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name: APRIL C
chromosomes: XX
date of birth: 4/15/89
ethnicity: pilipina
location:seatac, WA
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stolen from jamee. bwahaha. hope you don't mind. it's cute. the guy on the left .. yeah, he's my boyfriend. hah. just kidding. but anyways ..



http://ryan _ pitas
http://MSM _ deadjournal
http://stefanie _ gjournal
http://keoni _ gjournal
http://keoni _ xanga
http://luana _ xanga
http://raeann _ xanga
http://raeann _ nutang

since dec. 31, 2003, aprilc has been hit on times.
henry the hermit crab.
Sunday - march 21, 2004 @ 9:02 pm
went to southcenter today. they had hermit crabs at one of those stand thingys in the middle of the uh .. pathway? yeahh. i was about to get one .. or two. henry and hector. or bonnie and clyde! bwahaha. i didn't get one tho. but i told the guy to save henry, whom i named myself. he had a rainbow shell. haha. i might go to get it tommorow =).

hmm .. i've been tired lately. homework overload and tennis .. those are the main things. but oh well. at least i'm still keeping my grades up. straight A-'s. except a B in english. shocker huh? i used to excel in that subject. but it's first period this year, so all i do is drink my orange juice and space out. oh well. five A's and a B. that's about a 3.6 .. or 8? good enough for me. all i gotta do is keep it up till end of the quarter. then i can slack again for the first couple weeks of fourth quarter. bwahaha. hmm and tennis. it's soo fun. i killed on friday at practice. woo yeah. go team april.

i have hella homework to start on. later days.

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i'm at skool, it's not kool.
Wednesday - march 17, 2004 @ 7:16 am
haha i remember last year when i wrote an entry with that subject in my dead. i was in the library with brian! and i'm in the library .. right now. but there's no brian with me =(. hmm .. computer's messed up at home. no internet for april. nyeh. all the journals are blocked on these school computers. except nutang and xanga. oh well. i'm supposed to be doing research. only five minutes till the first bell. k so uh.

?! _ got a phone upgrade. they sent it to me in the mail. it was free =). sony erricsson T226 ? i forget.
?! _ there were too many people on JV tennis cuz they didn't make cuts, so they had to form a c-team .. and top 8 would stay on JV. i ranked 6 for girls .. suckers.

i think that's all? bell =(.

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dahh. i'm tired.
FRIDAY - mar 12, 2004 @ 10:01 pm
this week was tiring. tennis, and after that, homework. it's not like i had alot, but due to procrastination, i'd start two hours before i usually go to sleep, which is uh .. ten. and then i'd finish at 11. and then i'd wake up at one in the morning .. for no reason. ha .. reflex i guess. anyways. ehm .. i'm tired. next years classes ..

1 _ honors english
2 _ honors world history
3 _ honors science
4 _ IB math analysis (1st semester)
5 _ IB trigonometry (2nd semester)
6 _ spanish II
7 _ physical education
8 _ and some elective. art maybe.

i got my credits all planned out, suckers. i might be able to graduate my junior year if i do running start .. but i duno. heh. i'm sooo gonna fail my classes next year. i'll try tho. to get good grades, that is. as of now, i have an A in math. but i'm beyond being lost in the chapter we're on right now. i have no idea how to do anything in it. er, at least the graphing. i don't like graphs. graphing x to the powers and finding the domains and ranges confuses me. dahh .. better have some people i know in my math classes next year =(.

i think i shall go to sleep. good night.

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nyeh. boredd .. survey junk.
Tuesday - march 10, 2004 @ 9:23 pm
from stefanie's journal: my LLL - my Lesbinana Loner Lover. what more can i say to that?! haha! thanks for everything! LLL wise. and psychiatrist wise! ahha.. just eb.ree.ting .. ha.. as brian would say! =P -thanks for the great year! our traditions!! man! im gonna miss that! =( we HAVE to kidnap you! and you MUST come back! and you MUST come online every other day!! like you say! ahha. people (*ahem rj and me, but mostly rj ahem*) wait for you yanno! ahha. oh.. and we WILL kidnap you! hhaahha! and you can live in brians basement remember! man! MY house could fit in there! hahah.. ohh mann!! our songs!! OUR SONGS APRIL!! the temptations!! heh!! mann!

awww. i was in the philippines the whole summer, when i could have been spending my "last" couple months spending time with good ol friends =(. ha oh well. here's a couple survey thingys. cuz i'm bored. i duno who i got these from. does it really matter, anyways?

cried: no
bought something: no. i got a hundred dollah bill. no one has change =(.
gotten sick: sick of concieted people.
sang: oh yes, of course.
kissed anyone: no
felt stupid: i am stupid
wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't: no .. ?
met someone new: ha uh .. kinda? tennis practice. first thing he said to me was, "why you tryin to take my fuckin balls?" i didn't get his name, so i just called him bitch.
moved on: no, never. bwahahaha.
talked to an ex: "ex"doesn't fit the description of the situation, but yeah.
missed an ex: yaw
talked to someone you have a crush on: no
had a serious talk: i have no one to ehfing talk to. and even if i did, which i guess i do .. i'd rather talk to them in person than online/phone.
hugged someone: hugs, not drugs. um. don't think so, no.
fought with your parents: no. i only see my dad 3 days a week. and i live with him.
dreamed about someone you can't be with: i don't remember my dreams.

best girl friend: don't have any here. but there .. stefanie!
best guy friend: sigh. brian, although i never talk to him no more.
boyfriend/girlfriend: not really sure? aha. i guess not.
are you center of attention or the wallflower: whatever
what type automobile do you drive: i am not of legal age to do so.
what type automobile do you wish you drove: whatever
would you rather be with friends or on a date: friends
do you have a job? no. i wish.
do you attend church: ha .. no

have you known the longest: i don't know.
do you argue the most with: cousins. but i don't hit them anymore. haha.
do you always get along with: friends .. ?
is the most trustworthy: UCES. ha but uh .. stefanie.
makes you laugh the most: everyone makes me laugh. mostly .. ryan.
has been there through all the hard times: nyeh.
has the coolest parents: duno
has the coolest siblings: duno
is the smartest: alot of people. especially .. ryan.

who is your role model: did i ever tell you you're my hero.
what is some of your pet peeves: wouldn't it be what are some of your pet peeves? HAHA. i like to correct grammatical errors.
have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: roflmao. oh yes.
have you ever cried over the opposite sex: not really.
do you have a "type" of person you always go after: no
ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: no
rather be dumper or dumped: i'd rather be dumped. seriously.
rather have a relationship or a "hookup": honestly, i'm too young for that chit.
ever liked your best guy/girl friend: yeah, before they were my friend.
do you want to get married: why not.
do you want kids: sure. after i get married.
what is your favorite part of your physical appearance: i dont know
are you happy with you: sure
are you happy with your life: yes
if you could change something in your life right now, what would it be: eh .. too many to list.

and another one. from ryan's journal.

what does your name mean? um, it's a month .. derived from the latin word "aperire", which means "to open", referring to the opening of flowers. heh.
if you could change your name what would it be? i'm fine with my current name, thanks. i've already gotten used to it.
did you have an alternative baby name? yeah prolly. but i dun't know.
sex: female
home: yes. i have a home.
height: 5' 4"
hair colour and style: black. straight. uh .. shoulder length.
color of eyes: darrk brown.
did you have hair when you were a baby? sure did.
were you a fat baby? not fat. maybe pudgy. haha.
did you suck your fingers or sleep with a blanket? i slept with a garfield.
as a kid what scared you the most? the dark.
what was your biggest fashion no-no as a kid? sweaters and socks. sweaters were itchy. and i didn't like socks. haha.
what are your hobbies? i duno. stuff.
croutons or bacon bits: croutons
favorite salad dressing: italian. and ranch.
do you drink: "ordinary non-alchoholic beverages." yes, what he said.
shampoo or conditioner: both?
type of car you drive now: i walk. or get rides from people legally capable of driving.
most romantic thing that ever happened to you: nyeh.
favorite color(s): green and blue!
fears: hmm .. i still don't have an answer for this one. but it's not like i'm not afraid of anything, so yeah.
straight, gay, or bi? straight
what do you look like: myself.
what city do you live in: seatac
groups you despise: hmm .. duno.
did you ever get fired? never had a job.
boys/girls you like? i like boys.
do you want to get married? sure.
when do you want to get married? "when i'm mature enough". what he said, again.
how many kids? two or three. why not four.
ideal girl/guy: someone i can talk to, who i can feel comfortable with, who makes me happy, who isn't controlling/abusive .. haha, ETCETERA, ETCETERA, ETCETERA.
are you single? i am one person, yes.
what is the one place you want to see before you die? i duno .. the ring! aha.
best advice: SMILE. hmm and .. before you can make anyone else happy, you gotta make yourself happy first.
what do you think about ouija boards? never played it.
favorite TV show(s): one tree hill, full house, CSI, friends, and hmm .. couple more. i forget.
favorite band(s): dah. n*sync! haha. i don't know.
favourite game: wizard's chess! haha. and mad gab.
favorite sport to watch: HAHA .. ping pong on ESPN! it's hilarious to watch. oh yeah that and quidditch.
favourite sound: the sound the tennis ball makes when you hit it hard off the racket .. and then that "blubbbb-b-b-b-b-b" motor sound when you stick out your tongue and .. blow? haha. i can't explain it. but it's fun.
favorite item of clothing: hmm. i like jeans.
favorite cartoon: dora.
favorite thing about yourself: umm. i don't know.
what's the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning? i'm hungry.
what's on the walls in your room? stars, posters.
do your type with your fingers on the right keys? sure do.
do drugs: no.
smoke cigarette: i sucked on a cigarette butt when i was like .. 10. aha. never again.
drink alcohol: no
place to vacation: kokomo. er .. somewhere warm.
what religion are you: roman catholic. hmm .. what's the difference ?
most memorable dream: i don't remember.
when did you get AOL: i dont' have aol.
funniest movie: i duno. alot.
how many buddies do you have: enough.
your toothbrush color: lavendar and .. silver.
favorite super hero: superman.
favorite smell: victoria's secret sweet temptation. and love spell.
how many rings before you answer the phone: dos. or .. whenever i get to it.
do you eat stems of broccoli: yup.
what is under your bed: dust. couple boxes of junk. and stuff that have rolled under it, which i forgot about. maybe my crab stamp is down there. i lost it =(.
what does it mean to be a true friend? um. TRUE.
eat/drink? "i usually do both because it helps you survive." yes, good one.
mail/telephone? mail makes me feel special.
hamburger/hotdog? hamburguesa.
what time are you going to sleep tonight: maybe 11 tonight. after one tree hill. if it shows. and when i get too tired to finish homework.
what would you do if you were on a date with a cute girl/guy? i'd squeal and giggle. HA no um .. yeah.
what do you hug to sleep: uh .. i don't.
do you believe in yourself: course i do.
if there are 3 wells: health, wealth, and knowledge, and you can drink from only 2 of them, which ones do you drink from? SWIRL of all three! haha.
what is the most disgusting food you have ever eaten? "rice with nacho cheese on top." HAHAHAHAHA. i remember that.
if you were making a movie about yourself, what actor/actress would play you? i have no idea.
what TV show or movie bests describes your life? no idea, again.
do you like your handwriting? sure.
what is the #1 priority in your life? don't worry. be happy.
what is your favorite lunch meat? i don't eat lunch meat. i eat noodles. and 75 cent pizza sticks.
do you have any bad habits? not that i'm aware of.
if you were another person, would you be friends with you? why not.
are you a daredevil? not really.
do you follow or lead? aries is a "natural born leader". haha. uh .. i don't really do either? i just do .. whatever.
do you pray? ha .. nope.
are you trendy? no
what do you do to vent anger? hide in my room. scream into my pillow. i don't really get angry tho? er .. i don't show it. which is why i hide in my room.
are you passive or aggressive? passive.
do you always wear a seat belt? yes.
do you feel understood most of the time? sure .. ?
have you ever thought seriously about committing suicide? no. i have plans in life. places to go. people to see.
would you rather be hot or cold? hot. err .. warm.
did you cry when the oklahoma city bombing occurred? i have no idea what you're talking about.
could you be a vegetarian? i guess so. but i wouldn't want to.
do you untie your shoes every time you take them off? no. i kick them off.
who are your favorite white rappers? there's more than one? ahha. hm .. i like the lead singer of that band. ahaha. i joke.
have you ever given money to a bum? just a penny.
what are you worried about right now? yeahh .. time.
do you think you are strong (emotionally)? kinda .. no.
give one random, little unknown fact about yourself: whatever. i want some subway.

well wasn't that fun. eh. homework. hmm. i can't get my phone off of aim. oh well. brian's birthday is tomorrow. and i have early release. wish i could go visit =(. sighhh. if only i could drive. nyeh .. lata.

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love me, love me. say that you love me.
monday - march 9, 2004 @ 9:23 am
seanfan, the soundtrack. bwahahaha. UMM. i really have no time for this. but i'm bored. let's seee. registration today. i think i'm gonna take all honors classes. heh. i feel .. up to the challenge. i was gonna ask my counseler about those credits of mine from last year, but i looked on the paper and it said i only need 1 occupational ed credit .. which is two semester classes. and that's easy. this registration stuff is confusing tho. they don't give you "required" classes .. they let you pick yourself. which is good i guess. independent, somewhat? but i just don't wanna mess up. whatever.

i rank 90 of 362 students in my class, 1 being a 4.0. i have a 3.333. i thought that sucked, but that ranking thing makes it seem pretty up there. haha .. yay =). i might do OSC this summer. criminal justice or ehm .. construction tech? haha. looks fun, but yeah .. duno yet. haven't registered. hmm k yeah. homework time.

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i got a 100 dolla bill. put your hands up.
Wednesday - mar 3, 2004 @ 4:11 pm
hmm, i don't wanna type. but .. i'm bored. last two days were good. it was sunny. sunshine makes me happy. but today was rainy. no good. and school was boring. everyone was gone cuz they went on "field trip" to go watch our varsity basketball play at the tacoma dome for state. i think they won? they kept saying the score on the intercom during passing time like every 2 minutes. ha, but yeah. i didn't wanna go. you miss school, you miss out. HAHA. teacher's let us do whatever tho. played speed in science. and then took a test in PNW history. i thought i was good to go, but i wasn't ready for that jelly. ha, oh well. at least i got a 87% on my science test last week, and 95% on my math. heck yes. ehm. we read this book/watched the movie of mice and men by john steinbeck. it's sad. but then the movie's funny .. just cuz john malkovich does a good job of playing a retarded guy named lennie. and yeah .. it was a good book/movie.

hmm. i think we register for next year on friday. i think i'm gonna take all IB classes. haha, no dice. IB stands for international baccalaureate. i guess it's like AP .. but i think it's kinda different cuz if you take full IB classes, you can get an IB diploma. which is uh .. really good i guess. i duno. i wouldn't do it tho .. cuz i don't wanna be challenged like that. hmm .. wonder if i can get my drama/computer programming credits from last year. they better let me *fist*. dahh. tennis is fun. but it makes me hungry. and hungry. and tired. and hungry. oh yeahh .. it was yesterday, so happy birthday ryan .. 364 days in advance. bwahahaha. dahh. i'm on a secret sn. and i'll never tell =).

miss m: what does "PUT TANG IN YOUR NOSE" mean?

KEONI's PROFILE >> urge: when i drive...im gonna go over there and kidnap her and bring her back

aw. that just made my day. misha just shammo-ed! haha .. later.

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