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Peoples I Love on nuTang
The Revenge of Demo-Duck!!!

Age. 18
Gender. Female
Ethnicity. humanish
Location someplace, VA
School. Virginia Commonwealth Univ
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Current Thoughts and Feelings
I feel The current mood of flameweldan@yahoo.com at www.imood.com
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Bubbleman Theme. w00+!

*goes into interior decorator mode and again*
Thursday. 8.14.03 8:56 pm
mleh.. it's hot in here.. and my grandmother *refuses* to open the windows even tho it's nice and cool out there.. *erin drowns in her own sweat*
classes start in a week!! *spazzes* i don't have any of my books, nor am i in my apartment yet, nor do i have my computer!!!
on the upside, i go home tomorrow, and on saturday go out with the teacher, and my best friend/the teacher's cousin, and the destructor.. hopefully the last two *crosses fingers* i wanna see 'sika before she heads off to tech. and the destructor's just cool anyway.

so i decided that i wanna take a few comp classes, but i wanna see about getting into the interior design program. wouldn't have to worry about applying to a different school in vcu, interior design is in the school of the arts, as is music (duh!)
'cause i been goin into interior decorator mode a lot lately, and i think it would be nice to be paid really good money to help ppl have beautiful places to live. definitely a worthy occupation. *tries to picture self going into a house all snooty like "you need to do this and this..."* i definitely don't wanna have a house that looks like a catalog showroom.. *shudder*...
but yeah..
o'course, i'll prolly change my mind next week.. or the week after. all i know is that i wanna have a good solid backup in case i don't get any music gigs... 'cause symphony orchestra work is competitive... and i'm just barely above average. 23rd best french horn player in the state last year means absolutely nothing. *shakes head* there are thousands upon thousands of french horn players, and i wouldn't just be competing against people my age... it'd be my age, younger, older.. some professional brass players keep on playin in orchestras until they die!!

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well then
Wednesday. 8.13.03 10:12 pm
I woke up this morning at 5:30. there was a bat in my room.

it was freaky!! i woke up and heard this flapping noise and something bonking into the walls, and I thought "oh, there must be a bat in the attic."
then i opened my eyes and saw a bat flying around my room. i was like EEEEK!!! *hide*
and then i got up and opened my bedroom door and let it out and closed my door so it couldn't get back in. eeeehhh.... it was scary. i'm not scared of bats, and i know the whole "it'll get in your hair" is an old wive's tale, but i was afraid it'd get caught in my hair 'cause it was flying so out-of-control and the ceiling was low. so i let it stay out of my room.
so i lay there for about half an hour with my light on (precautionary, ya know? lol...) and listened to it flutter around in the hallway and bonk into things. i think it was either deaf or sick.. and if the latter, glad it didn't get near me... or caught in my hair.. i'da got bit for sure trying to get it out...
so i lay there, and about 20 minutes into this racket, i had to pee..... >.<
that was torture.
i didn't venture out of my room until my alarm went off at 10. i didn't see hide nor hair of the bat.
but then i looked around some.. i had left the window open a lil, and there was a crack in between the window that was up.. and the window behind it.. the top window. so the bat had crawled in there and was fast asleep.
when it wasn't flying around scarily, it was kind of cute..
it was.. it was a mousy looking bat, with little round ears and a tiny nose... and a little fluffy body.. that was all smooshed against the glass... it was cute..
so my grandmother freaks out.. and seals off the window. the bat can get out of the house, but not into the house.. if it uses its lil bat brain. lol... which it obviously DIDN'T last night...
*feels special* I got to see a bat up close!! how many ppl can say that??
it was scary at 5:30, tho... but in retrospect, it was cool!! and it was cute!! lol..
*hopes it got out of the window safely*
i saw its shadow against the stuff my nana had put on the window, this afternoon.. the sun was shining right on it, poor thing.
i'ma check on it tomorrow morning before i head off to work. see if it's still there... and if so.. if it's still breathing.. windows on the south side of houses do not make good caves... *shakes head*
poor thing.
and this was a *really* long entry. lol

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my new blog thingy. whee!
Wednesday. 8.13.03 12:28 am
well, here i am. new blog. whoo hoo.
*blink blink*
yeah, 'cause xanga was being stupid and not letting me log on. mleh.
3 more days in WV!! WHEEEE!!!
and lookit this!!! they do got somethin for everyone!!

*does a dance*

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