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The Panda Who Didn't Like Bamboo
08/02/06 11:18 am
Since I only have 27 minutes before I need to leave (and I still need to get ready) I'll make this quick. This is a story of a strange little panda.

Ever since he was born he had never liked the smell of bamboo, therefore when his teeth were at the level where he would be able to consume the bamboo he refused to eat it. One day when he was on his way to gather some berries a mysterious frog alien from flying dowe on a mini saucer with the mother ship not far behind it. He then offered the panda the galaxy-wide famous "sweet fruit smelling bamboo buns," allured by the smell he instantly smell in love with the delicious snack. The alien then offerred him a free sample, which he gratefully took. Upon entering it in his mouth he instantaneously understood the amazing taste of bamboo and the power of fruits. From then on he would never complain about bamboo and ate it willingly.

^^ What do you all think of the story about the panda who didn't like bamboo, which I spent painstaking hours to write. (This is not a story I wrote in 2 minutes without ever stopping to think about an actual plot, really =3) .
Recommended by 2 Members
dave Katrina

I always loved this story!
I'm so glad you moved this story over! Am I the only one where part of Pa-lua's blog is cut off?
» Katrina on 2006-10-30 01:36:00

Welcome to NuTang
Panda Lord, you are wise and mysterious. In college, there was a student living in my building that was a panda. He sued the school's dining office for not providing a suitable selection of dining options that fit all mammals. Afterwards, the dining hall always served a bamboo shoots dish. However, he didn't like the taste and decided to transfer to another school. I never saw him again.
» dave on 2006-10-30 01:36:03

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