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The current mood of chille420@aol.com at www.imood.com
The current mood of chille420@aol.com at www.imood.com
I admired the glowing stars & tried to play a tune
Thursday. 1.8.04 3:56 pm
Mood:: Must..get..mind..off..of...bad thing!

Music:: Weezer ===> Song:: Why Bother

Talking to:: Sambo and Ceci

This was on Cindy's profile so I decided to do it too, cause we all want to be just like cindy and thats a fact.

1.) Name: Chelsea
2.) Nickname(s): Chille, Chels, "That one Weezer chick", Goat Girl, and many, many more, so call today!
3.) Birthday: 420 baby!! Haha yeah April 20th 1989....I'm not a stoner, nazi, or school shooter, i swear!
4.) Zodiac: Um hard to say...different places said different things (Taurus and Aries) so I asked this astrologer lady and she said I was both, depending on where the moon was or some of that jazz
5.) Nationality: Americanese...haha no. I have a lot of different things. I'm 1/8 Lebanese, and I have some French, Welsh, German, Dutch, Irish, Scottish, and prolly a lot of other things.
6.) What time is it: 4:22pm

Person Who Last
7.) Called you: Alan
8.) Slept in your bed: Rivers Cuomo....oh wait that was a dream....me
9.) Saw you cry: I try not to cry in front of people, so i dont really remember, but Alan ALMOST saw me cry today...
10.) Made you cry: life...i guess thats not a person...hmm i guess you could say me...
12.) You shared a drink with: Cindy apparently
13.) You went to the movies with: Alan and his little sister Yvonne
14.) You went to the mall with: My daddy
15.) Yelled at you: my mom, who else?
16.) Sent you an email: Ceci...no Dave...no Ceci...no Dave...I forget. they both did recently.
Have you ever
17.) Taken a picture of yourself with a milk moustache and sent it to the milk people: no, but i MUST do that now
18.) Said "I love you" and meant it?: Yeah, to family or as a friend
19.) Gotten into a fight with your Dog/Cat etc.: But of course...I used to follow my cat around until she got so pissed she slapped me and i'd slap back and shed scratch and...well lets just say it wasnt pretty...plus many other times with all my other pets, like i used to have a Parakeet nammed Skipper and whenever he would piss me off I would spray him with water an he'd bite me and I'd spray him and...you get the point. Many many little fights...

20.) Been to New York?: no but that would be cool, i my move there someday, and possibly go to Juliard.
21.) Been to Florida?: nope but i need to go and go to DisneyWorld!
22.) California?: Yeah a couple times, i drove down there this summer with my dad and we went all the way to Tijuana, so we saw pretty much all of it, and the summer before that we flew down to OC and went to Disneyland and all and yeah. Man LA is the hapiest place on Earth. Whenever I'm there Im happy. I could just be sitting in the car or anything, im just happy when im there. I love the palm trees.
23.) Hawaii?: no, but i need to go get leid
24.) Mexico?: yeah! it was spawesomey!! Me and my dad went to Cancun a couple summers ago, it was soo awesome! Especially once we got about an hour out of Cancun itself, to Playa Del Carmen, which is a lot less touristy.
25.) China?: no, but what has that got to do with the price of tea in china?
26.) Canada?: No...*hangs head in shame and cries*
27.) Danced Naked: Probably, at some point, but thats not a pretty picture
28.) Had a dream about something really crazy, then it happens the next day?: yeah i think so....weird...
29.) Stalked someone?: im sitting outside cindy's window right now
30.) Had a mud bath: isnt a mud bath kind of an oxymoron in and of itself? oh and no.
31.) Wished you were the opposite sex?: All the time when I was little, i was a huuuge tomboy. Nowadays though only durig my . and every time i have to sit down to pee and when it snows and i have to get a funnel to write my name hahaha eww
32.) Had an imaginary friend?: No, i was never really into playing pretend when i was little. Though I used to see a lady in my moms light fixture (and according to my mom all around the house) that i talked to, so, i guess, yes, i did have one, though my mom says its my "guardian angel" but i think thats bull.
33.) What time is it now?: 4:40pm
34.) apples or bananas?: Opples and Baninis
35.) Blue or red?: Blue
36.) Backstreet boys or nsync: *NSYNC, I LOVE them!!!
37.) Walmart or Target?: Walmart
38.) Spring or Fall?: Spring i guess
39.) Santa or Rudolph?: Santas the one who gives me the presents, who the hell cares about Rudolf??
40.) What are you gonna do after you finish this?: Prolly just stay online, though possibly sit in my room in the dark and think, since i do that for at least 3 hours everyday, and today i'll prolly need 4 or 5.
41.) What was the last meal you ate?: Creamed corn last night...haha corn juice
2.) High school or college?: never been to college, couldnt tell ya til i experience it, thats somethig ive earned in my life, not to just assume about things before they happen.
43.) Are you bored?: no not at the moment, too much on my mind to be bored.
44.) How many of your buddies are on-line?: 22
45.) Last movie you saw in the theatre: The Haunted Mansion...not my fault, his (Alan's) lil sis wanted to see it.
46.) Last noise you heard?: "i dont wanna be happy tomarrow, i dont wanna be happy tomarrow, i wanna be happy today, wanna be... happy" (Ben Kweller song)
47.) Last smell you sniffed?: my yummalicious lotion

About your friends
48.) Laughs the weirdest?: Haha Cortney....NO!!! GEORGE!!!! DEFINETLY GEORGE!!! she laughs SOO funny
49.) Going to have the most kids: Any and all of my 20 bazillion Mormonositized friends.
50.) Who have you known the longest?: Kyle
52.) Is the quietest: Joscel? maybe? well yeah, of my good friends anyways. Or me when I'm depressed...what? YES i am my friend! SO!
53.) Will fill this out and send it back the soonest?: no one, im using nutang
54.) Who is the funniest?: Cynthia and Kelly are tied....oooh! and Alec too.
55.) Who is the moodiest?: Hard to say
56.) biggest pimp?: I do not have any rapper friends who think "pimp" is a good thing lol.
57.) biggest player?: See #56. Replace "pimp" with "player"
58.) Who can you tell most of your secrets to?: Kelly and Cynthia and Brianna are all tied.
59.) Who do you usually go to about all of your problems?: Cynthia
60.) Who are your best buds of all time?: Kelly Brianna and Cynthia are all tied. again.

61.) Last time you went out of state? hmmm...maybe summer...i forget.
63.) Things you like in guys: Sweet, nice, funny, geeky, a good guy in general, rocker style is nice, cute doesnt hurt lol, Black hair with aqua eyes and very tall (like 6'4 would be AWESOME) and muscles and thick black rimmed gasses like Rivers's plus all the afformentioned things would be like my perfect guy. Also the more like Rivers Cuomo you look, the better.
64.) Do you have a crush on someone?: of course. Though I wish I didnt, because "love" hurts
65.) Who is he/she?: no way am i announcing it on here. Though its not like he doesnt already know a million times over.
66.) Do you have a bf/gf: i wish...but that will never happen for me...
67.) What do you think about Ouija Boards: They never work for me!! Even with candles and everything! What a gyp.
68.) What book are you reading now: none but I need to read Watership Down, cause my friend wants me to.
69.) Are you sensitive?: I'd like to think so...Cindy am i?
70.) Hair Color: Medium to dark brown
71.) Height: 5'4
72.) Pets: A siamese mix male polydactyl cat named Saki who is less than a year old, and a Sheltie male dog who is like...i unno 5...6...7...?
73.) Siblings: 2 half brothers, Cody, 17 almost 18, and Taylor, 21, and a half sister Chloe, 25. I consider all o them my real brothers/sister though. Me and my brothers have the same mom and different dads and we've lived together our whole lives, and Chloe and I have the same dad and different moms, and we never lived together, which is prolly why we never fight lol.
74.) Been so drunk you didn't remember that you were there: nope
75.) Smoked?: Weed:: No, though my birthday is420 lol. Cigarette:: Yes once when I was 6, but thats it.
76.) Gone out in public in your pajamas: of course!! I wear them to school all the time, or i did before my dumbass band teacher made me stop, even though a lot of people do it and its no where in the dress code that we cant. Stupid bitch...
77.) Missed school b/c it was raining: dont i wish
78.) Set any body part on fire for amusement: ...maybe...ok well no, not body part per se, but my sock while it was on my foot. Funny shit.
79.) Kept a secret from everyone: oh gee no, never! god. of course.
80.) Wanted to hook up with a friend: YES quite often
81.) Cried during a movie: yeah, not often though, unlike my mom who cried in te Rugrats Movie
82.) Had a crush on a teacher: TWICE, one wasnt my teacher though, it was in second grade and he was a 5th grade teacher and EVERY one of my friends in my class had a HUGE crush on him, and theyd always get hugs from him, and me being shy and also a tomboy would always give him high fives and then feel like i got gypped, and then one day i just gave him a hug haha it was awesome....Mr. York...so hott...
83.) Ever thought an animated character was hot?: maaayyybeee....
84.) Ever at anytime owned new kids on the block stuff: nah thats a bit before my time.
85.) Planned your week based on the TV Guide?: perhaps.......
86.) Prank called someone: of COURSE....GOOD times man!!!
87.) Been on stage: yeah!! I'm gonna be an actress of course i have.
89.) Shampoo: Whatever my mom gets for me, bu i prefer Garnier Fructise
90.) Soap: i dunno or care...though right now my dad got me this one soap thats really strong and smells funny too...im not gonna say like what because some of you will hate me, but cindy knows. lolol
91.) Color?: The aqua color thats on the edges of the glass shelves at Sears.
92.) Day or Night: NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the dark and the stars and moon!!!
93.) Summer/Winter: summer. NO SCHOOL!!!
94.) Lace or satin: satin....mmm silky...er..satiny....
95.) Cartoon Character: Prolly Brak. He's too great. But ya also gotta love Cartman, Zorak, Link from the old Legend of Zelda cartoons, and all that good stuff...Do Strong Bad and Homestar Runner and the gang count? Cause theyd be up there.

96.) Cried:
No but ALMOST today
97.) Cut your hair: no
100.) Worn a skirt: no!
101.) Been mean: Most likely...since im just a mean person...i dunno, ask Cindy. Cindy have I?
102.) Been sarcastic: Gee, no, not once! Why would I be sarcastic??
103.) Talked to someone you have a crush on: but of course, plenty of times
105.) Hugged someone: yes
106.) Fought with your parents: yes
107.) Wished upon a star: yeah...i love stars...they never work though...
108.) Laughed until you cried: well laughed til i got some tears in my eyes, but not reeally crying
109.) Played Truth or Dare: no, good game though. Truth or Dare is sacred!!!
110.) Watched a sunrise/sunset: Yes, several times.
111.) Went to the beach at night: nope, that would be great though, two of my favorite things, night/stars and the ocean.
112.) Spent quality time alone: yes. hours and hours. One of my hobbies, if you will, is sitting in my room in the dark with nothing on doing nothing but thinking. I do it for like 3 hours a day, i swear to god. its good because it helps me work out my problems.
113.) Ate a meal: duh
114.) Are you lonely: always
115.) Are you happy: never truly
116.) Are you talking to someone on-line?: Yup, Sam

117.) God/Devil: No, I'm atheist.
118.) Love: maybe someday
119.) The Closet Monster: of course, its captured ****, and taken him into the closet...i wonder when he will come out of the closet?
120.) The Big Bang Theory: yes, its logical
121.) Heaven/Hell: no, theyre just a myth in my opinion
122.) Superstitions: *rubs lucky horseshoe* no way *avoids walking under ladder* superstitons are for idiots *grabs a piece of garlic to carry around*
123.) What is your full name? Mrs. Cuomo
124.) Who named you?: parents
125.) When was the last time you showered?: 2 years, 3 months, and 27 days ago.
126.) What color pants do you have on right now?: black with tiny tiny white pinstripes
127.) What song are u listening to right now?: Weezer ===> Song:: Death and Destruction
128.) What was the last thing that you said on-line?: "Destruction", but if you mean to somone then "spiffalicious and spawesomey dude!!"
129.) What is right next to you: A bowl of corn, whole kernel this time.
130.) What is your computer desk made of?: 100% fur of kittens, all cute.
131.) What are the last 4 digits in your phone number?: 1874
132.) Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?: that is if i ever HAVE a honeymoon...
133.) How's the weather right now?: I dont know. I refuse to look out the window and face the world. Im pretty sure theres still snow on the ground though.
134.) What did you do last night?: Sat and thunk and then slept
135.) How are you today? : depressed
136.) How do you eat an Oreo?: Twist apart. Lick creme side. Twist back together. Dunk in milk. Take a bite. Repeat.
137.) What makes you happy?: Listening to Weezer or other good music, being with friends who can make me laugh, being with the guy i like madly, thinking i have a chance with a guy (though the guys always prove me wrong there), daydreaming about a good life, being in LA, typing "tree", Christmas, knowing someone thought of me or cares, JayzeeShajhajha, not having to go to school, losing weight, among many oter things.
138.) What makes you mad?: many things
139.) What do you want to be when you grow up?: ACTRESS
140.) What are your future goals?: Lose 30 pounds, get a boyfriend, become an actress, and just be happy in life in general
142.) Favorite Food?: Many forms of junkfood, fancy foods (steak, lobster, etc), cheese, corn (juice).
143.) Favorite movies: Anything Adam Sandler!!!!
144.) Fave girl perfume/guys cologne?: Girl::anything peaches, cucumber-melon, coconut-lime verbena, the kind cindy got me (its citrusy), lavender Guy:: Just natural guy smell. Oh or the way Aaron smells (yes aaron u smell extremely good) which he claims is his natura smell but couldnt be cause its too strong and good and not natural smelling.
145.) Do u like to dance?: Ony stupid goofy dancing or slow dancing, im not good at the rest.
146.) Fast or slow?: slow
147.) Are you too shy to ask someone out?: yes!!!
148.) Fave clothes brand: cant pick....NOT A&F!! lol im anticrombie
149.) If you could change your name what would it be?: I dont think I would, but if I did maybe Erica or Tigerlilly (thats what I'm going to name my daughter, i know some of you may think its stupid but i like it and i think its cute and you could call the girl Tiger. Or Lilly. Or Tigerlilly. And besides its not common).
150.) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: Nope
151.) What is the stupidest thing you have ever done: Thought I had a chance with any guy
152.) What will your first son's name be: Rivers, Justin, Julian, or maybe Adam. I can't decide between those, prolly not Adam though, I love Adam Sandler, and Adam is a pretty good name but not as good as the other three. And I like Luke but hate Lucas. But yeah anyways Rivers is great, showin the Weezer love lol but thats not the only reason i like it, its just a kickass name, its pretty unique and I like that a lot. And Justin is just a cool name, Ive always thought so. And Julian I just recently realized how cool that is. I didnt like it before at all, just like all of a sudden i was like WHOA! thats a really cool name! Got it originally from John Lennons son of course, Hey Jude and all, then it was in Big Daddy, then its the lead singer of the Strokes's name, and even after i heard all that i didnt really like it but all of the sudden i did lol. Weird. Anyways...
153.) First daughter: Tigerlilly prolly. Then Erica for a middle name prolly. Tigerlilly Erica Cuomo perhaps? Lol.
155.) Do you like scary or happy movies?: Happy! Comedies are the BEST.
156.) On the phone or in person?: in person
157.) Lust or Love?: love
158.) Do you want your friends to write back?: this is nutang so if youre talking about comments, sure why not
159.) What time is it now?: 6:02pm

And thats it! Man that took me a looooooong time! Thats cause I write so damn much in order to bore you all...I mean keep you entertained! Haha but its good cause i focused on the survey not my problems. Anyways Im about ready to go think. Bye!

Mood:: Still depressed

Music:: None

I can't believe I forgot about George!!! argh, ok scratch that, SHE has the weirdest/best laugh!! lolol its soooo great, and no u have not been mean, and i dont remember the other question
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