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Age. 37
Gender. Male
Ethnicity. Who Knows....
Location Arlington, VA
School. Marymount Univ
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I'm going str8 2 hell, how bout U?

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Fifth Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Level Score
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) Low
Level 2 (Lustful) Moderate
Level 3 (Gluttonous) Low
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) Very Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) High
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) Low
Level 7 (Violent) Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test,:

Envy:Very Low

The Seven Deadly Sins Quiz on 4degreez.com
U know............
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My avatar*s now a poorly drawn duck
by Morpheus
I remember my old avatar was an animated gif of the falling code from the matrix. The mid 2000s were wild 😂 (also yes, I drew this myself)
C is for cookie
by thaitanic
That’s good enough for me
Hello there
by Zanzibar

by randomjunk
Hello hello
by undisputed

by AmbyrJayde
I like to show up every once in a while to see what everyone is up to
Great to see that! my browser
by CPKviperpheonix
treats every blog including my own like it*s a unsafe page so finding it hard to explore around currently tho

by randomjunk
Hi CPK! Not a lot of people still here, but I still hang around haha.
Well, hello everyone!
by CPKviperpheonix
Hope everyone is doing good, nice to see familiar faces still hanging around

by randomjunk
Hi Lost!

by LostSoul13
*fly by hello*

by randomjunk
Yeah if you just do one word sometimes that works.
I feel like the comment
by Zanzibar
has to be really short and not have any apostrophes

by renaye
oh dear. the comment is really not working.

by randomjunk
I*m not sure why comments work sometimes and don*t other times... Sometimes it works if it*s just a short comment though
U know the deal, bitches!!
Friday. 11.5.04 12:05 am
mood: good, I guess?
listening to: nothing right now..........
watching: the computer
Shadow. You are an angels made from shadows. You
wings are powerful beyong mortal understanding.
You love to hide in shadows, and are a natural
at night. You enjoy showing mortals whose in
control, and won't hesitate ti hurt someone if
they really start to bug you. You are old, and
will continue to live for many years more.
Longer than any given person. You are agile,
quick witted and sharp. You enjoy putting
people down, and can communiv=cate with the
nights soul, as you do the shadows.

You are an angel that has been cast out of heaven,
and thrown to the earth. Almost being killed in
the process. But what doesn't kill you makes
you stronger, right? And the same rule applies
to you. When you suffer, it only makes you more
vicious, and powerful. You are an impressive
beinf. One never to be trifled with. You hate
all normal angels for this. You drink their
blood, to get back at the heavens that rejected

Congrats, you are very smooth.

Wanna be a vampire? Become one here.

What Type Of Angel Have You Become?
brought to you by Quizilla

SWEET TEEN!!! Yes you are a teenager mmmm from 13
- 19 quite a little rebel haha just kidding...
You think as a teenager, you see everything
quite simple, soon you will realize it is not
that simple. In my opinion you look at things
in a very beautiful way. =)

. What is you inner age?
brought to you by Quizilla


What Kanji word best suits you?
brought to you by Quizilla

OK, WTF??? I really don't know about that 1, I guess I'll stop there 4 today. Things have been going allright, I guess. But I don't know, maybe I'll have a private entry on there...... who knows?? U know where 2 head 2 see some of my other posts, if not, look 2 the left and find out, bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I guess that's all for now on this site, check my gallery to see some of my wonderful friends that go 2 Marymonut, along with me!!

Why did I just post him? I have no idea..........

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~BBB, the ruler and master of the NWF. I am the winner of the 1st NWF tournament, because I say so, and there is absolutely nothing you inferior weaker nutangers that oppose me can do about it!!!!
quizes..../ quiz p.2
Friday. 10.29.04 4:48 am
You are innocent love. You long for someone to
spend your days with, most of all a best
friend. You do not want to rush things, and you
like marks of affection that are

What kind of love are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are BEER
You are Beer

What Alcoholic Drink Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Why do I gotta be Cheap and dirty???

Moon Goddess
You are Heng O!
The Chinese moon goddess, symbol of the cold and
dark principle yin. She tried to steal the
draught of immortality from her husband, the
celestial archer Shen Yi, but he caught her
before she could drink all of it. The draught
gave her the power to ascend to Heaven, but,
since she had drunk only part of it, she only
got halfway up and had to settle on the moon.
Heng O is portrayed in beautiful robes with in her
right hand the lunar disc, sometimes sitting on
a tree-legged toad. She is the younger sister
of the river god He Bo.

Which Chinese Mythological Being Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Alright know your like me a mixed demon with a
tranceformation. kind, caring, evil at some
times. You care for almost every thing. And you
top goal is trying to get lord fluffy
(sesshomaru) to like you more.

What kind of demon are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Cried? Naw.

Eaten fluf?

Helped someone? Yup!!

Bought something? Nawww.

Dissected something? No

Cut your hair? Nope

Worn a skirt? Yea, and I wore a bra and lipstick 2!! Not really...

Worn a tie? Nope

Been mean? Never!! lol

Been sarcastic? Oh hell yea!!

Gone for a run? I did running when I was getting 2 my

Gone for a walk? Walked 2 class

Gone to the movies? sure didin't!

Gone out for dinner? Nuh-uh.

Been kissed? Nope

Felt stupid? Yup

Said "I love you"? Naw.
Written a letter? Nope.
Written a paper? Yup.
Taken a test? Yes.
Met someone new? Naw, same old people, lol
Moved on? From what?
Written in a journal? Maybe..... just maybe.....
Watched your favorite movie? Nope, Sorry
Talked to someone you have a crush on? I may have talked 2 someone like that.
Given someone a present? Last 24 hours? Naw, but I got a nice 1!
Missed someone? Yeah.
Hugged someone? Yup!
Had a nightmare? Nawww.
Fought with your parents? Nope, didin't talk 2 them
Fought with a friend? Nuh-uh.
Been Scared? I ain't never scared!! Lol

Showered? Actually, Wedensday

Ate a meal? At this nice suprise party that was 4 me today :)

What are you wearing right now? A shirt that has "players club" on it, and jeans

Are you tired? Its 6:18am and I havent fallen assleep, U do the math

Are you lonely? No...

Are you happy? The happiest I've been in a while, at least in the last couple of years

Are you wearing pajamas? Nay.

Are you hungry? yea, but that's what these tropical-flavored Halls are 4 :)

Are you eating? see last answer

Are you talking to someone online? not now...

Are you ready for this survey to end? Woh cares, I can stay up another 2hours, I might just stay awake anyways.....

How long did this survey take you? Good question


Type of sandwich: Grilled ham/ bolnaga and cheese! But I don't know about crawling on the floor to avoid inhaling smoke
Coffee or hot chocolate? Hot chocolate.
Cold or hot? Warm
Big or little? Depends on what you're talking about. :-P
Lace or satin? I guess whichever 1 the girl wants 2 wear...
Red or blue? Bluuuue.
New or old? New school!!
Here or there? Anywhere!!

1 minute ago: I was typing this quiz

1 hour ago: Taking a quiz or on mugen

1 day ago: I was sleeping at this time!

1 week ago: I turned 18 that week!!

1 year ago: I was in PHS, I was also getting ready 4 holloween!

1 year from now: Maybe another suprise party? I can only hope
1 week from now: Maybe I'll get 2 go out 2 a club? Maybe...
1 day from now: Probably chilling with my friends
1 hour from now: I might go asleep, or get the earliest breakfast I've ever eaten at this school

1 minute from now: I'll probably still be typing this damn thing.

I hurt: When I constantly worry about certain things

I love: being the Boney Bastard!!

I hate: whoever hates me!! Just like ABK said: If you ever started hating me, then bitch fuck you
If it's that way mother fucker then I hate you too
Tell your family eat a dick I hope they whole crew dies
And they never fuckin make it up to Shangri-La

I fear: No one, I'm a Phoenix!! Bring it on bitches!!!

I hope: for things 2 be good in the future

I feel: kinda evil all of the time

I hide: feelings, more things...

I learned: A bunch of stuff in school
I need: parterships!! I am a libra, the sign of relationships after all
I think: About a lot
I dream: very crazy dreams
I want: 2 elbow someone in the head
I miss: PHS and the Fort Lee YC!!!
I believe: IN MAGIC!!

1 more Thing: click HERE!!!!!!! 2 see sumthing nice!! and check out the xanga when u get a chance. I'll post there later, got a few things 2 post about....
In fact, U may want 2 check my gallery later today......

Comment! (2) | Recommend! | Rate!

~BBB, the ruler and master of the NWF. I am the winner of the 1st NWF tournament, because I say so, and there is absolutely nothing you inferior weaker nutangers that oppose me can do about it!!!!
PA and Mn, and berrg, and , and and ........
Sunday. 9.4.05 11:49 pm
Be it extremely emotional, controversial, messed up, or whatever, this entry has been password protected.

If you know it, enter it; or, ask me for it.

Comment! (2) | Recommend! | Rate!

~BBB, the ruler and master of the NWF. I am the winner of the 1st NWF tournament, because I say so, and there is absolutely nothing you inferior weaker nutangers that oppose me can do about it!!!!
damn, it won't supposed 2 be protected, oh well i
Monday. 7.18.05 7:37 pm
Be it extremely emotional, controversial, messed up, or whatever, this entry has been password protected.

If you know it, enter it; or, ask me for it.

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~BBB, the ruler and master of the NWF. I am the winner of the 1st NWF tournament, because I say so, and there is absolutely nothing you inferior weaker nutangers that oppose me can do about it!!!!
Quick note:
Saturday. 10.30.04 5:19 pm
I just thought that I would mention, I have new pics in my gallery!!! In fact, about 25 of them from a suprise party my friends at Marymount threw 4 me!! Go 2 my gallery and look!! If u want more info on the party, U can go HERE!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment! (2) | Recommend! | Rate!

~BBB, the ruler and master of the NWF. I am the winner of the 1st NWF tournament, because I say so, and there is absolutely nothing you inferior weaker nutangers that oppose me can do about it!!!!
more qiuzzes
Monday. 11.1.04 2:22 am
You're a Spring. You usually are very close-knit
with your friends and value everyone freidnship
you have. You're a real people person and
everyone loves how friendly you are. You're
good with encouraging people but usually don't
like to be the center of attention. You are a
social butterfly and probably are in several
circles of friends but it's just because you're
well liked and you make people comfortable.
You're both fun and wise but you are very
realistic about life.(If you can't see tje
pics, go to my homepage and look near the
bottom and find your result)

What season are you? (pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

You're a "Black Angel" which means your
an Angel of Death. You don't really care much
about people (and if you do, it's just a few)
no one was particularly nice to you. You're always
alone unless forced to be with other people and
you love to cause trouble. You feel depressed a
lot and don't have someone that could cheer you
up like most people but probably something
else. You love to be alone to think and like
the night because it provides solitude which
makes you a very logical person. You're very
secretive. (if you cannot see the pics, go near
the bottom of my homepage and find your result.
look closely to make sure your look in the
right place)

What Color Angel Are You? (ANIME PICS)
brought to you by Quizilla

You came from the sky. Your a daydreamer and prefer
to have a good look on situations.

Where did you come from?
brought to you by Quizilla

Air. You think before you act, you look before you
leap. You are very direct, which sometimes can
hurt others. You are always looking for the
truth behind things. Of all the elements,
you're the wisest.

What is your element?
brought to you by Quizilla

evil fairy
you are like the evil fairy, full of power, she
tends to use that power to destruct. But I know
that she can help our world be a better place,
with her strong will! She should use power
wisely, all this destroying saddness and
discomfort won't get her anywhere. These are
the main traits of the evil fairy. can you
relate to some of them? You probably can,
because that is what this quiz is for!

**The ultimate Fairy quiz**(anime pics!) for girls, but if you are a guy you can take it too! !**being improved more**!
brought to you by Quizilla

Jaguar Spirit Calls To You!
Jaguar's Wisdom

Seeing the roads within chaos

Understanding the patterns of chaos

Moving without fear in the darkness

Facilitating soul work

Empowering oneself

Moving in unknown places


Psychic sight

If you enjoyed this quiz, please rate and I may
do another!

Animal Spirit Guides ~ Which One Calls To You?
brought to you by Quizilla

... ... mysterious.. you're one wierd jirachi...
you can be pretty frightening at
times...*me:shiver*... and look... you look so
pretty and MYSTERIOUS in the moonlightsrc="http://www.boomspeed.com/starlight/pureevil.mid"




what type of jirachi are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

uh oh how did you manage to get this one you are
zapdos pokemon of revenge and hate... you
posses the power to control thunderstorms and
disaters... but don't worry.. your no different
from any other pokemon... people respect you as
a ledgendary pokemon all the same...execpt try
to be a little kinder to others will ya??




which ledgendary pokemon are you
brought to you by Quizilla

hey you got latias my fave she's cute adorable and
POWERFUL... wow...being latias, you have an
extremely innocent personailty.. you tend you
be rather happy go lucky and you can socialize
really well...src="http://www.boomspeed.com/starlight/bringmetolife.mid"




which ledgendary pokemon are you (part three)
brought to you by Quizilla

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~BBB, the ruler and master of the NWF. I am the winner of the 1st NWF tournament, because I say so, and there is absolutely nothing you inferior weaker nutangers that oppose me can do about it!!!!
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