rather than August 1st. So I'm going to study like a mad woman and hopefully keep it at an 83 or above. It's a weedout class for more than one Liberal Arts major. I'm in Public Relations. Also, my communications class is a mini-mester, which is why I have the class daily. That means I'll be done with it on June 26th. If I do well in that super hard class I'll actually end up with some sort of summer vacation. That would be wonderful.

I auditioned for a play today. I actually wasn't going to audition, I went to support a friend. Sadly, my friend and I were the only 2 that showed up so I went ahead and read for 2 parts. I'm not expecting to get a role and I really don't want one... I have the worst stage fright in existence. Although, I did somehow manage to pass Public Speaking with a B... I think it was because I have a pretty quirky personality and did my speeches on things like The Jersey Devil and Dragon*Con rather than sad things like drunk driving deaths and drug addictions. You gotta keep things light! Nobody wants to know how many teens die a year from drinking and driving! Do they? Well I don't.

Man, I encountered the STRANGEST woman today. I was walking to my second class and I noticed a person with some crazy frizzy hair wearing black socks and black tennis shoes with white shorts and a grey sleeveless (the sleeves had been cut off, the shirt wasn't made that way) t-shirt. I soon realized it was a 30 something woman powerwalking on campus. I mean, Auburn does have quite the lovely campus but... I'm pretty sure she wasn't a student or a teacher. I ended up coming within 3 feet of her because we were going in the same general direction. She looked me right in the eye and said, "It's just a perfect day!!! Isn't it!?!?!" And I said, "Yes, it's really nice outside today." And it was nice today. What wasn't nice was the fact that she had bright pink lipstick covering the front of every tooth in her mouth. Now don't get me wrong, I also pile my makeup on before I go outside to sweat it off... But I do try to at least keep it off all of my teeth.

Okay, so, I made this layout on the 14th but there are still some things I'd like to work on... And if anybody knows how to help, please feel free to comment.
*First I'd like to know if it's possible for me to make those dang, slow loading pictures i have up not load on the main page, but only when you read that specific entry. I know they have this feature on livejournal, i believe it's called an LJ cut.
*Second, does anyone know CSS? Because I'd like to move my sidebar farther to the left and add a border. I want my blog to look a little cleaner.

That's it, that's all I've got for today. No pictures, they're a pain in the ass. But don't you worry, they'll be back.

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*beer pong*
Sunday, May 14, 2006
once again, it's been FOREVER since my last update. i'll keep it simple.

1. i've been accepted to auburn, i start may 18th.
2. i quit my job at movie gallery. *i got fired on my last day.
3. my birthday is the 26th! i'll be 22!
4. i made 2 As and 2 Bs at Southern Union. i'm proud.

Oy! I've got a new renter so check her out! She writes an excellent blog. It's much more intelligent and insightful than mine so make sure you take a look. Thanks.

*my last day was on wednesday.
1. we're supposed to wear kakhi bottoms (skirt, pants, shorts, whatever...). i wore an army green colored skirt.
2. we're not allowed to wear sandals. i was wearing flipflops.
3. all movie gallery's have a large amount of tv's which show previews to movies that are about to be released on DVD. they are required to be on at all times. i didn't turn any of them on.
4. we're supposed to stand around up front and wait to greet customers. i was reading Cat's Cradle in the back room while listening to music.
5. our district manager is a very bitter, bitchy woman. we have a mutual dislike for one another. she came in on wednesday, my last day, and after i came out of the back when i heard her come in (we have sensors that beep in the back room when the door is opened) she asked, "is there something wrong with the tvs?!?!?" "no," i replied, "i just forgot to turn them on."
"well do it. now" so i did. now, normally she doesn't go into the back room but for some reason, on my last day, she had to fax something. i left my music on, my cds out, and i had the book in my hand when i came out of the back. i waited a good 20-30 minutes and she never came out of the back. finally, my store manager showed up and i apologized to him because i'm sure the DM called him and bitched him out. he said it was no problem so i said, "why don't you just go ahead and go back there and have her fire me so i can just go home early. and if that does happen, could you please bring my stuff from the back?" he's a nice guy and agreed. i got fired. i also got off 4 hours early. it was a pretty good day, i really hated that job.

now, here are some pictures of what you all have missed.



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