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monday, august 29, 2005
title || none
posted @ 12:10 pm
I've been too busy designing/posting for Xanga to come back here. what sucks is that it's IE only. I only did that because a lot more people using IE than Firefox, even though Firefox owns IE like NuTang owns Xanga.

too bad more people don't use NuTang.

I hate Photocrib.

NuTang > Xanga + Your Mom

I might redesign this, because I'm really bored. school starts soon though.

I hate Photocrib.

but I'm too lazy to move the pictures...

I hate Photocrib.


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tuesday, july 26, 2005
title || back from Eurotrip
posted @ 9:12 pm

hey! i'm back from Europe!

still working on that essay about CTY and Europe, i'll fill y'all in later.

anyway also working on new skin, "sundance." here's the header (link), it's all i have (but still junk) right now, need to fix it up like hell. might scrap the whole thing and start over. well, got plenty of time, every day at night...daytime is reserved for being a jackass outside.

aight that's all for now, i really need to sleep (it's 3:10 am in the part of Europe I was staying in...). 'night, bitches.


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saturday, july 16, 2005
title || back from CTY, Eurotrip
posted @ 12:52 pm

nobody reads this shit because they're too stupid to use NuTangs, but whatever

got back from CTY yesterday, damn. miss it already. gonna make one of those huge fucking entries about it, but i'm going on a Eurotrip in 2 hours, so that'll have to wait. Geneva, Switzerland, and Rome, Italy. back on Tuesday, July 26th, so don't forget about me.

new cell! same #, linked it if you're really fucking bored. not taking it to geneva because it might get stolen, even though i got a $300 phone for free because of my parents' mad azn bargaining skills.

when i get back i'll post the huge long CTY shit, develop my pics and put them somewhere, and...yeah

have fun without me. i'm out


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thursday, june 23, 2005
title || graduation
posted @ 10:21 pm

WAMS class of '05
Ridge class of '09

yeah, high school's up next. graduated today, was kinda boring and crap, got recognized for high honors (straight A's through all of middle school), which was about the most that happened. also got some other awards in school, typical Asian awards.

it's been one helluva ride, guys. nobody will forget these times (except for that dumb prick Alan, of course)...good luck at ridge to all you of bastards!

so many good jokes and times this year - footstool, hump, sniff, z0r (Alan T.), Yang Z. (he's a joke in himself), n000000b / m0ng3r / all Halo 2-related crap (Dan P. who plays Halo 2 too much), Afghani in Health (Andrew O. and Peter P.), C.R./Gym (Dan M.), Gayrett (Garrett B.), Jeff and his fucking raps!!, REACH play (a couple REACH people), WEEEOOOOWEEEOOOOWEEEE (Brett S.), damn English project (Grant P. and probably all of per. 3 English), ch-ch-ch-chink (Nat L., damn druggie in Science, wanted to bring in weed and study it), guns! (Ken L.), Darth Emo (David L.), Johnny Ebs (Frankie C.), Blackinese (Chris D. in the graduation practice line on the last three days of school), Tic-Tacs (Ty E.), WoW (everyone who plays that damn game), and who could forget SUSTAAAAAIIIIINNNN!!! (LOLLLL Peter A., Brett S., David C. @ DC!). too much to list - there's probably some stupid shit and dumbfucks I forgot, but that's okay.

teach0rs / classes - Chmura, Comm. Arts per. 1 (probably best teacher...put homework on the board, then at the end of the period goes "no homework!"), Kessler, REACH 8 per. 2, 1st half of the year (lol Mrs. Kessler, all the REACH people know), Isaacs, Programming WWW per 2., 2nd half of the year (code stealers, ha), Simpson, English per. 3 (he was funny but not the greatest teacher), Miller, Science per. 4 (she was a pretty nice teacher too), Resvick, Latin per. 5 (ok teacher, utter crap class), Graff, Geometry per. 6 (it's Geometry. 'nuff said), Lunch per. 7 (uhh...Lunch?), Baum, S.S. per. 8 (probably the worst teacher. I just didn't like her, too much homework sometimes), Gym/Health per. 9...that's it.

makes me sad to leave...not really. still got high school first, and most people will still be around. dunno if these jokes will still be funny though.

anyway, up next – tomorrow, Ivo's party from 12 - 7 or so, then Alan's from 7 - whenever on Saturday. Then, Sunday, CTY!!! of course, Session 1 Lancaster blows, and Crafting the Essay makes it worst. at least it's still CTY. I hope.

right now, I'm making a new design for here (won't be done until after CTY) and going to watch Game 7 of the NBA Finals. everybody, have fun! I probably won't be back again before I leave.


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wednesday, june 22, 2005
title || life rolls on
posted @ 9:04 pm

school's almost over, graduation's tomorrow, CTY is on Sunday, yeah, that shit.

might write a big ass entry about the good times in middle school, CTY, what's coming up, yeah, that shit.




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sunday, june 5, 2005
title || none
posted @ 9:38pm

wow, helluva weekend. nonstop work -
Friday night, pratice SAT.
Saturday, SATs. it was...uh, ok. don't really know how I did...
Sunday, Geometry project, had to do the whole thing today because parents were gay last weekend and had to study for the SATs every day of the week last week.
- yeah, my weekend. it sucked. need to relax, but can't because of 10,000 school projects (okay, maybe 3-4). at least we get to do most of the work in school...I hope.

crossing my fingers for a 2100+, getting bored with life, but living it anyway,


edit || monday, june 6, 2005, 8:29 pm

didn't feel like posting again. so. two things: using a premade skin for now (yes! premade...still learning Photoshop CS), and just thought I'd note – my test proctor for my SAT was also my second grade teacher. I'm like, WTF?!? how fucked is that?

life works in strange ways.


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