grilled. cheese. sandwiches. Thursday. 2.3.11 6:33 pm My computer sciences professor made a mistake, today. She assigned a project where we need to talk about ourselves. Relatively, I'm a pretty private person. I'm willing to share my thoughts and my opinions pretty openly, but facts about myself? Nnnno. So, I'm typing up a page full of bullshit. Blatant bullshit. It's about grilled cheese sandwiches. AWESOME MONTH. Now it's February, and I'm all GHWKGKKJFE stressed, right now, but I just defeated the Chemistry Quiz and Math Test monsters. They begged for mercy; I SHOWED THEM NONE. Economics test? 25% of my grade? Yeah? Really? BRING ON THE PAAAAAAAIIINNNNN. Also ooh ooh also. I've been getting migraines way more often for the past month and a half because I ran out of pills and needed to wait until the new health thing (my dad got a new health thing) was in place. So I called it in and they were all, YEAH GOTTA ASK YOUR DOCTOR. And I was like, Okay, small inconvenience, CALLCALLCALL. The nurse proceeded to tell me that I hadn't been in for two years and that I am basically going to burn in Hell. Well. Not really the last part. But I get to wait another month to go in and get that prescription renewed. Fricketyfrack! Okay. -sigh- Finished my elaborate code and am going to watch Jeopardy with Mom so I can know infinite things. I coded neatly, but I wish my computer sciences instructor luck going through all that, nonetheless. Comment! (3) | Recommend! fiftyfifty. Thursday. 1.27.11 7:37 pm My mom woke me up from a really GOOD nap, so now I'm put off. -.- My friend Meagan was invited to this religious discussion on Tuesday. Her French instructor set it up after finding out that Meagan is, in fact, a religions major. You know what TYPE of religions? Not the type he set up. So now she's "stuck" going to a dinner with a bunch of Christian-affiliated adults to have a discussion that she doesn't believe will benefit her. I think she'll enjoy it, actually. Sometimes when we're driving around, she and Sarah will get upset about their encounters with Christians. I try not to say anything, but it makes me angry that there are Christians out there representing the religion like they are, and that my example isn't making a good enough impression on my friends. --I'm not trying to "convert" them. I'm just trying to help them see that Christians don't suck...PEOPLE suck. I know atheists who will do anything to make you feel like crap about being a Christian. It isn't just us. The thing about stereotypes, though, is that even ONE ENCOUNTER will confirm it for people. Anyway. The good in this is that it has a lot of potential to make her see the religion as a whole in a different light. Plus, she has to bring one person, so she apologetically asked me. Sometimes, it's good to be a Yes (wo-)Man. I don't do a lot of stuff, but that's the pointless things like drinking to get drunk. The things I DO (random roadtrips, hiking expeditions, entertaining the WalMart employees during the graveyard shift) are fantastic. So there you go. I'm kind of excited for Tuesday. And life in general. WHILE I'M HERE. I've been walking to class and back home on a fairly regular basis. It is SO nice. You would think that trotting around a neighborhood at 9 in the morning would suck. YOU'RE PARTIALLY CORRECT. It's really chilly, at first, since it's the middle of winter (small inconvenience, teehee). HOWEVER, I get my iPod in and start walking, and holy shoot, it starts feeling good just to breathe. Zen time. I can't even explain how much beauty I notice in the teeny tiny details of this neighborhood. I guess it's because I'm forced to walk, and it's not some thing where I can wander aimlessly and get bored. When I know my destination, it's easy to stick to the tasks in between that end and the beginning. It's a lot easier to enjoy the ride. LIFE IS EXCITING. I have no idea where I'm headed or who I'll love in a year and who I'll be indifferent to, and that's something you can't take away. Unless you're psychic. ...ARE you psychic? Comment! (1) | Recommend! CHUH CHUH CHUH CHANGES Thursday. 1.20.11 11:28 pm Comment! (1) | Recommend! I think a deer read my mind. Friday. 1.14.11 6:36 pm I literally JUST remembered that I have work tomorrow and the next day. MAN. I was like, YEAHH, I'M GONNA GET MY OIL CHANGED, GET MY CRACKED WINDSHIELD REPLACED, HAVE MY TIRES ROTATED, YEAH, AWESOME, SHIT'S GETTIN' DONE. YEAH...no... ]: I'm just glad I usually enjoy work. Otherwise, this would be...way more annoying. Okay but that's not really what I'm here for. I had a spiritual experience with some deer, today? Like, I was driving home from the hair salon I visit every few months, when I look over and there are DEER running beside me. !!! Hi!! But then one of them looked over at me, and we looked deeply into one another's eyes, and stuff, and it was just really freaky. I feel like an idiot, because I was all, "This deer UNDERSTANDS me..." Maybe I should be getting more sleep. I've been walking about six miles in the snow every day for school, so you would think I'd be more tired. Nah. Just hungry and achey. It's been harder to sleep, if anything. Although that might be because I'm pretty much addicted to talking, right about now. I'm weening myself off of it. Slowly. Slowwwlllyyyy... SO YEAH. Also, I am kewt tew bewt. Just so you know. My hair turned out well. But uh, that was kind of forgotten when a deer used telepathy on me. Comment! (3) | Recommend! 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