| 1099s Wednesday. 1.26.11 12:39 am I guess Kristina's right... Facebook does suck. It's like I'm walking along being passibly content with life when WHAM! you get hit by a bus. Or like the scene in Stranger Than Fiction, where the main character is sitting in his living room in his apartment, relaxing, watching TV when, in a instant, an excavator is breaking through his wall. It's disorienting. Exposing. And makes you feel small. Like the truth is that excavator or that bus. And you remember, you remember... "Oh yeah. That's right... I do hate my life." Sigh... It's not that my life is so horrible. It's quite comfy, I guess. But you know, you have all these dreams! and goals! and aspirations! And then you see that everyone else has accomplished them... And where are you? You're at work, at 6:30pm, raising your hands in excitement over the accomplishment of printing out 1099 tax forms... :/ Comment! (2) | Recommend! Seriously?! Thursday. 1.20.11 1:38 am What is going on?!?! I dreamt again. Just the other day I was thinking how I never dream anymore. Yup, well, that changed mighty fast. I dreamt that her husband called me. That alone is weird. Not only do I hardly know the guy, he also seems the kind to call NO ONE when he "needs to talk". He wanted to know if it was true. If she really had cheated on him. I didn't even get to answer. He kinda already knew and it was all unraveling right before me. I felt really bad... But, sadly, kinda, sorta, vindicated... Oh and I may get fired soon. No, that's not part of any dream. Comment! (3) | Recommend! |
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