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A lil' sumn sumn about me...

Age. 36
Gender. Female
Ethnicity. white
Location Gillett, PA
School. Other
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May 2024

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My Name

Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
My Love is like WOAH! ;)
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is...erotic
Your hugs are...to die for
Your eyes...twinkle in the moonlight
Your touch is...the only thing I desire
Your smell is...beautiful
Your smile is...amazing
Your love is...unique
Quiz created with MemeGen!
My sexual skills....
What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?
Flirting Skill Level - 53%
Kissing Skill Level - 43%
Cudding Skill Level - 8%
Sex Skill Level - 24%
Why They Love You You are very sweet.
Why They Hate You You get tongue-tied when they ask you to talk dirty to them.
This Quiz by lady_wintermoon - Taken 3352192 Times.
New! Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz
What makes me sexy!?
What Makes You Sexy? by eva71
Sexy Body Part IsYour Hair
Special Talents AreLooking Innocent
Quiz created with MemeGen!
What makes a Jackie?
How to make a Jackie
3 parts friendliness
3 parts ambition
1 part ego
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add a little lustfulness if desired!
AbOuT mE
Tuesday. 6.21.05 8:17 am
Name: Jackie Lynn Lohman
Birthday: January 21st, 1988
Birthplace: Middlesex County, NJ
Current Location: Gillett
Eye Color: brownish-green
Hair Color: brown
Height: 5'8"
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
Your Heritage: 50% Irish, 48% Italian, 2% Indian.. it's sumn like that.. lol
The Shoes You Wore Today: just woke up.. i'll prolly wear my etnies today thou
Your Weakness: hmm.. i'd say *him*
Your Fears: to die a painful death...
Your Perfect Pizza: The Works from Paseano's
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: haha.. it's a secret
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: haha, lol
Thoughts First Waking Up: hoping to spend time with him
Your Best Physical Feature: idk
Your Bedtime: whenever
Your Most Missed Memory: being in his arms like i was last tuesday
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
MacDonalds or Burger King: depends..
Single or Group Dates: ...Depends on the situation and who's suppose to be my date
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton
Chocolate or Vanilla: both
Cappuccino or Coffee: neither
Do you Smoke: no
Do you Swear: Yes
Do you Sing: sometimes
Do you Shower Daily: Yes
Have you Been in Love: Yes
Do you want to go to College: Yes
Do you want to get Married: Yes
Do you belive in yourself: sometimes
Do you get Motion Sickness: not really
Do you think you are Attractive: i guess...
Are you a Health Freak: no
Do you get along with your Parents: usually
Do you like Thunderstorms: heck yes.. i love to watch them
Do you play an Instrument: no
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: yeah
In the past month have you Smoked: ..Nope
In the past month have you been on Drugs: Nope..
In the past month have you gone on a Date: no.. i was suppose to this past friday but something came up
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Yes
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: no can't say that I have
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: nope
In the past month have you been on Stage: nope
In the past month have you been Dumped: Nope..
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: yes.. haha
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: nope
Ever been Drunk: .Yeah
Ever been called a Tease: Yeah
Ever been Beaten up: Nope
Ever Shoplifted: Yeah

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hey it's been a while...
Monday. 6.20.05 8:03 pm
Well a lot has happened since I've last wrote in this. Chrissy and I had our last official Jackie and Chrissy sleep over.. well it might not be our last but it's close too it. I'm gonna miss that gurlie. On the 9th, I went to the orthodonist... I was there for like ever.. b/c they overbooked and stuff. It was terrible! My braces are light blue now. the 10th was the last day of school but I didn't go. I hung out with Chrissy and Jim all day instead. Then I went to Chrissy's graduation. :( I'm gonna miss all my senior friends! Good luck to the Class of '05.I went to gradnite that was fun. I was amazed at all that we could do and stuff. heck yes.. I'm gonna be a senior this year. I'm excited but sad and happy all at the same time. It's strange. The 11th was Chrissy's graduation party. It was fun.. I enjoyed myself. The 13th, my mom, sis, Brandy, Tiffany, Samantha, Chrissy, Jim, and I went to Knoebels. That was a kick ass time I had lots of fun. Chrissy and I got majorly burnt. We looked like fricken lobsters. She was worse than me thou. I was sore for a day or 2 afterwards but I'm fine now. The 14th, I got to spend a week here in Scranton to help Chrissy move and stuff. We got here at about 3:30ish or so. We unloaded the car, unpacked stuff. After that we decided to go swimming since it was soo nice out. Then Chrissy and Jim had a talk so in the mean time. I spotted Joe across the road at Burns getting ready for the Lan party. So I talked to Joe and Burns for a bit.. ehhh.. haha I got a hug from Joe. It was great. Then I headed back over to Jim's ate dinner.. chilled with them for a bit.. watched some t.v. got bored. And headed over to Kevin's early for the party. I was like one of the 1st people to show up. While we were waiting for everyone to show up I watched Kevin and Joe play the guitar. Then Kevin decided he wanted to have a bonfire.. so him and Joe made a fire pit. That was one pimping firepit if u ask me. lmao. Then I was telling Burns and Joe how I had to teach Chrissy how to make a fire. And Burns said, "That's because Chrissy's a girl." And I replied with, "Oh and what the hell am I." And Burns was like, "uhhh.. uhh.. you're a lady." lmao.. it was hysterical. Chrissy and Jim finally got there.. they fricken took forever.. seriously?! But it was all kewl. We hung out and got a lil tipsy by the fire, til like almost everyone decided to go swimming. Joe and I were the only ones there that didn't go swimming. hehe. Burns, Chrissy, Jim, Keirstin, and Kelly were swimming. Then everyone decided to go inside. We goofed off for a while and stuff. Chrissy and Jim were playing on the computer and I can't remmy what Burns was doing. Joe, Steve, Kelly, and I were outside. We just talked and stuff. Then Steve and Kelly decided to do sumn stupid. And Joe was fucking with them... he kept telling them that monkey's were jizzing on them and stuff. It was hilarous... they believed him too. Joe held me in his arms while we were outside cuz I was freezing. Then Kelly and Steve went to bed. So Joe and I went off on our own. We tried sleeping upstairs in the living room but it didn't work. Neither one of us could sleep. So we decided to go downstairs and watch some dvd's on Jim's computer. We had nothing better to do since everyone else was sleeping. We watched like 3 movies. He kissed me a couple of times... ehhh! It shocked me too. And it was different It wasn't like any other kiss I've had.. He was all gentleman like. It was soooo sweet. God I like him sooo much. Joe ended up dozing off a couple of times.. it was soo cute to see him sleep. God his baby blue eyes are to die for seriously!? Before we knew it everyone was awake. Steve left.. Jim and Chrissy ran to his house for some reason. Kelly was sleeping in her room still.. Burns was asleep still too. So it was pretty much just me and Joe.. didn't bother me none thou. Then everyone left.. and Joe kissed me good bye.. I was soo dumbfounded.. he simply does amaze me. Then I headed back over to Jim's house.. hung out with him and Chrissy. Waited for Joe to get done from work and talked to him online and stuff... I found out he really does like me. ehh.. I was soo flippin' happy. I asked him about a long distance relationship.. but it was a no go.. I was kewl with that thou...

Here's the conversation...
**Joe (10:48:28 PM): well jackie i can only be honest with you...the truth is yes i do like you..very much..you're a very sweet girl the only problem you've seen how busy of a guy i am...so if i was to say yes than i would be lying to you by saying i could be commited..when right now i can;t....im not saying i dont like you or trying to make up some BS excuse cuz im not..but the timing is just really bad...plus im not saying never..cuz i think it would be stupid of me to give u up so easily all i can say is not at this moment in my life
**Me (10:49:43 PM): okay that's a good enough answer.. and i know u r very extremely busy.. but it was worth a shot.. and i just had to do it.. ever since u kissed me it's been driving me nuts
**Joe (10:49:49 PM): im trying to lay this out in a way that isnt hurtful but i have a feeling your gonna be hurt a little anyways...but if i say yes right now..im gonna fuck it up and then just end up hurting you even more
**Joe (10:50:37 PM): and i cant be that good of a kisser lol
**Me (10:51:24 PM): no.. it's just that.. i really like u.. u have no idea.. and i kept lieing to myself about how much i really did like u.. but once u kissed me u changed that..
**Joe (10:52:23 PM): well sorry for that..i cant take it back but honestly if i could i wouldnt...i did it because i do like you
**Me (10:52:43 PM): no i don't want u to take it back
**Me (10:52:50 PM): lol
**Joe (10:53:03 PM): i garauntee..when i am ready...you will be the first to know

so ya see.. you can soooooo tell he really does like me a lot and care about me.. so it's a plus. He's sooo worth the wait.

I can't believe I have to go home tommorow.. I really don't want too. I'm gonna miss Joe a lot.. and my Chrissymeister. :( I really hope Joe and I can spend time together tommorow before I leave.

Well I'm out before I bore everyone to death. Lovingz ya'll!

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Sunday. 6.5.05 3:16 am
hey hey hey. im at hershey right now. my mom, jenn, chrissy, ms. tiff, bri, and i r staying the weekend here. we're staying at the best western hotel.. it's awesome. especially the guy that works the front desk at night... he ain't bad looking either. i'd bang um. haha. anyways... i got to skip school friday cuz we were coming down to hershey to go to hershey park for the weekend. we left around 11ish am and we got here around 3ish. we hung out in the hotel for a bit... then we got hungry so we ate a late lunch/early dinner. we went to a chinese restaraunt that really sucked. it was like 70 bucks.. and it wasn't worth it. haha.. but chrissy got them back.. she stole a piece of their china for her collection of stuff. long story. then we came back to the hotel for a bit. then at 7:30 we got a late preview of the park. it was downpouring but we still went we rode a couple of rides. lol.. we got lost come back from hershey it was fun.. it took us like close to an hour to get to the hotel when it should of only taken us 30 minutes. haha oh well. then we goofed off in the hotel room which was great. haha... the hot guy at the front desk brought us some pillows up. and chrissy greeted him with her dolphin that she won... and i greeted him with my elephant i bought. haha..... and he gave us the strangest look. then we followed him down... and i asked him if he had any nuts for my elephant.. he told me to go the vending machine... and everytime i've seen him.. i always bring up them peanuts.. haha. but he's kewl and all.. he flirts back too..... he even opened up the pool for us.... and the pool closes at like 10.. and we went swimming at like midnight til two. it was awesome. we went into the sauna too.... then we hung out in the lobby. and here we are... and we as in chrissy and i aren't sleeping cuz we got be up in 3 and a half hours anyways. welp im out. lates

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it's been awhile...
Friday. 5.27.05 6:20 pm
wow.. it's been awhile since i've wrote in here.. god damn fricken computer is a piece of shit... so i can only update and stuff when im at chrissy's. which is still kewl.. let's see prom was last saturday. it was a blast i had sooo much fun... the decorations were nice. i loved the background for the professional pics. everyone looked beauuuuttiiifulll. lol. the music wasn't that bad... it was better than usual dances which is a plus. i ended up dateless but that's alright. i prolly woulda had more fun without the ass. shaunee was prom queen... :) she looked sooo pretty. im glad she got it. nick was prom king and im glad he got it too. the only bad thing about the whole night is me locking the keys in mom's van... haha. i called her and she had to come to troy so we could unlock the car. i left prom a bit early and headed to amber crawford's... had a lil captain morgan and coke... got pics taking and stuff.. talked to ma, pa, and zack. left there a lil after 11, got home at like 11:30 or so. talked to mom for a bit.. got out of my dress and put the pj's on. talked to mom some more went to bed. slept pretty much all day on sunday seriously.... i woke up at like 12:37 p.m. was up for a couple of hours... 4 hours i think.. and fell asleep. then i had the usual week of school... the school weeks seem to keep going by faster and faster now thou. i only have 5 days and a hour left of school.... everyone else has 6 and a hour.. but im not going to school next friday.. cuz im going to hershey park for the weekend. yay!! i can't fricken wait.. i love that place.. im gonna go roller coaster happy like usual. chrissy gets to come tooooooo we're gonna have sooo much fun.... we got a hotel room for the weekend.. haha im sure we'll get in to some mischeif while we're there. i can't wait to ride the storm runner again.. i LOVE that roller coaster.. going 0-62 mph in 2 seconds flat heck fricken yes! lol. im going out partying tommorow... yayyyy! can't wait.. im gonna get drunk off my ass.. it'll be fun. haha. well all im out for now. ttyls. luv yaz. byezzz!

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Yay... I have nutang now...
Sunday. 5.15.05 7:07 pm
Hey everyone it's me. I've had a wonderful weekend.. i had lots of fun and stuff. I finally got to meet Joe. God is he hot and he's so polite and sweet. I wish we were still dating.. but oh well life goes on. Prom is this Saturday. I can't flipping wait. I'm gonna look so pretty. I can't wait to wear my $500 dress. Chrissy and Jim are gonna be going to my prom. :). And Joe Ceely... (this is a different Joe) is gonna be my date for prom. yay! Well that's all for now b/c I gotta get going. Luv ya... kk.. bye! I love Carebears they rock sooo much!

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