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Age. 39
Gender. Female
Ethnicity. White Girl (Italian Ancestries)
Location Lexington, KY
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Hello, My name is Fabulous.
I am:
A Gemini
A Libertarian
4.0 Student

My life is made enjoyable by:
Art in all forms
Little Peices of Me

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I just don't know
Wednesday. 4.7.10 3:06 pm
So I had a website for my photography but it has so many constrictions on it that I've decided to move it to a blog. I'm probably going to go with blogspot or wordpress just because a lot of other people use those sites for that so it may seem a little more profressional and it will hopefully be less obnoxious the actual bloggers in those communities. I was going to call my photography buiness-esque thing LP Photography but it seems to be very commonly used and I think it's just growing old to me. I want something easy to remember, creative/unique and slitghly professional sounding at the least. Ugh. I hate when you've thought so much it's like you have to think about thinking..my head hurts.

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Food for the whole family
Monday. 4.5.10 8:18 pm
Yogurt Drops! They're for everyone!


Sugar Gliders





Guinea Pigs

And my mother in law once tricked me into eating one of the kinds for dogs and my husband used to eat our rabbits so they're for adult people too.


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Super Cute
Thursday. 4.1.10 10:08 am
We went to the zoo since it's been so lovely out and Miles walked around at least 70% of the time. He doesn't walk on his own though so he was pushing the stroller lol.

On a less cute note, my neighbor told me I lookd preggo yesterday and then harassed me about doing excercises for my poochy gut bc I am really cute aside from it. WTF. I think I look pretty dern good and I've lost a lot of weight over the past few months. I'm still fuming over it, I didn't even say anythign to her..I was so embarresed I just wanted to get away.

I can't believe how the weather has just switched to nice recently. It's been sunny and at least 70 for a couple of days and is supposed to stay like this awhile. Yay! I love a sunny day! Yesterday I didn't have the TV on until after 7:30 and I had all the windows and doors open. It was nice =)

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The downfall of Facebook
Tuesday. 3.23.10 9:39 am
Eveybody's family members and old family friends have been joining. On top of that sometimes they post old pictures like this:

Yep, thats little me lol.

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Blah Blah Blah
Thursday. 3.18.10 10:42 am
I mean that as in talking not as in Kesha, I effing despise her.

I wish some of my friends lived in my little town, I'm at least a 20 minute commute (At the very very least) from any of my friends. It makes me an emo giraffe..yeah that's better than a sad panda so UnGH (<~~ My gangster-ish, in yo face grunt lol).

Also, I have decided that I love love love Miley Cyrus. Not as an actress (though I've not seen a movie with her in it aside from Big Fish) but as a person and a singer, I just adore her. I refuse to watch Hannah Montanna bc of my intense hatred for The Disney Channel (GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NICKELODEON!!) but I enjoy the semi-adult she's become. And I hate/love/hate the new Rhianna video..it looks like it was made by 1991 Salt-N-Peppa and The Fresh Prince lol. I've been watching VH1 wake-up or whatever this morning, can you tell? I was cleaning but I had a bronchitis remnants coughing fit that made me almost lose conciousness so I decided to take a break and of course that mean tangin' it up for me.

WTF happened to Bon Jovi...I want to punch him in his newfound vagina.

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My weekend thus far...
Saturday. 3.13.10 8:10 pm
I had a random spontanous girls night out last night with my 2 best friends and their sisters last night. I am not a big time drinker or frequent drinker but I used to be and occasionally I think I still have that teency bit of tolerance I once had and well..... well that leads to me being "escorted" out of a bar for the first time in my life lol. Ooops. I didn't get in a fight or anything like that, one bartender cut me off and closed my tab and I snuck to another bartender and got another one an I think that's why I was helped out..that or I was just THAT drunk. At least I was with my good friends though.

I awoke from last night pretty early this morning and went to the zoo with my hubby and son. It was slightly rainy and chilly but we all dressed warm and comfortably and had umbrellas and it was pretty fun. Miles LOVED the umbrellas, we got him a penguin one!

Now I'm supposed to go make some chicken spaghetti for dinner so I guess I'm off to do that. Then I'm going to flipping lay out and zone out lol.

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