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A little bit about me...

Age. 39
Gender. Female
Ethnicity. Caucasian
Location Northglenn, CO
School. Other
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oh so bored...
Sunday. 10.1.06 2:22 pm
SO...you get a survey by yours truly. If I was actually doesn't something fun or interesting, I might have something to write about...but...haha! It's just anothe day.

Are you happy with your given name?: [yeah, it's okay...but my last name can go away!!]

What is your guaranteed weeping movie?: [Steel Magnolias, Schindler's List, Big Fish...I cry big time]

What is the one thing you like to do alone?: [lol...this could be so dirty, but I like to drive alone...then I can blast my music]

What's a major fear of yours?: [needles...hate them HORRIBLY...I'm having a fasting blood draw next doctor's appointment, so I'm not looking forward to it]

Are you a pyromaniac?: [nope...no fires for me]

Do you know anyone famous?: [not really...I've met a famous person, but I don't know them personally]

Describe your bed: [comfy, not too soft/hard...lots of blankets and pillows]

What type of character would you play in a movie?: [the victim...I think I would play that part well]

What do you carry with you at all times?: [my purse...well, my wallet I should say]

How do you eat an apple?: [Um...I prefer to cut it up]

Do you prefer to stand out or blend in?: [stand out yet blend in at the same time]

What kind of first impression do you think you give people?: [I'm either really shy, or bitchy...you pick]

Favorite communication method?: [the telephone...probably why I go over my minutes]

What is your hidden talent?: [um...I don't have one]

Do you own a Bible?: [I own 2 Bibles...none of which are in Colorado with me]

Do you have a problem changing clothes in front of friends?: [to some extent...I'll go in the bathroom or something]

What should you be doing instead of this?: [probably cleaning my house or something, but haha...that's never gonna happen]

Who was the last person who called you?: [Brian]

Are you ready?: [for what???]

What is the last gift you gave someone?: [Um...I have to send these magnets to my friend in NY, but I keep forgetting to get them in the mail]

Does everything happen for a reason?: [Yes, to some extent]

What is your biggest headache lately?: [money...isn't it everyone's biggest headache though?]

What color is your bedroom?: [It's white like the rest of my apartment]

do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: [Yes, for the most part]

Have you ever pierced your own body part or that of someone else?: [no...are you kidding me...I do have a piercing fetish though...I need LOTS]

What kind of watch do you wear?: [a regular one]

What's one car you will never buy? (why?): [NO MORE GERMAN CARS...I've had problems with the one that I own now, and I'm not going to be paying out the ass for another one]

Do you cry in front of your friends?: [Yes, if I have to cry]

Would you die to save the life of someone you dearly love?: [Yes, in a heartbeat]

Do you have any married friends?: [Yes]

Do you like thunderstorms?: [Not particularly]

What was your first job?: [I worked in the bedding department at Linens N' Things]

What was the last thing you typed before this survey?: [Um...a message]

Favorite word lately?: [wonky...lol]

What's the strangest thing that's happened to you in the past week?: [every day is strange to me...I can't pinpoint one thing]

What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moments?: [I have no idea...I suppose I always look insecure]

Do you talk a lot?: [Yes, I suffer from that]

What do you typically order at a bar?: [a pint...and then another...and another]

Name one trait you hate in a person.: [superficiality...bugs the shit out of me]

Favorite writing utensil?: [gel ink pens...fine tip]

What's one thing you're a loser at?: [playing games...I'm a loser at it, but I don't like to lose]

When's the last time you made someone cry?: [you know, I'm not sure]

Do you like the rain?: [no...I'm from Seattle! Why do you think I moved to Colorado!?]

Who was the last person you talked to in person?: [Brian]

What are your plans for the weekend?: [um, the weekend is almost over and I sat around and wasted it at the computer mostly]

How much money would it take for you to give up the internet for a year?: [a whole hell of a lot of money]

Where's your ideal marriage location?: [a Japanese garden...I'd love that]

What do you cook the best?: [um...soup from a can? I suck at cooking]

kind of books do you like to read?: [historical fiction]

If you win the lottery, what would you like to do?: [buy everyone I know their dream house...and then invest the rest]

If you don't like a person, how do you show it?: [I pretend that I like them anyone just to avoid confrontation]

What are you listening to?: [Black Swan by Thom Yorke]

What was the last thing you laughed at?: [lots of things...mostly myself]

What do you wish you were doing right now?: [I wish I was at the Denver Zoo!]

What musical instrument do you wish you could play?: [I want to play the harp!]

What's the funniest experience you ever had at your job?: [there are too many funny things that happen at work...I remember I called the spanish hotline on this utility company when I thought I called the english one and then I sounded like an idiot when she answered in spanish...I was so embarassed]

If you could speak any language, which language would you speak?: [German...I'm working on it]

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