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Tiger's SMS Hotline... Malaysia
Tigers' Life in the Mother Earth
Updated 16 Feb 09

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Message of TigerBlogFest Campaign

The tiger is our national animal. Our heritage. But today only less than 500 of them
remain in the wild. As Malaysians, we need to stand up and protect our heritage.
Speak to your children. Speak to your leaders. Everyone of us can make a difference.
For further information, please visit MYCAT (www.malayantiger.net), WWF Malaysia
(www.wwf.org.my) and Department of Wildlife & National Parks (www.wildlife.gov.my)


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An Amur tiger and cub at Edinburgh Zoo. Photograph: David Cheskin/PA

There are now just a few thousand tigers left. Seven hundred mountain gorillas. A hundred Iberian lynx. Can we do anything to help them? Emine Saner looks at 10 animals we just have to save - and how you can get involved ....
Click here to Continue

Source : The Guardian

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~ Blog Citizenship ~ *Updated*

Stop domestic Violence, Stop Child Abuse.... Save the little angel b4 the history repeat It Self

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1. Renaye
2. AlexisNg
3. Nuttz
4. xboyz
5. Chocovani
6. Piyo
7. Winston
8. CLimate of Our Future
9. Binding Ink Another good friend :D
10. Simple American
11. gotenkz
11. Kyle~

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1. Kak Hani
2. Wokking Mum
3. Kinokoland
4. Immomsdaughter
5. Shopping Mum
6. Binky

Something im proud off..
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Save Us.... Before is too late...

SAY NO TO SHARK FIN!!! I pledge not the eat shark fin n serve shark fin ! :D Ill pledge to use my own container to buy Food, or use as minimal  container from the seller

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A way to save Mother Earth (1)
Saturday. 12.20.08 10:23 am
Dear Diary,

I believed lots of us do have this �take away� practice in our life. But today scenario I only wanted to focus on my beloved country~ Malaysia.

As for those that followed my blog, I work for my parents, so most of the time, my lunch is provided (home cook food) but sometimes, something went wrong that I have to buy my food from the shop near by. Often the shop is way too pack for me to dine in, so the only choices I could do is to take away.

Sooner or later, this thought strike me, and had make me think deeply, having me to �take away� my lunch had contribute to sending mother earth to the doom faster because of the container the shop used to wrap on my lunch. The mostly seen food wrapper or container provided by the shop is Styrofoam Food Container that often we only used it once that believed to take a long amount of time before it can dissolve or can it not. Besides, the plastic spoons that they provided too bringing problem to our beloved mother earth.

I know some of you must be thinking I�m nut!! Because one single Styrofoam or one single plastic spoon can hardly contribute to the doom day of Mother Earth because the space she has it maybe 1:10000000000000000000 or more.

But, before you stop reading my post, do continue (it wont take up much of ur time) imagine, a very simple calculation of us practicing �take away� food.

One year have 365 days, or 52 weeks. Working days r 52 times 5 = 260 days. And I believed not everyone brings their own lunch to work, and not everyone love to eat at the shop. So imagine, if this particular person lets name it A, been spending his one year of working life practicing �take away� lunch and having to use the Styrofoam food containers every time he bought his lunch, how many Styrofoam containers would be dispose to the Mother Earth?

It will be 260 Styrofoam food containers plus 260 of plastic spoon. (ok some might think is just only a freaking 260 Styrofoam.)

How many people in Malaysia or in this world practicing this take away lunch� example 1000 of us practicing this, how many Styrofoam will be stuck in Mother earth? 260 times 1000 = 26,000pcs.

The number I used r just an example and I believed 1000 r less than what it is in the actual world. And remember the amount I stated was only for one year, what if I make it into 10 years? 260 times 10 times 1000 = 260,000pcs.

My message was, you can still practice �Take away� food, because it is good to stimulate the cash flow since the world economy is having recession. My point is, instead of using the available Styrofoam food containers provided by the shop, aren�t it wiser to bring our own containers to the shop?

By doing so, you help to save the mother earth, if everyone take this little action into account, I believed we able to make a different in saving mother earth.

Imagine, 1000 of people started bringing their own containers to the shop for take away lunch or food, indirectly, it helps to reduce the garbage pollution created by us. One year we will able to reduce a total of 26,000pcs

Mother Earth belongs to everyone, and we as the citizen in the Mother Earth, plays an important roles to protect her. Sometimes, people tend to see things in a small angle. Imagine Mother Earth as your home, the place you call home. I believed you won�t be throwing rubbish in ur home compound. So do the same to Mother Earth by picturing her as our Bigger home� Save Mother Earth for our future generation�.

Why wait? make a move, take action now, you too can make a different in bringing a better future to our next generation. Believed me, you will feel much happier and different by doing so :D

p.s: i do practice bringing my own containers, spoon, forks and whatever to the shop,and sometimes people look at me with a weird feeling, but i dont mind nor care because i do my part as an Earth Citizen.

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These little long stories, belongs to my crazy little mind, these fancy funny photos, belongs to my crazy little eyes, so please dont plagiarize, or my little angry devil will come into your mind. Hence~ All contents here Copyright 2006 - 2100 mizutama.
Antiques- lol Live Museum
Friday. 12.19.08 11:27 am
Be it extremely emotional, controversial, messed up, or whatever, this entry has been password protected.

If you know it, enter it; or, ask me for it.

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These little long stories, belongs to my crazy little mind, these fancy funny photos, belongs to my crazy little eyes, so please dont plagiarize, or my little angry devil will come into your mind. Hence~ All contents here Copyright 2006 - 2100 mizutama.
Melaka Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
Thursday. 12.18.08 10:14 am
Dear Diary,

Im back, and yes im still alive if you happen to miss me :P
I been busy traveling.. to Melaka then Seremban (as baby Sitter) then KL (tour Guide)...

Im tired so no explaination, because i accidentally click CLOSE window to my half way blog.. grr... mad!!!

Day 2

Kereta Kerbau


Dutch Bricks ... :P

Day 3

A Famosa

Museum Kesultanan Melayu Melaka

Taman Putri that we dont learn at the text book

Day 4

Nyonya Kuih

enjoy drooling.. im tired.. nite nite :P

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These little long stories, belongs to my crazy little mind, these fancy funny photos, belongs to my crazy little eyes, so please dont plagiarize, or my little angry devil will come into your mind. Hence~ All contents here Copyright 2006 - 2100 mizutama.
Melaka Day 1
Monday. 12.15.08 10:33 am
Dear Diary,

The 1st day i visited melaka w Alexisng, all we did were to FEAST on the Melaka Food...

And some activities :D - Riding up Menara Taming Sari and Eyes of Malaysia.

Sorry limited time, since im at my cousin's house so only pictures available.. and no explaination la..

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These little long stories, belongs to my crazy little mind, these fancy funny photos, belongs to my crazy little eyes, so please dont plagiarize, or my little angry devil will come into your mind. Hence~ All contents here Copyright 2006 - 2100 mizutama.
Wednesday. 12.10.08 8:02 pm
Dear Diary,

Will be off to Melaka with Alexisng so wont be updating unless i have internet access :P

So consider blog break :D

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These little long stories, belongs to my crazy little mind, these fancy funny photos, belongs to my crazy little eyes, so please dont plagiarize, or my little angry devil will come into your mind. Hence~ All contents here Copyright 2006 - 2100 mizutama.
Yay Finalize Christmas Theme 2008
Tuesday. 12.9.08 9:14 pm
Dear Diary,

Finally i finalize my christmas theme of 2008... haha arent my dog cute.. too bad Poppy refused to wear the cap... so only took Lucky's pic :P

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These little long stories, belongs to my crazy little mind, these fancy funny photos, belongs to my crazy little eyes, so please dont plagiarize, or my little angry devil will come into your mind. Hence~ All contents here Copyright 2006 - 2100 mizutama.
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