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The current mood of chille420@aol.com at www.imood.com
The current mood of chille420@aol.com at www.imood.com
I'm your child, make me blush, drive me wild!
You baked me brownies and said "Don't you cry"
Mood:: X_X

Music:: Many snippets of =w= playing in my head (its an oddly exciting sound)

Talking to:: No one, everyone went to sleep :(

Hey guys. It's been a few days since I last wrote, so let me catch you up.

Welll I did end up staying home last Thursday...and last Friday too! So that was fun, and relaxing, and I got better (even though now I'm feeling like I have a sore throat again, and canker sores). BUT it made me not be able to be in the school play! Well, I mean, I didn't get to audition, so I didnt get a role. But he stuck me in as an extra/understudy. So at least I have some part in it, right? I just hope someone drops out so I can take their part!! Ahhhh but it still makes me really mad that i didnt even get a chance to audition! Grr arrgh!

Wow I totally don't remember what I did over the weekend. I think I just hung out online and stuff (as usual). All I remember is that I didn't really sleep. I think i only got like 2 hours of sleep over the course of like three days. I dont know why, I just couldnt, and I didnt even feel like trying to. But it was so weird, I think I was hallucinating, or partially. It was so weird. I would go lay down on my bed, and then I'd start thinking of all these philisophical concepts, which isnt a weird thing for me, but then, like, i dunno, i'd try to picture the universe in my head (trippy by the way), and then the whole image would turn into faces. Just random faces. Of people I dont know, and it would switch from face to face to face. And I would sit there for what I later realized was hours, just picturing all these strange faces, melting into eachother. And then, suddenly, the face would just blend back into my ceiling, and I'd snap out of it, and it was kind of like I had just slept cause my body would be refreshed and I would have energy. But I wasnt sleeping, I was fully (or at least partially) aware of what was goin on around me. not much was though, since i was alone in a quiet house. But Im tellin you guys, it was el mucho strange-o.

I don't really remember what happened this week, except for like today. I really havent been sleeping much. Ive been staying up all night, just thinking. And its not a choice, I'm just not tired when it comes time, so i dont feel the need to sleep, i guess. And when I DO sleep, it's either for only a couple hours then I wake up, or it will be for a few hours, but i wake up tons of times during. Like last night. I went to bed at like 1, which is good for me lately. But then I woke up like 10 or 15 times in the night. And I kept dreaming there were fleas on me, everywhere, and I'd wake up, and I'd really think they were on me, and I thought I saw them too. But I really DONT have fleas lol. But it was so weird, I felt all itchy and i was in like, a haze, and i was like, thrashing around in my bed, scratching, and rolling, and tossing and turning. It was horrible. I didnt sleep well at all. And the weirdest part is that that wasnt the first time I had dreamed there were fleas on me. The same thing has happened once or twice before that! it SUCKS. *Sniffle* I don't wanna talk about it...='(

But uh, yeah, this week. I guess there must not have been anything TOO special. Today was cool in a way though. Crap, what happened?? Lemme think about it for a sec...OK:

Before school:: Got up and wasn't late for once. Straightened hair =P. AKA made mom straighten my hair. Got on bus. Dude sat next to me, so I couldnt sit with Nateykins. Went into school. Saw Nateykins's talent show performance on video camera. They were spiffy. Didnt see Cindy...puzzled.

Math:: Quiz, which was alright, but then turned into GOOD because our math teacher made it into a complete EXTRA CREDIT quiz, with like 10pts. extra credit for each answer. And there were like i dunno, 5-10 questions. So thats a pretty good amount of EC points. AND we got to talk to our classmates about it and get answers. Score.

Drama:: Presented monologues, with 2 minutes+ memorized. Got a 42/45 (I think), pretty good. Actually got full memorization points. Surprisingly, since I had to keep looking down at my script.

Lunch:: Just hung. Got an application for employment at Wild Waves. Looked on application. Saw the 16+ age requirement. Was pissed.

English:: Our newest homework assignment was to just pick a book and read it independently. Good stuff: We don't have to finish it, AND I had already started a book, and Halloran let me continue to read it for the assignment. Das Capital, The Communist Manifesto. No need to hiss and boo and call me a commie. I'm not. Or, at least, I don't know if I am or not yet, as far as my beliefs go. I'll have to finish the book. I'm really interested by it, its fascinating. It very difficult and challenging material, but I like that, it will expand my horizons and knowledge. So that's good. I'll keep you updated on how the book is going. So far I've read a few hours, and I just finished the intro. However, I refuse to turn the page until I understand EVERYTHING on it, so I can only read 15 pages an hour of it! It's really that hard!

Whoa I started this on Thursday night (I think), and now it's Sunday afternoon and I'm finishing it! =-D I'll continue with my (boring) story now.

But thats good. We have to read 5 hours of our books over the break, so that shouldnt be a problem. Yeah we have all next week off for spring break, so thats gonna be awesome. I'll talk about my plans for it later on in the entry. :)

Between English and Art (passing time): It was really cool. I was talking to Weezer Boy (the other kid at my school who's fave band is the weez) (he calls me Weezer Girl). We were talking about the Weezer DVD and CD, and it was really cool, because he seems like a really cool guy. Ahaha and then Mr. Halloran walks up and says to WB (Weezer Boy) "Are you talking to this Communist?" (hahaha, cause of Das Capital, ya know?) and WB says "Of course! She likes Weezer!". That made me feel really good, because of both of them. Anyways, then Halloran is like "She's reading subversive literature!" and WB's like "Haha thats innappropriate!" to me, and Halloran says "Yeah and I saw her at a rally in Seattle! A protest!" and WB looked surprised and like he thought it was cool and said "Really?" and I just said "Mmhmm" and I think he said "Cool". And then WB's g/f comes over and says hi and holds WB's hand. And then this girl I know named Nicole runs over to me is is like "Oh my God Chelsea this world is so messed up!" and I just say "Oh, I'm sorry Nicole, what's wrong?" and then she started talking really fast and I couldnt really understand her but I said "Oh I'm sorry" and she said soemthing that I couldnt understand and ran off somewhere. She didnt seem too upset, but I was sad because I wanted to help her. She just didnt speak clearly enough, so I couldnt understand her, and then she ran off. If I had had more time and didnt have to go to class, I woulda found her and asked her to slow down and tell me what was wrong so I could try to help her, but I didnt have time. And she didnt seem to upset. If she had been in tears or something I would have not cared about class and I would have just tried to help her no matter what, cause I cant stand to see people sad :(, so I wouldnt have cared about being tardy. But I think she was alright. So anyway, I turn to the group and say "seeya guys later, I gotta get going" and they all say bye and I walk off to class.

Art: Started a new project. It's alright i guess. Talked. Had fun.

Play rehearsal: After school we had play rehearsal. Did I mention I didnt get to audition so I'm stuck as an extra/understudy?! Yes I did. Still pisses me off. Anyway...we watched a video about melodrama, cause thats the genre of the play we're doing. It was fun, but the movie was really cheesy. But it was still cool.

I don't really remember what happened later that day. I didn't sleep well that night though X_X;.

Let's see if I can remember what happened on Friday.

Before school: I don't remember much. Did I mention I didnt sleep well? X|. Well anyway it was the last day of school before BREAK (=D) so everyone was pretty happy.

Math: Our teacher just gave us like one EASY worksheet and gave us the whole period to work on it. So I got done with it in like 5 minutes, and that gave me a lot of time to dream myself somewhere happy.

Drama: Other people finished presenting their monologues. I had presented mine the day before so I just got to watch. Then when everyone was done we were sposed to play improv, but then Mr. Shoemaker left the room so we all just talked. He came back in and semi-halfheartedly tried to get us to stop talking and play the games, but he didnt excersise much authority so everyone kept talking. I would have felt bad for Mr. Shoemaker, but I don't think he really cared. If he wants us to do soemthing, he knows how to get us to do it, he doesnt just let people walk all over him. So I infer that he did not really care what we did.

Lunch: I bought cookies! ^_^ Yum. I usually don't buy things, cause I like to save my lunch money (I've saved like almost $30 so far), but they smelled so good I couldnt resist. But then I made my dollar back because my friend Sarah paid me to buy her cookies. She gave me two bucks and the cookies are a buck, so I made my money back. I always make money off her by getting her food. And a lot of times she'll give me some of the food too hehe. Ah but then I had I sore throat (Im pretty much over it now though, thank god), so I had to buy a soda. So then I was minus one buck anyway. But my mom gives me $2.25 for lunch everyday so I was really making a buck 25, but usually i make at least 2.25, depending on whether I do "chores" for Sarah. But whatever Im sure you all dont care. Aahaha but it was really funny cause Nate was like "Hey Chelsea give me a piggy back ride!" so i said ok, and he jumped on, and WHOA i didnt realize he would be so heavy!!! My knees totally gave out and I collapsed. It was SOOO funny, everyone was laughing, and everyone said the look on my face was hilarious. Haha I bet it was. OH! But then, when nate wasnt looking, I jumped onto his back and he was like "WHOA!" but he didnt collapse like I did, but I didnt have a good grip, and I slid down his back and fell on my ass. And it was soooo funny, and everyone laughed, and everyone said the look on my face was hilarious, and i bet it was ;).

English: Just a normal day, but I got to sit by Bri and Tara so that was fun. Oh and after class I was about to leave and Mr. Halloran stopped me and told me Ralph Nader was comin to Seattle to speak on he thinks Monday. I just thought it was totally awesome, just that he thinks of me, and tells me about that stuff and talks to me all the time and stuff now. Its just totally cool. And I said I really want to go and will try to get my dad to take me, and that maybe I'd see him there. And he said he was going. So yeah, cool stuff.
Art: It was awesome because after less than a half hour of class we got to go outside and work for the rest of the class period if we wanted to. And I did and so did Kelly and Joscel, and I got to hang out with them and it was sooooo much fun. I love hangin out with those two. ^_^. Ugh but I have tons of art homework over the break. Cause theres soem stuff I havent done thats already due, so Im failing art, and when we coem back on monday, thats the last day to turn anything in. So I need to trun it in or I dont get credit for the class. Eeek! Ah, but I'll get it done.

GSA: After school we had a GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) meeting. So we went and basically just hung out for an hour haha. And when it was over me and Cindy were waiting for her mom to come pick us up, and we hung with this girl named Danielle (I think) and shes really cool.

Then Cindy's mom came and picked us up. We went to her house cause I was spendin the night. When we got there we hung out for a bit and then we went to Saghali (or So Jolly as they call it haha) and took Cindy's dog for a walk while her mom ran. Or at least we were supposed to. In reality we tied her dog up to a tree and played on the park toys =-D. It was so fun, we ran across this shaky bridge and jumped on it hehe, and we went down the slide in fun ways and I got momentarily stuck on this tiny tiny plastic rocking horse designed for one year olds. Heh heh heh heh heh. And we wrote on the wood. What we wrote is CONFIDENTIAL though ahahahahaha. We didnt vandalize it too bad though, in fact you could hardly see what we wrote, and there were already a lot of other things written on it. Anyways, then we got her dog and gave it to her mom who was running, and went over to the Fred Meyer to buy groceries (her mom gave us her debit card), and BEN AND JERRY'S for us. Yum.

On the way home we stopped at my house and I got clothes and Weezer DVD and Weezer CD. ^_^. Then we got to her house and hung out for a bit then we watched the Weezer DVD (woohoo!), and then we watched Cindy's Linkin Park DVD, and I actually fell asleep towards the end! But only briefly, cause it got over and Cindy woke me up to go into the room to go to sleep. But then I wasnt tired anymore so we got online and chatted and stuff. Then Cindy was tired so we went into the room to sleep. I didnt sleep though. I mean, I talked to Cindy for a long time then finally let her go to sleep. Which was funny cause usually I bug her and dont let her sleep lol. But anyways, she fell asleep and I just laid there thinking, for i dont know how long, a few hours I guess. Then I drifted off to sleep again, but I kept waking up. I didnt wake up a LOT of times, but when I did it was for at least an hour each time. And then I woke up and just waited a few hours for Cindy to get up, then she did and we got up and hung out. We hung out for a few more hours and then they took me home and Cindy to a b-day party.

So when I got home I messed around online for a few, then called my dad. Then he came to pick me up and I went over to his house. We just hung out and then we went to Borders so I could spend my $20 gift card I got for xmas form my aunt. It took me a while to decide, but I ended up getting the first Ben Folds Five CD, a self titled one. It didnt take up the whole gift card though so I still have like $4 left. And I had like $25 with me to spend, but I didnt want to spend it there, because Borders is way overpriced for music. And I do want to buy CD's with it, but not there. ANyway, I had already heard the whole CD, cause I borrowed it form my friend Aaron, and let him borrow my other BF5 CD (Which he SCRATCHED a little, DAMN HIM!), so yeah I already knew all the songs. But it was still cool and Im really glad I have it, it's SUCH a good CD!!! I LOVE BF5! They're my second favorite, after Weezer, and tied for second with Ben Kweller. They kick so much ass.

We got home and watched SNL, and I fell asleep toward the end!! I was so happy when I knew I was falling asleep, same with when I was falling asleep at Cindy's, cause it was pretty early, only like midnight or one. But the it got over and my dad woke me up to go sleep in my room. SO I got ready for bed and laid down, but then I wasnt tired, and I couldnt sleep! It took me I'm guessing 5 hours to finally get to sleep, but then I woke up 10-15 times for a few minutes each time, and AGAIN(!) I dreamed about the fleas!!! It was so horrible =(

I woke up this morning and just hung out til my dad got up some time later, then we got ready and he took me home.

I got home, checked my email, and there was one from my mom telling me to call her, and I did and she talked to me for way too long. But whatcha gonna do, i guess. It was funny she was like

"hey so when are we gonna dye eggs this easter??"
me: "we're not"
her: "why not??"
me: "its pointless"
her: "no, it's fun honey, come on!"
me: "No, its not, its messy."
her: "Thats ok, its fun!"
me: "If youre seven"

And I just had to keep saying I didnt want to, and I think she's still convinced I want to. and then she said

"hey wanna get an real bunny for easter??"
me: "no"
her: "why not?"
me: "its a bad idea"
her: "But theyre so cute!"
me: "Theyre a lot of work"

And again I just had to convince her that it was a bad idea, and we'd end up not wanting it, like when she made me get a parakeet, a rat, a gerd (dont ask, its a rodent)...etc. I didnt want to, but I finally gave in. Then they became so much work and she ended up getting rid of them. This time I'm not going to be stupid enough to give in. like this:

her: "Ok, lets get a cute little chick then!"
me: "youre kidding me"
her: "nope! lets get one!"
Me: "no"
Her: "Come on, why not??"
Me: "Do you know how many baby chicks die every easter? because people get them, then they dont know how to take care of them, and they die, usually from freezing?"
Her: "But I used to have chickens, nine of them!"
Me: "Exactly, chicks turn into chickens, then theyre not cute anymore, they peck"
Her: "Taylor used to love having chickens!"
Me: "He was two. He didnt have to take care of them"
Her: "Come on, lets get one!"
Me: "Let's try a dog"

*Sigh* v_v


We got off the phone eventually, and I got on here and wrote this. And thats the update. Whew, finally done. Now I think I'll go take a shower, and maybe walk down to Fred Meyers and try to spend my money on some CD's, before my brother inevitably finds and steals it.

Mood:: I dont know

Music:: Nada Surf ===> Song:: Fruit Fly

Talking to:: No one.

Hahaha your mom sounds like an interesting person
» MissRiss1 on 2004-04-04 09:39:22



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