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Picture Day
8/11/04 8:37 PM
mood: happy
watching: nothing
listening to: Black Eyed Peas - Let's Get it Started

Hey, everybody! Nothing really happening in my life...

Well, tomorrow's picture day, and along with that since it's picture day...IT'S FREE DRESS/NON-UNIFORM DAY!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I already picked out my outfit...it's going to be 2CUTE2RESIST! Okay, that was weird...

Um, well other than that on Saturday I have hiphop dance as usual, but it's going to be the last lesson of the session. I'm signing up for the next section, though.

I got my Nickelodeon Magazine today, and then I saw that inside there was an article of Nintendo DS...IT'S COOL! U CAN INSTANT MESSAGE!! I'M DEFINITLEY GETTING IT!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, well, I have to wash my hair, take a shower, etc...to make myself look nice for tomorrow. *gasp* I'M GOING TO HAVE TO WAKE UP EARLY!!

K, bye!

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Dana Won!
8/10/04 8:46 PM
watching: nothing
listening to: nothing
mood: whee

YAY!!! "Dana won the election!" I said to Tiffany on the phone. Then I started laughing really hard, because that sounded like Dana won the PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION TO BE THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! But, she won the school election for president. YAY! Like Mockiller (a.k.a. Irene) said, "REJOICE!" So I will! *parties*

Well, other than that good news, Sarah and I went to a swim-a-thon. It's a fundraiser for our swim team. My mom just decided to pay a flat rate of $50. Our team also took a group picture, consisting of all the members of our team. I was standing on the grass, and there were two rows in front of me. Sarah was two rows behind me (lucky girl that she's so tall...). So anyway, I swam 80 laps. Sarah and I wanted to do 75 laps at first, but we realized that we would end on the opposite end. But after we were done swimming, there was a buffet with food that everybody donated. I ate quite a lot...

Well, that's basically it! Bye...

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8/6/04 9:32 PM
watching: nothing
listening to: TV in master bed room
mood: bored

Nothing much really happened today...well, I DID get my braces tightened (OUCH!). But other than that my day was pretty much boring. Sad for a Friday.

Our class was supposed to go to the computer lab today, but then not enough people could log on, so we had to leave.

Yeah, well...that was basically my day.

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Blah, Blah, Blah...
7/31/04 8:31 PM
watching: nothing
listening to: nothing
mood: okay

Well, nothing much has been happening so far over the weekend, except that last night at around 6:00 PM my aunt and uncle came to our house (they're staying for a few days) and they went out to dinner with my dad and cousin, but I had to go to swim practice so my mom took me there.

Then today, my aunt, uncle, mom, dad, and I went to L.A. to have lunch with my cousin (same cousin as yesterday). Then we went to this errrr...nursing home, to visit my uncle's mother in Alzheimer's ward. A lot...of...old...people...acting...weird...

Well, that's it for now. Byeee!

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Hey Everybody!
7/27/04 3:56 PM
watching: nothing
listening to: computer humming
mood: happy

I'm feeling a lot better than on Friday, thanks to all your kindness and support (along with my parents). But anyway, I'll tell you about my weekend and then my start of school.

On Friday, at around 12:00, I was at my mom's friend's house. The Indian food was GREAT!! I gobbled up all the naan muahahahaha. My mom's friend has two boys: Oojuwal (or something like that) which 8 and another boy (I forgot his name) which is 4. We played GameBoy Advance, but the games were lame. Then Ooji and I played chess, until his little brother knocked the chess pieces down so we couldn't play it. After that, we went swimming in their community pool, and I found a quarter and dived for the quarter, until Ooji threw it so far that it landed outside of the pool and out the gate. Earlier on, I found a penny, so I used that instead. I guess I had an okay time there.

On Saturday, I had hiphop as usual, and then my mom and I went to the movies to see The Bourne Supremecy and I, Robot. THOSE MOVIES WERE FREAKIN GOOD!!!!!!

Then on Sunday at 3:00, my mom and I went to my guy friend's house, and at first we played PS2. My guy friend has changed a lot...he used to be really nice the last time I saw him. Then on Sunday, I paused "Midnight Club 2" and asked him, "This is getting a little boring. Do you have any other games?" Then he just started the game again, and I kept on pausing the game and then we sort of argued. ARGH whatever. I don't see what's the big deal. Was I insulting him or something? Oh well, never mind.

Well, Monday was cool. Our teacher is SO TOTALLY FREAKIN COOL!!!!!! She's strict, but other than that she really nice and cool. LOL I'm starting to use "cool" a lot, huh? Also, we had a new kid; his name's Darrius (I think that's how you spell it). He's quite and he has a bigger than normal head...uhh...he's smart? Anyway, we did lots of stuff, and then today we did more stuff...etc....and at the last 15 minutes of school, we did P.E. with the other classes. I'm on Team 8, with Gareth and Akshay. Monica, Sarah, and I are all on different teams. But today for P.E., I did Alleyhockey, while Sarah did volleyball (which she hates), and Monica playing soccer (which she LOVES!). I hope I don't get to do basketball or volleyball or something, but I know I'll have to some time.

Mrs. McBride (my homeroom teacher. We have two new teachers, though: history is Mrs. Hickey...*smirk*...and math: Mrs. Shields) was telling us about our field trip to San Diego in late May or early June. She says we're going to take a train to San Diego, which will take about a day, and then when we get there, we'll be going to lots of places there. After that, we take a train back which will take another day! But that'll be SOOOOOOOO fun! I hope my dad doesn't freak, cuz he always freaks whenever I'm gone for a few days...even if I'm on a field trip.

Well, I guess that's basically it! Well, bye!!!!

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Bad News
7/24/04 8:15 PM
watching: nothing
listening to: Monica on the phone
mood: sad


Well, you see, when we found him dead in the garden early in the morning, we saw puncture marks, so some bobcat or coyote must have jumped over the wall and killed him. I...want...Bruno...I miss him so much. Oh well...he lived a long life and was coming to the end of the road...I thought that he probably wouldn't last through the year. So, Bruno...died at 13 1/2 years old. Yeah, well...he died yesterday...

*sigh* Well, I went to see I, Robot today. It was so cool! And tomorrow I have a BBQ to go to at my guy friend's house.

I'm really devastated at my dog's death. I loved him so much! My family buried him in the backyard...some how my dad didn't want to cremate him. But never mind...

I love you Bruno, but you're in a better place now. If you can hear me, well...I just want to let you know that I love you so much, and so does Mommy and Daddy. I'll see you again in a long time in Heaven, okay? I'll play with you everyday! I love you Bruno!

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