Atashi... Kuri Age. 34 Gender. Female Ethnicity. Chinese Location England, United Kingdom School. Other » More info. Calendar
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feeling: Excited <3 People who know me online will probably know that I've kept blogs and had various personal websites since about 2003. Then my journey came to CK.TW.ORG in 2006, when I finally started doing webdesign more and got hosted at a subdomain. Then some time in 2009, my site suddenly stopped working. My hostess' domain disappeared without any warning and I didn't even get warned that her plan had come to an end (I'm assuming that's what happened) so I should backup my stuff. Relatively heartbroken, I stopped bothering with personal websites and didn't try to resurrect it, always hoping that the website I'd come to love would some day suddenly start working again and that it was just a temporary problem with my host. Obviously, that never happened. So, two years later, I discovered a friend who has a website hosted by another friend of mine (whom I'd known for longer than the other friend actually, and who'd been an affie of mine for many years/sites). All of a sudden, I wanted my own domain and my own personal website again. I asked my friend if she would be willing to host me too, as soon as she agreed I purchased my own domain for the first time and got hosted by the friend of mine <3 I need to just quickly plug her here cos she's too amazing: Hera ...Yeah! This happened on the evening of the 28th May. I've been working so hard on my site for the past couple of days and finally finished the layout and css coding today. Originally I just wanted to resurrect CK.TW.ORG cos I still have all the files (and found out that... I actually still have all the cutenews entries, somehow the cutenews files work for my new site too <3) but I think I'll do something new with it instead! We'll see, I'm still a little undecided, but a little at a time, no?^^ I'll launch the site soon :) Please anticipate it! XD And many thanks again to Hera! If it wasn't for her I so would have just given up on personal websites <333
��Kuriח 3 Comments. Well, ok, I can see now after reading this why you want your own personal site. That makes sense, and I'm happy for you! Too bad about what happened to your former site. I do think you should stay on Nutang and blog though because we love you!!!! » Zanzibar on 2011-05-30 09:07:03 all the best with ur new endeavour! » renaye on 2011-05-31 02:19:51 I'm gonna miss reading you here cause obviously you're one of my favourites ;D But don't worry, I'll hop over to your personal website every now and then so do leave a link here somewhere! » Nuttz on 2011-05-31 10:51:53
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