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*HUGS* TOTAL! Free Hugs!
Wanna know where to get hugs? Well you have to figure that out by yourself
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Tyler Edge A.K.A EDGE

Age. 34
Gender. Male
Ethnicity. White
Location Eglin A F B, FL
School. Other
» More info.
my spot hes my fav color too
spit it out
6. Spit It Out
Since you never gave a damn in the first place
Maybe it's time you had the tables turned
Cuz in the interest of all involved I got the problem solved
And the verdict is guilty...

Steppin' where you fear to tread
Stop, drop and roll - you were DEAD FROM THE GIT-GO!
Are you scared of me now? Then you're dumber than I thought
Always is, never was
Foundation made of piss and vinegar
Step to me, I'll smear ya -Think I fear ya? BULLSHIT!
Just another dumb punk chompin' at this tit
Is there any way to break through the noise?
Was it something that I said that got you bent?
It's gotta be that way if you want it
Sanity, Literal Profanity HIT ME!

All you wanna do is drag me down
All I wanna do is stamp you out

Maybe it's the way you spread a lotta rumour fodder
Keepin' all your little spies and leavin' when you realise
Step up, fairy
I guess it's time to bury your ass with the chrome
Straight to the dome
You heard me right, bitch, I didn't stutter
If you know what's good - sit, shut up and beg, brother
Backstab - Don't you know who you're dissin'?
Side swipe - we know THE ASS THAT YOU'RE KISSIN'!
Can't hear shit cuz I keep gettin' louder
Step up, and you get a face full o' tactic
Lippin' off hard, goin' home in a basket
You got no pull, no power, no NUTHIN'
Now you start shit? Well, ain't that somethin'?
Payoffs don't protect, and you can't hide if you want
But I'LL FIND YOU - Comin' up behind you!

All you wanna do is drag me down
All I wanna do is stamp you out

'Bout time I set this record straight
All the needlenose punchin' is makin' me irate
Sick o' my bitchin' fallin' on deaf ears
Where YOU gonna be in the next five years?
The crew and all the fools, and all the politix
Get your lips ready, gonna gag, gonna make you sick
You got DICK when they passed out the good stuff
Are you sick of me? GOOD ENOUGH - HAD ENOUGH

FUCK ME! I'm all out of enemies!
FUCK ME! I'm all out of enemas!

All you wanna do is drag me down
All I wanna do is stamp you out

this has me all over it.

Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
me again

Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
my survey
[x]had alcohal.
[x] been drunk.
[x] smoked.
[x] kissed a member of the opposite sex.
[x] kissed a member of the same sex.
[x ] been to another country.
[x] been dumped.
[x] shoplifted.
[x] been in a fist fight.
[ ] had sex.
[x] snuck out of your parent's house.
[ ] been arrested.
[ ] made out with a stranger.
[x] went on a blind date.
[x] lied to a friend.
[ ] had a crush on a teacher.
[x] skipped school.
[ ] thrown up from drinking.
[x] lost a sibling.
[ ] only child
[ ] played 'clue'
[x] had a sleepover party.
[x] went ice skating.
[x] cheated on a bf/gf.
[ ] been cheated on.
[x] drove.
[x] cut myself on purpose
[ ] seen someone die
[x] been on a plane
[many times] purposely set a part of yourself on fire
[x] eaten sushi
[ ] been snowboarding.
[x] had feelings for someone you knew only online
[ ] been in an abusive relationship
[x] tried killing yourself
[x] thought about trying to kill yourself
[x] taken painkillers advil?
[x] touched another persons privates.
ARE YOU .. ?
[ ] ugly.
[ ] pretty.
[x] ok.
[x] bored.
[definatly not] happy.
[x] white.~~~~>im an odd oreo<~~~~
[x] black.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[ ] mexican.
[ ] asian.
[ ] short.
[x] tall.
[all the time baby] grounded.
[minded] sick.
[x] a virgin.
[ ] lazy.
[x] single.
[ ] taken.
[x] looking.
[ ] not looking.
[ ] talking to someone.
[ ] IMing someone.
[i want to] scared to die.
[ ] tired.
[x] annoyed.
[x] hungry.
[x] thirsty.
[ ] on the phone.
[ ] in your room.
[ ] drinking something.
[ ] eating something.
[ ] in your pjs.
[x] ticklish.
[x] listening to music
[x] right handed
[ ] left handed
DO YOU .. ?
[ ] have a bf.
[i did] have a gf.
[x] have a crush.
[x] feel loved.
[x] feel lonely.
[ ] feel happy.
[x] hate yourself.
[oh yea im sexxy like a mofo ] think youre attractive.
[x] have a dog.
[x] have your own room.
[ ] listen to rap.
[x] listen to rock.
[ ] listen to soul.
[ ] listen to techno.
[ ] listen to reggae.
[ does shoe polish count?] paint your nails.
[x] have more than 1 best friend.
[x] play an instrument.
[FUZZIES! ] have slippers.
[x] wear boxers.
[ ] wear black eyeliner.
[i like black better] like the color blue.
[neon green is much better] like the color yellow.
[ ] like to read.
[x] like to write.
[air force cut] have long hair.
[air force cut] have short hair.
[x] have a cell phone
Friday. 2.11.05 3:44 pm
chris just called me and was bragging about his band thing and dissing the metal i like. i started cursing at him and he thought he was all bad ass cause hes got a band. dude who in the hell would name there band chocolate herpes. he started saying thinhs bouyt metal even more. i g2g practice.

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Tuesday. 2.8.05 3:49 pm

About slipknot

Created by ICPmushroomKNOT and taken 26 times on bzoink!

Do you like SlipknotYes
What CD is your FavoriteVolume 3
Who is your favorite memberThe bas guitarist i cant remember his name
Whats your favorite songBlister Exists and Vermilion's 1 and 2
Have you been to a Slipknot concertNo
If you have how many times
When did you hear about SlipknotDuality on the radio
Whats your favorite music videoDuality
Who do you think has the dumbest maskNone of em r dumb
Who has the coolestCorey's
Whats the worst songUm i dont kno
Have you met one of themNo
Do you think MFKR was better or worstDunno
Do you know who MFKR isNope

Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink!

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this is kool
Tuesday. 2.8.05 3:48 pm

r u a slipknot fan?

Created by undead-5912 and taken 38 times on bzoink!

how many members r in the band slipknot?9
how many drummers do they have?from my memory it is 2 or 3
what do they wear masks or paint their faces?both
how many singers do they have?1
wat was their frist cd called?Slipknot
wat is their latest cd out called?Volume 3(Subliminal Verses)
how many cds do they have out?3

Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink!

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Tuesday. 2.8.05 2:48 pm
i went painballing on saturday. i went with tom, sam, britt, kris, and tina. me and kris and tina won the first 3 woods battles. i got shot a few times. there was this one time where me and kris overheard the plans and we got ready. but they altered it and surrounded us so that we couldnt get out. i was shot to the arm and yelled out but still was getting shot. im getting a gun soon. ill post the pic just a second. never mind i cant get it on. anyways, but they got us screwed over in that battle. then i went to krises house and saw avp and thot it was awesome. then i got kicked and escorted out of albertsons. if u wanna hear it tell me cause im too lazy to write it rite now. then went to britts house and shot the BB gun and burned the hell out of trash. so thats it and bye bye

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Wednesday. 2.2.05 4:11 pm
-- Name: Tyler
-- Age: 14
-- Birthday: April 17th, 1990
-- Nicknames: beaver, edge, dumbass, baldy
-- Star Symbol: aries

---DO YOU---
-- Smoke: i used to
-- Cuss: oh yes
-- Take a shower everyday: of course
-- Do you think you've been in love?: yep
-- Want to go to college: maybe not sure yet
-- Like high school: yes i luv highskool
-- Want to get married: maybe
-- Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: i dont get it
-- Believe in yourself: yes
-- Get motion sickness: no
-- Think you're attractive: im sexy bitch
-- Get along with your parents: sometimes
-- Like thunderstorms: yes thunder is my friend
-- Play an instrument: bass guitar very little drums

-- Flown on a plane: yep
-- Missed school because it was raining?: yes hurricanes baby!
-- Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: yes many times
-- Cried during a Movie?: i have never cried in a movie and never will
-- Had an imaginary friend: hell no
-- Been on stage?: when i was young but i cant remember much
-- Cut your hair: of course
-- Had crush on a teacher?: nope
-- Had crush on a manager?:nope
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing?:maybe...yes i have thats the first time i saw boobies lol
-- If so, was it mixed company?: yes
-- Been called a tease: dont get it
-- Gotten beaten up: yes many times
--Been in a fight: yes

---NUMBER OF..---
-- Girlfriends you've had: damn lost count at 5 or 6
-- Kisses given: many
-- Kisses gotten: too many
-- Drugs taken illegally: 1
-- People I could trust with my life: 0
-- CDs that I own: about 6 or 7
-- Piercings: none
-- Tattoos: none

-- Shampoo: shit i dont have one
-- Color: black neon green and bright red
-- Day/Night: Night
-- Summer/Winter: winter
-- Lace or Satin: Satin
-- Food: a shit load
-- Movies: horror and action
--#'s: 6
--Holiday: halloween

-- Wearing: my stud anarchy shoes, camo pants, red shirt, my sexxy body lol
-- Drinking: nothing
-- Thinking about: so many things
-- Listening to: real rock 101.1

-- Yourself: yes
-- Your friends: probably bout 10 of my friends
-- Santa Claus: yes
-- Tooth Fairy: yes
-- Destiny/Fate: yeah
-- Angels: yeah
-- Ghosts: yeah
-- UFO's: i believe there is something out there that we dont kno who they r yet
-- God: Yes

-- Do you ever wish you had another name?: no
-- Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: lol probably brandy and chris
-- Who have you known the longest of your friends?: ive known allan since 1st grade
-- Are you close to any family member? dad
-- Best friends?: brandy, mary, lacy, and tiffany, oh and amanda
-- When have you cried the most: when cut myself and realized wat i did
-- Best feeling in the world?: knowing that im cared by a few people
-- Worst Feeling?: i have no worst feeling im used to everything around me

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ok heres the deal
Monday. 1.31.05 7:35 pm
i was in 3rd period today. really no bgi deal im there everyday. we were talking bout how people give out there info on wat people wear and how they look and there presence. and she told a story that almost made me cry. i dont cry easily either. ok so she had a student who smelled like crap. he had no friends cause of it. behind that smell there was a reason. his mom and dad r both disabled. his dad is diabetic and already has 1 foot amputated. there water is cut off so he cant shower. all these kids make fun of someone cause he smelled!! when they didnt kno his background and his issues. he never gave up in skool. in fact he came to skool for only 2 reasons. to eat and to learn so he can teach his parents wat he learned. he never gave up. he had no food and no running water. he cried when he told this story to the teacher cause he thot it was shameful. well my teacher cried with him. dont judge people on wat they wear smell act or look like. get to kno em and they might be nice. another story that relates to a few old issues of mine. there was a student of my teacher who had a bro in 7th or 8th grade. there was some issues between the mom and dad. she withstood it but her bro couldnt. he was nice and considerant but then turned. he was mean and inconsiderant. he didnt kno rite from wrong. did everything bad he can think of. drugs, drinking, smoking, theft. he would scream at his parents and sister and tell them tehy were a bad family. one night his sister was in her room and she heard kicking. she told him to shut up and she went to bed. the next morning he wasnt in bed. he was hanging in the closet dead by a belt. i was ready to cry. think bout wat i just said. i kno its true some have it worse than others and now i feel that way bout my issues. its worthless. it was over a girl who hates me now. i made mistakes and we all do. i have to go. bye

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*HUGS* TOTAL! Hey can u give me more hugs itll make me a hell of a difference on how i feel
If u really want some hugs just ask me i probably forgot tho.
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