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x I wanna read goodnews x
Wednesday. 8.11.04 4:41 pm
mood: LOVELY
listening to: Something Corporate - Good News
watching: Jimmy Neutron XD

Wow. I have to catch you all up on life. Lets start with Monday.

I don't remember what we did. But that wasn't the important part of the day =). I got a boyfriend. John. Eeesh. I felt like a whore because me and Nick well...I dunno how to put it; but I felt like a whore. So Erica goes "JORDAN! YOU CANT FEEL LIKE THAT! JUST CAUSE EVERYONE LIKES US DOESN'T MEAN WE ARE WHORES!" Yes. =)

Tuesday: Camp sucked. Went to the Boston Museum of Science. COULD HAVE SWORN I SAW NICK. Erica agreed. It was kind of scary. I was about to scream "COCK SUCKING ASSHOLE" at the boy..then I realised I was in Boston..and it probally wasn't him. Good job Jordan. Ten fucking points. But honestly..It looked EXACTLY like him. But it wasn't too bad...I saw FOURTEEN emo boys. I decided that emo kids liked Science..which is true. XD

I=Emo and I=furture Marine Biologist. So there for I am a Emarineologist? XD I LIKE IT.

Okay. So then I went to Dathan's going away party. He's moving to New York. =. Of all places in the world...it's the one where I have alot of hatred for a person. -dies- So yeah. It was alot of fun..but Lauren was being a bitch (What else is new?).

So yeah. I cried about it..Im gonna miss the child.

Today...we went Rock Climbing. It was hella fun. Im pretty good at it. BUT I MET A GUY. xD HES LIKE SEVENTEEEN AND SO FUCKING COOL. Well. We really didn't meet. We discussed music. Coheed and Cambria actually. I was singing it and he's like "You like 'em?" and I'm like "Yesser..." He was pretty dandy. I wanted to dance around. xD

So now my brother and dad are buying food and Im typing this. XD. Hrm...-thinks- I want John or Ben to get on.

Jordan and John <3 .08.09.04.

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Saturday, August 7, 2004
mood: I hate you.
listening to: There's no I in Team - TBS
watching: Ashlee Simpson, yo.

Nick will die.

I'm dead serious.

He fucking messed with me.

I feel bad for all these things I thought about Kasey...because honestly, she didn't deserve it. I want to start over with her, because she has been through the same shit. I don't give a shit how odd she is...she probaly hates Nick as much as I do.

Might I explain?


He was telling another girl he loved her.

This wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't tell me the same damn thing, eh?

This is only some of the converstaion:
Wildcatnc6 [8:37 PM]: i really hope you are having fun ruining my life in every way possible
Auto response from X That is lovely [8:37 PM]: Look at me! I think I am so cool. Let me tell girls I love them, and break their hearts. Then, I am SO writting a song about it.

Because I am EMO.

I like to sterotype myself, and tell everyone that people mistake me for famous people.


Man..Do I hate you.
X That is lovely [8:37 PM]: I hope you had fun ruining mine
X That is lovely [8:37 PM]: =)
Wildcatnc6 [8:37 PM]: jordan....i didn't know you took that so seriously
Wildcatnc6 [8:38 PM]: i know you loved me
Wildcatnc6 [8:38 PM]: alot
X That is lovely [8:38 PM]: Yeah. And I thought you felt the same way, but I was wrong. So..what do I do when Im wrong? I get revenge.
Wildcatnc6 [8:39 PM]: so your taking all this anger on me...for your mishap
X That is lovely [8:39 PM]: My mishap? Listen, buddy...You messed it up. It isn't my fault.
Wildcatnc6 [8:40 PM]: X That is lovely: Yeah. And I thought you felt the same way, but I was wrong. So..what do I do when Im wrong? I get revenge.
Wildcatnc6 [8:40 PM]: when your wrong you are going to take revenge on me
X That is lovely [8:40 PM]: Listen, you DONT TELL SOMEONE YOU LOVE THEM IF YOU DONT. OKAY?
X That is lovely [8:40 PM]: DID THAT CLICK YET?
Wildcatnc6 [8:41 PM]: look..i'm really sorry if you thought i loved you the same you loved me
Wildcatnc6 [8:41 PM]: and i meant a more friendly kind of love
Wildcatnc6 [8:41 PM]: and i should of told you
X That is lovely [8:41 PM]: No. Nick. You made it seem EXACTLY like you felt the same way. Ask ANYONE from the chats. ANYONE.
Wildcatnc6 [8:41 PM]: because i truly cared about you
Wildcatnc6 [8:42 PM]: i did care for you
Wildcatnc6 [8:42 PM]: and i did love you
Wildcatnc6 [8:42 PM]: and you were one of my best friends
X That is lovely [8:42 PM]: There's a diffrence in caring, and loving. You crossed the line...and it wasn't a toe, it was a fucking mile across it.
Wildcatnc6 [8:43 PM]: look..i know i screwed up..could you not drag another person into this
Wildcatnc6 [8:43 PM]: you can hate me
Wildcatnc6 [8:43 PM]: make fun of me
Wildcatnc6 [8:43 PM]: i don't care
Wildcatnc6 [8:43 PM]: just don't drag another person into this
X That is lovely [8:43 PM]: Too late. You should have thought about this before
X That is lovely [8:45 PM]: This is your own fault.
Wildcatnc6 [8:45 PM]: i know it is
Wildcatnc6 [8:46 PM]: but just don't hurt my friend
X That is lovely [8:46 PM]: You hurt me, it's only fair.
Wildcatnc6 [8:46 PM]: i didn't mean to hurt you
X That is lovely [8:46 PM]: Well you did.
Wildcatnc6 [8:46 PM]: and i'm truly sorry
X That is lovely [8:47 PM]: Doubt it.
Wildcatnc6 [8:48 PM]: just please leave my friend alone
Wildcatnc6 [8:48 PM]: please jordan
X That is lovely [8:49 PM]: Im not doing anything to her, everyone else is. But see, you fucked with me; and me, being me...I get people involved so the message is clear

So yes. I am very good when I need to yell at people...I think I have more. Wildcatnc6 [10:48 AM]: look..i made a mistake okay
X That is lovely [10:49 AM]: Yeah. So did I.
Wildcatnc6 [10:49 AM]: just leave me alone...i don't wanna stay up all night again and think of how big i screwed up
X That is lovely [10:50 AM]: No see, that's what I want to happen; because then you wont do it again.

Yes. Then he said he wanted to forget everything...so me being me said I want to forget you.

The horrible thing is..after all of this I still think Nick is too good for me.

God. Someone shoot me.

Everything I learned about breaking hearts...


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x I know what your going through x
Monday. 7.19.04 11:32 am
mood: Hah. Uhhtrhth. I dunno. Sad?
listening to: Leah Stargazing -- Runaway
watching: Nothing..TV Ish off. w3rd

..Aww. I'm sad..Brian and Matt had to go all at the same time =(. They're the coolest kids ever...along side Nick. XD Anyways. I'm so tired. My retaeded dad called me this morning. He cancelled my long distance phone call plan...which really pisses me off. I dun't have many friends at all offline.

It kind of sucks.

On another not, I saw Leah Stargazing. Man. Do they fucking rule. I want to marry them. XD Jordan is 21 =(. But he's cool. I have him a hug. -huggles her LSG shirt- I took it off finally. XD I washed it. Yeah. Y-Stock fucking owned so much. Laura and Sarah are cool people.

Sarah had to use my phone to dump Jimmy, which sucked. Jimmy is my friend. I was suppose to dump Jimmy for Sarah (C) and I couldn't do it...= I felt bad. He sounded all excited to hear me.

"Hey Jimmy, It's Jordan!"
"Really?! Hey Jordan!"

It made me sad. =(.

Anways, my fingers are all greasy...I hate chicken with my fingers. Not the brightest light at all. xD

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x I still know everything x
Thursday. 7.15.04 10:34 am
Allo! How are you today? I'm great...

I have been great for the past week.

I think it's great how one moment it seems like you could never EVER smile again, and then all of the sudden someone walks into your life; and it's all better. All you can do is smile. You always think about him.

It's great. I didn't have a reason to smile. My mom died, and I hate my dad. Like...If I could get out of here: I would in a heart beat. I'd rather be happy in a different place, then misserable with my dad.

I feel like a bitch for saying it. But it's true.

Anyway. I'm a horrible person; and I don't understand why anyone likes me. All I do is complain, and whine. I'm hideous looking..and I deserve to be alone. But, somehow people love me...and for that I'm thankful.

I'm in love.

<3 Jordan

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x I live... x
Wednesday. 7.14.04 2:13 pm
mood: Retarded
listening to: Again I go Unoticed -- Dashboard
watching: I love the 90's -- 1993

Woo. Okay, I swear I'm still alive. I also have a Livejournal..which I generally update more. =)

Anyways...I have new pictures.

Yah. XD Im so ugly..I think it's hilarous how people find me pretty.

I love Nick...Yes. I do. We are so gonna make out at a Dashboard Concert...

If only I could get to New York. XD Wow..Alrightly. Im done

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x Leh gasp x
Monday. 7.5.04 9:09 am
I hate damn CSS crap. I'm so bad at it. XD Well..Anyways. Well. Say hello to the owner of this journal...Jordan XD. Which is me... I'm thirteen years old..and I live in West Warwick Rhode Island. I am a freshman at West Warwick Highschool. I play clarinet, guitar, drums, flute, bass, and sax. I am bad at them all; but the clarinet. I'm getting better at guitar. Go figure. My hair is blonde. Simple as that, if it looks otherwise. Get over it. I have not dyed my hair, and nor do I plan to. The world needs more natural colored hair. My eye's are brown. But now they are hidden by a pair of 'emo' styled boxframed glasses; which I love. I guess you could call me emo. Yes. Those are my pictures up there. Yes I'm ugly. Oh look. Modest Mouse is on TV. Thats one more thing about me. I'm random. I also like when people call me. But no one ever does. xD Okay well that's enough random crap. Yesterday kinda sucked...rather much. I went to a party..and was hit on by an ELEVEN yearold. -smacks- I told him I was taken; which..I don't think I am. I'm sure I'm not. -shrug- And if I am..sorry. xD Yeah. Then I came home...and sat here. Exciting life I have, isn't it? I went to bed at like 8:45 XD..I got up at 4:17. Sucks doesn't it? Annnd we'll all flooooat on okay. Wow. I need to shut up. Leh love Jordan.

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x About me x
Hi. I'm Jordan. I'm almost fourteen.
x Current Lyrics x
Best friends means I pull the trigger; Best friends means you get what you deserve.
x Friends x
Sarah. Chelsea. Nick -loves-. Jas. Dev. Karlee. Kyle. Matt. Tyler. Chelsea L. Stacey. Brian (Loseeer XD). Joel. Matt. Leah. Jaden. Kyle. Kirstin. Cody. Kodi. Chantel. Angel. Lisa. Jessica. Amanda. Erica. Cassie. The other Cassie. Nicole...Okay Im done. xD

Don't Bother trying to explain angel...

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