Thursday. 11.30.06 2:46 pm
Here it is folks.. the secret to my success. I use blogmad AND blog soldiers. They are both free and operate the same way. Here is the link to sign up.
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Tuesday. 2.27.07 12:39 pm
I have been surfing other blogs and using blogmad quite a bit. While on blogmad I saw a blog that I liked. It was called templar knight. I contacted him in the chat box and asked how I save him to my favorites in
blogmad. He said, "just BLOGROLL me." Ok, what the heck does that mean???
I surfed the web and found something called You can place links of your favorite blogs in there and then copy and paste the code into your left side module. I use it to visit blogs that I really liked reading to check for updates from time to time. It works out really great. The funny thing is, I still have not blog rolled templar knight. ??
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