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"Violent retribution isn't like mowing the lawn. It's more like doing the dishes... with the lawnmower." ~ Krazy Larry (comic)

"If love could be measured in bacon, I would weigh a million pounds and die of a heart attack. All for you!" ~ Genrezvous Point (comic)

"So, people who are allergic to pollen are allergic to males?" -Gail
"No, male reprodictive materials"*drawing of sperm and underlined* -Me
From a blank page in my Ent 2004 book
It's a me!

Age. 37
Gender. Female
Ethnicity. White
Location Blacksburg, VA
School. Virginia Tech
» More info.
Saturday. 7.24.04 11:45 pm
Har! Stealing a survey from Ikimashokie who subequntly stole it from someone else. Har! Im a theif!

+ Full Nayme: Heather Ann Selbe
+ Sexuality: gender? Female
+ Age: 17
+ Location: Franklin Va
+ B-Day: August 12 1986
+ Ethnicity: White.
+ Religion: Athiest
+ Height: 5'2"
+ Shoe size: 7.5-8.5
+ Hair color: brown
+ Eye color: changed from brown to green
+ Style: relaxed, I guess
+ Fears: You know, I can never think of them when asked?

+ Peed your pants?Not recently
+ Cheated on someone? Err.. yeah..
+ Fallen off the bed? while on the phone, even
+ Fallen for a relative? Nope
+ Had plastic surgery? Ick, no.
+ Broke someone`s heart? Ya..
+ Had your heart broken? Ya..
+ Had a dream come true? Im sure it's happened
+ Had sex? Hhee, oh yeah.
+ Gotten a lap dance? have i? No
+ Done something you regret? Yea, often.
+ Cheated on a test? Not recently?
+ Been raped? No
+ Broken a body part? Unles you count skin, no.

+ Wearing? White tank top, blue shorts and the undergarments.
+ Listening to? Silence.
+ Eating? Last think i had was Kool Aid and left over Subway
+ Feeling? Bored..
+ Reading? This.
+ Located? Right infront of the compy.
+ Chatting with? No one really
+ Watching? Nothing.
+ Craving? Adventure
+ Should REALLY be doing? Perhaps programming
+ Brush your teeth? yes
+ Like anybody? Yes
+ Have any piercing? My ears used ot be.. Im almost temped for a belly peirding if i get thing, or one in my upper ear.
+ Driving? Hell ya.
+ Believe in Santa Claus? naw, not after seeing my parents carting out the gifts.
+ Ever get off the damn computer? Only for food. And sometimes DDR
+ Smoke? My dad had a heart attack from smoking.
+ Drink? Kool aid. And water when I have my outdoor guarding shifts
+Got a cellphone? Nope.
+ Got a pager? I cant even operate one. Some techie I am...

+ Hugged? Dad
+ Kissed? Hmm.. kissed my friend Matt ont he cheek not long ago.. does that count?
+ Gave eprops? WTF?
+ IMed? Odinblade, Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates crewmate
+ Talked to on the phone? Matt from TX
+ Yelled at? Some ass on Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates
+ Checked out? Ex Bf Matt.. lol
+ Tripped? Ummm.. a few near misses on a wet pool deck?
+ What do you want to be when you grow up? Programmer, with any luck
+ What was the worst day of your life? Probably the day I had bad emotional PMS
+ What is your most embarrassing story? The time I was trying to chase a goose and it scared the shit out of me.
+ What has been the best day of your life? Hmmmm... dunno.
+ What comes first in your life? My comfort
+ Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? Admiriers and people to admire.
+ What are you most scared of? See the first time you asked about fear.
+ If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them? Somewhere useful.
+ What do you usually think about before you go to bed? Whatever bothered me that day
+ Did you lose someone you really loved? Not lost-lost.
+ How many times have you fallen deeply in love? 2 or 3 i d say.
+ Love your family? Most of the time.
+ Love your friends? Ya
+ Have you smoked? See my first note on smoking
+ Have you drunk? In school even
+ Have you fought? Only when I was provoked.
+ What are you addicted to? Yohoho1 Puzzle Pirates
+ Want to move? Maybe back north, or closer to more friends.
+ Movie: Gah.. soo many.. I guess anything my Miyazaki
+ Song: Currently Franz Ferdinand- Take Me Out
+ Group:Currtently... Franz Ferdinand.
+ Singer/Rapper: I gueess Dido
+ Store: I dun shop.
+ Shoes: My current sandales
+ Relative: Aunt Mickey, or Uncle Ron.
+ Sport: DDR? if that dont count, tennis.
+ Vacation Spot: Wildwood, NJ, gotta love the Peirs!
+ Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate or vanilla
+ Fruit: Kiwi
+ Candy: Hmmmm.. Ghirardelli chocolate
+ Food: Wal Mart chicken... What? It's good!
+ Car: Chevrolet Corsica (discontinued in '96)
+ Class: Programming.
+ Holiday: Hmmm... Halloween.
+ Day of the Week: Saturday.
+ Color: Blue, green, teal, sivler.. anyhting dark.
+ Magazine: DUn read those anymore
+ Name for a Girl: Michelle
+ Name for a Boy: Jake
+ Favorite spot for a date: Somewhere I can be crazy.
+ Favorite spot for an anniversary: Somewhere nice.
+ Favorite resturant: Hmmm... Sonics? Or maybe Olive Garden...
+ McDonalds: Not the one in Franklin.
+ Burger King: dont like them
+ In and Out: WTF?
+ Wendy's: Any.
+ Quote: "This is a sword. One end is pointy, the other is not. Don't grab the pointy end."

+ Like to give hugs? Yep
+ Like to give kisses? Depends on the person
+ Like to walk in the rain? As long as it ising really cold rain.
+ Sleep with or without clothes on? Nekkid sleeping rocks.
+ Prefer black or blue pens? Erk, pens.
+ Dress up on Halloween? Hell ya.
+ Have a job? not til august. Lifeguarding.. for now.
+ Like to travel? Depends on where.
+ Like someone? Ya
+ Sleep on your side, tummy or back? Depends.
+ Think you're attractive? Sure. Could be prettier though
+ Want to marry? Ya
+ Have a goldfish? No goldfish, but I do have my femme Betta Akira!
+ Ever have the falling dream? Always when im hafl asleep...
+ Have stuffed animals? Ya.
+ Go on vacation? Ya.

+ Abortion: depends on the situation
+ Bill Clinton: Bah
+ Smoking:See previous answers
+ Eating Disorders: Bad thing to have
+ Suicide: Guh, dont wanna go there..
+ Summer: Work and relaxation.. wait a minnit...
+ Tattoos: Coolt hings, dont think I'd do it though
+ Piercing: Sweet, you have one?
+ Make-up: Ick!
+ Pierced nose or tongue? tounge
+ Single or taken? Taken
+ MTV or BET? MTV, i guess
+ 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? neither.
+ Sugar or salt? Depends on the recipie.
+ Silver or gold? Silver.
+ Chocolate or flowers? Chocolate, nummie.
+ Color or Black-and-white photos? Depends on the photo
+ M&M's or Skittles? M&M, 'specally peanut butter.
+ Stay up late or sleep in? Both. If possible.
+ Hot or cold? hot
+ Sun or moon? moon
+ Left or Right? Err... got them mixed up again.. mine or yours?
+ 10 Acquaintances or one best friend? I best friend, please
+ Mustard or ketchup? Ketchup. Mustard is icky.
+ Spring or Fall? Fall, 'specally in the north.
+ Give or receive? Give
+ A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship? Lifetime friendship. Id crave the sex after the one year too much.
+ Happy or sad? Happy? I dunno.
+ Wonder or amazement? Amazement.
+ McDonald's or Burger King? Mc. Donalds.
+ Mexican or Italian food? italian
+ Lights on or off? Off, unless i need ot see the keyboard.
+ Candy or soda? candy
+ Pepsi or Coke? Coke

Wow. That took a while...

dildo.....i mean dido....franz ferdinand is good....dun dun dun dunna dunna...take me out....bown bown bowna bowna bown bown.....i like modest mouse right now
» finallyfoundareasonnow on 2004-07-27 12:57:32

Only Modest Mouse I've heard is "Float On", but i actually have the Franz Ferdinand CD, good stuff.
» Bremma on 2004-07-27 11:54:12

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