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iono. random Questionare
Wednesday. 2.7.07 1:51 am
1.) What is your secret?
I'M ADDICTED TO (RED) STUFF *gasp* no more secret >.<

2.) If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?
vacuuming blubbers

3.) Do you have a completely irrational fear?
spiders and needles

4.) What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moments?
i become REEEDDD in the face. i think.

5.) Are you a pyromaniac?
i love staring at it, and starting controlled little fires...

6.) Do you have too many love interests?
yes. i'm sorry computer... the bed calls to me.

7.) Do you know anyone famous?
no, but apparently i'm distantly related to one. mom's cousin from her uncle's 1st marriage

8.) Who would play you in a movie?
Sandra Oh. :D

9.) Do you know how to play poker?

10.) What do you carry with you at all times?
Cell, Chapstick, Wallet

11.) What do you miss most about being a kid?
the Carefree-ness. no stress, and that time seemed to stand still

12.) Are you happy with your given name?

13.) How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?
however much it takes to pay off my car, give me Annual Passes to ALL amusement parks in CA, pay off all the gas I'll use from driving, and housing/food/shopping money during the trips.

14.) What color is your bedroom?
Tan walls, white ceiling

15.) What was the last song you were listening to?
"Straightjacket Feeling" - All American Rejects

16.) Have you ever been in love?

17.) Which musical instrument do you wish you could play?
piano... and yet, i am not willing to learn/practice. i wish i could one day wake up and do it perfectly.

18.) Favorite fabric?

19.) Something you love and also hate?

20.) What's the one language you want to learn?
hmmm... Latin. Just cause there are so many laguages with Latin roots

21.) How do you eat an apple?
2. bite
3. chew
4. swallow
5. repeat steps 2-4 until core is reached

22.) Have you ever pierced your body parts?
by myself? no way. but the lady at Claire's peirced my ears for me :D

23.) Do you have any tattoos?
no, but i kinda want one.

24.) Do you drive a stick?
wish i could.

25.) What's one trait you hate in a person?

26.) Do you consider yourself materialistic?
yeah. can't deny that.

27.) What do you cook the best?
spam with fried egges and rice

28.) Favorite writing instrument?
the pens that switch over to pencils ^.^

29.) Do you prefer to stand out or blend in?
Depends on the settings

30.) Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?

31.) What's one car you will never buy?
just one? cause i was gonna say, "most american brand cars"

32.) What kind of books do you like to read?
mystery, sci-fi

33.) If you won the lottery, what would you do?
like the mega-mil? i'd pay off the house and cars and any other debts, shove enough into savings to pay for college til i recieve my Masters, renovate the house, and then split the rest with mom to do with whatever we want. for my half, i'd open a platinum (or diamond or whatever) savings account so i could collect mucho interest :)

34.) Burial or cremation?
cremation and then burial. (i don't want my family to have ot carry around a vase with a dead person inside... that's just -to me- very disturbing)

35.) How many online journals do you read regularly?
nooooot many.

36.) What's one thing you're a loser at?

37.) Do you cry in front of your friends?

38.) What's one thing you like to do alone?
drive around the city

39.) Are you a giver or a taker?
i'd like to think i'm more of a giver. but i enjoy taking too.

40.) When's the last time you cried?
last week ish?

41.) What is your favorite communication method?

42.) Do you think you're cute?
uhhh.... not really...

43.) Favorite type of music?
rock, indie, alternative

44.) Are you a workaholic?
if given the chance, i'm pretty sure i'd become one. then again, what work are you talking about?

45.) What are your kids names?
if in the future i have my own, they'll be named: g- Trinity, b- Christopher

46.) Do you like to shop?
YES. >_<

47.) What is your hidden talent?
i have yet to discover it.

48.) Would you die to save the life of someone you deeply love?
if i had to i will, but at the same time, i don't want to because i don't want to burden them with the guilt that i died because of them.

49.) Are your friends married or single?
some's one, and the rest are the other.

50.) Do you own a Bible?
yeah, against my wishes.

51.) Do you play chess?
i refuse to learn.

52.) Do you like the rain?
depends where i wanna be that day.

53.) Do you like thunderstorms?
who am i with, and where am i?

54.) What's your favorite website?
hmm. WEEWORLD! lol. i don't know. i go all over the place. most visited? Gmail/Google.

55.) What was your weight when you were born?
i ... actually don't know the answer to this.

56.) What time were you born?

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In class
Wednesday. 2.21.07 2:51 pm
i'm in class, and bored out of my mind.

this is what i have of my essay so far *opinions/corrections welcome!* :

Anna Shum
Ms. Jennifer Annick
English A: 6237
March 7, 2007
Put Your Title Here
When asked whether or not you would change your past if you could, what do you say? My answer has always been, “No.” I’ve never felt a want to change anything in my life, because everything that has happened shaped me into who I am today. Through out my years, many of those around me know me as a strong person, but have no idea where I got my strength from. Whenever they say that, I think of a triangle, the strongest geometric shape formed by 3 congruent sides and corners. I think of myself as a triangle, made up of 3 influences: my family, my academics and my hobbies. Because like a triangle, I did not appear out of thin air; I had to be built.
Like many others, family is my heaviest influence; everything I do always seems to be the result of what my family has shaped me into. I was born outside the US, and was raised by my mom, dad and nanny. When I neared 5 years old, they shipped me to America to live with my mom’s parents, my grandparents, to start my formal education. From first through 4th grade, I was taken care of and taught by my grandparents and my mom’s brother, Uncle Chris. They were very polite and moral, and always used reason to discipline me. When I was 7 years old, my dad left my mom. Two years later, my mom joined me in the US. This proved to be a happy, yet horrifying time for me. I was ecstatic that I could finally be with my mom again, but really happened compared to what I imagined, were polar opposites. I’ve never blamed myself for the divorce of my parents, and I still don’t, but I do blame the divorce of my parents for the anger that spilled from my mom. Having gotten used to being inured through logic and reasoning from my grandparents and uncle, my mom introduced to me a new disciplining technique: corporal punishment. It was a drastic change for me. I had to quickly adapt from one environment to another, and basically be taught again what I already knew, but in a different way. Although the ways of teaching between my grandparents and my mom were drastically different, they’ve always emphasized several points: that family and school will always be my top priorities until I start my career. Then it’s family and my career, which will be my top priorities. All of them always pointed out that our family will never turn its back on its own, no matter how grave a mistake one makes. Unfortunately for me, my mom always seemed to contradict herself, thus confusing my mind by saying that family will always be there for me for better or for worse, but if I get bad grades, she’ll kick me out.

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at school.
Wednesday. 3.7.07 2:18 pm
currently i am at school.

in english.

waiting for my turn.


she's at the guy right next to me so i'm next.


i'm BORED.

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because i'm that bored
Thursday. 4.19.07 11:48 pm
1. A cuddler? depends who ;)
2. A morning person?: depends what the plan for the day is.
3. Tall?: pfft no.
4. In your pajamas?: nope. work clothes
5. Left handed?: righty!

[ LAST ]
1. Person you texted/imed: Jason
2. Was today better than yesterday?: yeah, i guess

1. Number: 2
2. SEASON: fall

Q: Do you like anybody right now?
A: <3

Q: What was the first thing you did this morning?
A: *grumble* *stretch*

Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
A: kinda yeah

Q: What's the last movie you watched & who'd you watch it with?
A. 300, and i can't remember all of them. we took up a whole row at the theaters

Q: Where is the last place you went to?
A: Jason's

Q: Do you smile often?:
A: i think so

Q: Are you a friendly person?:
A: it reaaallly depends on who, and the situation

Q: What color shirt are you wearing?:
A: black and gray

Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: couple weeks ago

Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep last night?
A: whew... where to begin...

Q: What are you about to do?
A: go to the potty.

Q: Rate life as of right now 1-10?
A: 8.

Q: What do you hear right now?
A: Super Massive Black Hole, and the jazz trio that plays where i work

Q: If you could drink anything right now, what would it be?
A: water

Q: Does anything hurt right now?
A: nopes

Q: What's your favorite month?
A: end of august and beginning of september

Q: What's your favorite bottled water?
A: Arrowhead and Dasani

Q: Have a best friend?
A: yes x 5

Q: How many kids do you want/have?
A: no more than 2

Q: Are you on the phone?
A: nopes

1. Are you missing someone right now?: *nods*
2. Are you happy?: yeah :3
3. Are you talking to anyone right now?: roland-mon
4. Are you bored?: well, i AM doing this...
5. Are you Italian?: nope
6. Are you Irish?: nnnopes
7. Do you like someone right now?: (wasn't this question asked already?) <3

1. Have you ever been in love?:

2. Do you believe in love?:

3. Why did your last relationship fail?:
cause he was a fake person that needed to grow the hell up

4. Have you ever been heartbroken?:

5. Have you ever broken someone's heart?:

7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them?:

8. Are you afraid of commitment?:
now and then, yeah. but who isn't

1. Love or lust?: <3
2. Hard alcohol or beer?: i hate alcohol in general
3. Cats or dogs?: both >^.^<
5. Television or internet?: internet
6. Pepsi or Coke?: coke with sprite
7. Wild night out or romantic night in?: depends
9. Night or day?: both
10. Aim or phone?: in person

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another one. (First Reactions)
Friday. 5.11.07 4:24 am
first reaction
This is called "FIRST REACTIONS QUIZ". You have to type the 1ST thing that comes to mind whenever you hear these 50 words. You can't think and go back and change your answers. Here we go:

1. BEER?

2. Anorexic:


4. Weather:

5. Power Rangers:

6. Steroids:

7. Cartoons:
bobby's world

8. The President:

9. Tupperware:
don't get mad, get glad!

10. Florida:
amusement parks and oranges

11. Santa Clause:
coca cola

12. Halloween:

13. Bon Jovi:
it's my life

14. Grammar:

15. Myspace:

16. Worst fear:
black, dark

17. Marriage:

18. Paris Hilton:
she doesn't deserve her fame

19. Brunettes:

20. Redheads:

21. Blonde:
uhm. girls?

22. Pastimes:

23. bad question:
black quesiton mark

24. Donald Trump:
trump towers

25. Neverland:

26. Pixie Stix:

27. Vanilla Ice cream :

28. Port-a-Potties:

29. High school:

30. Pajamas:

31. Woody:
the woodpecker

32. Wet Sock:
wet sock

33. Alcohol:

34. Love:

35. My best friend:
jason nat jon jordan elise

36. The Bible:

37. Heartache:

39. Time:

40. Whiskey:

41. Money:

42. Spanish:

43. Summer:

44. Winter:

45. Sports:


46. Vegetarians:

47. Wal-Mart:
blue green orange

48. Opposite sex:
the male sign

49. Iraq:

50. Kids:

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's been a while
Thursday. 8.21.08 3:40 am
It has been a while since i have posted a blog... hmm... what to write about.

Well, as some people may know, I was working at Knott's this summer (2008), and I was pretty much always busy. As time went by at the amusement park, I began to realize that maybe my mom was right about having to find a better job. Not so much a "real" job as she puts it, but just something that's more fit to what i want to later be in life.

Don't get me wrong, working at Knott's was truly a great experience. I met some great people, and had a lot of fun times. But my point of working there (beside the money) was to gain a new experience... I am a fan of amusement parks, and now I know what it feels like to work at one. Stressing, but fun. I achieved what I wanted to achieve, which was for the experience. Unfortunately, I was half expecting myself to work through Haunt, but I don't think I will be able to.

Now that school is starting, I think I may need to get a more "serious" job. I took my job at Knott's seriously, but thinking back, there was one thing that always bothered me when I was working there: my age. I couldn't help but notice that I was one of the older ones in the area... then again where I worked, it was a fairly small group of people... but it still bugged me. I am about to turn 20, and I'm working on a roller coaster, getting absolutely no respect from idiot parents that can't even pull off a simple task of reading the height requirement sign? It's probably just me, but I find that a little demeaning.

I mean, no offense to those that ARE older than me (if not the same age), but I guess I'm looking for something more. But to be completely honest, if I were working at Disneyland instead of Knott's, I probably wouldn't be posting this entry. I've always had a thing since I started obsessing about going to Disneyland at least once a year, that I one day will work for Disney. Some find it a little creepy that pretty much everything I do, is related to getting myself a spot within the Disney Corp. I guess you can say that I am highly attracted to power. And what greater joy would it be for me than to work with one of the most powerful companies in the known universe? Can anyone honestly tell me what greater country would not recognize the three circles that make up Mickey's head?

To be specific, I am in no way interested in the retail of Disney merchandise. Where I am aiming would actually be in the travel/hospitality area. If I could, I would LOVE to work on a Disney cruise line (actually, I looked up a little more information on jobs aboard the cruise line, and you must be 21 and older). Either on a cruise ship, in the hotels, or even better, in the amusement parks.

Because I want to work with Disney so badly, that's actually why I started with Knott's in the first place. I wanted to use my experience with Knott's as a stepping stone towards working in Disneyland. I feel bad for using Knott's like that, but I'm pretty sure that I'm not the first. Also, now that I'm looking into a more �serious� job, I was thinking of going into travel agencies. Probably find a few in the area, and ask them what credentials I need to get a job at a travel agency, and work as a kind of ... �apprentice� travel agent. I'm not too sure of how it goes.

At first I wanted to become a wedding planner, but that goal was shot down when my aunt reminded me that there is a LOT more pressure in becoming a wedding planner over a travel agent, because weddings a (usually) a once-in-a-lifetime event, and it has to be perfect for the couple. I gave it some thought, and she's right... if something goes wrong in a wedding, it's going to be on me, and I don't think I'd be able to handle that kind of guilt, knowing that I ruined a couple's first moments together as a married couple.

Going back to the travel agency thing, if anyone has any information what-so-ever about credentials to be hired into a travel agency, please let me know. Anything would be great. Oh, and anyone with connections with anyone else working within the Disney Corp, hook me up <3.
In roughly one month, I'm going to be turning 20. This upcoming moment is beginning to scare the crap out of me. I'm not going to be a �teen� anymore. Technically I'll be in the �tween� category, but who the hell are we kidding? There is no �tween� category... it's just a kind-of excuse for people to still act younger than they are. Relive their high school/college years, etc etc.

I guess the fact that I'm turning 20 in a month is upsetting because since I was about 7 years old, I always had a plan for myself... do great in school and get into a 4-year college right out of high school (which I blew already), and by age 20 I'd be on my way to moving out of the house, and going out on my own. Love life wise, I predicted that by 20 I was suppose to have found the love of my life, the one that I'd spend the rest of my life with. But of course, all those predictions were made before I realized just how much crap life really throws at you. Thinking back on my predictions and expectations I had for myself, I know now that it was silly of me to have expected so much, and it makes me feel a little better... just a little.

I should feel a lot better, but I don't. I mean, I kept thinking myself to be steady and on my way to moving out by the age of 20 ever since I was little. Having such an expectation for so much of my life would tend to weigh down fairly hard when I don't achieve that expectation. I went all my life going, �Out by 20!� and now that I'm a month away from being 20, I'm saying to myself, �Oh crap I'm behind... where did all the time I thought I still had left go?� Then there's the fear that maybe I'm going to be left behind by the world I grew up with.

I know that I can actually move out if I took a break from school and worked full-time... too bad that means I'd have to extend the time it takes to get my BA degree. Though to be honest, I wouldn't mind. If working full-time and studying part-time would allow me to move out and get me out there on my own, I'd go for it. But unfortunately in the world of today, without a BA you'd be lucky to find a decent job at all. The whole taxes, home-owning, retirement thing... requires a salary, which I [believe] is hard to get without that piece of paper telling your employer that you're not some uneducated person. Any suggestions?

Plus my family would probably disown me if I didn't get my BA >_>

Like any other person out there, I want the ends of my life to be simple, easy, well off. I want to have a nice life, with nice things. But ... the road there is rough, and counting school into the equation... it makes me want to cry :(

^ Just something I wanted to write down, but it is just for me to know. When I reread this tomorrow I'm not going to remember what it says, I can see it already.

Thanks to those that took the time to read it, and for anyone that may have any information on travel agents and their credentials, feel free to fill me in. And just as important, any hook ups with the Disney Corp would be greatly appreciated. :)

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