Tuesday. 11.14.06 5:59 pm
Should gays be allowed to get married. Heck why not?? You know, alcohol was made legal and you have drunks and alcoholics in our midsts all the time. There are gays and lesbians everywhere. If they want to get married why not? If an alcoholic wants a drink, give him directions to the bar. Who are we to judge the good from the bad, the evil from the righteous? I am a christian but I dont believe in controlling peoples lives. The catholic church BELIEVES that Jesus never married. I believe differently. I think he did get married.
My questions to the church would be....
1. Jesus was a man right? Yes.
2. He was born of flesh and blood? correct.
3. He was able to be tempted by satan? That is correct.
Then if he never married, why did he have 12 men following him everywhere??!!
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