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A little bit about me...

Age. 39
Gender. Female
Ethnicity. Caucasian
Location Northglenn, CO
School. Other
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I'm bored...so you get a survey...
Monday. 1.8.07 10:09 pm
Not like you needed to know more about me or anything...

001. What is the best way to get over someone?
[Move on...it sucks to move on, but seriously...you can't just dwell on it]

002. What makeup do you wear on a daily basis?
[I don't wear any make-up and I don't care...I'm sure it shows...lol]

003. Is your AIM/MSN away message on?
[Well, I'm signed onto neither of those...and when I'm on Yahoo, I'm always invisible]

004. If you could eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
[I would eat linguine with white clam sauce...yum yum]

005. What curse word do you use the most?
[Shit...hehe, I think I use it too much]

006. Do you own an iPod?
[Yes...but everything got deleted off of it and I'm using Brian's iPod]

007. Who on your Myspace "top 8" do you talk to the most?
[Brian or Melissa]

008. What time is your alarm clock set for?
[6:30am...so I can get up and go to work]

009. Have you ever bid for something on ebay?
[Yes, and I won...but it's not like I was bidding for anything special]

010. Do you wear flip-flops even when it’s cold outside?
[Yes, I love sandals...lol]

011. Where do you buy your groceries from?
[Safeway...they usually have the best deals]

012. Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture?
[Take the picture...I hate being in pictures]

013. What was the last movie you watched?
[Night at the Museum...it was a really good movie]

014. Do any of your friends have children?
[Yes, just one of them does...and I'll be the next one]

015. If you won the lottery, whats the first thing you would buy?
[A house would be my number one priority...then a better car]

016. Has anyone ever called you lazy?
[Yeah, but whatever...it's not like I pretend that I'm not lazy]

017. Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep faster?
[Nope...I usually fall asleep like that]

018. What CD is currently in your CD player?
[MUSE - I have their whole CD collection on mp3 in my CD player]

019. Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
[Regular...I love whole milk by the glass]

020. Has anyone told you a secret this week?
[I don't think so...I'm not the best person to tell a secret to]

021. When was the last time someone hit on you?
[Um...recently, but I seriously don't know why...it doesn't make any sense to me]

022. What did you have for dinner last night?
[Dinner, I had two balogna sandwiches]

023. What is your biggest fear(s)?
[Needles...I hate them with a passion...they creep me out just thinking about them]

024. What color is your car?
[Champagne Gold is what the color is...bit it's sort of a tan goldish color]

025. Can you whistle?
[Yeah, but not very well]

026. What is your favorite Christmas/winter movie?
[I suppose Rudolph, but I'm not really into Christmas movies]

027. Do you make your own jewelry?
[Not really...I don't even wear jewelry that much]

028. Ever participated in a protest?
[No, but I've known many people who have...including someone who was down at the WTO riots in Seattle]

029. Who was the last person to call you?
[Brian's dad called me...but that's because he called Brian first and Brian was in the bathroom]

030. What is your favorite ride at an amusement park?
[I like them all...and I didn't get to go on any of them last year on account of me being pregnant]

031. What is something you must do everyday?
[SLEEP...and eat...and brush my teeth]

032. Have you ever dated one of your best friends?
[Not before I dated them...they may have become one of my best friends after we started dating, but never before]

033. What area code are you in right now?
[303 or 720...I'm not sure which one it is. My cell phone is 303 and I don't have a home phone, but I'm thinking up north here, it's 720]

034. Did you watch cartoons as a child?
[Yes, I suppose I did...and I still do now]

035. How big is your local mall?
[We have a few malls and they're pretty big, I guess. I think they're nice to walk around in though because they take care of them and landscape them nicely]

036. What is your job title?
[Accounting Clerk...blech]

037. What do you miss most?
[My family in Washington...I will visit often]

038. Would you ever sky dive?
[Possibly, but it's not one of my life's priorities or anything]

039. What are you allergic to?
[Nothing that I can think of - I have a slight allergy to bees to the point that I do swell up pretty bad when I get stung, but it's not a fatal allergy or anything like that]

040. What is your biggest regret?
[I'm not sure...there are so many]

041. Have you ever had Jamba Juice?
[Oh yes...it's sooooo yummy! My favorite drink is Peach Pleasure]

042. When was the last time you laughed so hard your sides hurt?
[I can't remember...a lot of things hurt me sides now even when I'm not laughing...darn baby]

043. What movies do you know every line to?
[I can't think of any one particular movie, but I suppose if I had to name one, I could pretty much tell you a lot of A Life Less Ordinary]

044. Do you own any band t-shirts?
[Yeah, but I hardly wear them anymore...the MUSE shirt is the one that I wear the most...all the other ones don't fit because of my big, fat baby belly!]

045. What is your favorite candle scent?
[Lilies or pineapple...they smell good]

046. How many aunts and uncles do you have?
[I have 4 aunts on my mom's side of the family - and I have 2 aunts on my dad's side of the family (5 of them are married or committed, but they're not blood related other than being married into the family]

047. When was your last plane ride?
[I flew to Seattle in October]

048. Do you crack your knuckles?
[Not on purpose...sometimes they crack by themselves]

049. How many chairs are at your dining room table?
[I don't have a dining room table :( and if I did, there'd be no room for it]

050. What is your favorite salad dressing?
[Italian...yum yum...zesty!]

051. Do you read for fun?
[Yes, quite often]

052. Can you speak any languages other than English?
[I took 5 years of Spanish in high school and I took a term of German in college]

053. Where is your cell phone?
[Charging in the bedroom...that'll have to move when the baby gets here...I don't want it waking him up]

054. Do you do your own dishes?
[Yes, I have two sets of dishes]

055. What color is your bedroom painted?
[It's white...because it's an apartment]

056. Are your parents divorced?
[Nope, together they are]

057. Have you ever cried in public?
[Yeah...I cried at work a few times]

058. Anyone you're talking to right now?
[Nope, no one...just watching TV]

059. Which do you make: wishes or plans?
[Plans...I don't like to wish for things to happen in the future - I plan for things]

060. Are you always trying to learn new things?
[Yes, and I wish I could learn more things by going back to school, but that's not going to work]

061. What messenger programs do you have?
[GAIM - but it messes up, so I've got Yahoo]

062. Do you shower on a daily basis?

063. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
[Yes, I want another piercing...but I don't think that's a priority now]

064. Do you believe that the guy should pay on the first date?
[Well, it is chivalrous, but I mean...there's no problem with going Dutch either]

065. Can you skip rocks?
[Yes, but not very good...in fact, I sort of suck at it]

066. Relationship status:

067. Have you ever been to Jamaica?
[Nope, and I really don't desire to go there]

068. What do you like to snack on at the movie theatre?
[Mr. Pibb and popcorn with EXTRA EXTRA butter]

069. Who was your favorite teacher?
[I like a few teachers, so I can't pick a favorite one]

070. Have you ever dated someone out of your race?
[Yeah, but it doesn't matter]

071. What is the weather like?
[Cold...windy...and getting read to snow some more]

072. Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos?
[Yeah, but excessive tattoos is probably not a good thing]

073. Do you have an online journal?
[I suppose that's what this blog is, sort of]

074. Have you ever played Capture the Flag in school?
[No, but we used to play all the time with the neighbor kids]

075. What were your favorite classes in high school?
[Orchestra, Psychology, and History]

076. Do you sleep on your side, tummy, or back?
[On my side because I can't sleep any other way...but I like to sleep on my stomach when I am able to (which will be soon!!!)]

077. What personality trait/s is a must-have in the opposite sex?
[Honesty and loyalty...and intelligence]

078. Have you ever been attracted to someone physically?
[Yeah, but physical relationships never work out]

079. When was the last time you slept on the floor?
[Not for a long time...it's really uncomfortable]

080. What is your favorite alcoholic drink?
[Colorado Bulldogs...yum yum]

081. If you were born the opposite sex, what would your name be?
[I have no idea...my parents had no idea what we were going to be named when we were born in the first place]

082. Do you like your living arrangement?
[Yeah...I like these apartments that I'm living in]

083. Has anyone ever called you spoiled?
[Yes, my parents...hehe...they're the ones that did it!]

084. What are your mother and father's hometowns?
[My mom hails from Hay Springs, Nebraska and my dad is from Seattle, Washington]

085. Did you ever go to the same school as your parents?
[I went to the same middle school as my mom because she moved to Washington when she was in 5th/6th grade and my grandpa built the house that I grew up in]

086. How many hours of sleep do you need to function?
[4 or 5, but I would prefer more]

087. How much is gas where you live right now?
[Gas is around $2.09]

088. What was the last thing to scare you?
[Having this baby...these contractions at weird times and thinking that it might be contractions or not]

089. Do you own a Playstation?
[Yes, a PS2]

090. How many times have you brushed your teeth today?
[Just once this morning]

091. What have you eaten so far?
[A can of peaches, peach yogurt, a can of chicken vegetable soup, an ice cream stick, bologna sandwiches, strawberry fruit snacks, cherry yogurt...and I think that's it]

092. What album did you buy last?
[Um...I can't remember...I hardly buy CD's]

093. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
[Too many...and I never wear them]

094. Are your days full and fast-paced?
[Yeah, I suppose they are...I never get a slow time at work]

095. Did you ever get in trouble for talking in class?
[No...I was a good student]

096. Is there carpet, wood, or tile in the room you're currently in?
[Carpet...and I really don't like it. The carpet in Melissa's apartment is the carpet I really like]

097. Were you a "planned" child?
[Yes, I was]

098. What is your mom's name?

099. What is your dad's name?

100. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
[23 - in June]

**I'll write an actual entry later...I'm just bored and wanted to type something**

Hmm.. Interesting.. I don't like needles either.
» Nuttz on 2007-01-08 10:51:13

Awesome survey!

Post more when you get a chance - it's an awesome way to get to know someone!
» AmbrosiaB on 2007-01-08 10:58:15

Well, a private entry is something I don't want to do because it somehow stops people from reading.. though people will ask for the password but sometimes it just puts people off the idea of reading at all.. because I tend to pass reading private entries.
» Nuttz on 2007-01-08 11:36:36

Don't tempt me.
It's very tempting to steal and fill out this behemoth survey, but something tells me that my time is better spent elsewhere.

*goes off to litter the shoutbox with slightly inappropriate verbal droppings*
» ranor on 2007-01-08 11:47:37

Here is the answer to your question.

I like to snuggle up and watch a good movie, or play with my son.

btw - what song is this?
» AmbrosiaB on 2007-01-09 12:49:33

Wow.. Longggggggg
hahaha... Nice survey.. Needles... Kinda afraid of it sometimes and sometimes I dont.. It's kinda weird..I dont know why but this is reality.. I somtimes am afraid of needles and sometimes arent.. Haha..

Thanks for the luck by the way..
» Xboyz on 2007-01-09 08:29:58

Thank you very much!
» AmbrosiaB on 2007-01-09 11:58:53

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