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Flight Of The Dark => invisibleinkling@NuTang

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May 2024

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La Lune
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What is the What,
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The WeatherPixie
always an adventure in our shoebox build for 2...
Saturday. 9.16.06 9:26 pm
So Chris and I set out to find a few things...among them was film, a football, and a particular mask I'd seen at the mall on my lunch break and never bought. Today I decided I NEEDED it for tomorrows shoot. Figuring Target was my best bet when it comes to halloween decorations and paraphanalia, we headed there in lieu of Walmart. We found many things. A glow-in-the-dark football (woohoo! night football! hehe this could be useful), the movies Nightwatch and UHF, somewhat cheap film (although no one sells real b&w anymore and not that c-41 shyte), and a really neat candleholder. I also saw a few more things I want to get to decorate with once my paychecks go through. They did not, however, have my mask. :( I was somewhat bummed, and chastized myself for not getting it the other day as we checked out and headed to Wendy's. Fortunately, there's a PartyAmerica in the shopping centre next to Wendy's and they HAD my mask! AND it was $7 cheaper! Woooooot! We go from there to get food (which took WAY longer than it should've), and headed home for some good old Weird Al Entertainment.

Now here's where things go drastically awry. Are you paying attention? As I went to get the dog (who lives in the bathroom when were out/eating because he's a monster in cute clothing) I notice something slightly...not right. Then I turn on the light. Apparently the dog had an upset stomach while we were out (thankfully not when we were home and he was on less cleanable surfaces like our beige carpet), and theres a ginormous pile of dog poo on the floor, plopped there like he'd been working on it all day. He seemed really proud. Of course, no pile of poo is complete without a thick yellow moat. Definitely not what I needed to take on tonight. But, leaving it there held worse consequences, so in I went, first tackling the pile, then the pool. Then, just for good measure, I mopped the entire bathroom floor several times.

From there I realized the dog needed to also be washed, because no doubt hed galloped through the momument a few times. Now, Mowgli is the first dog I've ever had who not only dislikes water with an unmatched hatred, but is also apparently terrified of being wet. Add that to the facts that I forgot to take the cup back to the shower after our last bathtime adventure and that we no longer have a shower door like we did in the old apartment. I've learned by now not to bother keeping clothes on or imagining I won't also be taking a shower, so I prepped (which gives him the signal that it's time to panic) turned on the water, tackled him, and launched him into the shower. Luckily, he's only 25 lbs. The only way to keep him in the shower was to underbelly/headlock him like a crocodile, but since I had no cup (remember stuipid move #5 from earlier?) I had to turn the shower on full spray, do all the handiwork with my left hand (I'm in no way ambidexterous btw), and use my head to make a waterfall I could somewhat direct where I wanted water to be. Luckily, I was quick..like a bunny. When it was all over I had to sit with him for a few minutes wrapped in the towel like a baby so a) he couldn't leap from the tub and hurt himself, b) he wouldnt tear me to pieces, and c) he wouldn't be traumatized for life. Finally I got my "I love you" lick on the nose, and he looked up at me with those big pathetic puppy eyes in that sopping wet poppy head of his, and I was able to finish drying him and let him go.

Whew...so after ALL that I took a long long long relaxing shower with what was left I'm sure of the hot water. When's bedtime?

Oh, and in case you're wondering....we STILL forgot to buy toilet paper....

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my last weekend for a while
Sunday. 4.8.07 1:31 pm
And it's been rather eventful already. There was a rather eye-opening conversation over Boston Market, but I'll get into that later...

Yesterday I experience the "seventh level of Hell" of any girl who's just found herself in relationship turmoil....or for anyone who hates dresses or dress shopping, or girls like me with odd proportions... David's Bridal. Yes, yesterday I talked Chris into taking me to Plymouth Meeting to David's Bridal, as it was the last possible day I could've found anyone to take me. I hate dragging him to those kinds of places, and now that we're in this stage of whatever we are I feel even worse, but he was my only ride option, so we went. We got there with relatively little hurrah, but there was a Guitar Center next door, so I ditched the idea of making him help me find something suitable and let him go wander (the lucky bastard!). My dress girl, Jill, was wonderfully patient with me. I have got to be the most uncouth, ridiculous person to help find a dress. Fortunately for Jill, the colour Christina picked for us to wear is one of the least available colours in the store. The same condition is quite unfortunate for me...who doesn't particularly look like I belong in ANY dress. BUT! I squashed my "just got my plans of ever getting married waylaid by a relationship semi truck" depression, tried not to look at the gorgeously happy brides all around me, and tried on as many dresses as Jill could unearth in my size. Several rounds of wrestling with lining, back zippers, and strapless bras later, I found it. I have to admit, once it's hemmed (ha ha Jenn's short....I get it), it's gonna look pretty damned good on me. Maybe not in the ungodly teal colour I tried on, but I'm told it looks fantastic in clover. So, I stood in the slowest checkout line in history and bought the most expensive dress I've ever owned. (Christina! Help! I'm poor!)

After our dress adventure, we headed to band practice. I got to meet Vinny and hear how he's influenced their sound. I like it.

Today Chris headed out to work, and I went back to bed for a couple hours. I haven't slept that long in weeks, and my body's been so exhausted physically, emotionally, mentally....I've been out of it. So I slept until I woke up and decided "it's Easter, dammit! I'm dying eggs!" At ACME, the cutest little boy in the world called me "mommy" (yay for sore spot number 2 this week). Dad didn't seem amused by any of it, so I tried not to talk to the baby, but he was so cute. I wish I could be that amused at the grocery store.

So my list for the day includes doing the dishes, hemming at least a couple pairs of my uniform pants, doing Chris' taxes, and working on the most multifaceted song I've ever tried to write lyrics to...seriously, Trev, we need to work on continuity. Hah.

So chores before Chris gets home and his mom comes over for pizza and movies. Not the usual Easter fare, but this isn't really usual circumstance anymore, is it?

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