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Age. 39
Gender. Female
Location Portland, OR
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Tuesday. 12.7.10 1:27 am
1. I've lived in six cities, three states.
2. I'm finally back in the state I originally grew up in.
3. I have two sisters. One is my twin, the other is younger. Technically, I suppose, they're both younger than me, as I'm an hour older than my twin (haha). My little sister is 23.
4. I have a liberal arts degree.
5. I have a cat named Dagmar, and he's one of the most important parts of my life. We've been through a lot together.
6. I have a weird obsession with the movie The Fifth Element, even though I know it's likely one of the cheesiest films ever made.
7. I went to two different high schools. The second one I started my senior year, which was terribly hard on my twin. I was completely apathetic.
8. I feel that, in general, I'm too apathetic.
9. After graduating college, I was able to find a sub-par job for 11 months. I then moved to Louisiana and was unemployed for 10 months. I was only able to interview for seven jobs, none of which I got (obviously).
10. However, I'm now on my third job in the state of Oregon. Louisiana can suck it. This has all been within a two year period.
11. I'm naturally a brunette, but recently colored my hair red, just to see if I'd like it. Day three: I like it.
12. I have a love/hate relationship with my roommate. She doesn't know about the hate part.
13. I've technically been a member of NuTang since July 16th, 2003. Like Dilated, I saw an ad on flooble.
14. I walk a strange, fine line between being too openly cynical and too nice.
15. I'm a diehard Auburn fan. War Eagle!
16. I'm Auburn alum. I received my B.A. in Public Relations in 2008. I worry that people will judge me because I have a PR degree.
17. My mom is an accountant and my dad is a mechanical engineer. Math and science were my worst subjects in school.
18. I'm in love with a boy named Edward, who is currently in Louisiana. He's working on getting a Master's Degree in Communication Design so he can be a professor.
19. Our relationship is ridiculous and too difficult to explain in one blog post. And I'm too private to share any more than what I just did.
20. Dagmar is a girl's name. My cat is a boy. He doesn't have a tail.
21. I'm really into crocheting hats right now.
22. I bought a ukulele about a month ago with the intention of learning to play. I haven't picked it up since it got here.
23. My family didn't have cable when I was a kid, so my mom would rent five movies almost every weekend. I love movies almost as much as Dagmar, Edward and my family.
24. I'm not really a dog person. I think they're very cute and fun to play with for about an hour. I'm currently not capable of the emotional and financial investments I feel are necessary for dog ownership. I wish more people felt this way.
25. I love buying clothes, but am a total cheapskate. The majority of my wardrobe is from Target. I always trick myself into thinking I like Urban Outfitters. I do not.
26. I really, really, really, really like good beer.
27. I started drinking when I was 16, but somehow managed to stay out of trouble. I don�t drink to get drunk, anyway.
28. I don't believe in regrets, and have none.
29. I'm very insecure around women.
30. I no longer have to drive to work, which makes me so much happier than I expected.
31. I can't stand the homeless population in Portland. I sometimes feel guilty, because I know that a large percentage of the homeless here are unable to function in society, which is why they're homeless. But I also know that a larger, more dangerous percentage are heroin addicts, and it pisses me the fuck off when they ask me for my hard earned money.
32. My grandmother has recently been battling senile dementia. I'm having a very difficult time coping with it. Nobody knows that.
33. I really don't like the cold. I hate snow. I think it's disgusting.
34. I hope to never live in a landlocked state.
35. One of my biggest vices is celebrity gossip. I never buy or read the newsstand rags. Just Perez Hilton, which makes me feel cheap and dirty.
36. I have too much black in my wardrobe. I feel pretty good about it.
37. I use humor a lot as a defense mechanism. I�m not really funny. I just try to be and hope it comes off as self deprecating or charming. I think, however, that for the most part it just fails.
38. I have severe paranoia issues and oftentimes wonder if I should seek professional help.
37. People generally seem to like me.
38. I rarely get unhappy or depressed. Edward has told me that I�m resilient. I think this goes along with my non-belief in regrets as well as my cynicism.
39. I�m very impatient with friends or family members who are unhappy, because I don�t understand why they can�t analyze the problem and move on.
40. Although I get inwardly impatient with my friends and their �issues,� I consider myself a good listener. However, I will not stand for self pity. There are too many other problems in the world.
41. I�m an impatient driver and I�m very embarrassed about it.
42. I don�t make New Year�s resolutions because I know I�ll never keep them. Setting goals does not work for me.
43. I can�t hold grudges. I feel like they�re a waste of my time and energy, and are absolutely pointless.
44. I cry easily which irritates me a great deal.
45. I won�t talk to people about music.
46. I�ll talk to anyone about movies, anytime.
47. I�ve struggled with bad skin since I was 12. Now, at the age of 26, I have somewhat decent looking skin thanks to a plethora of prescription products. Thanks lady doctor.
48. I�m not outgoing in social situations.
49. I love Cheez-Its. LOVE. THEM.
50. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.
51. I like scary movies. Good ones, though. Not gross ones.
52. I feel bad that I let my roommate�s dog annoy the shit out of me. She�s just a dog and doesn�t know any better.
53. I briefly lived with my parents for a few months this year and it was pure torture. I know now that I am not fit to live with other people (except for Dagmar).
54. Which is why I hope to be living alone by January of 2011.
55. I often buy shirts that I�ll wear only once.
56. For some reason, I like movies and shows geared toward teens. Like Mean Girls and Skins.
57. Teen movies about love, however, piss me off because I think it tricks vulnerable teenagers into thinking they�re meant to find their one true love while still in high school. Not ALL teens think this, of course, but many do. Being a teen is brutal.
58. I have terrible penmanship.
59. My sister and I used to throw fantastic parties in college. And someone would always steal our DVDs.
60. I like the idea of ghosts being real, but can�t bring myself to actually BELIEVE. Sorry ghosts.
61. I like watching spooky stuff alone and then getting too scared to leave the couch or my bed.
62. Sometime soon, I want to go look for fossils in Eastern Oregon. There are lava beds over there.
63. I�ve recently gotten into the habit of going to the movies alone. It�s fun, but a little sad when it�s over and I have no one to discuss it with.
64. I have to wear earplugs at night because my roommate uses the bathroom hourly (it seems) and is oblivious to the amount of noise she makes.
65. I also have to wear a sleeping mask because she flips the light on and it�s right outside my door, which I can�t shut all the way because Dagmar will have a meltdown.
66. I really, really shouldn�t live with people.
67. I�m a very light sleeper.
68. I feel weird drinking white wine in the winter.
69. Dagmar got incredibly sick and anemic the night before I had a job interview. I stayed up with him the whole night and cried a lot, then had my mom pick him up and take him to the vet. I went to the interview a nervous wreck and still somehow managed to land the job. It�s the job I have right now. Dagmar got some medicine and is okay.
70. Edward has a cat named Jack. Jack hates Dagmar.
71. Once, on a long trip to the beach, I hit a cardinal and killed it. I cried for hours, alone in my car. A few months ago I ran over a squirrel and only cried for a minute or two.
72. Liquor is gross.
73. I think the show Community is one of the best, most original shows on television right now. I have a strong attraction to Donald Glover.
74. I used to be terrified of going places alone (thanks to having a twin, I think) but now go almost everywhere by myself and quite enjoy it. I still prefer company, though.
75. I hate bugs, but I really like reptiles and amphibians.
76. As much as I hate bugs, I hate killing them even more. Especially spiders, even though they�re horrible.
77. When we were in 5th grade, my sister and I asked for a snake and a pet iguana for Christmas. My parents got us plastic ones. I was impressed, and loved the snake until someone threw it on the school roof (I don�t know why I had it at school).
78. I�m reading my first Philip K. Dick book (The Penultimate Truth) and I�m really excited about it. And I�m definitely enjoying it so far. He was paranoid, like me.
79. I don�t understand people who spend exorbitant amounts of money on cell phones. Early adopters. I don�t get them. I suppose I appreciate them, though.
80. I tend to overuse commas.
81. As much as I want to, I can never bring myself to go to bed before 10:00.
82. I cooked a lot when I lived with Edward. I never cook now because cooking for one is kind of depressing. As is cleaning up by yourself.
83. My sister and I used to sneak dried cat food out of our cats� bowls until my mom told us we�d get worms.
84. I grew up way, way, wayyyyy out in the country. It was awesome except for our friends� parents never wanted to drive all the way out to the middle of nowhere to drop their daughters off for sleepovers. I often wonder what it would have been like to live out there as a teen.
85. I just recently started drinking coffee in the morning. I don�t like anything in it.
86. When I go out for coffee, though, I usually get a caf� au lait, because it makes me feel fancy.
87. I�m constantly annoyed with people that live in Portland because they think they�re knowledgeable and cultured, but really they live in a little bubble of trendy hipsters and wouldn�t know culture if it slapped them in their bespectacled faces.
88. Sometimes I think I might be kind of a snob. I don�t really feel bad about it. I think that�s how snobs work.
89. I wish I was really good at pinball.
90. I seriously loooove the movie Die Hard and watch it every Christmas. Even if it�s edited on t.v.
91. I hate Family Guy. It�s lowest common denominator humor. I think it was ruined for me when it made fun of Elizabeth Smart. I also feel it�s a one trick pony kind of show. You�ve seen one, you�ve seen them all.
92. I love The Neverending Story. The book and the movie. Read the book you guys, it rules. It�s part one and part two of the movies. Only, it�s way better than part two, obviously. And it�s German and weird and just pretty much the coolest.
93. Shaun of the Dead. That is all.
94. I get carsick like nobody�s business.
95. My parents are both phenomenal cooks. My dad is a bread artisan and I�m super jealous of his skills.
96. I tend to interrupt people on accident when I get excited during a conversation. It�s something I�m really working on.
97. My best friend Stephanie is far, far away in Alabama and it breaks my heart every day.
98. I�m not friends with a single person I was close to in high school. I don�t feel bad about it. I think people dwell too much on friendships of the past.
99. I like babies. They�re cute and smell neat (most of the time).
100. It�s 10:15, I should be in bed.

I don't think The Fifth Element is that cheesy... except maybe for every romance scene in it. But otherwise it's decent!

And wow, cat food. Uh... what did it taste like?
» randomjunk on 2010-12-07 02:06:23

I can't remember, I think I was only about four. But we really seemed to like it.

We were disgusting.
» Amelie on 2010-12-07 02:07:19

And I think I find The Fifth Element cheesy because the "fifth element" is... love. AGH SO CHEESY.

But gatdamn that movie is fantastic.
» Amelie on 2010-12-07 02:08:28

Your title reminds me of Barney from How I Met Your Mother.
» Nuttz on 2010-12-07 06:00:42

33 I'M THE SAME WAY. Fuck the cold. People always talk abou thow great snow is. Fuck snow. It's great to look at in pictures. It's a bitch to manuever in though. Know what's great? Fucking sunshine and lollipops and ice cream. Not snow. Fuck snow.

37. ME TOO. Self deprecation is my deflection tool.
I also have severe paranoia... well, maybe not severe..

58. People always talk about how shitty my handwriting is. I think it's their eyesight that's shitty. I tell them I write in hieroglyphics

i'll grab the punultilate truth someday soon i hope.
91. GET 'EMMMMMM!!!!

99. Babies are poor conversationalists.
» Dilated on 2010-12-07 01:00:43

My roommate was the same way. She didn't seem to understand that lights and noise can wake people up. I've heard it's better when your roommate isn't a noisy jerk.

Cheez-Its are delicious and amazing, any weather below 75 degrees is pointless, landlocked states are boring, and everything should be an island. The end!
» Unicornasaurus on 2010-12-07 02:57:30

maybe you like reptiles and amphibians because you can feed the icky bugs to them :)
and I also HATE family guy!! I'm not a fan of nonsensical "humor".
» ThisCharmingMan on 2010-12-07 03:58:01

oh you fancy huh? lmao
» msminty on 2010-12-07 03:58:25

wow red hair..
i try to dye my hair too but..im too afraid i think

RYN : thank u for the response :D much appreciated... :D
» jolenesiah on 2010-12-09 01:52:17

re: I never understood the problem with the whole local college deal. People don't understand that the "big university" thing isn't what *everyone* wants or needs.
» Unicornasaurus on 2010-12-09 02:08:36

6. It's the blue lady thing! And finely-cut Bruce Willis! And Alice before she got famous in Resident Evil!! (Because that's all I can ever remember from that movie. And I've seen it recently.)
11. The one time I colored my hair (so far in my life) it was brown-and-mostly-red-but-also-brown-parts-but-really-it's-red. I really liked it. =)
13. Oh yeah. That's probably how I found NT, too! (I really don't remember. But this rings a bell.)
18. So far away!! :/ When will he be done with his program?
20. Where does Dagmar come from, anyhow? *too lazy to Google*
21. I'm crocheting dolls right now!!! (When I'm not typing or watching How I Met Your Mother. Sometimes *while* I'm watching How I Met Your Mother.)
24. That's kind of how I feel about cats. Then again, I've never really been around very many?... I dunno. I'm not a fan of the excessive-hair-everywhere-and-in-my-crap concept. Not that dogs are shed-free, either.
25. I usually like the toy/books/random-stuff part of Urban Outfitters than their actually that-costs-how-much clothes. And I ADORE Target. As in it's most of my closet comes from there.
30. Nice! I'd love to cut out a commute... Or work during times the bus around here runs.
36. I have too many black t-shirts. Or t-shirts in general.
39. Seriously! I mean, "Get over it!!!" (my sister is very that emotional kind of person who dwells.)
43. I can�t hold grudges. I feel like they�re a waste of my time and energy, and are absolutely pointless.
49. ME TOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
51. Such as?...
56. Gossip Girl??? (secret pleasure....)
63. Sometimes the afterward-Starbucks is the best part.
71. Because squirrels are vermin! And cardinals are pretty!
73. And the show is even funnier if you've ever attended a community college! (Like me.)
79. I saw a sweet action laptop-that-flips-into-a-tablet that I'd like, but I really want to wait a year or two when the technology gets better before I buy something like it.

» invisible on 2010-12-13 01:05:36



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