Thursday. 8.30.07 2:29 pm Wednesday. 8.29.07 12:10 pm Today was my first school day of the Fall semester. I'm taking Calculus II and Texas Government. I got there like an hour early because I still needed to buy my books, I bought them, and believe me, they weren't cheap, they were like $300 for both books. Then I went to my first class, Cal 2, took off the plastic wrap of the huge text book, and when the class was over the teacher told me that we weren't using that book, but the old edition. WHY DIDN'T HE TELL ME BEFORE I OPENED IT!!!! Well, I kinda panicked because I didn't know if they would give me a refund at the bookstore after I had opened it, but I had to try anyways. So I went back there and they did give me a refund, yay!!! I got $200 back, so now I'm not broke, LOL.
Then I went to Texas Gov, and the instructor of that class is the same one I had in History 1. He's pretty cool, but weird sometimes xP I'm looking forward to it.
Oh, and I got accepted at the Blogvertise website! w0000t. Comment! (1) | Recommend! Tuesday. 8.28.07 5:26 pm I recently found out about a site called Blogsvertise while looking for ways to make money online. On this site you can earn money by blogging, pretty cool huh? From what I've gathered the way it works is you sign up, and if you get approved they send you tasks to your email of things you have to blog about. If your blog entries get accepted you get payed a month later by paypal. The payments range from $4 to $25 per blog entry.
Blogsvertise is an excellent site to make some extra cash for those people that like to blog. Some of the requirements on the site are that your blog is older than 30 days and you have to have content, and of course, no porn sites. I've had this blog since October 2006, but I deleted most of my old entries, I hope this isn't a problem =/, I'm still waiting for Blogsvertise's approval. Comment! (0) | Recommend! Monday. 8.27.07 3:19 pm After being married for two years and a half I finally changed my last name at college. I'll have to wait about two weeks to get a new student ID though, i'm dreading that moment, lol. I hate having my picture taken >_<
The director of the ferret shelter I'm adopting the two fuzzy's from sent me some notes their previous owners left with them. From the notes it seems that Clifford is the nice guy of the two, while Jesse seems a little mischievous lol. I love that. I already started buying stuff for them, I got a big plastic box to make a digging box for them, some toys and treats, and this week I'll buy other things they need like litter, bedding, food, and TUNNELS! I especially want this:
Comment! (3) | Recommend! Friday. 8.24.07 4:24 pm Wednesday. 8.22.07 1:37 pm So, my application to adopt two ferrets from Ferret Waystation in Austin Tx got accepted, and I'm getting this two gorgeous fuzzys. I'll be picking them up on September 1st. They already had names, but I don't like them much, so I'm changing them from Clifford and Jesse to Dobby and Luna =] My husband was kinda hesitant about me getting them because he's sort of scared of Luna's red eyes, lol. But I think he'll learn to love her once she's here. Dobby is a 3 year old sable, and Luna is a 10 month old albino.
Comment! (2) | Recommend! | Categories: ferrets [t], pets [t] Tuesday. 8.21.07 4:02 pm I'm getting closer to getting a ferret. I decided to adopt instead of buying one at the pet store. There are many ferrets out there that get abandoned by their owners who didn't know anything about ferrets and just bought them on a whim because they looked cute. So, I decided to give a home to a fuzzy in need. There isn't an ferret rescue/adoption group here in Laredo, so the director of Ferret Waystation from Austin, TX is going to help me out, she's a very nice and helpful person. I might get to adopt two gorgeous ferrets if everything goes well. Comment! (1) | Recommend! | Categories: ferrets [t], pets [t] Sunday. 8.19.07 1:24 pm I was in the living room with my mother-in-law Angela and her sister Rosa, and I was showing them some videos from youtube on Angela's laptop (one of the lady with 130 cats, lol) and Angela asked me if there was picture there of the ferret i'm getting, and I said yes, so i was looking for it, then Rosa asked the weirdest question
"Does it talk?" then I stared at her thinking "What the hell?", and Angela and me started laughing.
"When have you heard of a ferret talking?" asked Angela.
"Ohhhh!!! I thought you said parrot!" answered Rosa
lmfaoooo Comment! (1) | Recommend! (1) | Categories: ferret [t], parrot [t], joke [t], funny [t] |