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Mini Me Mod

Age. 37
Gender. Female
Location Denver, CO
School. Other
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Sprocket's Training Milestones
Came home (Aug 2, 2014)
Asked to go outside (Aug 5, 2014)
Slept 4 hours straight (night) (Aug 5-6, 2014)
Crane Count
7/3/13 - 8
7/4/13 - 30
7/5/13 - 36
7/10/13 - 54
7/11/13 - 57
7/18/13 - 67
2/17/14 - 83
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Moon Mod!
To Read:
- Carrie
- Dream of the Red Chamber
- Time to Kill
- Scent of the Missing
- Stiff
Nano mod!
The Exciting Tales of the "not much" I did today
Friday. 11.30.07 8:14 pm
I didn't do a whole lot today... not really. What I did today was tend my soul with the warm release of insisting on doing nothing. There are those days (when you have plenty of time to do it all later... at least metaphorically speaking) when you feel the sudden urge to just sit around and enjoy life.

I woke up around 10. I went and took a shower, came back, shopped online (got some.. clothes and cds and stuff ^_^) and then I lay on my bed and stared at my florescent lightbulbs until I got those neon shapes that imprint themselves on your sockets so that whatever you look at, you have this big pink block. I thought to myself, "Hey, you should probably get up now" and then I stared and stared. Finally, I threw on some clothes and opened up the blinds. I flopped back on the bed.

After a little bit more pursuasion and the insistence that, "Yes, you will have a lot more energy when you actually eat", I rolled out of the door and got some food. I ate rasin bran... it was good. So! Then I got back to my room, sit on my bed and read blood sucking fiends for another hour. That protestant work ethic which should have hit me hours ago, started to nag me, so I thought, "I should really get something done today." So I wrote a list and a note to my friend to see if she wanted to go to the knitting store.

I was just about to gather my things to finish my project when she knocked! I, as is my habit, asked "who is it!". It's a cursory thing, mostly to see if I actually heard someone and for them to know that I am, indeed in there. I opened the door and my friend told me that she really ought not buy anything at the knitting store, but after talking, I clarified that I would appreciate the company and we were off. We drove... because I'm lazy. I went there in search of a scarf pattern, but after contemplating it for... oh three seconds, I changed my mind and decided, "You know what? I'm really in need of mitten." As a result, I found myself looking through scores and scores of knitting books with mittens, until I finally found one, produced by the same people who did my knitted gifts book, that fit the bill exactly. It was a 30 dollar book *death!* but it was just the fun thing that I was looking for for christmas so I decided, "What the heck, you only live once!"

I bought the book... two skeins of wool and silk yarn (soooooft) and a set of size 5 double pointed needles. I am still looking for size 7s, however, I do have size 8s that could do in a pinch (If I knitted tight). I figured out there was another knitting store in town. The lady seemed to be in the Miracle on 34th street spirit and referred me to it. I may check it out some time. In the meantime, though, I'm going home soon and I think I'm going to buy the kneedles there. It should be a fun christmas present to wrap... and reopen. So yeah,that set me a little over budget for myself personal christmas shopping, but heck, I call it a knitting investment. All of you foo's are getting socks, hats, and mittens this next year! Pray that it's gonna be cold!

Yarn... oh how I could rapsodize about the beautiful cascades of fibers, whirling together to make one single strand, one strand woven into many stiches all creating one glove and how.... but I won't.

After that I got home and I decided that I was going to REALLY get started. I got all my art supplies, trekked across the frozen desert to the art building. Burst IN through the door and declared!

"Oh shoot." I paused, "I'm late! No wait... I'm early. I'm early, I can still help you out!"

Wow, BRILLIANT me! I completely forgot that I had volunteered to help out with the graphic design studio. She said that it they had everything set up, but I was welcome to sit around, so I did. I pulled out my pack of cards and put holes in all of them (something I needed to do...) and then I talked with the people who had shown up to help. One of the students was making a sign at the end of the halway. It said, "Graphic Design, Down Stairs" with an arrow. "Down Stairs" I thought, but I didn't want to be unpleasant, "Downstairs" I corrected in my head. After he left, though, I decided to be viciously unpleasant and asked for an opinon. They agreed that downstairs was more correct but "down stairs" was probably acceptable. We decided that it didn't matter until he came racing downstairs declaring, "I spelled downstairs wrong!" We had a good laugh. I think he wished we had told him. Maybe next time I'll mention it.

Well, I met a very pleasant girl from Graphic Design II. She volunteers at the Art Museum as an Art Teacher. She's great with kids. We decided to go around and visit all the studios together since, after all, it was studio night and none of us had exactly eaten yet. We did a massive loop, picking up crackers and carrots and carrot cake and Jumbelia (sp?) (OMG so good). I learned about who some of the people where that I saw walking around the department: namely the printmaking and sculpture professors. I also saw some cool pieces! Like there were these ink drawings from drawing II that I loooved. I so wanted to draw like them. There was one picture that I remembered specifically of this couple standing by the railroad tracks locked in an empassion kiss.... I'm a hopeless romantic. So yeah, it was a lot of fun. I lost my friend somewhere around the UP gallery. I decided to wait for her.

I decided then that this was the day to do something new, something exciting, something thrilling! I... tried coffee for the first time. Hadn't really ever had it, not that I can recall. I just always thought that it was gross for some inexplicable reason. So I poured myself a little and had a taste... coffee is terrible. Of course some of the people around seemed to think that coffee was not the best, but still. It was this indonesian jamacian blend or something and... it tasted like tea... but with dirt in it. I was sorely disappointed. Also, though it smelled wonderful from far away, when you smelled it close up, it smell like something burnt! Well, that's one vice I'm never picking up. It did taste a little better with sugar, but frankly, so does tea and tea tastes good on its own. So yes, no more coffee.

That bring us to now. As it is the last day of Nano and I have 5,000 words before my projected 75k goal, I better be off to do some serious writing. Tommorow, Dec. 1st and not during nano, will be the day that I celebrate my victory with my online friends and... get back to my real life. Sneaks up on you, doesn't it?

Well until next time: I had a lovely day.

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