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Flight Of The Dark => invisibleinkling@NuTang

This Month

May 2024

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La Lune
Currently Reading
What is the What,
Dave Eggers
The WeatherPixie
long cold days...
Sunday. 3.18.07 1:50 am
I woke up to the cacophony of pipes being wailed on in the apartment upstairs. I could feel the migraine coming, but I hoped it would give me the day. No dice. The weatherman had forecast snow, but what was rally falling from the sky was not snow in the least. Half-thawed gaspacho fell from the sky as I realized I'd missed my bus stop, forcing me to navigate the slush for a few blocks. Justin called en route, so he got the play-by-play account of my trying not to fall on my face in the slush taking over the busy intersection of Broad and Main. I made it to work without further event, but work would have plenty of excitement on its own. Everything was canceled, and since I work in the afternoon, just about everything this weekend had already been snatched by the morning's displaced passengers. Nonetheless, we set to it with vigour. All in all it wasn't intolerable. Then we missed our break and my body noticed I hadn't eaten all day. Five seconds later my corp was playing tug of war between throwing up or passing out right there at the ticket counter. Mary immediately banished me from our station and sent me on a break. There was pizza. Oh, was there pizza! It was tasty going down, not so tasty coming back up. My low triggered the dormant migraine like an H-bomb. The rest of the day was one nauseated, vomiting, light sensitive, room spinning adventure after another, but I made it through the day.
That's where things got really interesting. Nothing befits a proper send-off to two weeks in 80degree Dallas like a Nordic promenade through the tundra. I think I STILL have ice in my ears. I made it to 30th, and the R5 wasn't as late as it could've been, so I figured I was out of the woods. Then I stepped onto Lansdale soil (buried somewhere under several inches of snow and ice) and all Hell broke loose...maybe Hell DID freeze over? Miscommunication as usual, I ended up having to walk home. There were no other footprints to follow, as anyone stupid enough to walk in that mess had passed by hours before I had. Every time I took a step I sunk and hyper-extended my knees. It took me a LONG time to walk home. I was frustrated beyond belief, and I'd lost feeling almost immediately in my face, hands, and feet. I'd also fallen once right off the bat and another four or five times mid-trip. I was soaked to the bone. I held in tears until I got home, certain they'd just freeze to my face and make things worse. By the time I reached home I was furious and exhausted, so I decided it was bed time.

Today I finished my packing, then headed out to band practice. Brian didn't show up, so they humoured me and let me sing. Unfortunately pneumonia left me severely out of tune. My lungs feel different, and I haven't really had the chance to figure out how to redirect air where it needs to be to control my voice yet. I even do it once in a while when I talk. So, I sounded "wrong" to say the least, but it was fun to be behind a mic for an hour. After practice was another snow expedition to the Mannayunk train station to head into Center City for the day. Of course, St Patrick's Day means lots of drunk kids or "going to be drunk" happy kids taking SEPTA. I don't think there's more of a stupidity amoeba as there is this one day a year. Luckily, it's a short ride. Once in the city we headed straight to Showcase where I spent an inordinate amount of money on comic books. I haven't allocated part of my budget for comicy goodness in a long time, so it was relatively tame. I'm turning Chris into more and more of a comic book nerd. From there we took an increasingly frigid walk to Quizznos to defrost with soup and hot pastrami, then over to the Ritz to see Zodiac. I'm too sleepy to get into the specifics of the movie, but I enjoyed it thoroughly, not JUST because of my real crime/serial killer addiction, and not just because I think it's the first move to ever mention Pinole, CA.
After the movie was the same freezing stroll-train-car combo, and home we are! I'm waiting for my hair to dry to hopefully catch a FEW hours of sleep, as we're catching the 6:50 am train in to get me to the plane on time.

So, this is it for a couple weeks. Send me some love while I'm gone! I'll miss you all!

sounds like you had quite a day. I hope you feel better soon.
haha, isn't it usually the guy who's really into the comics and somehow convinces the girl to become more involved? I guess not in your case. :P Have fun in Dallas {it is Dallas that you're going to right?}
» LostSoul13 on 2007-03-18 02:31:24

Sounds like you have had better days. Try to stay healthy as much as possible and bundle up. You dont want to get sick. Especially now with your new job and all.

Take care!
» KkaMA67 on 2007-03-18 02:32:44

Aww... *hugs* Hope your days are better when you're in Dallas.
» Nuttz on 2007-03-18 02:10:40

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