All about me niktoto Age. 51 Gender. Female Ethnicity. see for yourself Location Seattle, WA School. Other » More info. Visitors | this will be my last post here Saturday. 12.4.04 9:39 pm check out my new blog at: http://spaces.msn.com/members/niktoto/. msn spaces totally rocks. i even get free space for my photos and support rss. loving it! Comment! (11) | Recommend! (1) TGIF! Friday. 11.5.04 11:23 am I am so happy this week is almost over! This week nearly killed me. Thankfully, I have the best husband in the world. Mike surprised me last night by taking me out to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. Between all the running and work, I'm exhausted. On Wednesday, I worked 12 hours, went home to inhale some pizza, and then went to the gym to run for an hour. :( Oh well, the race is almost here so I should have to keep training for too much longer. This Sunday is my longest run before race day. Mike and I are going on the practice run for 10 miles. Fun, fun! Comment! (5) | Recommend! i'm not built for running Sunday. 10.31.04 4:26 pm there are three very good reason why i'm not built for running. 1) my foot, i've blogged about my foot a lot so i won't talk about this much. it hurts all the time and if i run on anything other than a smooth surface, i can't take it. 2) i have very sensitive skin so any mileage over 4 miles and chafing is an issue. 3) let's just say that i am a little big up top and leave it at that. with these three things going against me, one might wonder why am i training for a half marathon. that's a good question. i often ask myself that somewhere around mile 4. i push myself much harder if i have a specific goal in mind. the half marathon was something that mike and i agree to this summer and i am paying the price now. before we started training i had never run over 4 miles in my life. we ran 8 miles today and i am wiped out. i can't imagine running 13 miles on race day. it took mike and i somewhere around an hour and a half to run the 8 miles today. our pace is pretty slow but i'm happy to not have walked at all. so back to my three problems. who better to go to for advice than oprah. she has apparently run at least one marathon and did so with an incredible sports bra that allows for no movement. i figured if it worked for oprah i'd give it a shot. i also took some advice from carmen and got myself some body armorwhich helps with the cold and chafing. not much can be done for my foot so i just have to suck it up and run. the marathon is coming up at the end of nov. carmen and ram are also running it so you all should come out and cheer us on. Comment! (2) | Recommend! wtf seahawks! Sunday. 10.10.04 10:16 am we went to the seahawks game today against the rams and i was blown away by how good and bad they can be. seahawks totally dominated the first three quarters and were up by 17 points when i started losing steam and dozed off a bit. unfortunatly, so did the seahawks. they totally fell asleep on both offense and defense. the rams scored 17 unanswered point to tie the game in the last few seconds of the game. the rams won the game in OT by scoring a touchdown. it was totally depressing! when asked about the game mike said, "it sucked but the peanut m&m's were good." true true. Comment! (0) | Recommend! alias weekend Saturday. 10.09.04 10:35 pm mike and i have been watching alias season three on dvd. btw - ntflix is perfect for this sort of thing. anyway, we are about halfway through i would guess and it is fun if not slightly ridiculous. i went to vain today to get my hair colored and cut. i think i must have watched too much alias because my new hair makes me look a bit like "evil nikki". i decided to get dark brown all over with red highlights. it looks pretty crazy and i'm slowly getting used to it. we'll see what folks at work think on monday. Comment! (1) | Recommend! pics from hawaii Wednesday. 10.7.04 10:14 pm i was just reminded that i never posted my pics from hawaii so click here to see all of them.
this was the view from our hotel
here are mike and i after zipping down a zip line
here we are at a luau
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