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*Kodomo ~~~~ Watashi no Sekai, Watashi no Monogatari de

Tiger's SMS Hotline... Malaysia
Tigers' Life in the Mother Earth
Updated 16 Feb 09

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Message of TigerBlogFest Campaign

The tiger is our national animal. Our heritage. But today only less than 500 of them
remain in the wild. As Malaysians, we need to stand up and protect our heritage.
Speak to your children. Speak to your leaders. Everyone of us can make a difference.
For further information, please visit MYCAT (www.malayantiger.net), WWF Malaysia
(www.wwf.org.my) and Department of Wildlife & National Parks (www.wildlife.gov.my)


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An Amur tiger and cub at Edinburgh Zoo. Photograph: David Cheskin/PA

There are now just a few thousand tigers left. Seven hundred mountain gorillas. A hundred Iberian lynx. Can we do anything to help them? Emine Saner looks at 10 animals we just have to save - and how you can get involved ....
Click here to Continue

Source : The Guardian

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~ Blog Citizenship ~ *Updated*

Stop domestic Violence, Stop Child Abuse.... Save the little angel b4 the history repeat It Self

Ototousan no Blog

Tomodachi no Blog
1. Renaye
2. AlexisNg
3. Nuttz
4. xboyz
5. Chocovani
6. Piyo
7. Winston
8. CLimate of Our Future
9. Binding Ink Another good friend :D
10. Simple American
11. gotenkz
11. Kyle~

Mamas no Blog
1. Kak Hani
2. Wokking Mum
3. Kinokoland
4. Immomsdaughter
5. Shopping Mum
6. Binky

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Save Us.... Before is too late...

SAY NO TO SHARK FIN!!! I pledge not the eat shark fin n serve shark fin ! :D Ill pledge to use my own container to buy Food, or use as minimal  container from the seller

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Strawberry Almond Tart
Monday. 9.29.08 11:54 pm
Dear Diary,

Yesterday i tried the recipe by Kak Hani, because her tart look so tempting... :P

I replace Prune w Strawberry because is hardly found in Malaysia or Penang (i search 2-3 super markets ya know)? Idk... but the end result using strawberry is still very yummy.

But a bit soggy (or is it suppose to be soggy) maybe it might due to my maid choke my tart by putting a plate on top of it... so it sweat @@'' - yesterday my mum bday so we went out to celebrate and my tart was baking half way... so what to do... have to trust my maid to help me right... @@''

will redo again... but not so soon... cause mum said fattening.

I'll Just translate Kak Hani's recipe to english here.

-base (for 20cm)-
100gm multi purpose flour
30gm almond powder
75gm butter (cold)
30gm sugar
1 biji egg york (M size)

-almond cream-
60gm almond powder
60gm butter (room temperature)
60gm sugar
1 biji egg (M size)
10gm cornstarch

10 fresh prune (cut into 4)
1 table spoon of icing sugar (confectioners sugar)

1. Mix the flour, almond powder and sugar until combined. Cut the butter into cube and mix well until it have the bread crumb texture. pour in the egg york until combined . Grease your tart pan (pie pan) with butter and press the mixture onto the pan. Later wrap it with plastic bag and chill in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

2. preheat oven ke 180��. and bake the crust for 10 min or until golden brown. Cold in inside the pan.

3. almond cream - beat butter and sugar until fluffy and add in almond powder. beat the egg with fork and add in to the mixture little by little. add in cornstarch until it combined.

4. pour in the almond cream onto the crust. arrange the strawberry or prune) and bake in 180�� for 30 minute. decorate with icing sugar or jam to make the tart look shiny.

Lol Kak Hani... boleh ke my translation?

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These little long stories, belongs to my crazy little mind, these fancy funny photos, belongs to my crazy little eyes, so please dont plagiarize, or my little angry devil will come into your mind. Hence~ All contents here Copyright 2006 - 2100 mizutama.
Yummy delicious Korean Foods... *GRIN*
Sunday. 9.28.08 9:51 pm
Dear Diary,

Yesterday, another drop dead boring morning until my mum gave me the permission to go home during the noon around 3pm... off me go to meet up with Alexisng.

we hang out at Prangin Mall and later drove to Hill Side Tanjung Bunga for our dinner at Kim Chi Restaurant ... *GRIN*

So as usual, we started ordering our food, and i got so EXCITED that keep on chanting kimchi until the person that served us laugh at me everytime he pass by @@''

The food that we Ordered :D :-

steaming hot Kimchi Soup ~ I develop the love towards Kimchi Soup

Pork and Squid Bulgogi - super yummy

My fav kimchi....

i dont like this... the feeling on my tongue.. OUCH

Meow, no worry, the rice is RM3 instead of RM5 lol

After Dinner ~

Later it rain b4 we able to make our move, thank god, they have umbrella service :D so is ok to pay the 10% service charge lol...

After dinner, we went to Gurney Plaza, and ALWAYS MPH Attract me into their shop... the scent of books... really drove me in... didnt get any book because they dont have the book i want....

and yay different cover version of Joe Peters' book is here... but i didnt buy it because i already have the hard cover copy that cost me RM77.90 :P

Later went to Toy R Us... yes u are right, i went to Toy R Us to get Glow In The Dark Star... I kinda obsssess towards Glow In The Dark Star... i have my room paste with the stars and sheeps.. lol

thats all, erm... i want to eat Kimchi again and drink Kimchi Soup again... lol

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These little long stories, belongs to my crazy little mind, these fancy funny photos, belongs to my crazy little eyes, so please dont plagiarize, or my little angry devil will come into your mind. Hence~ All contents here Copyright 2006 - 2100 mizutama.
You must be kidding me!!!
Saturday. 9.27.08 11:08 pm
Dear Diary,

Yesterday, my grandparents' house was having steamboat dinner, so all the way from Penang we drove to Kedah ... since grandparents r old... we cant turn them down dont we?

On the journey to Kedah... something catch my eyes... (yup i seldom sleep during the journey except im drop dead tired) ... too bad i didnt take the picture since my brother was driving "FAST"

what caught my eyes was :-



I was like... what the heck... "Kawasan Pembakaran Terbuka" arent gov already urge us not to do so... and there u go with a road sign on the highway saying that... @@'' very contradicting ...

i know there is sawah padi (rice field) but then... *give up - no word to describe*

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These little long stories, belongs to my crazy little mind, these fancy funny photos, belongs to my crazy little eyes, so please dont plagiarize, or my little angry devil will come into your mind. Hence~ All contents here Copyright 2006 - 2100 mizutama.
The Sun Motor Hunt 2008 Nov 2 is BACK... woot :D
Friday. 9.26.08 2:16 am
Dear Diary,

Yes u got me right, The Sun motor Hunt 2008 is back again... :P... i joined the hunt last year ~ click here

Omg omg omg omg omg, i received sms from renaye and i got so excited to know that the hunt is back... and sad at the same time... idk will i be able to join or not.... a big big HAIH... but then... omg im so excited..

i will think of a way to join... muahaha... IM EVIL.... la la la... The Sun Motor Hunt is back..... is another time round for "IS TIME TO BREAK, KEEP YOUR LOGIC AWAY!!!" mind u.... is very true to keep ur logic away, if u think logically.... u wont get the answer... :P

Oh yes oh yes... muahaha... (sorry too much of laughing because im too excited :p)

For the registration form and more information click here ~

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These little long stories, belongs to my crazy little mind, these fancy funny photos, belongs to my crazy little eyes, so please dont plagiarize, or my little angry devil will come into your mind. Hence~ All contents here Copyright 2006 - 2100 mizutama.
My New Necklace ~ + Random thoughts
Thursday. 9.25.08 7:33 am
Dear Diary,

As usual i went to work to day, and guess what happen to my brand new pendant that is less than a week old, it drop on the floor and it dissappear within my eyes range and when i search for it, it totally gone... I want my pendant back .. when i told a friend of mine, he said if the necklace or bracelet gone means it doesnt belongs to u... so it just dissappear... @@''

so today after work, i decided to go to a complex near my house - ya know is kinda dead complex but you can actually find something cheap n nice and idk drool over it. my purpose to go there was to get something for my friend lol... but ended up besides getting her a gift i got myself a gift too...

to me it is a very nice necklace... idk what u gals think.. but... uh i loving it...

Without Flash

with Flash :P

after the necklace thingy, i bought 2 comics.. goodness it took like forever to publish a new volume... :D Crayon Shin Chan and Youkai sensai - erm direct translation from mandarin... so might be wrong.

And yes... went to pasar ramadan again.. uh few more days and raya is approaching... yay... more rendang to eat... LMAO

oh i bought another new non fiction book :D:D:D ok im book collector freak... i been stop reading for months.. and i need to kick my butt and start reading again... but.... everytime i read Dave Pelzer's book... i ended up crying.... can you believe that..... ?

oh the new book that i bought is A Brother's Journey by Richard Pelzer ~ brother to Dave Pelzer... muahaha i got so excited i nearly scream in the bookstore... @@''

Oh, last but not least ~ to Chris that left a RUDE comment on my blog... thank you for ur RUDE message but sorry i dont think is annoying... and my friends dont think is annoying too and so i wont change it and sorry that i cant give u a msg because u r too hahahah enough not to left ur link for me to trace u back... *EVIL PISSY GRIN*

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These little long stories, belongs to my crazy little mind, these fancy funny photos, belongs to my crazy little eyes, so please dont plagiarize, or my little angry devil will come into your mind. Hence~ All contents here Copyright 2006 - 2100 mizutama.
Generation X VS Generation Y
Wednesday. 9.24.08 9:12 am

Dear Diary,
Cousin brother visit us today before heading to another destination� Lol my house seems to be the �rehat perhentian � a stop area for ppl to chill when travelling far� for people to stop by.

So as a driver ~ I fetched him from the airport� guess what happen to my car� the battery died and the car alarm set off every time I try to start the engine�. It happened to me once the day after my birthday, and I was in the hotel�thank god the engine can be started, if not I might have to stuck at the hotel and pay another RM8 for the parking.

Ok, we had dim sum for breakfast, so we were sitting there with my parents chit chatting and they talked about GENERATION X AND GENERATION Y. goodness, I just keep quiet until they get into my nerve and I shoot back�.. *EVIL GRIN* come on im protecting the rights of GENERATION Y :D

Disclaimer : this post is only my point of view towards the 3 generation-x discussion today morning � is not mean to hurt any generation x is just I found it hilarious to see the generation x in my family r so kolot minded.

And the often blame everything on generation y when we generation y do not meet their expectation.

Eg: u r stupid cause u don�t score all As

Eg: u r bad boy because u jump around and running around (hyperactive kiddo r not accepted)

Eg: u this generation are so lucky to have good food, imagine we the generation x only eat the left over things from bakery, hospital and etc � I told my mum and her friend off by telling ~ OH do u mean u want all ur children eat the same food as u guys was once? Instead of standard of living, the life, you prefer your child to be beggar? Ha.. they just ignore me.

Ok, what they were arguing were that�s, their generation x will not able to understand whats generation y is thinking. For example, the topics of their discussion were ~

1. one of my cousin sister married at the age of 24� lol they kinda criticize her action.

2. after 2 month of marriage she got herself pregnant � to them is way to early n wrong move.

3. they decided to go back to the man�s parents home that is far far away. ~ to the generation x is BAD MOVE

4. quit their job and move back to far far away land � to generation x is so stupid, should not quit the job

5. decided to migrate to another country � to generation x, especially my dad ~ he was so furios� why on earth want to migrate, Malaysia is good, why want to move to another country ~ go to elsewhere country, we will still work and like lower class citizen and etc.

6. to generation x money is everything, when I said everything they rather have money than to have family members around why ~

~ Cause if the daughters and sons still staying with them, or take good care of them, what they can think of is that ~ the sons and the daughters are trying to win their heart and get the money after they pass away @@�� � WOOT

~My dad believed that money can control everything including his own children.. OMG

7. my dad (the old old old generation that could not understand us generation Y) often thinks that going to oversea is a NO NO NO � STUPID MOVE and studying there is waste of money. Hahah see typical generation x � Chinese man mentality.

Erm erm.. sorry if I hurt anyone feelings� this is just for my own record of the funniest things to happen between my family members THE GENERATION X vs US (Me and my other cousins that in categories of GENERATION Y)

Thank you for reading it till the end � :D

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These little long stories, belongs to my crazy little mind, these fancy funny photos, belongs to my crazy little eyes, so please dont plagiarize, or my little angry devil will come into your mind. Hence~ All contents here Copyright 2006 - 2100 mizutama.
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