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This movie rocks wheel barrows of ass
Everyone in this movie has sideburns
holy crap this is a good movie, i mean............................holy crap
I'm such an asshole about this movie
Bored as hell and I want to get ill
Tuesday. 12.7.04 7:05 pm
I'm back. I made it. Hello. I'm here at work and as usual, people must have read the memo about it because the only people who seem to be gracing our doorway tonight are the social and mental outcasts. The normal people seem to be staying in with a good book or a movie tonight, making ocasional peeks through thier blinds at the parade of wierdos that are filling the streets. I'v been here most of the day and I'v seen strange things. The store I work at has always had it's recuring characters. The crazy bike riding guy named eddie who always wants to talk about either kittens or the computer. The crazy hippie lady who can't seem to control the volume of her voice and who does nothing but listen to 70's ass-rock at the listening station, and if you don't think ass-rock should be hyphenated then you can just piss off. There was a rather large man who came in to sell some dvd's. He was waiting for my coworker to tally his earnings when i noticed the tattoo on his left arm. Now, I can't say that I'm some great judge of art, but this guys tattoo just kind of made me do a double take. There, mid-way down his left arm was the image of a headless bull. No, that wasn't a typo. A red, headless bull. There was the guy who always steals the same six movies from wal-mart and keeps trying, in vain to sell them every other day. I'v heard that people who work in emergency rooms are superstitious about full moons, well if the clouds weren't covering it's face, I'd bet the moon would be pretty damn full tonight. I don't know what to expect to come zig-zagging through the door . What new, human oddity will the night bring next. I'll keep you posted. It's also almost christmass time, so be good to each other and get some of those headbands with the missletoe dangling above it. Who knows. It might work.

P.S.- I don't hang MY stockings. I wear em.

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Back in the Saddle
Wednesday. 11.10.04 11:40 am
Well Hello. I'm back, sorry it took me so long to post, i know you guys were wettin your sheets for another one. I took me a little while because I'm in what you'd call a transitional phase right now. That's code for I got fired from my job. But don't worry about the old Stiletto, weither it's hell or high water i always seem to float. I got to go on a little vacation to see my lady love and that was good and now i'm on the job hunt and reaquainting myself with the custom of sleeping till 8 o clock. So without further adeu, here's a new review.

The Thing: Yet another jem from John Carpenter. This was a remake of the original Thing From Another World, wich was made in 1951. I saw this movie when I was about 8 and I thought my head was going to explode. I had never seen anything like the creatures they had in this movie, no one had. It was filming someones nightmare and then making people watch it. The movie was scary on so many levels. You had the obviouse scares, like the guys head seperating from his body, growing spider legs and running around on the floor. Or the dead guy's stomach becoming a huge mouth and biting some other guys arms off at the elbows. These things could have been enough, but it there was more. What gave the movie that little push was the feeling of paranoia. These guys are stranded in the antarctic and they don't know who is a thing and who isn't. They are put in a situation that that they know that if they could band together they could make it out ok, but they can't and hat's the brilliance of the movie. You get the same feeling that the characters are getting. The feeling of being isolated within a group and being trapped. This is hands down one of my favorites, check it out, if you have a weak stomach, keep a bucket handy. If not, then..........don't, i guess, i don't know. i'm not your mom.

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Wednesday. 11.3.04 4:57 pm
Well the election is over and I'm pretty dissapointed, not suprised, just dissapointed. Bush won fair and square, something he wasn't able to do last time, and I guesse people have another four shitty years to look forward to. i'm not saying that I thought Kerry was supposed to be this knight in shining armor but anything is bette than what we've had for the past four years. People seem to think that Bush is making these huge strides in the "War on Terror" but all i've see is alot of pointless death with no results. The unemployment rate is over 50 percent is some regions and rising in others. There doesn't seem to be any sighn that we are going to leave Iraq any time soon. Gas prices are a cruel joke and i just don't understand why people seem to want more of the same. I know that now there is a republican majority in the senate and that means that the bush administration can do whatever the hell they want now. Any bill they want to pass, any law they want to enforce they are free to impose. I don't know about anyone else but this worries me a little. In the past the government seems to have functioned at it's best when the party who held the majority in the senate and the presidential party were opposite. I think Bush is going to run the country into the dirt now that there is nothing to stop him. Think about the things we've had to endure the last four years because of the Bush administraion's incompetance, now we know what we have to look forward to.

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Thursday. 10.28.04 9:21 am

Prince of Darkness: Now this is one of the greats. Prince of Darkness was made in 1987 and was written and directed by John Carpenter. It was made one year after his masterpiece Big Trouble in Little China and has a few of the same people in it. The movie is severely creepy and chances are alot of you havn't seen this one either so here's a quick overview. A priest dies and leaves behind a book and a key. Another priest, the old crotchety guy with the overcoat from Halloween, finds it and discovers that the key unlocks a secret room in the basement of an abandoned church in the slums of L.A.. There is a cylinder in the room that contains this glowing green liquid that turns out to be the essence of Satan. The priest enlists the help of a team of physics students from UCLA, why physics students i have no idea, to help investigate. Well the stuff gets out and people start dying and getting possesed, becoming the drooling slaves of Satan. They try to escape but there is an army of the homeless surrounding the church. That's right. Your suspicions are confirmed. The homeless are secretly the army of evil, i knew it. They run around for a little while and soon find out that Satan has possesed one of the ladies and is planning to free his father, some sort of Anti-God. This movie never fails to give me nightmares, no shit, every time I see it i have nightmares, which makes it a very successful horror movie in my book. This movie was one that every film maker who dabbles mainly in horror must make. This is a religious horror movie. Now, you've got your big names like Exorcist and The Omen, or Rosmary's Baby and they are all good movies, very creepy. The thing that made this movie different from the other devil movies was that all the blockbusters where not what you would call eye candy. They relied more on atmosphere and the implied story rather than the obviouse one. They also all seem to dwell on creepy little kids killing there nannys or puking on people. Prince of Darkness slapped you in the face with it's imagery. It was outlandish both in story and in presentation. It put a new face on religious horror. People went from going, Man, that evil little kid really doesn't want to go to church, to, Man that lady's sucking all that green liquid off the cieling with her eyeballs. This movie scared me worse than any other Devil movie I have seen so far. You should watch it, it'll probably have the same effect on you, either that or I'm hust a huge weeny.

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Tuesday. 10.26.04 8:53 am

Evil Dead 2: The masterpeice. I'm not going to say a whole lot about this movie because there is no need to. It's already been said a thousand times. Sam Raimi's opus of gore was the begining of a new era in horror. It showed people that you could make a horror movie, a good horror movie, and not have to settle for por qulity in the final cut. It ws cheap and it was baeutiful. With near perfect dialougue, plot progression and being damn funny to boot. Evil Dead 2 was the gem that Raimi was trying to make with Evil Dead. That's all I'm goingtosay about it because I'm afraid that if i get going I won't be able to shut the hell up. If you've seen it, you know what i'm talking about. If not, then seriously, get off my page, now, go, get out of here.

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Thursday. 10.21.04 7:35 am

It's Alive: Now I know alot of you havn't seen this one but holy crap. This movie scared the bejesus out of me and with good reason. Made in 1974 and directed by Larry Cohen, It's Alive drew people in thinking that because of the low budget nature of the film that it wouldn't be scary, man where they wrong. When this movie came out it disturbed audiences because of it's minimal amount of gore and huge amount of creepyness. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, I'll give you quick run down. The Davis family has decided to have a second child, but are having trouble getting pregnant. Eventualy they turn to a fertility drug that is manufactured by a large Chemical conglomerate. The drug works, a little too well. When the baby is born it comes out a healthy 13 pounds and looks like a hemroid with fangs. The infant proceeds to slaughter the doctor and nurses in the delivery room and goes on a rampage. If it where up to the father, the movie would be over fairly quickly because he doesn't seem to have problem with the idea of hunting the thing down and killing it, but the mother goes a little over the rainbow and her maternal instincts kick in. This forces the father, for love of his wife, to try and hide the little darling and keep the police and animal controle guys from making swiss cheese out of it. the Baby also eats a milk man. Now I know your thinking, Oh great, another chemical corporation makes fertility drug that produces 13 pound bloodthirsty mutant baby story, but i'm telling you. This one's a keeper. The key thing that makes the movie worth watching is the specials effects. For being such a low budget movie, the effects were top notch. The best of which being that you rarely see the Baby full on and when you do your like, "Christ bananas! That thing looks real!" and it does, and it sounds even creepier. If you like horror movies are creepy, cheesey, and a little bit disturbing, then believe me , you've found a jewel in this movie. A jewel in this movie? My god, that was terrible. I'll just go ahead and end the review, bye.

Note: They are making a remake of this movie that is supposed to be out next year, so watch this before the remake makes it to theatres.

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