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� Bout de Souffle
Out of Breath
This is where I went.

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Possible ways for the people who live above me to be louder:

1. None

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Who I Am Not, Parts V & VI
V. Odysseus

Poseidon hardly even knows me.

An idle king in heart
reigns with a swift lead open hand.

Life�s lees are far too bitter,
far too deep,
and the wine is corked.

VI. Atlas

The sky may fall;
the stellar sphere may crash with all its weight
and music;

god(s) may smite;
the clouds may freeze and bury me;
the sun may swallow me whole;

leaves may drop and leave me bare;
the mist may soak my skin;

I raise my arms only to catch
that snowflake that dares drift upward.

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Surprise, Surprise
The sad truth about surprise parties is that the surprise has been ruined for everybody but one guy, and the only consolation that the party guests can claim for themselves is to simultaneously ruin the surprise for him as soon as he walks through the door. Makes you wonder if there's any hope left for the human race.

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Just thought I'd pop in and share some links.

My poetry site, courtesy of GooglePages:

My new music profile, courtesy of Virb:

Check out the Virb page especially, since I've got some of my songs up there to hear, and I'll continue to put more tracks up as I record them.

Sorry, I haven't had much to blog about lately. Fare thee well, nuTang.

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They Must Have Hardwood Floors Upstairs
Based on the way their bowling balls bounce. There's constant banging from the apartment above me. I've slipped some notes under their door to give them the hint that they're obnoxious:

Please use only two nails per floorboard.

Please be more careful with your bowling balls.

Please go for more three-pointers.

Please fill in the potholes.

Please be nicer to your elephant.

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