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So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

The Profile

Age. 40
Gender. Female
Ethnicity. that of my father and his father before him
Location Altadena, CA
School. Other
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The World

The Link To Zanzibar's Past
This is my page in the beloved art community that my sister got me into:


Extra points for people who know what Samarinda is.
The Phases of the Moon Module
Croc Hunter/Combat Wombat
My hero(s)
Only My Favorite Baseball Player EVER

Aw, Larry Walker, how I loved thee.
The Schedule
M: Science and Exploration
T: Cook a nice dinner
Th: Parties, movies, dinners
F: Picnics, the Louvre
S: Read books, go for walks, PARKOUR
Su: Philosophy, Religion
The Reading List
This list starts Summer 2006
A Crocodile on the Sandbank
Looking Backwards
Wild Swans
Tales of the Alhambra (in progress)
Dark Lord of Derkholm
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
The Lost Years of Merlin
Harry Potter a l'ecole des sorciers (in progress)
Atlas Shrugged (in progress)
A Long Way Gone (story of a boy soldier in Sierra Leone- met the author! w00t!)
The Eye of the World: Book One of the Wheel of Time
From Magma to Tephra (in progress)
Lady Chatterley's Lover
Harry Potter 7
The No. 1 Lady's Detective Agency
Introduction to Planetary Volcanism
A Child Called "It"
Is Multi-Culturalism Bad for Women?
Americans in Southeast Asia: Roots of Commitment (in progress)
What's So Great About Christianity?
Aeolian Geomorphology
Aeolian Dust and Dust Deposits
The City of Ember
The People of Sparks
Cube Route
When I was in Cuba, I was a German Shepard
The Golden Compass
Clan of the Cave Bear
The 9/11 Commission Report (2nd time through, graphic novel format this time, ip)
The Incredible Shrinking Man
New Moon
Breaking Dawn
Armageddon's Children
The Elves of Cintra
The Gypsy Morph
Animorphs #23: The Pretender
Animorphs #25: The Extreme
Animorphs #26: The Attack
Crucial Conversations
A Journey to the Center of the Earth
A Great and Terrible Beauty
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Dandelion Wine
To Sir, With Love
London Calling
Watership Down
The Invisible
Alice in Wonderland
Through the Looking Glass
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
The Host
The Hunger Games
Catching Fire
Shadows and Strongholds
The Jungle Book
Beatrice and Virgil
The Help
Zion Andrews
The Unit
Quantum Brain
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
No One Ever Told Us We Were Defeated
Memento Nora
The Name of the Wind
The Terror
Tao Te Ching
What Paul Meant
Lao Tzu and Taoism
Libyan Sands
Sand and Sandstones
Lost Christianites: The Battles for Scripture and the Faiths We Never Knew
The Science of God
Calculating God
Great Contemporaries, by Winston Churchill
City of Bones
Around the World in 80 Days, by Jules Verne
Stranger in a Strange Land
The Old Man and the Sea
Flowers for Algernon
Au Bonheur des Ogres
The Martian
The Road to Serfdom
De La Terre � la Lune (ip)
In the Light of What We Know
Devil in the White City
The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August
Red Mars
How to Be a Good Wife
A Mote in God's Eye
A Gentleman in Russia
The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism
Seneca: Letters from a Stoic
The Juanes Module

Juanes just needed his own mod. Who can disagree.
The Third Unseen Hemisphere of Mercury
Wednesday. 10.8.08 7:26 am
You didn't know that Mercury could have three hemispheres, did you?
Well the second flyby of the planet Mercury in the course of the MESSENGER mission has been successful- some people stayed up til all hours of the night to be the first to see this awesome image, never before seen except in crappy radar:

I wasn't one of those people, but my advanced age has given me patience.

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Remember the Alamo
Saturday. 10.4.08 10:17 pm
Today I predicted that I would pull my muscle during the soccer game, and indeed within the first few minutes of the game's start my prediction came true. I even predicted the right muscle, the moyen adducteur, though I did not know its true name at the time.

Naturally I played the rest of the half, but my inconquerable competitive nature caused me to greatly worsen it by continuing to hobble after breakaways, kick balls in the opposite direction that the opposition was kicking it only at the same time, and clear out dangerous balls with a booming kick that requires great effort of the muscle I had injured.

Finally at the half I had to sit down, much to my dismay, since our team had no substitutes. It was 2-1 at the half, (them), and we soon scored a short-handed goal to tie it up. Another goal was scored by them... but it remained close...

until the last ~7 minutes of the game when the whole team fell apart and they got a couple completely fresh, excellent players who had been late. Then we lost something like 9-2. Ouch. In our defense, they had a whole bunch of substitutes, we were down a man (me) and we are about 90% out of shape.

There's nothing worse than sitting injured on the sideline watching your team play, no matter how they're doing. Plus my team doesn't know me very well, so it is impossible for them to judge how serious I felt my injury had to be before I wouldn't play. People who know me would know that it would have to be pretty serious.

So after a particularly slow and painful walk home, I spent the evening icing my injury with rotating packs of frozen peas and watching John Wayne's "The Alamo" on PBS with Mangalon. Admittedly, Mangalon was in it mostly for the snuggling, falling fast asleep more than once on my tingling arm.

Remember the Alamo, everyone. Especially you Texas people. Before this movie I had no idea who Houston and Austin were... I guess I never really thought that the cities might be named after people. You learn something new every day.

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Snow on Mars, A Second Look at Mercury
Friday. 10.3.08 9:20 pm
An exciting week in planetary science, as the Phoenix Mars Lander team announced that they had positively identified calcium carbonate

From the above image you can clearly see why this discovery was important.

Even cooler yet, virga (precipitation that falls from a cloud but evaporates before it reaches the surface) was discovered by the lander as it gazed up into the clouds with its laser. This is what virga looks like, though this was probably rain virga and on Mars it is most likely snow.

Here's a little animation of how it would look to sit on the surface of Mars and watch the clouds go by:

In other news, we got our first new picture of Mercury as our spacecraft prepares to make its second flyby of the planet scheduled for Sunday night/early Monday morning. I guess this means that Mercury wasn't destroyed since January. I requested not to go down to the science operation center at the NASA applied physics laboratory this time so that I could catch up on my homework and my javanese gamelan, but I was appointed as the leader of the "home" team. We might make t-shirts.

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Wednesday. 10.1.08 3:13 pm

If you were here we would have an adventure and go into the locked room in the music building and we would play all of the instruments in the Javenese Gamelan. Especially the gong that shakes the floor like the THX intro at the movies.

But you are not here, Lieblingsfarbe, so instead I must miss you, and play the gong alone.

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Ivory Tower Immunity
Tuesday. 9.30.08 11:14 am

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That hurt Hashmir like a thumb tack
Tuesday. 9.30.08 8:00 am


I like playing it.

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Money Matters
Sunday. 9.28.08 7:05 pm
The future always looks a bit brighter when you sit down and calculate it out.

Granted, the whole "student loan" thing from undergrad doesn't help my rosy outlook, but I think if I can put away 17.5% of my paycheck each month, I should be able to save enough money by the time I graduate to pay them off. I think I'll go to the bank tomorrow and make myself a savings account that does this automatically. Since I'm in school full time, my loans are not accumulating interest, but as soon as I graduate, they will. This is why paying them off all at once as soon as I go into repayment is a priority. Plus with the money in a savings account, I'll be the one earning interest for the next three years.

Meanwhile, I am after:

"Anyone Can Learn 7 Languages" CDs
A trip to Japan & Korea
A new (used) car

In that order. Though depending on how long it continues to rain, the car might move to a higher level on the priority list.

I calculate that these items together would cost about 47% of my total yearly income. :(

However, given my spartan lifestyle and relatively low rent, this could be possible. 47% + 27% for rent + 17.5% for savings... this leaves 8.5% for all my other expenses (including food and insurance!) Insurance is about 3.5%... 5% for food, clothes, and entertainment. Hmmmm... who needs entertainment when you have work? But food costs about 7.6% at minimum. :\

I might have to go on the multi-year plan with these things as well.

It's all complicated by the fact that someone of my advanced age should start thinking about retirement. I looked into getting a Roth-IRA but at the time I didn't even have enough money to open one (who knew you needed money to open one?!)
I think I'll wait on that... after all, my worthless [hypothetical, future] kids will probably waste all that retirement money on worthless liberal arts educations where they'll become worthless geology majors who spend most of their 20s hiding in grad school instead of getting a real job.

Speaking of which, if I somehow got a job that pays 10x more than I make now, my spending goals would seem a bit more reasonable. I knew a guy who was hired right out of college with such a salary (you could, too, if you have a penchant linear algebra, matricies, and high finance.) Even 2x or 5x would make a difference. x1.5 more. Throw me a bone here.

hmmmmmmmmm... the possibilities... too bad I plan to spend the rest of my twenties being an adventuring vagabond instead of compounding interest and building equity.

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Guten Herr Morgan
Friday. 9.26.08 9:22 am
Mr. Morgan:

"When I came down this morning I thought everyone knew who I was because they kept saying, 'Morgen, Morgen, Guten Morgen'."

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