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*Kodomo ~~~~ Watashi no Sekai, Watashi no Monogatari de

Tiger's SMS Hotline... Malaysia
Tigers' Life in the Mother Earth
Updated 16 Feb 09

Pledge Your Support!

Message of TigerBlogFest Campaign

The tiger is our national animal. Our heritage. But today only less than 500 of them
remain in the wild. As Malaysians, we need to stand up and protect our heritage.
Speak to your children. Speak to your leaders. Everyone of us can make a difference.
For further information, please visit MYCAT (www.malayantiger.net), WWF Malaysia
(www.wwf.org.my) and Department of Wildlife & National Parks (www.wildlife.gov.my)


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
An Amur tiger and cub at Edinburgh Zoo. Photograph: David Cheskin/PA

There are now just a few thousand tigers left. Seven hundred mountain gorillas. A hundred Iberian lynx. Can we do anything to help them? Emine Saner looks at 10 animals we just have to save - and how you can get involved ....
Click here to Continue

Source : The Guardian

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~ Blog Citizenship ~ *Updated*

Stop domestic Violence, Stop Child Abuse.... Save the little angel b4 the history repeat It Self

Ototousan no Blog

Tomodachi no Blog
1. Renaye
2. AlexisNg
3. Nuttz
4. xboyz
5. Chocovani
6. Piyo
7. Winston
8. CLimate of Our Future
9. Binding Ink Another good friend :D
10. Simple American
11. gotenkz
11. Kyle~

Mamas no Blog
1. Kak Hani
2. Wokking Mum
3. Kinokoland
4. Immomsdaughter
5. Shopping Mum
6. Binky

Something im proud off..
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Save Us.... Before is too late...

SAY NO TO SHARK FIN!!! I pledge not the eat shark fin n serve shark fin ! :D Ill pledge to use my own container to buy Food, or use as minimal  container from the seller

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Mash Potato... "mah" dinner
Thursday. 10.4.07 12:41 pm
Dear Diary,

Well... to tell u the truth.. i love potatoes.. than veg...i love carrots than veg... i love raw veg then cook veg.... and i love raw veg than meat... so conclusion what do i love? (i myself also confused.. so dont ask me)

Okay... i made mash potato the day b4 as my dinner... since i dont really eat much... so i decided to eat mash potato for my dinner (yes no rice nor others..)

My mash potato is v simple... 1 big u.s potato (im familiar w this potato so i always buy only u.s. potato of course diff potato can be used.. Yukken *i think so* is the best for mash potato -- high starch)

and because i love carrot... ( dont ask me why ) so i decided to make my mash potato + carrot... and added in so color.. (yellow is dull so yellow and orange is cool)

and of course... black pepper as the sauce.... i bought the ready make black pepper sauce to avoid the hassle of preparing, starch... and etc etc.. however i add in extra black pepper to bring out the yummy taste....

if u dont understand my english.. this is because is 1246am.. and my brain is not functioning.. and i think is time to update another blog...

here is the pic... no gravy taken cause im lazy...

the orange is the carrot
and of course the yellow is the potato

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These little long stories, belongs to my crazy little mind, these fancy funny photos, belongs to my crazy little eyes, so please dont plagiarize, or my little angry devil will come into your mind. Hence~ All contents here Copyright 2006 - 2100 mizutama.
Girls day out
Sunday. 9.30.07 10:13 am
Dear Diary,

Today is Sunday... lol i know u know...:P well we have this girls day out with Renaye and our old ex highschool mate let call her "S", i did not meet her for like ages.. and tada today i managed to meet her.. "Happy.." ..

so i fetch Renaye from her house and reaches Mid Valley around 11am... we hang at MPH.. and had our lunch at Little Vietnam (Oishii)...

Oh ya.. i got free movie.. haha renaye's bill lol(post bday treat) heehe... and the movie was nice.. and funny... "Hairspray" is musical show.. and lol was so cool...

After the movie, we hang around at the new shopping complex The Garden.. the concept is based on garden theme.. and not bad.. but another high end mall.. .. there was this jazz band performing at the mall.. and i managed to capture the photo... check it later...

we had our dinner at an Indian vegetarian restaurant, where u can pay whatever u like... :P [plz dont pay 10cent]

Since now is Ramadan month, lots of programmes r on at the shopping mall, today there was this malay traditional dance [i think] ... so taken some pictures.. enjoy it later...

Last but not least... we taken few pictures together b4 we headed home... and enjoy the eyes censored pic :D

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These little long stories, belongs to my crazy little mind, these fancy funny photos, belongs to my crazy little eyes, so please dont plagiarize, or my little angry devil will come into your mind. Hence~ All contents here Copyright 2006 - 2100 mizutama.
What's wrong with my BRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday. 9.29.07 12:54 pm
Dear Diary,

Ya according to the topic.. whats wrong with my brain... simple math questions and i dont know how to do... what the heck... whats wrong w me??????

ya i know i know 3 years of no math life really ruinned my brain... and the implementation of calculator.. is killing my brain cell every mili second... ahhh... [ i know im not rational now] but if giving u in my shoe.. (which i always score high marks in my math - ask Renaye) and u will know my pain.. :'(

I need to get some math books to start working out my brain... my brain need excersice... ahh.... :(

now my situation is..

math questions---> cant solve-----> drive me insane----> frustration-----> sad-----> irrational------> emotional--------> ??????????????? whats going on with me...

and the implementation of calculator... and the "BRILLIANT" syllabus on University.... causes my brain to be... [past to future]

when math still in my life....
math---> happy ----> brain-----> super active -----> result----> flying colors...

High school
math----> calculator---> brain cell damage----> active ---> result----> flying colors...

2 papers of maths----> calculator + theories----> brain cell damage---- > half active (because scoring the highest in class :P) ---> result-----> Flying colors....

No math at all -----> theories and theories and theories.. (for the rest of my uni life only theories n no practical.. partially dont need to use ur brain, only brain cell to memorise)----> extreme brain cell damage -----> inactive (dead) ----> result -----> ha ha ha... can u see the result.. im struggling to answer just few simple questionss....

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These little long stories, belongs to my crazy little mind, these fancy funny photos, belongs to my crazy little eyes, so please dont plagiarize, or my little angry devil will come into your mind. Hence~ All contents here Copyright 2006 - 2100 mizutama.
Project Runway Malaysia
Friday. 9.28.07 10:35 am
Dear Diary,

Every friday without break.. me, my 2 bro r sitting infront of the tv.. to watch this Malaysian very own fashion show (ideas from America Reality Show - Project Runway) because... we are the big fans of Felix (one of the designer) why.. because his "fashion" were "cooler" than others as far as we like.. well (if u dont like it..plz dont comment him) :P

Today... was the wedding gown episode.. and tada.... he dont win nor lose.. and we were fine with it.. however...... next week... (OMG) im going to cry... if he is out from the shows... because is team work.. and tada the preview reviews that his design was not in theme with their team... and yaya.... he might be kick out from the competition ...

What to do... from the starting of the show.. the participants dislike him.. nor i assume they felt threaten with his "sense of fashion" and his experience.... ... ahhhh....

just pray that he will be save from the elimination on next week epi... or the show gonna be less interesting.... and Alwyn's design always stick to the same old design he had.. and (ya his COMFORT ZONE)

ah... well what to do...

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These little long stories, belongs to my crazy little mind, these fancy funny photos, belongs to my crazy little eyes, so please dont plagiarize, or my little angry devil will come into your mind. Hence~ All contents here Copyright 2006 - 2100 mizutama.
I'm from Mercury
Tuesday. 9.25.07 2:48 pm

You Are From Mercury

You are talkative, clever, and knowledgeable - and it shows.

You probably never leave home without your cell phone!

You're witty, expressive, and aware of everything going on around you.

You love learning, playing, and taking in all of what life has to offer.

Be careful not to talk your friends' ears off, and temper your need to know everything.

got the test from xboyz lol.. :D

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These little long stories, belongs to my crazy little mind, these fancy funny photos, belongs to my crazy little eyes, so please dont plagiarize, or my little angry devil will come into your mind. Hence~ All contents here Copyright 2006 - 2100 mizutama.
I love Nutang Toolbar!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday. 9.20.07 11:55 pm
Dear Everybody,

Well remember we were introduced to Nutang toolbar at the forum? well I'm happen to "discover it" after long discussion at the forum.. lol.. so i decided to try it out... (trying is no harm).. after installing it.. i just let it there for monthss.... of course i do play with it... such as using the chatroom facility.. however.... was so "cold" in there... but occassionally there were someone in there... :D

Okay Okay... why i said i love Nutang Toolbar (well mind u, im not bragging and apple polishing)... the reasons are very simple.

1. I am super lazy person, so i hardly keep track of my email... but with Nutang Toolbar... i able to organize all my email with just few clicks...
- i put all my email at the tool bar email notification setting.. and once i received any new mail... it will just notify me.. and auto login too... [imagine i have like 4-5 emails to keep track on.. each serve diff purpose...]

2. Malaysia is super hot.. sometimes.... i just say sometimes.. im cursing the weather... and tada.. it provide us with temperature.... how the sky look like n so on..

3. Most important thing... i dont need to type http://www.nutang.com because there is this icon there wrote nuTang.... i just clicked on it and tada... it teleport me to nuTang website...

4. and ya... this toolbar also provide us with nuTang inbox.. (i dont use it much because i hardly received pm form the nutanger...


5. and guess what..... comments for our latest post.... (erm it will tell us that we had a comment for our latest post...) however it seems that i needed to go to nuTang page b4 it shows... *Strange*

6. the logout button... is my hate.. why? well... i always clicked on it.. hahah i dislike to logout... but yet i always did because i accidentally clicked on it.... (OKAY, my bad)

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These little long stories, belongs to my crazy little mind, these fancy funny photos, belongs to my crazy little eyes, so please dont plagiarize, or my little angry devil will come into your mind. Hence~ All contents here Copyright 2006 - 2100 mizutama.
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