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The Indomitable Survey
Thursday. 8.24.06 6:07 pm
Heh, found an old survey that I took when I was 14. Since I have some major time on my hands, I decided to re-take it and keep some of the old answers as funnies :D

Your full name:: Brian Hsu
Age:: 16
Height:: 6' 1"
Natural hair color:: very very dark brown...but it looks black.
Eye colour:: brown
Number of siblings:: Uno sister
Glasses/contacts?:: glasses

Piercings:: none
Tattoos:: not yet...maybe....who knows. I'm undecided
Braces?:: Yup

Color:: Green
Band:: who knows
Song:: who knows
Stuffed animal:: I have some little things from like when I was 2 sitting on my shelf...but I don't really have a favorite.
Video game:: Phantasy Star Online
TV show:: Meh...don't really watch TV that much. Either South Park or Family Guy
Movie:: The Matrix Trilogy
Book:: I'll get back to you on that
Food:: Anything from Cafe Indochine (Thai restaurant near my house)
Game on a cell phone:: Snake...but not on a plane XD
CD cover:: Sound of Revenge (lol)
Flower:: ....yes...flowers...
Scent:: oh?
Animal:: dog
Comic book::
Cereal:: Life, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Cheerios, Peanut Butter Crunch
Website:: Pso-world.com
Cartoon:: Family Guy and/or South Park. But I'm not a real TV person anyway.


Play an instrument?:: Piano
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?:: nope
Like to sing?:: Nope...
Have a job?:: Soon
Have a cell phone?:: Yes
Like to play sports?:: only if I'm good at it :-D
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:: No
Have a crush on someone?::
Live somewhere NOT in the United States?:: nope
Have more than 5 TVs in your house?:: 2's good enough
Have any special talents/skills?:: Jump rope
Excercise daily?:: Most of the time
Like school?:: Hm...depends.


Sing the alphabet backwards?:: Only if I went into a coma and sang it in my sleep. (lol I wrote this when I was 14??)
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?:: Ow.
Speak any other languages?:: Not really...used to sort of speak Chinese but it vanished
Go a day without food?:: Not without passing out.
Stay up for more than 24 hours?:: Yup
Read music, not just tabs?:: Nope.
Roll your tongue?:: How do you do that?
Eat a whole pizza?:: If I hadn't eaten for a day or 5.


Snuck out of the house?:: No reason to.
Cried to get out of trouble?:: No
Gotten lost in your city?:: Let's hope not.
Seen a star?:: Well, if you go outside and look up at night you might just get lucky...
Been to any other countries besides the united states?:: Only Canada.
Had a serious surgery?:: Not serious.
Stolen something important to someone else?:: No
Solved a rubiks cube?:: Yes...peeling of the stickers is a great method.
Gone out in public in your pajamas?:: Not without a ski mask (I wrote this when I was 14??)
Cried over a ?:: No
Cried over a boy?:: No...
Kissed a random stranger?:: AIDS isn't my thing.
Hugged a random stranger?:: No.
Been in a fist fight?:: with my dog.
Been arrested?:: I didin't know it was illegal ok...
Had alcohol?:: Only a bit.
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?:: No but I've seen it done.
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?:: Tower of ?
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?:: No.
Swore at your parents?:: Someday.
Been to warped tour?:: No.
Kicked a guy where it hurts?:: Ow...

Been close to love?:: Probably not.
Been to a casino?:: Yeah. Didn't do anything of course.
Ran over an animal and killed it?:: Haven't gotten out of the parking lot yet :P
Broken a bone?:: Nah.
Gotten stitches?:: Yes.
Had a waterballoon fight in winter?:: Snowball fight?
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?:: Probably could.
Made homemade muffins?:: Maybe. I think I was 6. They sucked but at least I tried.
Bitten someone?:: My sister deserved it, ok?
Been to Disneyland/Disneyworld?:: Plenty of times (Nationals is in Disneyworld)
More than 5 times?:: This year makes it five
Been to Niagra Falls?:: No.
Burped in someones face?:: . no.
Gotten the chicken pox?:: Yes


Brushed your teeth:: This morning.
Went to the bathroom:: Never.
Saw a movie in theaters:: I think it was Superman Returns
Read a book:: Only when Mrs. Weddle demands.
Had a snow day:: Whenever it snowed last year.
Had a party:: Does Megan's cabin count?
Had a slumber party:: Same as above
Made fun of someone:: All the time
Tripped in front of someone:: Probably at the cabin while attempting to climb a hill
Went to the grocery store:: Few days ago.
Got sick:: Long ago...
Cursed:: Today. Probably at Kelsey. (Lol...left the original answer for comic relief)


Fruit/vegetables:: Fruit
Black/white:: Black.
Lights on/lights off:: Hmm....depends on the mood.
TV/movie:: Movie.
Car/truck:: Car.
Body spray/lotion:: Body spary.
Cash/check:: Cash.
Pillows/blankets:: Blankets.
Headache/stomach ache:: Headache.
Paint/charcoal:: Charcoal.
Chinese food/mexican food:: Both are good.
Summer/winter:: Winter.
Snow/rain:: Snow.
Fog/misty:: Misty.
Rock/rap:: Hard decision.
Meat/vegetarian:: Meat.
Boy/girl:: Duh.
Chocolate/vanilla:: Chocolate.
Sprinkles/icing:: Icing.
Cake/pie:: Pie.
French toast/french fries:: French Fries.
Strawberries/blueberries:: Straberries.
Ocean/swimming pool:: Ocean.
Hugs/kisses:: Hmm...kisses I guess.
Cookies/muffins:: Muffins!!
Wallet/pocket:: Pocket.
Window/door:: Window.
Pink/purple:: Purple.
Cat/dog:: Dog.
Long sleeve/short sleeve:: Short sleeves.
Pants/shorts:: Shorts
Winter break/spring break:: Winter break=longer.
Spring/autumn:: Autumn.
Clouds/clear sky:: Clear sky.


How many friends do you have?:: Enough.
What are their names?:: Too lazy.
Do you have a best friend?:: I don't know.
Have you ever liked one of your friends?:: ...hmmm...
Do you have more guy friends or more friends?:: About even I guess.
Have you ever lost a friend?:: Not really. They moved away and so we kinda stop talking...does that count?
Have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend?:: Yup.
Whats an inside joke between you and a friend?:: Inside jokes are meant to stay inside :)
Have you ever gotten in a big arguement with a friend?:: Not really.
Whats the nicest thing youve ever done for a friend?:: I dunno.
Whats the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you?:: Be my friend XD
Do you miss any of your old friends?:: Not necessarily "miss" them, but catching up is nice.
What friend have you known the longest?:: Hmm....I'm not really sure.
Do you regret anything youve done to a friend?:: Yes
If so, what is it?:: Being intolerant, concieted, and judgemental.
How often do you spend time with your friends?:: Well, when school starts everyday :-\
Do any of your friends drive?:: Yes.
Has a friend of yours ever died?:: Fortunately, no.
Whats the dumbest thing youve done with a friend?:: Forrest really does a lot of stupid stuff so I don't know (original answer kept for laughs)
What do you think your friends think of you?:: I don't know...hopefully its for the better.

Have you ever been in love?:: No
If you have, with who?:: Read above answer
Are you single?:: Yup
Are you in a relationship?:: ...read above answer
If so, for how long?:: ...one again...
Do you believe there is someone for everyone?:: Yup.
What is your idea of the best date?:: I honestly don't care.
What was your first kiss like?:: First kiss? Lol I haven't gotten there yet...
Do you think love is a load?:: Not if it's real love.
Whats the best experience youve ever had with the opposite ?:: Can't even say there has been a best moment....yes I am a looser (original answer kept for "rolling of the eyes")
If you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before?:: Hah, I'm not sure if it even counts.
Have you ever been dumped?:: Sort of? It was a mutual thing.
Have you ever dumped someone?:: Above answer.


Slippers:: Clarence
Hat:: Jake
Free:: food
Space:: ship
Taste:: pizza
Good charlotte:: drums
Red:: Walls.
Deep:: Well.
Heart:: Valentines Day.
Cord:: Internet
Fluff:: Clarence
Rain:: Refreshing.
Work:: School.
Pedal:: Bicycle.
Bed:: Lol...no it is not $ex. Sleep. (original answer kept for humurousu reasons)
Race:: Track.
Knife:: Stab!
Jump:: Rope, of course ;-)

am:: Brian.
want:: Phantasy Star Universe
need:: stuff
crave:: stuff
love:: Laughing and being happy.
hate:: Work.
feel:: stuff. Lol...only kidding.
miss:: Alaska, Jump rope, etc.
am annoyed by:: growing up
am tired of:: School.
will always:: ...I don't know.


What is your favorite genre of music?:: Pretty much anything w/ a good beat that doesn't involve the words "country." I must say, techno is nice :)
What time is it now?:: 4:34 pm
What day is it?:: August 24th, 2006
Whens the last time you called someone?:: yesterday
How much money do you have right now?:: $$$!!
Are you hungry?:: Hellz ya...
Whatcha doin?:: This quiz
Do you like parades?:: Ugh...no. So boring. Unless you're in them :D (jump rope)
Do you like the moon?:: Yeah.
What are you going to do when youre done with this?:: Video games, go outside jump rope/gymnastics. Something entertaining.
Isnt cup a funny word when you repeat it over and over?:: Jeez, way to be immature :)
If you could have any magical power what would it be?:: To be able to do anything.
Have you ever had a picnic?:: Yes.
Did you ever have one of those skip-its when you were young?:: No.
What about sock em boppers?:: What great inventions. But no.
Are you wearing any socks right now?:: Nope

sarcastic?:: All the time.
lazy?:: All the time.
hyper?:: Sometimes.
friendly?:: I try
smart?:: nah
strong?:: define "strong"...
talented?:: only in things involving ropes and jumping XD
dorky?:: To the max (original answer kept for...oh what the hell, you get the idea)


suicide:: A
love:: F
drunk drivers:: A
airplanes:: F
canada:: F
united states:: F
rock music:: F
gay marriage:: F
school:: F
surveys:: A
parents:: A
cars:: F
killing:: depends
britney spears:: A
coffee:: F
pants:: A


Sky dive?:: Ugh I that dropping feeling...but maybe yes If they managed to inject me with an anisthetic and shove me out plane (holy crap...original answer)
Play strip poker?:: Lol...depends on with who :-D (holy crap again...)
Run away?:: Mm...No I don't think so.
Curse at a teacher?:: doubt it, but you never know.
Not take a shower for a week?::
Ask someone out?:: certain obvious circumstances apply
Lie to someone to make them think better of you?:: No.
Visit a foreign country for more than a month?:: Sure.
Go scuba diving?:: Yeah.
Write a book?:: Maybe...only if I knew I was going to strike it rich.
Become a rockstar?:: Nah. Music isn't my calling.


What shampoo do you use?:: It's green...
What kind of computer do you have?:: Dell.
What grade are you in?:: going to be Junior
Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?:: better used for eating
Or just make out?:: mmm no thanks
How many posters do you have in your room?:: 0
How many cds do you have?:: CDs are useless. This is the mp3 age.
What time is it now?:: 4:42 pm

Lol, was funny to look back and see some of my old answers as I was filling this in. That didn't take nearly as long as before...yeesh I must've been working to hard to come up with good answers. Anyways, enjoy...but don't read the whole thing, I don't think it's healthy.
Do not try to bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead, try to realize the truth. There is no spoon. Then you will see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.

i think everyone in some point of time laugh at their own silly things that they do when they are still young naive and innocent.
» siti84 on 2006-08-24 08:55:58

i used to do a ton of those when i was younger. it's cool to see your answers and examine how you've changed. i was actually using limewire yesterday, but i still feel kinda guilty for it XD i guess i'm just weird like that. hopefully both of our boredom(s?) will be cured when school starts. =]
» hikarixgaki on 2006-08-25 01:32:56

INTERESTING...... o and btw theres nothing wrong with white people.....Im just not usually attracted to white guys.....
» finelegsforever on 2006-08-25 02:13:02

haha i must be unhealthy cos i actually read all of that. it was quite amusing actually. i did the same thing when i made my new site... most of the answers needed *SERIOUS* changing though ^^;; -sigh- i was so immature--uh..immaturer--when i was younger... =3 wow! how did you manage to comment on my bento? even i had problems getting to that page O_O;; i've changed the title now, thanks for the tip! =D righty-ho, well, i must repay your glob of text with a glob of text of my own hehe XD it's quite fun to read globs of texts actually =3 anyways, haha i'm kinda manga/anime obsessed, and after seeing a friend's livejournal i became bento-obsessed too... sheesh i think i am liking too many japanese things for my own good =3 luckily my parents arent *THAT* typically chinese to hate all things japanese. well, even if they do they can't do much about it =3 hm... you can't speak chinese? that's a shame =3 i take it you'd speak cantonese, judging by your surname =P rawr, well, lets see if this glob of text isnt longer than the one you left me! XDDD hm, nutang should really allow paragraphing =3 L8r, —×Kuri×—
» Kuri on 2006-08-25 03:23:02

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