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100 Facts about a Unicorn-Dinosaur Hybrid
Sunday. 8.15.10 1:15 am

As promised.

1. I'm so excited for the future even though I'm also scared that it won't be as wonderful as the past.

2. I hate this number.

3. People say I'm Summer from 500 Days of Summer.

4. I agree. She and I are a lot alike.

5. I've always wanted a bowler hat since reading The Unbearable Lightness of Being because Sabina felt so close to my own heart.

6. I stand in respect for the Pledge of Allegiance, but I don't participate.

7. I make semi-authentic Native American dreamcatchers in my spare time.

8. It makes me feel closer to that aspect of my ethnicity, which I really love, for some reason.

9. My eyes do, too. They're prominently Native American.

10. Otherwise, I'm mostly Irish.

11. I want to either live in Arizona, California, or New Mexico when I'm an adult. YES, I do like the heat.

12. With that said...I do NOT like snow. UNLESS! I'm seeing someone seriously. Then...it's kind of nice to brew up some cocoa and stroll around in the snow.

13. I only drink the cocoa I brew from scratch. I KNOW what I put in my own cocoa, and that's a rare power, these days.

14. I love similies for explaining things, and metaphors when I want to say something romantically.

15. I'm not a writer.

16. I'M REALLY NOT A WRITER. When people say I should write for the rest of my life I want to vomit on them.

17. I want to ride an elephant pretty much more than anything ever.

18. With hiking, it was love at first sight.

19. I hope I can hike even when I'm older, but I have hypermobility and am already starting to show signs of arthritis.

20. I have two dogs. They're awesome spectacular.

21. I had only one when I was born. His name was Teddy, and I'd been around him my entire life, up until around age 10 when we had to have him put down.

22. I don't have any living biological grandparents.

23. My neighbors, who have been around since I was around six years old, are like my third set of grandparents. When they go, I'm really out.

24. I don't cry easily. At ALL. And no one sees me cry because I'm excellent at hiding it when I do.

25. Mostly because I don't feel like many people can handle crying people. If I let someone around me when I'm crying, it's because I have faith that that person can handle it.

26. I love cooking, especially when I'm going through extreme moods.

27. Except when I'm angry. Then I like to use my punching bag till it bleeds.

28. My feet are REALLY ticklish.

29. When I say don't tickle them...I mean it. I sincerely hate being tickled on my feet.

30. I'm only writing this list because I can't ignore a challenge (aside from obviously extreme challenges).

31. When I'm an adult...I'm going to do everything I wanted to when I lived at home but couldn't (read: buy a cat and a bunny, go on regular trips, and have men over when no one else is home).

32. I still don't want to have sex before marriage, though. Not my thing.

33. I love the number 27 because it's 3^3.

34. I've dyed my hair so many times that I'd lost count by the time I hit tenth grade. I think it was because I felt restless in myself.

35. I say I don't have regrets, but that doesn't mean I don't sometimes wish things could have gone differently. I think we all wish we could accomplish the perfect situation, sometimes. Regardless of how well things turned out, anyway.

36. We've had a cockatiel in the household since I was around seven. ...I hate birds.

37. I like poetry slamming. Derrick Brown is my favorite slammer, so far.

38. I have a huge crush on Joseph Gordon-Levitt. AND James Franco. I�M SORRY.

39. If I ever have the chance to go skydiving, I probably will. Even though I�m scared the parachute won�t deploy.

40. I wish I�d kept at horseback riding. Horses are such odd but noble animals.

41. When I was nine, I first had my foot stepped on�with the full weight. By a horse. I was pretty chill about it, even though my eyes were watering.

42. I like water over any juice, soda, or otherwise. It just tastes better, I think.

43. I have this Kurt Halsey art piece on my wall. It used to remind me of my boyfriend at the time, but now it reminds me of something else entirely.

44. I�m not often open with people entirely. So when I am, it�s entirely obvious.

45. I have freckles all across my nose and cheekbones when exposed to enough sun. You can barely see them.

46. When something bad with someone else happens�I need at least a week away from that person. No contact or anything. It helps me hit acceptance more quickly.

47. I used to have nightmares every single night I was asleep long enough to dream. This was for about two years. Now, I keep having good dreams, other than the occasional nightmare.

48. Most of the nightmares now involve zombies.

49. I didn�t have Microsoft Office on my computer until tonight (August 14th in the EARLY morning).

50. I once tried to tackle middaymoon and instead tackled the ground. Needless to say, he hasn�t let me live it down.

51. The last thing word I would EVER use to a describe myself is �girly.�

52. I had two boyfriends in high school (not at the same time).

53. With all the flirtation and dating, it feels like more. Like�a LOT more.

54. I like making holidays extravagant for people.

55. Case in point: For Valentine�s Day in tenth grade, I packed all my boyfriend�s favorite foods into a paper bag and had someone give it to him in first block. All his friends told him I was a cool girlfriend.

56. I love the sound a bamboo wind chime makes. It reminds me of the rainforest.

57. If I could live anywhere in perfect circumstances, I would live in a giant tree house in the rainforest. The tree house would actually be several small ones (one for each room) connected by wooden bridges.

58. I would also walk around naked all the time, if I could. Except when it�s cold out. That would suck.

59. I go through phases where I feel closer to one parent than another.

60. For a while, I wanted a job that forced me to travel. Now I realize I always want a home base and a choice in the matter.

61. I use lip gloss like other people breathe.

62. If I had to get a tattoo, it would have to do with a phoenix and a dragon. Clich�, but it actually means something, with me, the way I would do it.

63. I�m excited to go to college because there�s an indoor pool on campus.

64. I LOVE the food in China, especially hot pot. If you ask me whether I would eat in Italy for a week or eat in China for a week�I would say China.

65. If you see a bathing suit top peeking out from under my shirt, it means one of two things: 1) I�m going swimming, or 2) I couldn�t find a bra to wear under the shirt.

66. I don�t care about bras. I�m an A cup, so I�m perpetually perky.

67. The only thing I�m bringing to put in my mini fridge at college is a water pitcher with a filter.

68. I was pretty much raised on video games.

69. I went back and erased this fact because it mentioned my brother, and for some reason I can�t mention family on number sixty-nine. >.<

70. I have a dirty mind. People are shocked by this because I�m generally very small and female-y.

71. Sometimes a curl my lip when I grin. I have no idea why and just started noticing it recently.

72. I go to the mall photobooths with people I want to remember.

73. If I don�t get married to the right person in time, I�ll probably become a cougar.

74. I don�t like scarves. There�s no reason for me to wear them.

75. I have this thing for little dinky gemstones and gluing them to things that aren�t pretty on their own.

76. I love having a lighter handy. I don�t why.

77. I�ve never cutting my hair short again. Ever. Wavycurlystraight hair like mine is not meant to be that short.

78. I don�t care how fast your car goes. I care how quickly it gets to sixty. Super fast cars aren�t any good without the right tires, and barely anyone ever buys the tires to let the car reach its potential.

79. I check my phone by habit and really HATE that I do so.

80. When my mom mentioned that my room in the new house wouldn�t have a door, I didn�t mind. Maybe I will when we actually live there, but it just doesn�t seem so consequential.

81. I love being busy.

82. With that said, I almost always prefer going out on dates to staying in. But, with the right person, curling up and watching late night TV is pretty much the best thing ever.

83. I get Asain women as results on any given celebrity look-alike site.

84. Febreze is an obsession of mine. If my room doesn�t smell like an autumn harvest, I don�t even want to be there.

85. I love when my hair dresser knows how to talk AND knows how to cut hair. Having an awkward time in the chair is never good.

86. If I think I see how something could work, I go ahead and try it instead of making definite plans. ESPECIALLY when it comes to crafts, design, and such.

87. Songs make me cry before death does. I see death as a temporary goodbye.

88. It�s funny, though, because I always see temporary goodbyes as forever goodbyes, in any other situation. Saying goodbye for a few months REALLY freaks me out.

89. I have many stupid nicknames given by friends, and I accept them all. Except Boyman. That one just sucks.

90. I like to flip my hair around like a pretty little pony when I feel purty.

91. Makeup and I are good friends, but I don�t consistently wear it. If I feel like putting it on, I do. If I don�t, I don�t. People don�t seem to notice the difference too much.

92. I twirl my hair when I see someone attractive, but I also twirl it when I�m thinking about certain people who twirl theirs.

93. I listen to Pandora CONSTANTLY. I�ve reached the monthly limit many times.

94. I bake when upset, but I also bake when I�m having company.

95. I go into gung-ho housewife mode when I�m having people over. I vacuum, mop, pick up things, fluff cushions, the whole nine yards. And I have NO idea why.

96. I knit when I�m at peace with the world.

97. I�ve been working with hot glue guns regularly since I was probably twelve. If there is ever a need for that random experience, I AM QUALIFIED!

98. I�d forgotten why I took photos until just recently. I miss it, all will start up again.

99. I brush my teeth obsessively and care more about having nice dental hygiene than having hairless legs. Two different mouthwashes, minty floss, whitening chewing gum, daytime and overnight whitener, and a carefully-picked toothbrush and tooth paste duo. I use them all regularly.

100. But there was one time when I actually didn�t consider that when I usually would have.

I think you should write for the rest of your life.

When I was in China, I ate snake and bullfrog.
» dave on 2010-08-15 03:36:36

38 - OMG I LOVE JASON GORDON-LEVITT!!!! (I mentioned him in my challenge, too)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!1!!!!!1!!1!
57 - Like the Swiss family Robinsons!
96 -
» invisible on 2010-08-15 03:49:43

Re: comment
(I mean Joseph... Where the heck did "Jason" come from??!?!?!)
*JUST* read your comment. lol! We commented on the same thing! XD

I think Arctic Monkeys would do a sweet live show. And the bands I listed are just the first tenish I could think of. I have tons that I really like X]
» invisible on 2010-08-15 03:55:27

2. I love this number.
3. Stay away!
6. Same.
7. Gimme one.
11. WTF where's TEXAS!?
14. I see what you did there.
15. I wanna be.
16. Some people find that kinky. I don't. Ask Middaymoon about it though. I kid. Kinda.

17. You'r ealone on that ride pal.
18. Isn't that just.. walking up hill?
25. Summer never cried in that movie either. Emotionless yo.
27. You have a punching bag?
30. I challenge you to write a blog about how awesome you think I am.
31. Bunnies freak me out and I'm allergic to cats.
37. Black ice for me. Or Shihan.
45. Mark of the devil?
50. That boy's a ninja.
62. Phoenix Wright and Bruce Lee?
63. Which school?
68. Top five video games?
69. ....
78. Too much car talk.. losing.. interest..
76. You smoke?

» Dilated on 2010-08-15 08:53:47

6. I remember I always got weird questions in high school because I didn't stand up for the pledge of allegiance, lol. I think people thought I was an anarchist. Really though, I just didn't see the point in it.
66. Me too~ I hate bras.. & I hate even more that I feel obligated to wear them unless I want people staring at my nipples x___x
93. Last.fm has a pretty good radio. Pandora frustrates me because I always seem to run out of skips :[
» mynameisanh on 2010-08-16 07:16:09

57. Me too!
74. If you lived in Wyoming, you would find out why Man invented the Scarf
76. I have also, ever since I watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and they were tied to that chair and they escaped by burning through their ropes. I want to be prepared in that situation.
95. Me too. Maybe because that's what my mom does.
» Zanzibar on 2010-08-18 08:52:13

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