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Thursday. 10.29.09 10:05 am
i recently received one of those stupid chain emails. yes, i hate them. they are mostly dumb. however, i was kind of pleased by the overall message of this one.

it said that it's easy to be happy if you just don't let certain things bother you. instead of being pissed, just take a deep breath, and DON'T BE. i've been doing this the past week or so, and it helps with stress. there are still some things that i have to lash out about, but i'm not letting little things get to me.

normally, in some situations, i would be like "what the fuck did you just do?"

but now, i'm like, "*deep breath* i can fix this."

helps me.

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Tuesday. 10.27.09 10:24 am
i'm so tired.

i watched dexter last night. goodin'! but XXXX is dead. i put the XXXX over XXXX's name so i wouldn't spoil it for you if you plan on ever watching it.

my shins hurt. i don't want to have shin splints. i've been running probably more often than i have since i graduated high school, and i'm afraid that it's something like that. ugh. walking hurts today.

the elderly get on my nerves. mostly because almost every customer i have is wrinkled and old. for whatever reason, they think that computers are the devil and young people are the devil, so when i tell them that my records on the computer dispute what their opinion is (which, as was the case today, was "i have another account, but i don't have an account number or any paper or record concerning it, but i have it."), they think that technology and younger generations are ruining this country. i wish i could say "no, you're an idiot, and you have no proof. if this was a court, the judge (that's me) would've thrown your whiny ass out of here for being a moron."

i don't like having a job that frustrates the hell out of me. yesterday i spent the whole day creating a powerpoint presentation for our regional manager. that was great. i wish i could do stuff like that every day. unfortunately there is no place for someone like that at a bank. at least, not in my region.

what should i do? i can't quit. what choice does a college dropout have in this economy? AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

(also, i'm poor.)

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Saturday. 10.24.09 11:20 am
"I was reading about a little kid whose mom told him the key to life was happiness. When he was in school the teacher asked them to write down what they wanted to be when they grew up. He said happy. They said he didn't understand the assignment. He said they didn't understand life."

i like this kid.

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worth it.
Thursday. 10.22.09 9:00 am
oh, i saw couples retreat the other day. it was good. just as good as i thought it'd be. it's difficult to go wrong with vince vaughn and jon favreau (they're so money [that's a reference to swingers, a mediocre movie]), especially when you through jason bateman in there. hilarious. worth it.

but anyways.

i've been running more often then i used to lately. i'm tired of trying different diets and stuff. i plan on just excersizing and eating generally healthier. i think that's the key to success. i switched to diet soda. blech. worth it.

so there's that.

i have to shave my beard off soon. i'm dressing up like waldo from "where's waldo?" for halloween, and he clearly doesn't have one. shaving doesn't sound frightening, but i haven't NOT had a beard in like two years. shame. worth it.

i think i'm gonna start video taping myself playing songs on the uke. maybe i'll get some attention from huge record labels. or maybe i'll just get bad comments on youtube saying that i shouldn't quit my day job. maybe i just suck. oh well. better to know then not know. worth it.

i don't feel like blogging anymore. i mean, at this moment, not forever.

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magic eye.
Monday. 10.19.09 11:06 am
never, when i was younger, was i able to see those 3-d magic eye pictures. now i can see them if i try really hard for several minutes. anyone know of any cool ones? i sure don't. and, my eyes hurt.

i woke up early to go to the rain-assance festival saturday. it was cold, and pouring. worth it. niki and i saw this irish band called the hooligans, and since it was raining, they decided they were just gonna bullshit some songs instead of playing all traditional ones. some examples include ring of fire by johnny cash, and 500 miles by the proclaimers. there were also bits and pieces, like the gilligan's island theme song, or the fast part from one week by the barenaked ladies.

i woke up earlier to go to the susan g komen rain for the cure. actually it's race for the cure, but i want to emphasize the rain part. it was cold, and pouring. okay, not pouring, but it was raining enough for it to be annoying. worth it. got free bananas, nutrigrain bars, tshirts, bags, and other stuff. niki and i actually woke up late (645AM) and missed the 5k run, but we just ran the 5k walk. at least we ran about 2 miles of it. they had bananas and stuff along the way, so we stopped to eat breakfast.

apparently i'm going running again today, as well as to the gym, though, i have a blister on my right foot, so we'll see how long i last (heh.). okay, goodbye.

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toy soldiers.
Friday. 10.16.09 9:53 am
watched a movie called toy soldiers yesterday. how old is sean astin? he seemed like a kid in lord of the rings, but he was a college student in this movie, which was made in 1991. strange.

it was a good movie. it's about mexican terrorists (yeah, right.) that take over this school, and sean astin is a punk kid who ends up helping a lot with taking out the terrorists. interesting.


i think i'm going to IHOP tonight. looking forward to that. pumpkin pancakes ftw. "sexy rexy" is coming, i think. he said he wants to tase me (he's a cop now). i just might let him. we'll see.

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when you buy my things it makes me happy.
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