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Welcome to the Merrick

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous.
Actually, who are you not to be?

my loves
Li Rong
Michelle michelle
ET Laine
The earthquake
Sunday. 5.18.08 10:13 pm
I'm late. Too caught up with my own life, as I was shopping and enjoying the buffet yesterday, more pple died in the rubble of the China Sichuan 7.8 Ricter earthquake. I know it happened, but i did not want to read about it on the newspaper. too much death and destruction. 30 000 victims. mostly children.

Schools were in full session when the earthquake hit. Thousands of young students as young as 6 were all trapped and buried when the schools collapsed. Countless hospitals were hit too.

I teared up, reading Rong's entry, where she copied and paste from a China blogger. What else but deaths of innocent children can pull at heartstrings as this disaster did? Torrential rains have started in China, with the authorities predicting more heavy rains to come. How many pple buried in the rubble can stand the coldness of the rain. Waterloggged and will little will to live, will they give up?

to read chinese
right click\encoding\chinese simplified(GB18030)

The author states,

�����ڱ�����Ϣ�У������ҽ��ܲ��˵ģ�����ε����ֺ��У����������ص���ѧУ�������ҳ�������֮�⣬�����˼��ֵķ�ŭ����Ȼ���µ�ʱ��ѧУ��������ѧʱ�䣬�����Ǽ��жȽϸߣ����µļ���Ҳ�ߡ����ҿ�����ѧУ��������в�ͬ�����ҽ���סҪ�ʣ�Ϊʲô���ȿ������׵ģ�����Ӧ�ü�̺�������С��ѧУ�����ǵ�ѧУ��������У�������ʲô�������⣿��������ң�ѧУ������Ϊս����ɢ�أ������̵Ľ����������ǵ��أ�������Щ�������ڳ�����һ�������ź���ȥ�ĺ��ӣ���������������Щ���������������ʮ���꣬�ۿ����Ǿ�Ҫ����ɲĵı�ʹ�����ĸ�ĸ�ף�������ʹ�����ģ�Ҳ�޵����ġ������ݲ���ȫͳ�ƣ�����ε��������У����ڶ�ѧУ�����״ݻ٣����źܶ࣬Ϊ�˲��������������Ϣ���ҽ����»��������Ӻ��Ĵ�����̨��Ȩ��ý����ժ¼������Ϣ���ɼ��ֺ���һ�ߣ�������ѧ1000���˱��񡢡�ʲ����������ѧ200����ʦ����ѹ���桢����������300����ѧ���ȴ���Ԯ����������ѧУ���� 200���˱����ന��һѧУ90��ѧ�������ڷ��桢ʲ����ũ������Сѧ130���˱������������½�Сѧ�������������ȳ�260����ʦ��������29��Сѧ����������������ѧУ��Ӫ�ȹ������ڽ��Ž����У�ʱ�к���Ϣ��������������ʱ������ƺʹ���Ŀ�й�������ǻ�ȵ�ϣ��Խ��Խ��ã���ݴ�˵����ɽ�������ñ����ߵĴ���¼�Ǿ��죬Ը�ϲԱ�����Щ������С�����ɣ�

.... continued..


partial translate of the 2nd part of the text (i will try to translate as close to the text as i can):

"donations poured forth, one eighty year old pensioner walked for nearly 2 hours to reach ground zero, offering her donation of her and her 90yr old partner's 2 months living expenses. Even mercenary businessmen, gave up their profiteering and offered places to rest and water. The rain seem to wash away the hardness and defences of the people seeking shelter under the make shift tents. At a collasped hositpal, a father rushed there only to find his daughter, an 21 yr old employee of the hositpal already gone from the world. This father, with tears in his eyes, threw himself to the excavation efforts, all the while shouting his daughter's name, trying to save someone else's child. Another father, saw his son's legs clamped under a fallen stairway. But as the injury seemed non life threatening, he tried to help those more in need first. A few hours later, when his son was finally rescued, the leg muscles have already decayed and his son will never be able to walk again. A girl trapped under a rubble of her sch, confessed that because she couldn't stand the pain she tried to smash her head with a rock, hoping to die, to end the pain. A weak tiny voice from a fellow student consoled her,"we are still so young! we must live on! we must live!" She gritted her teeth and was rescued. During the split secound when the earthquake struck, a female sch teacher used her body to shield 4 young children. When the rescue team got to her body, the children were found unharmed. A youngster escaped from his collasping home, but when he realised his aged grandmother didn't make it out he went back...."

With credit to: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_58daf66701009bg5.html

personally, I am not partial to Cinas. From my own experience, I found them greedy, arrogant and offensive. but nonetheless, this earthquake have revealed another side of the Chinese. I cannot help much. But i hope with all my heart that they will find more survivors. Human beings are the only species who will help another in need at the expense of their own suvrvial. This is what makes us human.


i find it sad to be controlled by something we created: money.

i donated some money to the relief missions carried by a NGO in malaysia. hopefully a little contribution from me and my colleagues would help.
» renaye on 2008-05-19 02:33:28

Ya no offence they really messed up.....there is ntg we, citizen can do about it....just have to stick to it and live with it....
» elitevillain on 2008-05-21 10:24:27

ooh life of pi is a good book. but it's the author's way writing is what i love.
» renaye on 2008-05-22 06:07:18

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