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May 2024

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May 2024

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Friday. 6.9.06 11:09 am
Excited! This weekend I am going to go adventure in Little Tokyo in my Elegant Gothic Lolita Outfit!!! and then I am going to the Getty Muesem (SPELLING??) of Art I LOVE


Well now that a day or two has passed and I am passed the inital feelings of despair and depression, I am feeling better. I have handed over most of the belongings of Troop 3048, but there is still hanging around in my home just reminding me of what I am losing... It sucks....

Basically what brought this about was that their were "CONCERNS" about money given to me a YEAR ago... A parent brought up these concerns to the local council and was then filtered down to me two days ago...

I will tell you what I did with that Money... The Troop went to ColdStone Creamery, Ate at Fazzoli's, saw the play "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" and!!! we went Bowling....

These things all cost MONEY!!!

To the parent who couldn't address me with these concerns:
YOU SUCK, seriously......

of course they send Waunette to come to my office to tell me... and before I even quit she is collecting the checks and paperwork for the other troops going... WHY? So Cindy my coleader can mail them... uhhhhhhh Why can't Cindy come collect them herself???? I asked Cindy the same thing and she agreed with me..


I want to write their big council in Bakersfield... But what would I say?? what would it matter??

I called one of my Girls Moms and started Crying....

I AM SOOOOO DRAMATIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (dies)

Currently working on some web page projects and of COURSE! I am playing some Life Suck Games... Harvest Moon and Animal Crossing...

Reading: The Dragon Reborn and and and! Great Teacher Onizuka!!!

Watching: Nadia, Secret of BLUE WATER!

Patrick... C-A-L-L

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Wednesday. 6.7.06 5:35 pm
Today Amy Quit Girl Scouts all together. I am pissed and upset and wish Justin could come home early and tell me I am being Silly and did the right thing...

I wish I could cry a long cry..... that would be so nice....

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Wednesday. 5.10.06 4:15 pm

I have to much on my plate... The Girls in My troop want to do something EVERY WEEKEND!!! I should be grateful I have such active scouts and I am I am.. I'm just tired... SOOO tired..

I am suppose to go to camp and volunteer.. BUT I am started to think about NOT going.. This whole cookie situation has me feeling like Waunette is angry with me or whatever. I get this feeling from her sometimes, when things are not done her way...

She called the other day wondering why 1,000 of cookie profit was non existant. I explained to get we have a lot of extra cookies..... She said, "Not that much!"

But I did the Math 12 cases each case with 12 boxes makes 144 boxes. that 144 boxes x 4.00 dollars = 576.00 take in to account that I spend 300 profit for a Seaworld Deposit and we have 157.00 in the bank account which is profit. so 576 + 300 + 157 = 1033. Therefore as I said... We have a lot of boxes...

Still reading the Wheel of Time Series and neglected all Manga and Anime that Peter has given to me.. This series has seriously strained my friendships as I have NOT called in like over a week, when usually I call once a night...

What can I say?? Its GOOD!! and there are 50 chapters each book and my goal is to read 2 - 4 chapters a day.

People keep complaining about Gas Prices, but still insist on driving these HUGE SUVS.... Sorry I somehow don't feel sorry that you can't take a family vacation even though you make 50,000 a year.. Perhaps you shouldn't drive such a huge ass car for just you, your spouse and 2.5 kids... Also maybe you should of thought about that house you bought at 400,000 - 600,000. Perhaps you need to stop drinking 5.00 drinks from Starbucks and eating out every day.. You could stop the need for retail therapy every other day...

Just a few tips.. because an SUV is a Sport Utility Vehice... What mountains are you driving over?? What dirt pits are you trumping through? Driving to Ralph's and dropping kids off at school does not call for the need of an SUV.. Unless you live in the Jungle...

Don't tell me about space either because you could always buy a Mini Van, Station Wagon, Prius, and other various gas saving vehicles...

I know I know... but I seriously HATE SUVs not because they are gas guzzlers but because 9/10 that I have almost been ran off the road or KILLED! has been by some random dumb lady in an SUV and to add to it usually chattering on a cell phone..

Yes I hate you for no other REASON!!! hehehe well okay sooo I don't hate more like loate you...


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Robert Jordan Tongue Twister
Monday. 5.8.06 11:35 am
The wheel weaves as it wills...

Say that five times fast....

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Monday. 5.8.06 11:26 am
I am trying to live the life as a druid, but I think last night my strength and my dedication was tested.

I was reading about the druids and how they were very wise and they appreciated nature all around from the trees, insects, animals, water, land and etc. So I made a resolution to myself that I would no longer squish bugs out of fear. Well at the slumberparty it went well.. Rolly Pollys and Moths were all safe while I was around... I got home and decided I needed to do the dishes...

I needed to let some of the dishes soak so that I could put them in the dishwasher. I lifted up the sink plug and OH MY GOD!! was a big gigantic Spider and I jumped!!!

Water was running and Justin thought we should let him take a water slide ride... No No I told him I have to be strong and take him outside...

I grabbed a Mason Jar and Tried to put it over him, but he was FAST!!!! Finnally I managed to get a Mason Jar over him, but then what?? I needed to carry him outside....

Justin grabbed a piece of paper and slid it under the jar and spider, but that won't hold!!!! If I try to lift it will cause enough little gap for him to get out...

Well Justin grabbed some Foil.. Put it underhim and Wrapped the mason jar up...

We took it outside, but I was still scared, what if he managed to climb out from underneath the mason Jar and is now some where in the foil..

Justin had to release him to the wild..

BUT THEN HE STARTED TO COME NEAR ME!! AHHHHHHH I ran around it and then the little spider climbed up one the empty apts porch wall and that was the end of it...

I was scared... I need to get a book on spiders and bugs ......

: )

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Wieght of the world
Friday. 5.5.06 3:32 pm
I am reading Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time Series. Currently on Book #2. I have fallen in Love with another Fictional Character. When this happens Patrick laughs at me and in a serious voice tells me you know their just fictional characters right? There not real. It saddens me that an author would tell me such a horrible thing. I know its fictional, I know these chacaters only exsist with in this book only. Why spoil the fun...

I wonder if all authors are like that. Able to weave a tapestry, unable to lose themselves in the tapestry.

I've occasionally come up with an idea for a poem, or an interesting thought process , but I refrain from writing it because everyone thinks their a poet or a writer. Every one aspires to be deep and wonderful...

I don't want to be one of those...

Also they usually come to me when I am outside... and no where near writing instruments...

Let See if I can remember one:

I have awoken, and rather It feels like I've decided to run
from past memories that spin around in my head like a wash cycle..
Of people I once knew and people I once loved.
Even though my waking life is filled with love better than ever before,
My dream life seems unable to accept change.

This came to me as I was thinking about a dream I had..... It was Joshua, and he was young and we were in love and we did things intimately like before..

I hate dreams like that... I love Justin and Yet I never seem to dream of Justin.. Perhaps because I think about Justin all the time..

I dunno those dreams make me feel wrong.... Like I've committed a relationship sin... But one can not control their dreams right??


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